Giuliani Says Trump Repaid Lawyer For $130,000 Payment To Stormy Daniels

The public couldn't be any more disinterested in this. Progressives have this double standard however..... Clinton can poke whoever he wants in the Oval Office and that's just fine, but Trump as a private citizen should be hung out to dry for the same thing. C'mon now.... anybody who thinks this is going to resonate with the public has a mental disorder.
actually, what Clinton did was more serious/a crime
This crime is taken very seriously because the foundation of the legal system depends on trust and credibility.
Perjury - FindLaw

Exactly..... and why the Stormy Daniels story has no impact on regular American voters. Because it's on CNN everyday progressives get duped as always into thinking it's big news.:deal::cul2::cul2:
More lies to cover up Stormy Daniels hush money and where it came from has made a 180 in stories.

$450K has been funneled through Cohen's law firm because of what reason....more hooker payoffs?

Melania would not be too happy about this 'porn-star payoff'. :26:

Haha...”Filthy Don”
You gotta just laught at the ignorant fools on the Left....NOBODY decent and sane takes them serious...haha
The LefTard belief system:


Not filth-

Not filthy,fat Don!

Oh, got it.
I’m sure all those disgusting LefTards handing out nicknames are ripped and will be ripped at 71 huh?

I am. Spend 3 mornings a week at the Y Pool! 6:30 AM! Want to join me?

Haha...sure you are.
I know your type...ALL LefTards are disgusting slobs. Think Michael Moore.
More lies to cover up Stormy Daniels hush money and where it came from has made a 180 in stories.

$450K has been funneled through Cohen's law firm because of what reason....more hooker payoffs?

Melania would not be too happy about this 'porn-star payoff'. :26:

Haha...”Filthy Don”
You gotta just laught at the ignorant fools on the Left....NOBODY decent and sane takes them serious...haha
The LefTard belief system:


Not filth-

Not filthy,fat Don!

Oh, got it.
I’m sure all those disgusting LefTards handing out nicknames are ripped and will be ripped at 71 huh?

I am. Spend 3 mornings a week at the Y Pool! 6:30 AM! Want to join me?

Haha...sure you are.
I know your type...ALL LefTards are disgusting slobs. Think Michael Moore.
You willing to join me,or are you simply projecting?
Giuliani Says Trump Repaid Lawyer For $130,000 Payment To Stormy Daniels

Lol. Thank you Uncle Rudy!

I thought Trump didn't know about the payment?

Expect Rudy to be fired soon.
Maybe I'm wrong. Stormy Daniels’ attorney says Giuliani’s admissions will doom the presidency.

I believe Avenatti was referring to the cumulative misdeeds and deception of this president ...

Not just Stormy
Stormy Daniels’ attorney says Giuliani’s admissions will doom the presidency.

Avenatti told “CNN Tonight” that Trump could face “potential criminal liability” related to money laundering, campaign finance and fraud violations.

The receipt showed involvement with a bank in California, which Avenatti said would be of interest to Xavier Becerra, the state’s attorney general.

“This document may, in fact, give him jurisdiction over certain criminal acts associated with this payment,” Avenatti said. “And, in fact, if the attorney general of the state of California were to bring charges, President Trump could not pardon Michael Cohen for those charges.”

Michael Avenatti Stunned By Rudy Interview: 'No Way, No How' Trump Finishes His Term Now | HuffPost
Where's the russia collusion connection?

Who is lying...Rudy or trump?

What trump did 12 years ago with some whore is irrelevant. Where is the russia collusion connection?

LOL, you need to watch and listen to the MSM. They have explained it clearly and frequently.

They've explained nothing. The msm only pushes hatred and division. There is no news there....only the stupid listen to that garbage.

Only the biddable, i.e. those easily led, believe what you've posted. It's a meme/BIG LIE, started by Limbaugh and echoed by fools like you for decades.

I'll ask you a question I've posed a number of times to people like you: Where do you get your news and form from this source or sources your opinions?

The RW news tunnel is FIX news, Breitbart, and Limbaugh. They are the triangle of lies. If the news doesn't come from one of these vessels of lies...the trumpettes consider it fake news.

But the law is the law....and Mueller doesn't relay on any of these outlets.
Stormy Daniels’ attorney says Giuliani’s admissions will doom the presidency.

Avenatti told “CNN Tonight” that Trump could face “potential criminal liability” related to money laundering, campaign finance and fraud violations.

