girl scout cookies

The 2014 nationwide boycott of Girl Scout’s was set off by GSUSA praise and endorsement for two Planned Parenthood Allies

Wendy Davis : Texas state senator . The GSUSA called her an "incredible woman" and nominated her for the 2013 Woman of the Year

Kathleen Sebelius : Department of Health and Human Services Secretary was labeled a a woman of “courage” and “character.” Sebelius is responsible for implementing the pro-abortion provisions of Obamacare, including the infamous HHS Mandate that forces employers to provide free abortion-inducing drugs in their health plans, regardless of any religious or moral objections.

CookieCott 2014 - both the national Girl Scouts USA and many local Girl Scout councils have supported and promoted the work of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion chain, even encouraging girls to volunteer with Planned Parenthood.

In addition to promoting Abortion , the Girl Scouts also promote homosexuality and the upper echelon is heavily stacked with Lesbian, Gay and leftist activists - This is not "Red Scare" Jibberish - this is for real and documented.

I don't even know who/what the CookieCott is. Looks like some far right wing (not mainstream) site. Post legitimate, unbiased links if you don't want to be made fun of.
Me, I'll trust Snoops. :thup:
As for the rest of your claims, need legitimate, unbiased links...... I don't expect you or your sock to be able to produce.

I know you don't know what CookieCott is , in fact you don't really appear to know much of anything outside your Liberal Blogosphere. As a matter of fact, I don't know much about them either and don't really give a friggin rats ass who they are , they made a claim - you can't refute it because it's irrefutable - it's fact .

CookiCott - The Girl Scouts recently endorsed pro-abortion politicians Wendy Davis and Kathleen Sebelius as worthy role models for our children. In response, we're asking you to boycott Girl Scout cookies in 2014. Here's how you can do it. And here are the reasons.

Google it - It's fact

Girl Scouts Promote Lesbianism - Not all groups but the National Council certainly does and it trickles down and the Girls get piddled on.


The Last two pictures are intended primarily for the purpose of light HUmor, although in reality the situation is quite Sad.



Google it - It's fact


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I don't even know who/what the CookieCott is. Looks like some far right wing (not mainstream) site. Post legitimate, unbiased links if you don't want to be made fun of.
Me, I'll trust Snoops. :thup:
As for the rest of your claims, need legitimate, unbiased links...... I don't expect you or your sock to be able to produce.

I know you don't know what CookieCott is , in fact you don't really appear to know much of anything outside your Liberal Blogosphere. As a matter of fact, I don't know much about them either and don't really give a friggin rats ass who they are , they made a claim - you can't refute it because it's irrefutable - it's fact .

CookiCott - The Girl Scouts recently endorsed pro-abortion politicians Wendy Davis and Kathleen Sebelius as worthy role models for our children. In response, we're asking you to boycott Girl Scout cookies in 2014. Here's how you can do it. And here are the reasons.

Google it - It's fact

Girl Scouts Promote Lesbianism - Not all groups but the National Council certainly does and it trickles down and the Girls get piddled on.


The Last two pictures are intended primarily for the purpose of light HUmor, although in reality the situation is quite Sad.



Google it - It's fact


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I'll take that as your concession
I know you don't know what CookieCott is , in fact you don't really appear to know much of anything outside your Liberal Blogosphere. As a matter of fact, I don't know much about them either and don't really give a friggin rats ass who they are , they made a claim - you can't refute it because it's irrefutable - it's fact .

CookiCott - The Girl Scouts recently endorsed pro-abortion politicians Wendy Davis and Kathleen Sebelius as worthy role models for our children. In response, we're asking you to boycott Girl Scout cookies in 2014. Here's how you can do it. And here are the reasons.

Google it - It's fact

Girl Scouts Promote Lesbianism - Not all groups but the National Council certainly does and it trickles down and the Girls get piddled on.


The Last two pictures are intended primarily for the purpose of light HUmor, although in reality the situation is quite Sad.



Google it - It's fact


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I'll take that as your concession

Of course you will, self declaration of victory is all you've got left.
Don't you have a Westboro church meeting to attend?
I know you don't know what CookieCott is , in fact you don't really appear to know much of anything outside your Liberal Blogosphere. As a matter of fact, I don't know much about them either and don't really give a friggin rats ass who they are , they made a claim - you can't refute it because it's irrefutable - it's fact .

