Gingrich: Putin is a dictator and a thug

If President Putin is a dictator and a thug, obama is a worse dictator and a much worse thug. President Putin isn't persecuting Christians. He isn't arming jihadists in Syria to slaughter Christians. President Putin doesn't demand that Russian children be taught the glories of homosexuality. It was Russia that warned the United States that the jihadist Tsarnaev brothers were trying to bomb the US. It was the obama regime that found them no threat.
Seriously I answered this nonsense the last time you cut and pasted it.

But in a nutshell.

This is not a "gain". Syria is a Russian client state that is quickly fading into a nightmare.

At best Russia retains a tenuous hold on it.

So maintaining Syria with a "a tenuous hold" isn't a gain when Obama said he was going to take them out ... and didn't?
Amazing. USA agrees to assist rebel forces, not so much with weapons, Saudi's and Qatar already doing that, but, USA sends Special Forces and tech's to Jordan to train rebel fighters who are not connected and actually enemy's with the Jihadist. 6th Fleet begins taking position close to Syria. Russia vacates it's 16 ship fleet from the area. Orders all military personel out of Syria and cancels delivery of it's best air defense sytem. Russia sends non offensive rescue ships to help vacate Russian citizens stuck in Syria. Massive propaganda campaign is launced by Russia and Syria to influence American public. RW by coincedence mimics propaganda. Russia and Syria ask for peace and no attack by now re-inforced 6th Fleet monster hanging out off the coast of Syria. Russia and Syria agree to rid Syria of all WMD's and ask for negociations. USA says it will listen and negociate but monster fleet continues to hang out off the coast and informs Russia and Syria USA still might give Syria a thumping if negociations don't go right. RW insist USA are chumps and Russia outplayed USA.
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Seriously I answered this nonsense the last time you cut and pasted it.

But in a nutshell.

This is not a "gain". Syria is a Russian client state that is quickly fading into a nightmare.

At best Russia retains a tenuous hold on it.

So maintaining Syria with a "a tenuous hold" isn't a gain when Obama said he was going to take them out ... and didn't?

Not really.

And at this point? It's mutually advantageous.

Given the turmoil that the Middle East is now experiencing, having Assad go down without a solid or at least semi-competent political structure to take over would just add to the mess.

And Obama said nothing about taking Assad out, what he said was he was going to try to stop the use of Chemical weapons.
Gingrich is right about Putin, but it was the President who was acting thuggish towards Syria. Putin's letter was by no means sincere, simply an attack against the Obama administration, but that doesn't mean what he said wasn't true.
Amazing. USA agrees to assist rebel forces, not so much with weapons, Saudi's and Qatar already doing that, but, USA sends Special Forces and tech's to Jordan to train rebel fighters who are not connected and actually enemy's with the Jihadist. 6th Fleet begins taking position close to Syria. Russia vacates it's 16 ship fleet from the area. Orders all military personel out of Syria and cancels delivery of it's best air defense sytem. Russia sends non offensive rescue ships to help vacate Russian citizens stuck in Syria. Massive propaganda campaign is launced by Russia and Syria to influence American public. RW by coincedence mimics propaganda. Russia and Syria ask for peace and no attack by now re-inforced 6th Fleet monster hanging out off the coast of Syria. Russia and Syria agree to rid Syria of all WMD's and ask for negociations. USA says it will listen and negociate but monster fleet continues to hang out off the coast and informs Russia and Syria USA still might give Syria a thumping if negociations don't go right. RW insist USA are chumps and Russia outplayed USA.

Where do you get this?

Russia sends more ships to Syria.
Russia sends more naval ships to Syrian coast | Reuters
Spy Ship
Report: Russia Sends Spy Ship To Syria Coast | Defense News |
Missile Carrier
Russia Sends Largest Naval Missile Carrier - NewsOXY
Amid Syria tensions, Russia sends more warships to Mediterranean | JPost | Israel News

Russia sends ship killing missile to Syria.
Report: Russia sends Assad 'ship killing missile' | JPost | Israel News

If you have something to prop up your assertions, lets hear it.
I kind of like Putin. Hes got some balls at least.

As for Gingrich - this great man of principle -- what about his new CNN Crossfire friend Van Jones -- Communist and Truther? Whatever you think of Newt he has some credibility that he is using to somewhat justify that joker Jones -- even if they are ideological foes on the show. I guess Gingrich's principles arent so strict when he can put a buck in his pocket.

