Giuliani Revealing HUGE Money Laundering Operation Involving Bidens, Burisma Prosecutor Poisoned

Seems we have new Ukraine investigation against Biden...6 criminal cases....You fools absolutely know nothing!

Breaking: Ukrainian Official Reveals Six Criminal Cases ...

OAN reporter Chanel Rion has been traveling with Rudy Giuliani and reporting on his investigations in Hungary and Kiev, Ukraine. In her report released on Sunday night Chanel Rion mentioned that Ukrainian officials showed her six criminal cases involving...

The Ukrainians are corrupt. You shouldn't believe anything coming out of their mouths. This is exactly how they operate. They flood their political opponents with BS investigations.

Don't be a useful idiot.
But EXTORTION coming from Bidens mouth and on video...even a braindead liberal asshole like yourself should have the IQ to believe your ears and morons are our entertainment...the suspension of reality has no better example!

Please tell us your evidence on the video where the extortion by Joe.
Another turd that has no idea what EXTORTION means

Joe Biden Forced Ukraine to Fire Prosecutor for Aid Money - Wall Street Journal

I asked you to prove where the extortion was.
Let me repeat it again. Show me where Joe committed extortion.
Joe fired a well known corrupted prosecutor general Shokin of Ukraine also at the request of IMF and other western allies.

Now corrupted Guilliani meaning that includes Trump is working with Shokin and his team.
Two of Guilliani associates are indicted of illegal campaign contributions to Trump.... Because you are very dishonest person I’m sure you don’t know that either.

Do you know what is so embarrassing to the whole world? The whole world is watching us..... how can we let all these corrupted people of America running around like Guilliani promoting conspiracy theory and lies.

Guilliani should go to jail.

This is a lie, they are accused of illegal contributions to a pro Trump pac, not to Trump, get your damn facts straight.
Two of Guilliani associates are indicted of illegal campaign contributions to Trump

On the contrary child, Woods procedures require the veracity of the source to be verified and approved by the handling agent, that didn't happen.

Once again from page viii of the executive summary:

As discussed below, the representations about Steele's prior reporting were overstated and had not been approved by Steele's handling agent, as required by the Woods Procedures.

One example, they stated in the FISA application, that Steele's work had been used in a criminal proceeding, that was a lie.

You'll find that I don't tend to ask questions without first knowing the answer. Scrupulously verified, didn't happen. LMAO

You realize this quote backs up what I’m saying, right? They attest to the reliability of a source, not whether the information from the source has been verified as true.

Child you don't use a source when their veracity is questionable. That is the epitome of Steele, they also failed to tell the court that the news reports used to bolster Steele were leaked by him, it was circular reporting. And as McCabe testified to congress, without the Steele dossier there would have been no FISA warrant or it's renewals.

Without all the FBI misconduct, there would have been no Mueller.

You can question the reliability of Steele. I don’t mind that at all.

But don’t pretend like anyone at the FBI was claiming the Steele dossier was verified I. The FISA warrant.

These are different arguments. You started this discussion by making the latter. Now you’re retreating to the former. It’s a bit of a bait and switch you’ve pulled. Or maybe a motte and bailey defense.

Woods procedures offers two options, verifying the information provided, lacking that, the handling agent has to verify the veracity of the source, neither were done. So by any measure the "Scrupulously Verified" standard was NOT MET, and the verified heading on all 4 applications was a lie and a known lie at that.


I don’t disagree with much of this, but i think that’s a rather different statement than you previously made.

“A known lie” is going to be a sticking point. Known by who is a very important detail.

The FBI was warned by Ohr, a gal in the State Dept and others that Steele was a political operative and things in the dossier weren't true, yeah it was a known lie.

FBI used Steele dossier in FISAs despite knowing about flaws and bias

You realize this quote backs up what I’m saying, right? They attest to the reliability of a source, not whether the information from the source has been verified as true.

