girl scout cookies

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Your link proves no partnership between Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood. It just accuses of a relationship and then makes assumptions against the scouts.

Piece of hate should be ashamed

Yes it does, the former administrator says they do, it s all in there. Typical liberal, vive the
The facts and they cannot comprehend. Tell me rightie you still support planned parenthood?

Your link proves no partnership between Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood. It just accuses of a relationship and then makes assumptions against the scouts.

Piece of hate should be ashamed

Yes it does, the former administrator says they do, it s all in there. Typical liberal, vive the
The facts and they cannot comprehend. Tell me rightie you still support planned parenthood?

Are you really that gullible that you believe the garbage you posted?
Your link proves no partnership between Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood. It just accuses of a relationship and then makes assumptions against the scouts.

Piece of hate should be ashamed

Yes it does, the former administrator says they do, it s all in there. Typical liberal, vive the
The facts and they cannot comprehend. Tell me rightie you still support planned parenthood?

Are you really that gullible that you believe the garbage you posted?

You a sick preverted man. You support an agency that teaches five year olds how to masterbait. I provided the link, but as a true liberal if it proves you wrong it's not creditble, but if it goes against a cknservative thats all it takes.
Yes it does, the former administrator says they do, it s all in there. Typical liberal, vive the
The facts and they cannot comprehend. Tell me rightie you still support planned parenthood?

Are you really that gullible that you believe the garbage you posted?

You a sick preverted man. You support an agency that teaches five year olds how to masterbait. I provided the link, but as a true liberal if it proves you wrong it's not creditble, but if it goes against a cknservative thats all it takes.

You definitely have projection figured out.
There is no proof of your assertion, only one person's say-so and your sick desire to believe them despite all the evidence to the contrary. Way ta go scumbag. :thup:
Oh and I'm not a liberal so your "argument" :)lmao:) doesn't stand up.
Are you really that gullible that you believe the garbage you posted?

You a sick preverted man. You support an agency that teaches five year olds how to masterbait. I provided the link, but as a true liberal if it proves you wrong it's not creditble, but if it goes against a cknservative thats all it takes.

You definitely have projection figured out.
There is no proof of your assertion, only one person's say-so and your sick desire to believe them despite all the evidence to the contrary. Way ta go scumbag. :thup:
Oh and I'm not a liberal so your "argument" :)lmao:) doesn't stand up.

Planned parenthood started by a racist, #1 provider of abortions, and teaches kids as early of 5 how to masterbait. Yeah something everyone should support.
You a sick preverted man. You support an agency that teaches five year olds how to masterbait. I provided the link, but as a true liberal if it proves you wrong it's not creditble, but if it goes against a cknservative thats all it takes.

You definitely have projection figured out.
There is no proof of your assertion, only one person's say-so and your sick desire to believe them despite all the evidence to the contrary. Way ta go scumbag. :thup:
Oh and I'm not a liberal so your "argument" :)lmao:) doesn't stand up.

Planned parenthood started by a racist, #1 provider of abortions, and teaches kids as early of 5 how to masterbait. Yeah something everyone should support.

I'm not talking about Planned Parenthood ya moronic twit, I'm talking about your OP and the GSA.
You definitely have projection figured out.
There is no proof of your assertion, only one person's say-so and your sick desire to believe them despite all the evidence to the contrary. Way ta go scumbag. :thup:
Oh and I'm not a liberal so your "argument" :)lmao:) doesn't stand up.

Planned parenthood started by a racist, #1 provider of abortions, and teaches kids as early of 5 how to masterbait. Yeah something everyone should support.

I'm not talking about Planned Parenthood ya moronic twit, I'm talking about your OP and the GSA.

They also support planned parenthood.
Don't go with guilt by association. If you feel that strongly send a letter to the GSA espousing your point, and get others to do the same.

Those cookies do more good to raise funds for GSA, and what the organization does to organize girl's lives far outweighs some support for PP.