CookiCott - The Girl Scouts recently endorsed pro-abortion politicians Wendy Davis and Kathleen Sebelius as worthy role models for our children. In response, we're asking you to boycott Girl Scout cookies in 2014. Here's how you can do it. And here are the reasons.

Google it - It's fact

Girl Scouts Promote Lesbianism - Not all groups but the National Council certainly does and it trickles down and the Girls get piddled on.


The Last two pictures are intended primarily for the purpose of light HUmor, although in reality the situation is quite Sad.



Google it - It's fact


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I'll take that as your concession

Snoops told him to do it!
These fund raising systems are such a freaking rip off.

The GS get a small percentage of the WILDLY verpriced cookies.
I'll take that as your concession

Snoops told him to do it!
What you don't get is there's a major difference between Snoops and agenda driven sites (like the one's you've been posting).
Snoops has a vested interest in impartiality and accuracy of fact reporting as opposed to extrapolating, propagandizing and interpreting. Try again Sparkette.

My link had the ceo of gs say in her own words gs support planned parenthood. Typical liberals when shown facts, just deny them.
Snoops told him to do it!
What you don't get is there's a major difference between Snoops and agenda driven sites (like the one's you've been posting).
Snoops has a vested interest in impartiality and accuracy of fact reporting as opposed to extrapolating, propagandizing and interpreting. Try again Sparkette.

My link had the ceo of gs say in her own words gs support planned parenthood. Typical liberals when shown facts, just deny them.

Typical nutcases (on both extremes of the political spectrum) only look for that which supports their view, ain't that right nutcase....... I've already shown the GSAUS specifically states they do not support Planned Parenthood but individual "affiliates" (scout troops) can if they so wish.
Who knows, maybe they did at one time, maybe the former CEO has some beef with the GSAUS and is trying to create controversy, did that ever cross your little Westboro Baptist paradigm mind.
Oh and you better get that short term memory problem checked into, like I said, I'm not a liberal, I'm a political agnostic who understands the Life Cycle of Empires. This country's already fucked and morons like you don't even know it.
What you don't get is there's a major difference between Snoops and agenda driven sites (like the one's you've been posting).
Snoops has a vested interest in impartiality and accuracy of fact reporting as opposed to extrapolating, propagandizing and interpreting. Try again Sparkette.

My link had the ceo of gs say in her own words gs support planned parenthood. Typical liberals when shown facts, just deny them.

Typical nutcases (on both extremes of the political spectrum) only look for that which supports their view, ain't that right nutcase....... I've already shown the GSAUS specifically states they do not support Planned Parenthood but individual "affiliates" (scout troops) can if they so wish.
Who knows, maybe they did at one time, maybe the former CEO has some beef with the GSAUS and is trying to create controversy, did that ever cross your little Westboro Baptist paradigm mind.
Oh and you better get that short term memory problem checked into, like I said, I'm not a liberal, I'm a political agnostic who understands the Life Cycle of Empires. This country's already fucked and morons like you don't even know it.

I already know were screwed, i'll take it one step further and admit bush helped in this mess by spending way to much, but obama has taken it further than anyone in history, and the slob knobbers still think he is the best thing that has ever happened. Girl scouts do support planned parenthood, we will have to agree to disagree. Our entire society is screwed, we allow gay men to be scout masters in boy scouts and girl scouts supports an organization that promotes abortion and teaching children as young as five how to masterbait. This country is more worried about social experiments. Than the saftey of our children, and if you cannot see that. Than your the moron. I will not support either one anymore and my son was a boy scout years ago.
What you don't get is there's a major difference between Snoops and agenda driven sites (like the one's you've been posting).
Snoops has a vested interest in impartiality and accuracy of fact reporting as opposed to extrapolating, propagandizing and interpreting. Try again Sparkette.

My link had the ceo of gs say in her own words gs support planned parenthood. Typical liberals when shown facts, just deny them.

Typical nutcases (on both extremes of the political spectrum) only look for that which supports their view, ain't that right nutcase....... I've already shown the GSAUS specifically states they do not support Planned Parenthood but individual "affiliates" (scout troops) can if they so wish.
Who knows, maybe they did at one time, maybe the former CEO has some beef with the GSAUS and is trying to create controversy, did that ever cross your little Westboro Baptist paradigm mind.
Oh and you better get that short term memory problem checked into, like I said, I'm not a liberal, I'm a political agnostic who understands the Life Cycle of Empires. This country's already fucked and morons like you don't even know it.