Child you don't use a source when their veracity is questionable. That is the epitome of Steele, they also failed to tell the court that the news reports used to bolster Steele were leaked by him, it was circular reporting. And as McCabe testified to congress, without the Steele dossier there would have been no FISA warrant or it's renewals.

Without all the FBI misconduct, there would have been no Mueller.

You can question the reliability of Steele. I don’t mind that at all.

But don’t pretend like anyone at the FBI was claiming the Steele dossier was verified I. The FISA warrant.

These are different arguments. You started this discussion by making the latter. Now you’re retreating to the former. It’s a bit of a bait and switch you’ve pulled. Or maybe a motte and bailey defense.

Woods procedures offers two options, verifying the information provided, lacking that, the handling agent has to verify the veracity of the source, neither were done. So by any measure the "Scrupulously Verified" standard was NOT MET, and the verified heading on all 4 applications was a lie and a known lie at that.


I don’t disagree with much of this, but i think that’s a rather different statement than you previously made.

“A known lie” is going to be a sticking point. Known by who is a very important detail.

The FBI was warned by Ohr, a gal in the State Dept and others that Steele was a political operative and things in the dossier weren't true, yeah it was a known lie.

FBI used Steele dossier in FISAs despite knowing about flaws and bias

Of course they knew his was a political operative and that was made known in the FISA application.

Remember when Nunes tried telling everyone that was kept secret?
Child you don't use a source when their veracity is questionable. That is the epitome of Steele, they also failed to tell the court that the news reports used to bolster Steele were leaked by him, it was circular reporting. And as McCabe testified to congress, without the Steele dossier there would have been no FISA warrant or it's renewals.

Without all the FBI misconduct, there would have been no Mueller.

You can question the reliability of Steele. I don’t mind that at all.

But don’t pretend like anyone at the FBI was claiming the Steele dossier was verified I. The FISA warrant.

These are different arguments. You started this discussion by making the latter. Now you’re retreating to the former. It’s a bit of a bait and switch you’ve pulled. Or maybe a motte and bailey defense.

Woods procedures offers two options, verifying the information provided, lacking that, the handling agent has to verify the veracity of the source, neither were done. So by any measure the "Scrupulously Verified" standard was NOT MET, and the verified heading on all 4 applications was a lie and a known lie at that.


I don’t disagree with much of this, but i think that’s a rather different statement than you previously made.

“A known lie” is going to be a sticking point. Known by who is a very important detail.

The FBI was warned by Ohr, a gal in the State Dept and others that Steele was a political operative and things in the dossier weren't true, yeah it was a known lie.

FBI used Steele dossier in FISAs despite knowing about flaws and bias

Of course they knew his was a political operative and that was made known in the FISA application.

Remember when Nunes tried telling everyone that was kept secret?

In a footnote, when it should have been front and center. And they didn't even say who paid for it or that it was oppo research in the footnote.

And yeah, Nunez put out a report that was factual about FISA problems. shitt put out a 10 page rebuttal of LIES. Pretty much everything Nunez stated in his report was born out by Horowitz and shitt was proven to be a liar once again. Of course all the MSM said shitts version was gospel and so far only one person, according to Brit Hume has apologized for getting it so wrong.

depends on how "loosely" you wish to define what it would take to start one. seems if trump farts in the wind, it's time to investigate. if we have info biden and others are laundering money out of the ukraine it's STOP MAKING SHIT UP.

if you can't see that contradiction you're pretty much beyond hope.

I got bad news for you. Sometimes people make shit up. You really aren’t doing yourself any favors by not questioning the source of your information.
Yet you won't question yours.

Wheee here we go again.

Career state department officials with unblemished records of service to the country?

Compared to Viktor Shokin? The ousted Ukrainian prosecutor who rose to power in a country where rising to power almost always entails doing favors for the elites?
At what point in your life did you become an expert on who's who? Sources for finding out?

Weren’t you taught to critically analyze the quality of your sources?
Yes that's why I'm asking just when you got all up on Ukrainians.
I got bad news for you. Sometimes people make shit up. You really aren’t doing yourself any favors by not questioning the source of your information.
Yet you won't question yours.