It also goes far beyond Planned Parenthood whose founder is credited with the statements:

The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it. -

and regarding non-white people in particular Blacks - On blacks, immigrants and indigents:
"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born."

Margaret Sanger Founder of Planned Parenthood

What the organization does.....

Association, Support of Radical, Lesbian and Feminist Groups

Girl Scouts , as one of their badge requirements must research a website from a radical feminist group Global Fund for Women , an organization that funds groups such as

"A Lesbian Feminist Tornado,"
"Women Sex Workers of Argentina,"
Lesbians and Feminists for Decriminalizing Abortion
Orchids of the Sea Women Sex Workers' Movement
Organization Trans, Queens of the Night

Many more questionable groups of which little data is available.

Charlotte Bunch, an ultra left radical feminist is a founding member and current board member of this group. She authored this disturbing document stating that all feminists must be lesbians. " Lesbians must become feminists and fight against woman oppression, just as feminists must become Lesbians if they hope to end male supremacy.... Race, class, and national oppressions come from men, serve ruling class white men's interests, and have no place in a woman-identified revolution....Changes which will have more than token effects on our lives will be led by women-identified Lesbians who understand the nature of our oppression and are therefore in a position to end it."Lesbians In Revolt - by Charlotte Bunch

It's not your Mothers Girl Scout Troop - When you see those little tikes peddling their cookies - offer a donation to the Troop - but kindly withhold your support of the National Organization - I've been doing it for a few years and the Kids still get the Loot - not the GSA.
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They also support planned parenthood.
Only according to your "source" ........ Which has been thoroughly debunked.

Debunked by who, it has a former ceo of girl scouts saying tbey supported planned parenthood


Healthy, Happy, and Hot Excerpts {A planned Parenthood- Girl Scout Publication}

Play with yourself! Masturbation is a great way to find out more about your body and what you find sexually stimulating.

Many people think sex is just about vaginal or anal intercourse, but there are lots of different types of sex.

But the most outrageous statement from the brochure is theirdeclaration against the laws that say people who have HIV{AIDS} must inform their sexual partners about their HIV positive status before sex

Moral Indictment of the Girl Scouts

Yeah Okay What the organization does..... LMAO
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Debunked by who, it has a former ceo of girl scouts saying tbey supported planned parenthood

"Supported" (past tense), is the key word..... Welcome to 2014.......

In 2013 the girl scouts organization still supported planned parenthood.

The GSAUS does not support Planned Parenthood though each individual GSA group is allowed to support whomever they so choose.

Snoops is your friend. Girl Scouts Have Radical Policies
"Supported" (past tense), is the key word..... Welcome to 2014.......

In 2013 the girl scouts organization still supported planned parenthood.

The GSAUS does not support Planned Parenthood though each individual GSA group is allowed to support whomever they so choose.

Snoops is your friend. Girl Scouts Have Radical Policies

Yeah, and if snopes claimed obama a bad president. All of a sudden it would be a rightwing sight. I looked it up and gs supports planned parenthood.
"Supported" (past tense), is the key word..... Welcome to 2014.......

In 2013 the girl scouts organization still supported planned parenthood.

The GSAUS does not support Planned Parenthood though each individual GSA group is allowed to support whomever they so choose.

Snoops is your friend. Girl Scouts Have Radical Policies

The 2014 nationwide boycott of Girl Scout’s was set off by GSUSA praise and endorsement for two Planned Parenthood Allies

Wendy Davis : Texas state senator . The GSUSA called her an "incredible woman" and nominated her for the 2013 Woman of the Year

Kathleen Sebelius : Department of Health and Human Services Secretary was labeled a a woman of “courage” and “character.” Sebelius is responsible for implementing the pro-abortion provisions of Obamacare, including the infamous HHS Mandate that forces employers to provide free abortion-inducing drugs in their health plans, regardless of any religious or moral objections.

CookieCott 2014 - both the national Girl Scouts USA and many local Girl Scout councils have supported and promoted the work of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion chain, even encouraging girls to volunteer with Planned Parenthood.