If you want to know how it ever came to be that Al Sharpton became quasi- legit over the years just watch Van Jones. The same thing is happening with him right now.
I kind of like Putin. Hes got some balls at least.

As for Gingrich - this great man of principle -- what about his new CNN Crossfire friend Van Jones -- Communist and Truther? Whatever you think of Newt he has some credibility that he is using to somewhat justify that joker Jones -- even if they are ideological foes on the show. I guess Gingrich's principles arent so strict when he can put a buck in his pocket.

If you want to know how it ever came to be that Al Sharpton became quasi- legit over the years just watch Van Jones. The same thing is happening with him right now.

Is anybody watching Crossfire though? The awkwardness turned me off after about three minutes.
Well little lady..why don't you stop your rabid frothing at the mouth and try, for once, to put together a coherent argument that displays your opinion in a more human manner.

It might be a bit hard because it would involve breaking out of your universe of angels and demons, but try.

The exercise might shake out the cobwebs in that shriveled walnut you call a brain.


If you had a brain, you would address the endless points on how Putin got his way. If you disagree and see anything Putin didn't get, what about coming up with some examples? Going with "duh, I don't get anything, can you explain it all to me again, and again, and again then lecturing anyone on putting together a coherent argument is sad, and sadly typical for you. But you're not a mindless Democrat drone for nothing.

What was Putin NOT going to get if Obama followed YOUR plan,

which was that we simply step away from the whole affair?

That was your plan wasn't it?
Amazing. USA agrees to assist rebel forces, not so much with weapons, Saudi's and Qatar already doing that, but, USA sends Special Forces and tech's to Jordan to train rebel fighters who are not connected and actually enemy's with the Jihadist. 6th Fleet begins taking position close to Syria. Russia vacates it's 16 ship fleet from the area. Orders all military personel out of Syria and cancels delivery of it's best air defense sytem. Russia sends non offensive rescue ships to help vacate Russian citizens stuck in Syria. Massive propaganda campaign is launced by Russia and Syria to influence American public. RW by coincedence mimics propaganda. Russia and Syria ask for peace and no attack by now re-inforced 6th Fleet monster hanging out off the coast of Syria. Russia and Syria agree to rid Syria of all WMD's and ask for negociations. USA says it will listen and negociate but monster fleet continues to hang out off the coast and informs Russia and Syria USA still might give Syria a thumping if negociations don't go right. RW insist USA are chumps and Russia outplayed USA.

Where do you get this?

Russia sends more ships to Syria.
Russia sends more naval ships to Syrian coast | Reuters
Spy Ship
Report: Russia Sends Spy Ship To Syria Coast | Defense News |
Missile Carrier
Russia Sends Largest Naval Missile Carrier - NewsOXY
Amid Syria tensions, Russia sends more warships to Mediterranean | JPost | Israel News

Russia sends ship killing missile to Syria.
Report: Russia sends Assad 'ship killing missile' | JPost | Israel News

If you have something to prop up your assertions, lets hear it.

I don't use single sources like the kind you provided. They only give you leads for further research. If you search "Troops deploy Jordan" you will find all kinds of links to this data. You have to go through a bucnh of them to discover a deployment of 150 trainers and tech's increasing to 200 and eventualy 700. In regards to the ships, you should search for Russian withdraw navy syria and Russian ships Mediterranian. Once you find the "16 ship flotilla you will need to get some names of the ships, search out the ships and ascertain their design functions. You will discover that they are withdrawn and leave the Med. You can do the same with Russian ships deploy. Very important to review the ships functions. The "missile shield/threat to US forces is in fact a ship whose function is to protect other ships from air attacks. It carrie's SAM missiles. By the time you search out the other ships you will be able to conclude the nature of the small force. You may also stumble on a story a where the Russian's admit their purpose. You may also search out "Russia withdrawl Tartus". That is where you will find Russian sources admitting that all military have been withdrawn from Syria. Also, "Russia cancels/delays 300s air defense, Syria". You may want to look up the 300s system to put things in perspective.
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So Putin is cooperating to get the US what is probably the best possible outcome we could hope for under the circumstances,

and thus is a victory for Obama and the US,

but along the way Putin tosses out a bit of trash talk to save a bit of face for himself,

and the usual clueless suspects feel compelled to conclude that somehow this is a loser for the President.

lol, too funny.