Wheee here we go again.

Career state department officials with unblemished records of service to the country?

Compared to Viktor Shokin? The ousted Ukrainian prosecutor who rose to power in a country where rising to power almost always entails doing favors for the elites?
At what point in your life did you become an expert on who's who? Sources for finding out?

Weren’t you taught to critically analyze the quality of your sources?
Yes that's why I'm asking just when you got all up on Ukrainians.
Last few months. There’s a lot of contemporaneous reporting on this in addition to renewed interest in the subject matter.

Not to mention hours of testimony in the House from people with a very solid understanding of the situation.

I mean, it beats Glenn Beck’s little YouTube videos in quality.
Yet you won't question yours.

Wheee here we go again.

Career state department officials with unblemished records of service to the country?

Compared to Viktor Shokin? The ousted Ukrainian prosecutor who rose to power in a country where rising to power almost always entails doing favors for the elites?
At what point in your life did you become an expert on who's who? Sources for finding out?

Weren’t you taught to critically analyze the quality of your sources?
Yes that's why I'm asking just when you got all up on Ukrainians.
Last few months. There’s a lot of contemporaneous reporting on this in addition to renewed interest in the subject matter.

Not to mention hours of testimony in the House from people with a very solid understanding of the situation.

I mean, it beats Glenn Beck’s little YouTube videos in quality.

Why do you love the Democratic Party more than you love average Americans?
The Ukrainians are corrupt. You shouldn't believe anything coming out of their mouths. This is exactly how they operate. They flood their political opponents with BS investigations.

Don't be a useful idiot.
But EXTORTION coming from Bidens mouth and on video...even a braindead liberal asshole like yourself should have the IQ to believe your ears and morons are our entertainment...the suspension of reality has no better example!

Please tell us your evidence on the video where the extortion by Joe.
Another turd that has no idea what EXTORTION means

Joe Biden Forced Ukraine to Fire Prosecutor for Aid Money - Wall Street Journal

I asked you to prove where the extortion was.
Let me repeat it again. Show me where Joe committed extortion.
Joe fired a well known corrupted prosecutor general Shokin of Ukraine also at the request of IMF and other western allies.

Now corrupted Guilliani meaning that includes Trump is working with Shokin and his team.
Two of Guilliani associates are indicted of illegal campaign contributions to Trump.... Because you are very dishonest person I’m sure you don’t know that either.

Do you know what is so embarrassing to the whole world? The whole world is watching us..... how can we let all these corrupted people of America running around like Guilliani promoting conspiracy theory and lies.

Guilliani should go to jail.

This is a lie, they are accused of illegal contributions to a pro Trump pac, not to Trump, get your damn facts straight.
Two of Guilliani associates are indicted of illegal campaign contributions to Trump


If I lied why don’t you prove it.

Where do you think where the illegal campaign contributions went? To Biden?
Career state department officials with unblemished records of service to the country?

Compared to Viktor Shokin? The ousted Ukrainian prosecutor who rose to power in a country where rising to power almost always entails doing favors for the elites?
At what point in your life did you become an expert on who's who? Sources for finding out?

Weren’t you taught to critically analyze the quality of your sources?
Yes that's why I'm asking just when you got all up on Ukrainians.
Last few months. There’s a lot of contemporaneous reporting on this in addition to renewed interest in the subject matter.

Not to mention hours of testimony in the House from people with a very solid understanding of the situation.

I mean, it beats Glenn Beck’s little YouTube videos in quality.

Why do you love the Democratic Party more than you love average Americans?
Who the hell told you that?
But EXTORTION coming from Bidens mouth and on video...even a braindead liberal asshole like yourself should have the IQ to believe your ears and morons are our entertainment...the suspension of reality has no better example!

