Girls’ Soccer Game Suspended over ‘Traumatizing’ Pro-Trump Chants. HAHAHA

LMAO what a bunch of pansies
Why should you care if other people are assholes or not? Grow up.

So you think it's okay for kids to hurl racial slurs at opposing team members? I had it happen to me in high school when I was on the basketball team.
People are assholes. That's just life. They shouldn't let it discourage them; it should have empowered them.
Those comments being racial are perception only. They could just want everyone to speak English and they are just politically active. lol..

No, it isn't perception. Shouting "Build that wall!" to a team of Hispanic kids is racist, plain and simple. It's implying they're less American than the white kids and they don't belong here.

I had kids yell shit like "Wonton Soup" and make comments like "how can he even see the basket" when I played basketball in high school. Heckling the other team is one thing, but making disparaging racial comments is over the line and unsportsmanlike.
Illegal alien isn't a race.

Hispanic is, but you already knew that. Keep justifying tactless, racist behavior by your ilk and then keep asking yourself why brown people don't vote Republican.

If the Hispanic kids were really upset about it, they should have channeled their energies onto the field and got angry enough to win.

Instead they cried their way back to the buses.

So when did that happen to you?

I could say the same to you about white Christian males and the Democratic party. LOL @ either side chastising the other side for not appealing to people who they don't agree with politically.
Illegal alien isn't a race.

Hispanic is, but you already knew that. Keep justifying tactless, racist behavior by your ilk and then keep asking yourself why brown people don't vote Republican.

If the Hispanic kids were really upset about it, they should have channeled their energies onto the field and got angry enough to win.

If they aren't illegal, tough shit. If they are illegal, tough shit.

Instead they cried their way back to the buses.

So when did that happen to you?[/QUOTE]

We got taunted for being rednecks and hillbillies when we played black schools or rich schools. It just pissed us off and we took it out on the other teams. Maybe we won, maybe we lost, maybe I intentionally slide into the guy covering second and broke his ankle. But I didn't run home to mama because my poor wittle feewings got hurt.
LMAO what a bunch of pansies
Why should you care if other people are assholes or not? Grow up.

So you think it's okay for kids to hurl racial slurs at opposing team members? I had it happen to me in high school when I was on the basketball team.
People are assholes. That's just life. They shouldn't let it discourage them; it should have empowered them.
Those comments being racial are perception only. They could just want everyone to speak English and they are just politically active. lol..

No, it isn't perception. Shouting "Build that wall!" to a team of Hispanic kids is racist, plain and simple. It's implying they're less American than the white kids and they don't belong here.

I had kids yell shit like "Wonton Soup" and make comments like "how can he even see the basket" when I played basketball in high school. Heckling the other team is one thing, but making disparaging racial comments is over the line and unsportsmanlike.
No, its perception; regardless of your delusion. You weren't there to witness it. I cant seem to find a video either..
If they aren't illegal, tough shit. If they are illegal, tough shit.

The implication is that they're illegal because of their race. Again, you already know this. Why you choose to play dumb to justify racist behavior is beyond me.
No, its perception; regardless of your delusion. You weren't there to witness it. I cant seem to find a video either..

Until you experience it you really have no privilege to judge.
LMAO what a bunch of pansies
Why should you care if other people are assholes or not? Grow up.

So you think it's okay for kids to hurl racial slurs at opposing team members? I had it happen to me in high school when I was on the basketball team.
People are assholes. That's just life. They shouldn't let it discourage them; it should have empowered them.
Those comments being racial are perception only. They could just want everyone to speak English and they are just politically active. lol..

No, it isn't perception. Shouting "Build that wall!" to a team of Hispanic kids is racist, plain and simple. It's implying they're less American than the white kids and they don't belong here.

I had kids yell shit like "Wonton Soup" and make comments like "how can he even see the basket" when I played basketball in high school. Heckling the other team is one thing, but making disparaging racial comments is over the line and unsportsmanlike.

It wasn't sportsman like at all. So penalize them, within the game, don't call the game. All sports have a penalty for unsportsmanlike like conduct. You do that and then it's just a penalty within the game instead of a giant political story.

Let's be real here, those kids over reacted to the taunts because someone told them to, if it would just have been a penalty and move on, without parents and others making it about more this kind of shit would end, on BOTH sides.
If they aren't illegal, tough shit. If they are illegal, tough shit.

The implication is that they're illegal because of their race. Again, you already know this. Why you choose to play dumb to justify racist behavior is beyond me.

Of course it is, but so what? If the kids aren't illegals, why worry about it? If they are illegals, fuck them.

