Girls in Boy Scouts...

Unreal. And disgusting. This is more leftist "change" for ya.
The Mormon church has already announced they are pulling their boys out.
Mormon church, Boy Scouts to end century-long relationship
An end of an American institution. As it should be.
Girls had nothing to do with the Mormons pulling out

Been in the works for several years. They had to develop a replacement program first
Right. Must be a coincidence. They began exploring other options when the Boy Scouts began letting in homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals, and whatever sexuals you leftists decide is normal.
Unreal. And disgusting. This is more leftist "change" for ya.
The Mormon church has already announced they are pulling their boys out.
Mormon church, Boy Scouts to end century-long relationship
An end of an American institution. As it should be.
Girls had nothing to do with the Mormons pulling out

Been in the works for several years. They had to develop a replacement program first
Right. Must be a coincidence. They began exploring other options when the Boy Scouts began letting in homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals, and whatever sexuals you leftists decide is normal.
Homosexuals were always there ....just like in the armed forces
Unreal. And disgusting. This is more leftist "change" for ya.
The Mormon church has already announced they are pulling their boys out.
Mormon church, Boy Scouts to end century-long relationship
An end of an American institution. As it should be.
Girls had nothing to do with the Mormons pulling out

Been in the works for several years. They had to develop a replacement program first
Right. Must be a coincidence. They began exploring other options when the Boy Scouts began letting in homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals, and whatever sexuals you leftists decide is normal.
Homosexuals were always there ....just like in the armed forces
That's disgusting. Was there a merit badge for anal intrusion?
Unreal. And disgusting. This is more leftist "change" for ya.
The Mormon church has already announced they are pulling their boys out.
Mormon church, Boy Scouts to end century-long relationship
An end of an American institution. As it should be.
Girls had nothing to do with the Mormons pulling out

Been in the works for several years. They had to develop a replacement program first
Right. Must be a coincidence. They began exploring other options when the Boy Scouts began letting in homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals, and whatever sexuals you leftists decide is normal.
Homosexuals were always there ....just like in the armed forces
That's disgusting. Was there a merit badge for anal intrusion?

check your sash
Girls in Boy Scouts...
Unreal. And disgusting.

Girls had nothing to do with the Mormons pulling out

homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals, and whatever sexuals you leftists decide is normal.

You know, there is nothing sacrosanct about a boys-only club in the woods. The Girl Scouts need to stop selling cookies & learn survival skills along with the boys.

Most people find a mate, a husband or a wife one day, but meanwhile boys & girls need to learn to get along as brothers & sisters without smoking weed & procreating 24×7 whenever they are together.

The old boys’ rape club and the Title IX sex-harassment lawsuits both need to be put away where they will never, ever come back, as long as the world stands.

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