Please tell us your evidence on the video where the extortion by Joe.
Another turd that has no idea what EXTORTION means

Joe Biden Forced Ukraine to Fire Prosecutor for Aid Money - Wall Street Journal

I asked you to prove where the extortion was.
Let me repeat it again. Show me where Joe committed extortion.
Joe fired a well known corrupted prosecutor general Shokin of Ukraine also at the request of IMF and other western allies.

Now corrupted Guilliani meaning that includes Trump is working with Shokin and his team.
Two of Guilliani associates are indicted of illegal campaign contributions to Trump.... Because you are very dishonest person I’m sure you don’t know that either.

Do you know what is so embarrassing to the whole world? The whole world is watching us..... how can we let all these corrupted people of America running around like Guilliani promoting conspiracy theory and lies.

Guilliani should go to jail.

This is a lie, they are accused of illegal contributions to a pro Trump pac, not to Trump, get your damn facts straight.
Two of Guilliani associates are indicted of illegal campaign contributions to Trump


If I lied why don’t you prove it.

Where do you think where the illegal campaign contributions went? To Biden?

They went to political action committees, look it up dumb ass.

Please tell us your evidence on the video where the extortion by Joe.
And what of the original charges?
  1. Bribery -- gone.
  2. Extortion -- gone.
  3. Obstruction of justice -- gone. These are all things that like the Mueller charges, we were all told they had air-tight proof of. Now all gone.

Bribery and extortion is clearly described in general Abuse of Office Article of impeachment. Democrats simply descided not to apply regular statutory charges to Presidential high crimes and misadameanors.

The fact that they didn't lump in Obstruction of Justice with Obstruction of Congress does not mean he didn't do it.

Sing me a lullaby, Antonio. :boohoo: In YOUR pathetic world, anything can me anything which means nothing.
“Shokin holds documents proving money laundering by Burisma & Biden’s,” Giuliani said.

...ok so it's the end of 2019,

three and half years since Biden had this guy fired,
almost three years since Trump became president,
well over a year since Juliani started running around Ukraine and talking to Sholkin looking for something to hang on Biden.
Three months after Congress has opened investigations that are now culminating in Trump getting impeached.

After ALL THAT, Juliani now claims Sholkin suddenly has something.

Dupes, let me make things perfectly clear for you: Juliani got shit, he is a fish out of the water and quickly running out of lifelines. He got Trump impeached and he got himself in deep legal shit. This Ukrainian trip is his last gasp.
Suspension of reality....ROTFLMFAO

Ukrainian prosecutor reviewing cases involving company ...

KYIV, Ukraine -- Ukraine's prosecutor general said at a press conference his office is reviewing past criminal cases involving the businessman whose energy company employed Hunter Biden on its ...
Breaking: Ukrainian Official Reveals Six Criminal Cases ...

President Trump spoke to the press Saturday at the White House as he departed for Florida for speeches before the Israeli-American Council National Summit in Hollywood and a Republican fundraising dinner in Aventura. Trump told the waiting reporters...
Ukraine Reviews Cases Involving Owner Of Company That ...

Thanks for watching my video. If you like my videos, please subscribe to the channel to receive the latest videos Videos can use content-based copyright law contains reasonable use Fair Use (https ...
Breaking: Ukrainian Official Reveals Six Criminal Cases ...

Breaking: Ukrainian Official Reveals Six Criminal Cases Opened in Ukraine Involving the Bidens by Jim Hoft President Trump spoke to the press Saturday at the White House as he departed for Florida for speeches before the Israeli-American Council


This is very funny. LOL.

Did you even read your link or you just stared at it? Read the first link and at last paragraph......

Telling you....... What you are saying are just pure garbage.

And the other 3 cocksucker?....ROTFLMFAO!

Cocksucker? I know you are a low class American but I’m not going to lower my class to your level.

Let’s get back to the topic. Using OAN as your link is the worst you can do to argue about Trump stupid agendas and corruptions.
Why not use Trump junior also?

Despite with all of these going on you have this goon Guilliani running around with corrupted disgusting information gathered from corrupted Ukrainian.