Either way, don't be a cry baby and get on the bus because someone said something you don't like.

Stop being a pussy.
No, its perception; regardless of your delusion. You weren't there to witness it. I cant seem to find a video either..

Until you experience it you really have no privilege to judge.

I did experience the chanting and insults based on the color of my skin and socioeconomic status and background.

Our coaches would have kicked our asses in the parking lot if we tried to get on the bus because out feelings were being hurt by words and they'd have been righto do so.

What did the girls learn here? Run away when your feelings get hurt.
No, it isn't perception. Shouting "Build that wall!" to a team of Hispanic kids is racist, plain and simple. It's implying they're less American than the white kids and they don't belong here.

As long as affirmative action exists, you libs have no right to call anyone racist. AA is the govt mandated persecution of white males and the biggest hate crime in america. And YOU love it, hater.
No, it isn't perception. Shouting "Build that wall!" to a team of Hispanic kids is racist, plain and simple. It's implying they're less American than the white kids and they don't belong here.

As long as affirmative action exists, you libs have no right to call anyone racist. AA is the govt mandated persecution of white males and the biggest hate crime in america. And YOU love it, hater.

I oppose affirmative action, dumb fuck. Try again
Hey, I got a funny story about a teacher at my Catholic high school, who taught me Latin, but was also the basketball coach. This guy was short, red-headed, totally obnoxious, and yet totally cool and the most popular teacher in our all boy's high school.

This guy would never survive in today's Politically Correct atmosphere. While his wife was standing there, he told a story about how when you (the boys) get married, some day your new wife will decide to make you homemade bread. So what you do, when she proudly shows you her homemade bread, is you pick up the loaf with both hands, sniff it, make a sour face, then take it outside and kick the homemade loaf of bread away like a football.

We boys got a kick out of that story. Some boy asked the wife if the story was true, and she quietly told him it was not. And she was laughing the whole time, because she was a good sport, and had to be because she had married one of the most colorful characters of all time. And the wife was hot, which made no sense because he was so short and ugly with a craggly face.

Anyway, this teacher thought I wasn't Catholic, because in the student directory under parish it said "other." What it should have said is "St. Vincent de Paul" but that was a new parish that my high school had never heard of, so they put in "other".

But my loud-mouthed obnoxious Latin teacher/coach thought "other" meant I was a member of some far-out cult that the Catholic Church had never heard of, since it did not say "Lutheran" or "Jew" as it did for other non-Catholic boys.

So he would constantly be joking about how I worship some golden idol while eating lotus leaves, and since I had no idea what he was talking about, since I did not know the source of his confusion, I simply stared back at him with confusion.

Finally, some other boys cleared up the confusion and told my red-headed tyrant of a teacher that I was indeed Catholic, like most of the rest of the boys, and after that this particular line of torture ended, though he did keep mimicking my facial tics, which were pretty bad at that time.

I learned to be tough when I was a kid, because there were bullies everywhere, and the teachers never helped you against the bullies, you were on your own, and a lot of the bullies were the teachers themselves, and you learned to survive that tough environment, and become tough yourself.

If I was Mexican kid back then, and a bunch of white kids started telling me to go back over the border, I would have rounded up my Mexican friends and started a fight. That's how you deal with bullies, you don't whine to a teacher or file a complaint with the Human Rights Board.

The world has become a stupid place and we are raising the next generation of kids to be sissies. Coach, next time, round up your team and tell them to go beat the crap out of those racist white kids. Otherwise, you are not a man, you are a wuss.
If I was Mexican kid back then, and a bunch of white kids started telling me to go back over the border, I would have rounded up my Mexican friends and started a fight. That's how you deal with bullies, you don't whine to a teacher or file a complaint with the Human Rights Board.

That's how you get a broken neck or get sent to prison for 20 years.
Again, you already know this.

why do you keep saying that....? is it some form of libertard superiority ? what makes hisspo's a separate race ? i do not know.., explain it.., being you are so intellectually superior that should be easy. :up: ......... :lmao:
LMAO what a bunch of pansies
Why should you care if other people are assholes or not? Grow up.

So you think it's okay for kids to hurl racial slurs at opposing team members? I had it happen to me in high school when I was on the basketball team.
Exactly what racial slurs were said? I couldn't find any.

This is a good teaching moment for the offended girls. Out in the real world people say things you will not like...get over it!

Shouting build the wall to a team full of Hispanic kids is blatantly racist, but you already knew that
That's silly. Shouting "build that wall" is not racist in any way, shape or form.

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