girl scout cookies

Former chairman kathy cloninger admits to partnering with planned parenthood to teach girls about sex. Which looking into planned parenthood, they encourage teaching girls as young as 5 how to masterbait. Even with toys. They should be arrested for child abuse, anyone who supports that is a child molester. A five year old being taught that kinda stuff is sick. No wonder they can't decide wether they are a girl or a boy. Liberals are a sick.
I quit buying them when the Federal Government made it illegal for Girl Scout Mothers to bake them.
Former chairman kathy cloninger admits to partnering with planned parenthood to teach girls about sex. Which looking into planned parenthood, they encourage teaching girls as young as 5 how to masterbait. Even with toys. They should be arrested for child abuse, anyone who supports that is a child molester. A five year old being taught that kinda stuff is sick. No wonder they can't decide wether they are a girl or a boy. Liberals are a sick.

Teaching girls about their periods is always risky
Former chairman kathy cloninger admits to partnering with planned parenthood to teach girls about sex. Which looking into planned parenthood, they encourage teaching girls as young as 5 how to masterbait. Even with toys. They should be arrested for child abuse, anyone who supports that is a child molester. A five year old being taught that kinda stuff is sick. No wonder they can't decide wether they are a girl or a boy. Liberals are a sick.

Teaching girls about their periods is always risky

Yeah a five year old really needs to know about that. Do you donate sex toys to planned parenthood? You a sick person for even trying to defend lanned parenthood.
Former chairman kathy cloninger admits to partnering with planned parenthood to teach girls about sex. Which looking into planned parenthood, they encourage teaching girls as young as 5 how to masterbait. Even with toys. They should be arrested for child abuse, anyone who supports that is a child molester. A five year old being taught that kinda stuff is sick. No wonder they can't decide wether they are a girl or a boy. Liberals are a sick.

Teaching girls about their periods is always risky

Isn't that what a parent is suppose to do? Oh i forgot a liberal womann has probaly murdered a couple of their babies already, so why should she care where or who teaches her child about life?
Former chairman kathy cloninger admits to partnering with planned parenthood to teach girls about sex. Which looking into planned parenthood, they encourage teaching girls as young as 5 how to masterbait. Even with toys. They should be arrested for child abuse, anyone who supports that is a child molester. A five year old being taught that kinda stuff is sick. No wonder they can't decide wether they are a girl or a boy. Liberals are a sick.

Teaching girls about their periods is always risky

Yeah a five year old really needs to know about that. Do you donate sex toys to planned parenthood? You a sick person for even trying to defend lanned parenthood.

Girl Scouts start at 11
Former chairman kathy cloninger admits to partnering with planned parenthood to teach girls about sex. Which looking into planned parenthood, they encourage teaching girls as young as 5 how to masterbait. Even with toys. They should be arrested for child abuse, anyone who supports that is a child molester. A five year old being taught that kinda stuff is sick. No wonder they can't decide wether they are a girl or a boy. Liberals are a sick.

Teaching girls about their periods is always risky

Isn't that what a parent is suppose to do? Oh i forgot a liberal womann has probaly murdered a couple of their babies already, so why should she care where or who teaches her child about life?

Doesn't hurt for some young women to learn it twice if some girls get to learn it once
Former chairman kathy cloninger admits to partnering with planned parenthood to teach girls about sex. Which looking into planned parenthood, they encourage teaching girls as young as 5 how to masterbait. Even with toys. They should be arrested for child abuse, anyone who supports that is a child molester. A five year old being taught that kinda stuff is sick. No wonder they can't decide wether they are a girl or a boy. Liberals are a sick.

Where is your evidence of this?
Former chairman kathy cloninger admits to partnering with planned parenthood to teach girls about sex. Which looking into planned parenthood, they encourage teaching girls as young as 5 how to masterbait. Even with toys. They should be arrested for child abuse, anyone who supports that is a child molester. A five year old being taught that kinda stuff is sick. No wonder they can't decide wether they are a girl or a boy. Liberals are a sick.

Do you have any link or quotes to prove your assertions?
Former chairman kathy cloninger admits to partnering with planned parenthood to teach girls about sex. Which looking into planned parenthood, they encourage teaching girls as young as 5 how to masterbait. Even with toys. They should be arrested for child abuse, anyone who supports that is a child molester. A five year old being taught that kinda stuff is sick. No wonder they can't decide wether they are a girl or a boy. Liberals are a sick.

Do you have any link or quotes to prove your assertions?

He makes it up as he goes along.....long after it has been disproved
Former chairman kathy cloninger admits to partnering with planned parenthood to teach girls about sex. Which looking into planned parenthood, they encourage teaching girls as young as 5 how to masterbait. Even with toys. They should be arrested for child abuse, anyone who supports that is a child molester. A five year old being taught that kinda stuff is sick. No wonder they can't decide wether they are a girl or a boy. Liberals are a sick.

Teaching girls about their periods is always risky

All I had were boys, so all I had to teach was about whacking off every ten minutes.
Former chairman kathy cloninger admits to partnering with planned parenthood to teach girls about sex. Which looking into planned parenthood, they encourage teaching girls as young as 5 how to masterbait. Even with toys. They should be arrested for child abuse, anyone who supports that is a child molester. A five year old being taught that kinda stuff is sick. No wonder they can't decide wether they are a girl or a boy. Liberals are a sick.

Do you have any link or quotes to prove your assertions?

He makes it up as he goes along.....long after it has been disproved

must be pulling all their info out of their ass formation.
Former chairman kathy cloninger admits to partnering with planned parenthood to teach girls about sex. Which looking into planned parenthood, they encourage teaching girls as young as 5 how to masterbait. Even with toys. They should be arrested for child abuse, anyone who supports that is a child molester. A five year old being taught that kinda stuff is sick. No wonder they can't decide wether they are a girl or a boy. Liberals are a sick.

Where is your evidence of this?

Google girl scouts planed parenthood, plenty there to read

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