When Guilliani was in Ukraine he also met and worked with Ukrainian parliament members that are die hard pro Russian. Like Yuri Boyko the biggest pro Russian supporter, Oleg Voloshyn, Valentyn Nalycaichenko and Andriy Derkach. These are the same pro Russian Ukrainian parliament members that pushed it’s the Ukraine that meddle our 2016 election not the Russian. Which Trump embraces to help his puppet master Putin. These are the ENEMIES of current president Zelensky.

Zelensky refuses and did not talk to Guilliani while he was in Ukraine.

How I know these information? I have friends in Kiev. And I don’t fucking lie.
Please tell us your evidence on the video where the extortion by Joe.
Another turd that has no idea what EXTORTION means

Joe Biden Forced Ukraine to Fire Prosecutor for Aid Money - Wall Street Journal

I asked you to prove where the extortion was.
Let me repeat it again. Show me where Joe committed extortion.
Joe fired a well known corrupted prosecutor general Shokin of Ukraine also at the request of IMF and other western allies.

Now corrupted Guilliani meaning that includes Trump is working with Shokin and his team.
Two of Guilliani associates are indicted of illegal campaign contributions to Trump.... Because you are very dishonest person I’m sure you don’t know that either.

Do you know what is so embarrassing to the whole world? The whole world is watching us..... how can we let all these corrupted people of America running around like Guilliani promoting conspiracy theory and lies.

Guilliani should go to jail.

This is a lie, they are accused of illegal contributions to a pro Trump pac, not to Trump, get your damn facts straight.
Two of Guilliani associates are indicted of illegal campaign contributions to Trump


If I lied why don’t you prove it.

Where do you think where the illegal campaign contributions went? To Biden?

They went to political action committees, look it up dumb ass.


We saw pictures of Trump and 2 goons . So the bottom line..... the illegal contributions went to democrats or republicans?
“Shokin holds documents proving money laundering by Burisma & Biden’s,” Giuliani said.

...ok so it's the end of 2019,

three and half years since Biden had this guy fired,
almost three years since Trump became president,
well over a year since Juliani started running around Ukraine and talking to Sholkin looking for something to hang on Biden.
Three months after Congress has opened investigations that are now culminating in Trump getting impeached.

After ALL THAT, Juliani now claims Sholkin suddenly has something.

Dupes, let me make things perfectly clear for you: Juliani got shit, he is a fish out of the water and quickly running out of lifelines. He got Trump impeached and he got himself in deep legal shit. This Ukrainian trip is his last gasp.
Suspension of reality....ROTFLMFAO

Ukrainian prosecutor reviewing cases involving company ...

KYIV, Ukraine -- Ukraine's prosecutor general said at a press conference his office is reviewing past criminal cases involving the businessman whose energy company employed Hunter Biden on its ...
Breaking: Ukrainian Official Reveals Six Criminal Cases ...

President Trump spoke to the press Saturday at the White House as he departed for Florida for speeches before the Israeli-American Council National Summit in Hollywood and a Republican fundraising dinner in Aventura. Trump told the waiting reporters...
Ukraine Reviews Cases Involving Owner Of Company That ...

Thanks for watching my video. If you like my videos, please subscribe to the channel to receive the latest videos Videos can use content-based copyright law contains reasonable use Fair Use (https ...
Breaking: Ukrainian Official Reveals Six Criminal Cases ...

Breaking: Ukrainian Official Reveals Six Criminal Cases Opened in Ukraine Involving the Bidens by Jim Hoft President Trump spoke to the press Saturday at the White House as he departed for Florida for speeches before the Israeli-American Council


This is very funny. LOL.

Did you even read your link or you just stared at it? Read the first link and at last paragraph......

Telling you....... What you are saying are just pure garbage.

And the other 3 cocksucker?....ROTFLMFAO!

Cocksucker? I know you are a low class American but I’m not going to lower my class to your level.

Let’s get back to the topic. Using OAN as your link is the worst you can do to argue about Trump stupid agendas and corruptions.
Why not use Trump junior also?