In addition to promoting Abortion , the Girl Scouts also promote homosexuality and the upper echelon is heavily stacked with Lesbian, Gay and leftist activists - This is not "Red Scare" Jibberish - this is for real and documented.
In 2013 the girl scouts organization still supported planned parenthood.

The GSAUS does not support Planned Parenthood though each individual GSA group is allowed to support whomever they so choose.

Snoops is your friend. Girl Scouts Have Radical Policies

The 2014 nationwide boycott of Girl Scout’s was set off by GSUSA praise and endorsement for two Planned Parenthood Allies

Wendy Davis : Texas state senator . The GSUSA called her an "incredible woman" and nominated her for the 2013 Woman of the Year

Kathleen Sebelius : Department of Health and Human Services Secretary was labeled a a woman of “courage” and “character.” Sebelius is responsible for implementing the pro-abortion provisions of Obamacare, including the infamous HHS Mandate that forces employers to provide free abortion-inducing drugs in their health plans, regardless of any religious or moral objections.

CookieCott 2014 - both the national Girl Scouts USA and many local Girl Scout councils have supported and promoted the work of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion chain, even encouraging girls to volunteer with Planned Parenthood.

In addition to promoting Abortion , the Girl Scouts also promote homosexuality and the upper echelon is heavily stacked with Lesbian, Gay and leftist activists - This is not "Red Scare" Jibberish - this is for real and documented.

I don't even know who/what the CookieCott is. Looks like some far right wing (not mainstream) site. Post legitimate, unbiased links if you don't want to be made fun of.
Me, I'll trust Snoops. :thup:
As for the rest of your claims, need legitimate, unbiased links...... I don't expect you or your sock to be able to produce.
The GSAUS does not support Planned Parenthood though each individual GSA group is allowed to support whomever they so choose.

Snoops is your friend. Girl Scouts Have Radical Policies

The 2014 nationwide boycott of Girl Scout’s was set off by GSUSA praise and endorsement for two Planned Parenthood Allies

Wendy Davis : Texas state senator . The GSUSA called her an "incredible woman" and nominated her for the 2013 Woman of the Year

Kathleen Sebelius : Department of Health and Human Services Secretary was labeled a a woman of “courage” and “character.” Sebelius is responsible for implementing the pro-abortion provisions of Obamacare, including the infamous HHS Mandate that forces employers to provide free abortion-inducing drugs in their health plans, regardless of any religious or moral objections.

CookieCott 2014 - both the national Girl Scouts USA and many local Girl Scout councils have supported and promoted the work of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion chain, even encouraging girls to volunteer with Planned Parenthood.

In addition to promoting Abortion , the Girl Scouts also promote homosexuality and the upper echelon is heavily stacked with Lesbian, Gay and leftist activists - This is not "Red Scare" Jibberish - this is for real and documented.

I don't even know who/what the CookieCott is. Looks like some far right wing (not mainstream) site. Post legitimate, unbiased links if you don't want to be made fun of.
Me, I'll trust Snoops. :thup:
As for the rest of your claims, need legitimate, unbiased links...... I don't expect you or your sock to be able to produce.

I know you don't know what CookieCott is , in fact you don't really appear to know much of anything outside your Liberal Blogosphere. As a matter of fact, I don't know much about them either and don't really give a friggin rats ass who they are , they made a claim - you can't refute it because it's irrefutable - it's fact .

CookiCott - The Girl Scouts recently endorsed pro-abortion politicians Wendy Davis and Kathleen Sebelius as worthy role models for our children. In response, we're asking you to boycott Girl Scout cookies in 2014. Here's how you can do it. And here are the reasons.

Google it - It's fact

Girl Scouts Promote Lesbianism - Not all groups but the National Council certainly does and it trickles down and the Girls get piddled on.


The Last two pictures are intended primarily for the purpose of light HUmor, although in reality the situation is quite Sad.


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