So you are stating that the National Council doesn't support Planned Parenthood in any way shape or form ?

Yet- you are confronted with a preponderance of evidence that proves otherwise - That proves they not only endorse Planned Parenthood and it's policies but also support and to a certain extent promote Homosexuality - Yet , you still attempt to refute it .

You Stated

I've already shown the GSAUS specifically states they do not support Planned Parenthood but individual "affiliates" (scout troops) can if they so wish.

All you've shown is a simple declamatory statement which proves very little - The actions of this infested organization proves otherwise.

Basically actions speak louder than words.
My link had the ceo of gs say in her own words gs support planned parenthood. Typical liberals when shown facts, just deny them.

Typical nutcases (on both extremes of the political spectrum) only look for that which supports their view, ain't that right nutcase....... I've already shown the GSAUS specifically states they do not support Planned Parenthood but individual "affiliates" (scout troops) can if they so wish.
Who knows, maybe they did at one time, maybe the former CEO has some beef with the GSAUS and is trying to create controversy, did that ever cross your little Westboro Baptist paradigm mind.
Oh and you better get that short term memory problem checked into, like I said, I'm not a liberal, I'm a political agnostic who understands the Life Cycle of Empires. This country's already fucked and morons like you don't even know it.

So you are stating that the National Council doesn't support Planned Parenthood in any way shape or form ?

Yet- you are confronted with a preponderance of evidence that proves otherwise - That proves they not only endorse Planned Parenthood and it's policies but also support and to a certain extent promote Homosexuality - Yet , you still attempt to refute it .

You Stated

I've already shown the GSAUS specifically states they do not support Planned Parenthood but individual "affiliates" (scout troops) can if they so wish.

All you've shown is a simple declamatory statement which proves very little - The actions of this infested organization proves otherwise.

Basically actions speak louder than words.

The Soops link if you'd actually taken the time to read it. Now you can go scream at the families of fallen soldiers.
Again, damn I hate repeating myself twenty times, your so called preponderance of evidence is gleaned from agenda driven websites, best taken with a block of salt.
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Typical nutcases (on both extremes of the political spectrum) only look for that which supports their view, ain't that right nutcase....... I've already shown the GSAUS specifically states they do not support Planned Parenthood but individual "affiliates" (scout troops) can if they so wish.
Who knows, maybe they did at one time, maybe the former CEO has some beef with the GSAUS and is trying to create controversy, did that ever cross your little Westboro Baptist paradigm mind.
Oh and you better get that short term memory problem checked into, like I said, I'm not a liberal, I'm a political agnostic who understands the Life Cycle of Empires. This country's already fucked and morons like you don't even know it.

So you are stating that the National Council doesn't support Planned Parenthood in any way shape or form ?

Yet- you are confronted with a preponderance of evidence that proves otherwise - That proves they not only endorse Planned Parenthood and it's policies but also support and to a certain extent promote Homosexuality - Yet , you still attempt to refute it .

You Stated

I've already shown the GSAUS specifically states they do not support Planned Parenthood but individual "affiliates" (scout troops) can if they so wish.

All you've shown is a simple declamatory statement which proves very little - The actions of this infested organization proves otherwise.

Basically actions speak louder than words.

The Soops link if you'd actually taken the time to read it. Now you can go scream at the families of fallen soldiers.
Again, damn I hate repeating myself twenty times, your so called preponderance of evidence is gleaned from agenda driven websites, best taken with a block of salt. is hardly a reliable source, they debunk for the sake of debunking . I once did a research article re: snopes - that it may have been a propaganda site - but as it turns out it is simply one couple A Canadian Women and her American Republican Husband.

IN the eyes of Snopes everything is an Urban Legend - sometimes they are wrong - sometimes they are not - but it is hardly a reliable source.

As for some of the facts they presented in the article..... WHAT FACTS ! ... They present a number of disclaimers from GSUSA hardly unbiased , and one paragraph re: the Volanskis' gripe with the Girl Scouts which barely scratched the surface.

I'll credit your attempt - but although some people quote Snopes like it was a Bible - it is hardly worthy of academic interest.
A liberal will defend planned parenthood till their last breath, right before they meet thejr mentor "satan". I'm sure he loves innocent babies being murdered.
So you are stating that the National Council doesn't support Planned Parenthood in any way shape or form ?