Despite with all of these going on you have this goon Guilliani running around with corrupted disgusting information gathered from corrupted Ukrainian.

When Guilliani was in Ukraine he also met and worked with Ukrainian parliament members that are die hard pro Russian. Like Yuri Boyko the biggest pro Russian supporter, Oleg Voloshyn, Valentyn Nalycaichenko and Andriy Derkach. These are the same pro Russian Ukrainian parliament members that pushed it’s the Ukraine that meddle our 2016 election not the Russian. Which Trump embraces to help his puppet master Putin. These are the ENEMIES of current president Zelensky.

Zelensky refuses and did not talk to Guilliani while he was in Ukraine.

How I know these information? I have friends in Kiev. And I don’t fucking lie.

As add on. Yuri Boyko and the other 3 are the only Ukraine parliament members that can criss cross pro Russian separatist areas in Ukraine.

I asked you to prove where the extortion was.
Let me repeat it again. Show me where Joe committed extortion.
Joe fired a well known corrupted prosecutor general Shokin of Ukraine also at the request of IMF and other western allies.

Now corrupted Guilliani meaning that includes Trump is working with Shokin and his team.
Two of Guilliani associates are indicted of illegal campaign contributions to Trump.... Because you are very dishonest person I’m sure you don’t know that either.

Do you know what is so embarrassing to the whole world? The whole world is watching us..... how can we let all these corrupted people of America running around like Guilliani promoting conspiracy theory and lies.

Guilliani should go to jail.

This is a lie, they are accused of illegal contributions to a pro Trump pac, not to Trump, get your damn facts straight.
Two of Guilliani associates are indicted of illegal campaign contributions to Trump


If I lied why don’t you prove it.

Where do you think where the illegal campaign contributions went? To Biden?

They went to political action committees, look it up dumb ass.


We saw pictures of Trump and 2 goons . So the bottom line..... the illegal contributions went to democrats or republicans?

Wow, how many times are your going to move the goal posts? You were told in my first reply in the string where the contributions went. Now run along commie, your lying ass is boring me.

I asked you to prove where the extortion was.
Let me repeat it again. Show me where Joe committed extortion.
Joe fired a well known corrupted prosecutor general Shokin of Ukraine also at the request of IMF and other western allies.

Now corrupted Guilliani meaning that includes Trump is working with Shokin and his team.
Two of Guilliani associates are indicted of illegal campaign contributions to Trump.... Because you are very dishonest person I’m sure you don’t know that either.

Do you know what is so embarrassing to the whole world? The whole world is watching us..... how can we let all these corrupted people of America running around like Guilliani promoting conspiracy theory and lies.

Guilliani should go to jail.

This is a lie, they are accused of illegal contributions to a pro Trump pac, not to Trump, get your damn facts straight.
Two of Guilliani associates are indicted of illegal campaign contributions to Trump


If I lied why don’t you prove it.

Where do you think where the illegal campaign contributions went? To Biden?

They went to political action committees, look it up dumb ass.


We saw pictures of Trump and 2 goons . So the bottom line..... the illegal contributions went to democrats or republicans?

Wow, how many times are your going to move the goal posts? You were told in my first reply in the string where the contributions went. Now run along commie, your lying ass is boring me.


The illegal campaign contributions went to Republicans or Trump?
What’s the difference?
This is a lie, they are accused of illegal contributions to a pro Trump pac, not to Trump, get your damn facts straight.

If I lied why don’t you prove it.

Where do you think where the illegal campaign contributions went? To Biden?

They went to political action committees, look it up dumb ass.


We saw pictures of Trump and 2 goons . So the bottom line..... the illegal contributions went to democrats or republicans?

Wow, how many times are your going to move the goal posts? You were told in my first reply in the string where the contributions went. Now run along commie, your lying ass is boring me.


The illegal campaign contributions went to Republicans or Trump?
What’s the difference?

Ask law enforcement, ya lying dumb ass.


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