And you would too, if the President had an (R) after his name.

Which is why partisan ideologues have zero credibility.


If I was a partisan ideologue, wouldn't I have supported Obama on the Afghan escalation, the Libyan meddling, and the intent to meddle in Syria?
Russia said they removed all Military personnel. Yeah, right.

The day the deal with Putin and Assad was announced, Russia declared they were sending S300 AA Missiles to Iran.

This after Bush talked them out of doing it in 2007 and 2008.

And now, more proof that Russia and Assad are just thimply tho fwightened of the thavage obama....


Assad piles on demands amid chemical weapons talks between Kerry, Russian counterpart | Fox News

EMBOLDENED BASHAR ASSAD adds to list of demands in exchange for handing over Syria's chemical weapons, leading Rep. Buck McKeon, chairman of House Armed Services Committee, to say: 'They're just kind of playing with us.'

Seriously I answered this nonsense the last time you cut and pasted it.

But in a nutshell.

This is not a "gain". Syria is a Russian client state that is quickly fading into a nightmare.

At best Russia retains a tenuous hold on it.

So maintaining Syria with a "a tenuous hold" isn't a gain when Obama said he was going to take them out ... and didn't?

Not really.

And at this point? It's mutually advantageous.

Given the turmoil that the Middle East is now experiencing, having Assad go down without a solid or at least semi-competent political structure to take over would just add to the mess.

And Obama said nothing about taking Assad out, what he said was he was going to try to stop the use of Chemical weapons.

This is hilarious. You say Assad is on the brink of falling and Obama was going to attack him with the power of the by far strongest military in the world, but that wasn't for the purpose of toppling him.

Putin stopped Obama, still has his Syrian base, still has the oil pipeline blocked and still has Iran appeased. Obama got nothing, you can't name anything Putin lost. Keeping what he was about to lose wasn't a win, and you can't address any of the things I keep pointing out Putin kept.

But ... it was a big win for Obama and Putin was put in his place.

What was Putin NOT going to get if Obama followed YOUR plan,

which was that we simply step away from the whole affair?

That was your plan wasn't it?

Obama wanted to attack Syria. Putin didn't want him to. At least at this point Putin is not going to attack Syria and Putin gave up nothing to get that. And now I'm supposed to say dang, you're right, Obama did win?

While I'm not sure I understand the whole "exceptionalism" thing, good for Newt.

It won't stop Putin, though, he's not worried about us. We gave him a nice big opening and he's driving through it. That's what sociopathic thugs do.


Putin is saving his own ass. If Obama uses military force against Syria, Putin will be emasculated as there won't be a single thing he can do. He will end up looking weak at home and it could actually cost him his dictatorship.
Russia said they removed all Military personnel. Yeah, right.

The day the deal with Putin and Assad was announced, Russia declared they were sending S300 AA Missiles to Iran.

This after Bush talked them out of doing it in 2007 and 2008.

And now, more proof that Russia and Assad are just thimply tho fwightened of the thavage obama....


Assad piles on demands amid chemical weapons talks between Kerry, Russian counterpart | Fox News

EMBOLDENED BASHAR ASSAD adds to list of demands in exchange for handing over Syria's chemical weapons, leading Rep. Buck McKeon, chairman of House Armed Services Committee, to say: 'They're just kind of playing with us.'


Russia has announced officialy that they have no military personel in Syria. It ain't a secret. The so called deal for the 300s AA system was not stopped by Bush. It was made during the Bush administration, put on hold and finaly canceled in 2010. The current proposal to supply Iran with a system is not a done deal, and it isn't really the 300s. They call it the 300s but it is an export version and actually the VM ANTEY 2500 system. Big difference.
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While I'm not sure I understand the whole "exceptionalism" thing, good for Newt.

It won't stop Putin, though, he's not worried about us. We gave him a nice big opening and he's driving through it. That's what sociopathic thugs do.


Putin is saving his own ass. If Obama uses military force against Syria, Putin will be emasculated as there won't be a single thing he can do. He will end up looking weak at home and it could actually cost him his dictatorship.

Perhaps, yet his move checked Obama.
I hardly ever agree with the Newt....but on this one I DO! Putin's sole goal in life it to make himself look good so he can get a younger woman. He is a Thug and a Liar.

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