Yet- you are confronted with a preponderance of evidence that proves otherwise - That proves they not only endorse Planned Parenthood and it's policies but also support and to a certain extent promote Homosexuality - Yet , you still attempt to refute it .

You Stated

All you've shown is a simple declamatory statement which proves very little - The actions of this infested organization proves otherwise.

Basically actions speak louder than words.

The Soops link if you'd actually taken the time to read it. Now you can go scream at the families of fallen soldiers.
Again, damn I hate repeating myself twenty times, your so called preponderance of evidence is gleaned from agenda driven websites, best taken with a block of salt. is hardly a reliable source, they debunk for the sake of debunking . I once did a research article re: snopes - that it may have been a propaganda site - but as it turns out it is simply one couple A Canadian Women and her American Republican Husband.

IN the eyes of Snopes everything is an Urban Legend - sometimes they are wrong - sometimes they are not - but it is hardly a reliable source.

As for some of the facts they presented in the article..... WHAT FACTS ! ... They present a number of disclaimers from GSUSA hardly unbiased , and one paragraph re: the Volanskis' gripe with the Girl Scouts which barely scratched the surface.

I'll credit your attempt - but although some people quote Snopes like it was a Bible - it is hardly worthy of academic interest.
Now tell me why I'm not surprised at your pathetically poor attempt to discredit Snoops........... :eusa_whistle:

What a fucking looser.

If you want an example of a world model comprised of what you obviously would like to see look no further than the late reign of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile.......
Thankfully our forefathers gave us a secular government so that fanatics like you and your sock couldn't turn us into a Theocracy.
Now if the people decide they want to turn it into a modern Sodom and Gomorrah then I'm sure God will eventually deal with that, I have my own log to remove from my eye.
In the mean time, if only to piss you off, I'll go buy some Girl Scout cookies though I haven't bought any in 15 years, they don't sell Pecan Sandies......... or German butter cookies.......
I actually don't care if you buy them or not. I just said i wouldn't buy them and if anyone felt the same maybe they wouldn't. I'm not like that liberal mayor that stated a chick fila wouldn't be built in his city, because of the gay controversey.
I actually don't care if you buy them or not. I just said i wouldn't buy them and if anyone felt the same maybe they wouldn't. I'm not like that liberal mayor that stated a chick fila wouldn't be built in his city, because of the gay controversey.
You do know what self delusion is?
A liberal will defend planned parenthood till their last breath, right before they meet thejr mentor "satan". I'm sure he loves innocent babies being murdered.

Some Quotes from Margaret Sanger the Founder of Planned Parenthood

"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon

"The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it." Margaret Sanger, Women and the New Race

"At Planned Parenthood you can also get birth control without the consent or knowledge of your parents. So, if you are 14, 15 or 16 and you come to Planned Parenthood, we won't tell your parents you've been there. We swear we won't tell your parents."
Planned Parenthood employee lecturing students of Ramona High School, Riverside, Calif., April 21-22, 1986

Nice Lady Planned Parenthood founder - she would have served the Third Reich Well - too bad she was an AMERICAN, Alive today - she would serve the progressive - Liberals well.

Women role models the Girl Scouts list in their Journey books. These are the women that young girls are supposed to look up to as Role Models, to emulate and strive to be like. Of the more than 50 women listed as role models for girls in the Girl Scout Journey books, why are there only two non leftist non feminist non lesbians (Sojourner Truth, and Mother Teresa)?

Pauli Murray: Founder of the Womens Rights Law Reporter, co-founder of the National Organization for Women.

Luisa Moreno: labor leader, social activist, member of the American Communist Party

Rigoberta Menchu: Guatemalan Marxist guerrilla

Rachel Carson: Marine biologist and writer, LESBIAN lover of Dorothy Freeman

Always, Rachel: The Letters of Rachel Carson and Dorothy Freeman, 1952-1964 - The Story of a Remarkable Friendship (Concord Library)

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn: Feminist, founding member of ACLU , chairwoman of the American Communist Party. She died during a visit to the Soviet Union, where she was accorded a state funeral.

Barbara Jordan: LESBIAN member of House of Representatives from 1973 to 1979

Shirley Chisholm: member of the House of Representatives from 1969 to 1983, founding member of the National Organization of Women, helped pass Title IX, homosexual advocate

Martina Navratilova: Female tennis champion ,Came out openly as a LESBIAN , spoke before the National March on Washington for Gay and Lesbian Rights, was a recipient of National Equality Award from the Human Rights Campaign

Billie Jean King: retired tennis champion, LESBIAN.

Ethel Mary Smyth: English composer, LESBIAN.

Betty Friedan: feminist ,Girl Scouts board of directors, Author -The Feminine Mystique,- primary founder and first president of the National Organization for Women, Active in Marxist cliques, advocate of homosexual rights {privileges}

Dolores Huerta: Co-founder of the National Farm Workers Association , serves on boards of Feminist Majority Foundation, Staunch Gay and lesbian rights advocate,.

Annise Parker - Houston Mayor, LESBIAN. In 2011 Houston hosted a mayor Girl Scout Convention - in all likelihood steered to that city by it's Gayer Mayor.

Jeanette Rankin: first woman elected to the House of Representatives, R-Montana, voted against U.S. entry into World War I and II, founding vice-president of ACLU . Suspected Closet LESBIAN

Adrienne Germain -prominent abortion rights activist

Sheri S. Tepper, An Executive Director of the Rocky MountainPlanned Parenthood, feminist author and Girl Scout Director .

Simone de Beauvoir: French author of radical feminist books

Joshua Ackley- Gay Cross-dresser - Lead man for the defunct homopunk band the Dead Betties. In publicity shots, he is dressed in womens clothing, and in music videos, he appears buck ass naked pretending to masturbate. The video for Hellevator portrays a young woman being harassed, stalked and brutally murdered in an elevator shaft while Joshua Ackley radiates a devious, almost Satanic grin. The video for Hellevator appeared on MTV, M2 and VH1.

Lynn Cothren {He's a he} The former Gay Director of Administration and Gay rights {Gay Privileges}advocate

Timothy Higdon - Former Girl Scout Chief of External Affairs, a man with impressive credentials - a very active Gay privileges activist, One time highly paid staff member of Amnesty International , Leader in the National Gay and Lesbian task force. Timothy Higdon Named Chief of External Affairs, Girl Scouts of the USA

Debra Nakatomi - Girl Scout Board Member ,Executive Secretary Lesbian Gay privileges {Rights} activist.

Deborah Taft Lesbian Gay privileges {Rights} activist allegedly recruited by Debra Nakatomi

Deborah Taft to Become Senior Vice President of Fund Development at Girl Scouts of the USA

Betty Friedan, Rabid radical feminist , co-founder of National Organization of Women and National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League. {until 1982}.

Radical Gay Infiltration of The Girl Scouts of America


The Grinning molester and homicidal punk queer now issues press releases, and posts views on the Girl Scouts website.
Joshua Ackley who organized the infamous Girl Scouts no adults allowed workshop at the UN in which the Planned Parenthood sex brochure Healthy, Happy, and Hot was made available to Girl Scouts, although they currently attempt to deny it
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I actually don't care if you buy them or not. I just said i wouldn't buy them and if anyone felt the same maybe they wouldn't. I'm not like that liberal mayor that stated a chick fila wouldn't be built in his city, because of the gay controversey.
You do know what self delusion is?

Yeah - someone who uses a dead Indian chieftain as his Avatar picture
I actually don't care if you buy them or not. I just said i wouldn't buy them and if anyone felt the same maybe they wouldn't. I'm not like that liberal mayor that stated a chick fila wouldn't be built in his city, because of the gay controversey.
You do know what self delusion is?

Yeah - someone who uses a dead Indian chieftain as his Avatar picture
Dayamn! You can't even get that right!!!!
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
A liberal will defend planned parenthood till their last breath, right before they meet thejr mentor "satan". I'm sure he loves innocent babies being murdered.

Some Quotes from Margaret Sanger the Founder of Planned Parenthood

"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon

"The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it." Margaret Sanger, Women and the New Race

"At Planned Parenthood you can also get birth control without the consent or knowledge of your parents. So, if you are 14, 15 or 16 and you come to Planned Parenthood, we won't tell your parents you've been there. We swear we won't tell your parents."
Planned Parenthood employee lecturing students of Ramona High School, Riverside, Calif., April 21-22, 1986

Nice Lady Planned Parenthood founder - she would have served the Third Reich Well - too bad she was an AMERICAN, Alive today - she would serve the progressive - Liberals well.

Oh crap, Margaret Sanger was a racist....... Are you morons clueless as to the era she was born into??!!!!! Why am I asking, of course you are. And you two honestly think you're no different than your far left counterparts!!!!!!!!!

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