The receipt showed involvement with a bank in California, which Avenatti said would be of interest to Xavier Becerra, the state’s attorney general.

“This document may, in fact, give him jurisdiction over certain criminal acts associated with this payment,” Avenatti said. “And, in fact, if the attorney general of the state of California were to bring charges, President Trump could not pardon Michael Cohen for those charges.”

Michael Avenatti Stunned By Rudy Interview: 'No Way, No How' Trump Finishes His Term Now | HuffPost

Ok okay - I thought you might be referring to this morning's interview

The best part about the Rudy Giuliani sh*tshow is that Sean Hannity tried to help him out by asking, "But do you know the president didn't know about this?" ...and Giuliani proceeded to say, nope, actually Trump did know about the payoff.
Hannity got a surprise. LOL
It's a total shame that the camera wasn't on Hannity's face at that moment. And I notice an increase in breakaways to commercials after that too.
I doubt if it was a surprise
Hannity was chosen to drop their bombshell because he is a flunky for Trump. It was planned in advance
Giuliani Says Trump Repaid Lawyer For $130,000 Payment To Stormy Daniels

Lol. Thank you Uncle Rudy!

I thought Trump didn't know about the payment?

Expect Rudy to be fired soon.
Maybe we should try to elect presidents that don't pay hush money to hookers, don't surround themselves with financial crooks, don't lie by default, and so on for a hundred years. Idk maybe the news would seem balanced again. Wouldn't that be a novel idea.

We can elect whomever we want! That is until you nazis succeed in destroying the country!

Poor Willow, once again she cartwheels over the edge and into an alternate reality. Sad and so pitiful.

Willow Weeps :)

Stormy Daniels’ attorney says Giuliani’s admissions will doom the presidency.

Avenatti told “CNN Tonight” that Trump could face “potential criminal liability” related to money laundering, campaign finance and fraud violations.

The receipt showed involvement with a bank in California, which Avenatti said would be of interest to Xavier Becerra, the state’s attorney general.

“This document may, in fact, give him jurisdiction over certain criminal acts associated with this payment,” Avenatti said. “And, in fact, if the attorney general of the state of California were to bring charges, President Trump could not pardon Michael Cohen for those charges.”

Michael Avenatti Stunned By Rudy Interview: 'No Way, No How' Trump Finishes His Term Now | HuffPost

Ok okay - I thought you might be referring to this morning's interview

What a lying snake pit we have in the people's house....this is embarrassing
Stormy Daniels’ attorney says Giuliani’s admissions will doom the presidency.

Avenatti told “CNN Tonight” that Trump could face “potential criminal liability” related to money laundering, campaign finance and fraud violations.

The receipt showed involvement with a bank in California, which Avenatti said would be of interest to Xavier Becerra, the state’s attorney general.

“This document may, in fact, give him jurisdiction over certain criminal acts associated with this payment,” Avenatti said. “And, in fact, if the attorney general of the state of California were to bring charges, President Trump could not pardon Michael Cohen for those charges.”

Michael Avenatti Stunned By Rudy Interview: 'No Way, No How' Trump Finishes His Term Now | HuffPost

Ok okay - I thought you might be referring to this morning's interview

It is pretty simple really. trump, in an effort to stop Mueller has now decided to take democratic institutions down rather than allow the truth to come out. If he is an innocent man, why does he act so guilty.

Not only that. trump now has a hand full of republicans who are carrying the torch for their orange king. This is a sad day for America.
Cilinton didn't have his lawyer shut her up and then lie about it.
No, he had Hillary attacking, bullying, threatening, demonizing, and silencing all of his victims...
"all his victims"....:rofl:

If they were all silenced how are the Cons still ranting about it 25 years later?
That, sir, is an excellent question.
I agree. But I also wonder why Trump paying off hookers to not tattle is really that big of a deal. The man is a cretin who has issues with treating women as equal human beings .... but Bill is also a cretin who uses women as towels, and Hillary enabled it. We should know when an elected leader is such a slime that they're beneath contempt. And we know. LOL We really really known. A bj is not sex. Every parent should salute you Mr. Drop trou, and thank you Mrs. Clinton for being the "loyal wife" and setting a fine example. And now we have the Whore Monger in Chief. bon temps roulez

Trump left Cohen hanging by saying "Cohen did it on his own." IF he did, Cohen just committed a felony campaign donation crime. LOL DOJ legal torture commence! Flip or perish, Mr. