Giuliani Revealing HUGE Money Laundering Operation Involving Bidens, Burisma Prosecutor Poisoned

If I lied why don’t you prove it.

Where do you think where the illegal campaign contributions went? To Biden?

They went to political action committees, look it up dumb ass.


We saw pictures of Trump and 2 goons . So the bottom line..... the illegal contributions went to democrats or republicans?

Wow, how many times are your going to move the goal posts? You were told in my first reply in the string where the contributions went. Now run along commie, your lying ass is boring me.


The illegal campaign contributions went to Republicans or Trump?
What’s the difference?

Ask law enforcement, ya lying dumb ass.


Since you are the expert. I’m asking you.
The illegal campaign contributions went to republicans or Trump?
Giuliani admits to forcing out Yovanovitch: 'She's corrupt

Guilliani goon can say anything what’s he wants to say...... Idiot dumb ignorant Americans like you will just swallow it without any questions.

Where and when did Yavanovitch commit corruption aside lies coming from corrupt a henchmen Guilliani?

Since when a personal lawyer running around trying to discredit a 33 year career diplomat?
Since when that is acceptable?
Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani taunted the Deep State-Democrat-media complex Sunday morning and said he will be sharing evidence he “has garnered through hundreds of hours of research.”


A few hours after his initial tweet on Sunday, Rudy began dropping bombshells one tweet at at time.

Rudy said Victor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor general investigating Burisma was not only fired after Biden threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine, but that he was poisoned and barely survived the poisoning.

“Shokin holds documents proving money laundering by Burisma & Biden’s,” Giuliani said. “He was fired due to VP Joe Biden’s threat not to release $1 billion in vital US aid.”


I think it is time to cease labeling Rudy “President’s Lawyer”

Rudy is in fact the President’s envoy or perhaps Special Envoy....but then, that takes away the ABNORMALS talking point about Rudy!

Perhaps Bob Mueller could come out of retirement for a Cameo and look carefully into this real collusion.

Hey Bob, this is what real collusion looks like, you partisan much money did you make for all that NOTHING BURGER?

Sen. Graham invites Rudy Giuliani to testify about Ukraine trip with OAN | One America News Network

. . . If this all turns out to be true?

OAN will probably be picked up by folks cable and satellite providers, and Fox News will start to have some serious competition. . . .

Just a hunch.
Giuliani admits to forcing out Yovanovitch: 'She's corrupt

Guilliani goon can say anything what’s he wants to say...... Idiot dumb ignorant Americans like you will just swallow it without any questions.

Where and when did Yavanovitch commit corruption aside lies coming from corrupt a henchmen Guilliani?

Since when a personal lawyer running around trying to discredit a 33 year career diplomat?
Since when that is acceptable?

CNN has been wrong on multiple occasion, and the 33 year career diplomat has been involved in some nasty shit that was completely not true and corrupt before. . . . so meh, I really don't know what the hell your point is.

He all ready had no credit to dis. More than likely, Biden would rather be Santa and have kids sit on his lap than be president anyhow. So I have no idea who the hell you are trying to fool.
Giuliani admits to forcing out Yovanovitch: 'She's corrupt

Guilliani goon can say anything what’s he wants to say...... Idiot dumb ignorant Americans like you will just swallow it without any questions.

Where and when did Yavanovitch commit corruption aside lies coming from corrupt a henchmen Guilliani?

Since when a personal lawyer running around trying to discredit a 33 year career diplomat?
Since when that is acceptable?

Well you assholes do have a suspension of reality problem...with you it is getting terminal!
Giuliani admits to forcing out Yovanovitch: 'She's corrupt

Corrupt? Well thats a new one. Because before the only accusation Trumpsters had against her was that she supposedly didn't like Trump.

She testified before Congress and not a single defender of Trump brought up anything to justify her being removed from her post.

Tell me, do you seriously belive every word Juliani says?
Last edited:
Giuliani admits to forcing out Yovanovitch: 'She's corrupt

Corrupt? Well thats a new one. Because before the only accusation Trumpsters had against her was that she supposedly didn't like Trump.

She testified before Congress and not a single defender of Trump brought up anything to justify her being removed from her post.

Tell me, do you seriously belive every word Juliani says?
Top Ukrainian justice official says US ambassador gave him a do not prosecute list ...
... that U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch gave him a do not prosecute list during their first meeting. ... were frequent visitors of the U.S. Embassy put a shadow on that anti-corruption policy.".

Corrupt Obama Ambassador Refused Visas to Ukrainian ...
Corrupt Obama Ambassador Refused Visas to Ukrainian Officials to Enter US —
Corrupt Obama Ambassador Refused Visas to Ukrainian Officials to Enter US — ... Marie Yovanovitch,denied Ukrainian officials visas to enter the United States. The Ukranian officials wanted to hand over to Trump administration officials, evidence of the.

Yovanovitch Emailed With Dem Staffer After Whistleblower Complaint, Contradicting Under-Oath Testimony

Yovanovitch Emailed With Dem Staffer After Whistleblower Complaint

Lying to Congress – Marie Yovanovitch Was Prepped by Obama ...

Representative Elise Stefanik brought to light interesting information today surrounding how the Obama administration was concerned about issues surrounding Vice-President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, and his connection to a corrupt Ukraine.

Judicial Watch: Obama's Ukraine Ambassador May Have ...

Yovanovitch is a long-tenured bureaucrat who served as the U.S. ambassador for Kyrgyzstan and Armenia before being appointed to her post by former President Barack Obama in 2016. She was removed from her position as Ambassador in May, but still lingers.

Dissecting Marie Yovanovitch’s Disgraceful Opening Statement’s...

Dissecting Marie Yovanovitch’s Disgraceful Opening Statement ... Conflating her corrupt activities with the honorable service of those Iranian hostages in 1979-80 is disgraceful. Y: And we are Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Patrick Smith, Ty Woods, and.

Need more?
Here is MORE....

EXCLUSIVE: Watch the unraveling of the biggest political scandal in US history. Travel with OAN’s Chanel Rion and Rudy Giuliani to Budapest and Kiev to capture explosive first-hand interviews with key Ukrainian officials highlighting DNC collaborated foreign interference into the 2016 presidential election. Hear the shocking first hand testimony of former Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin on why he was fired and what corruption he uncovered.

Watch all 3 parts FREE below.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three
hell i'd not be surprised if they honestly don't give a damn like we think they about the news but we one day find out THE MEDIA caused a lot of the divide just to get the attention and revenue.
I think that's a part of it. The proliferation of "media" (ha) sources has led to a level of competition the industry could never have imagined.

The other half of this, though, is that the "media" sees how splintered we have become and is simply responding to (and even creating) demand. As a predictable result, this is all feeding on itself.

The problem now is that a truly curious and open-minded individual can't believe anything they read, hear or see out of hand. That's not good.

Gun to your head, would you put your trust in what Rachel Maddow tells you or in what Sean Hannity tells you?
I would just eat the bullet.

The fact that you think Maddow is better than Hannity speaks volumes.

It is an obvious fact.
The truly scary part is that you actually believe this garbage.

Are you not the one that keeps claiming over and over that you are not a hard core partisan?
Lets see what the link iceberg gave us says about the OP's source...

Overall, we rate One America News Far right biased based on story selection that consistently favors the Right and Mixed for factual reporting due to promotion of conspiracies, lack of sourcing and a few failed fact checks.
i don't follow OAN that much. gator is correct that at times i can drop a headline from GWP and yea, i need to ask myself about that given their history. it *is* hypocritical to call out one side and quote the other and that's on me to stop doing.

however -

ukraine money laundering at DuckDuckGo

not as if OAN is the only site to have ever made this claim. this is what trump said to look into.

In order to have an honest adult conversation about Trump and Ukraine, one must first rid themselves of the notion that this president cares at all about corruption.

If you claim that Trump was or is truly an anti-corruption type leader, you are someone who isn't Intelligent enough to engage with. Or, you are a lying hack who has no intention of having an honest discussion.

Sorry if that sounds hurtful to you. But this is not a point of controversy.
And you wonder why Trump is in office.

While you sit on your high horse determining that you are smarter and better than everyone else you might want to realize that politics is about convincing others. You and the democrats are convincing no one with that attitude.

Nah. Politics is about turnout. I couldn't care less if a single Trump 16 voter turned against him. Not needed. What is needed is for normal, thinking people to get to the polls.

You still support Trump? You can eat shit.
Sure. Not needed at all. And when Trump has another 4 years you will continue to believe that you are better than everyone else yet utterly fail to see the problem.

Why does this not surprise me.
hell i'd not be surprised if they honestly don't give a damn like we think they about the news but we one day find out THE MEDIA caused a lot of the divide just to get the attention and revenue.
I think that's a part of it. The proliferation of "media" (ha) sources has led to a level of competition the industry could never have imagined.

The other half of this, though, is that the "media" sees how splintered we have become and is simply responding to (and even creating) demand. As a predictable result, this is all feeding on itself.

The problem now is that a truly curious and open-minded individual can't believe anything they read, hear or see out of hand. That's not good.

Gun to your head, would you put your trust in what Rachel Maddow tells you or in what Sean Hannity tells you?
I would just eat the bullet.

The fact that you think Maddow is better than Hannity speaks volumes.

It is an obvious fact.
The truly scary part is that you actually believe this garbage.

Are you not the one that keeps claiming over and over that you are not a hard core partisan?

It is a demonstrable fact.
Did they say that Biden ordered them to push for Shokin’s firing?

I do not care what left wing liars not under oath SAY.

I care what they do....

What did Quid Pro Joe do?

HE got the prosecutor fired by holding up foreign aid so that his KICKBACK SCHEME with Hunter would not get busted.....

So you’re just going to ignore exculpatory testimony?

will you ignore physical evidence of an attempted coup from the Durham investigation ??


you guys have been getting hysterical again.
be patient commie its coming ....
Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani taunted the Deep State-Democrat-media complex Sunday morning and said he will be sharing evidence he “has garnered through hundreds of hours of research.”


A few hours after his initial tweet on Sunday, Rudy began dropping bombshells one tweet at at time.

Rudy said Victor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor general investigating Burisma was not only fired after Biden threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine, but that he was poisoned and barely survived the poisoning.

“Shokin holds documents proving money laundering by Burisma & Biden’s,” Giuliani said. “He was fired due to VP Joe Biden’s threat not to release $1 billion in vital US aid.”


I think it is time to cease labeling Rudy “President’s Lawyer”

Rudy is in fact the President’s envoy or perhaps Special Envoy....but then, that takes away the ABNORMALS talking point about Rudy!

Perhaps Bob Mueller could come out of retirement for a Cameo and look carefully into this real collusion.

Hey Bob, this is what real collusion looks like, you partisan much money did you make for all that NOTHING BURGER?

Sen. Graham invites Rudy Giuliani to testify about Ukraine trip with OAN | One America News Network
Creating it, maybe.

Uncovering? You can't do that with something that doesn't exist.
can you explain why every mistake made in the FBIs investigation went against Trump and no mistakes were made in his favor ......the demsare dirty to the core !! and yes they are the ones who colluded with the Russians and Ukraine !! where do you think the dossier came from IOWA ???
Because they weren't looking for mistakes in his favor.
exactly over 50 mistakes were made that were biased against him !!thanks for agreeing that your party are crooks !! but lets be real here dont care if the man is innocent you just want him gone no matter what !! and the reason you support your leftist handlers [the ones you vote for time and time again that have done nothing to improve your life because the right is raaaaaaaayyyyyyycisssssst !] is because you are a dumbass .
Rudy has a lot of experience building RICO charts and connecting the dots. If he were going after me and speaking with confidence about it, I'd be worried.

Before tRumpism rotted his brain.

Now? I don't think anyone is worried.

That could be their mistake.


His crap has already been pretty thoroughly debunked.

It's just another tRumpian lie.
what's been thoroughly debunked?
Rudy Giuliani. He himself has been thoroughly debunked. It has been conclusively proven he is no longer an independent human being. He is now merely a sockpuppet.
bwaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa !! discount Giuliani if you want to weakling .

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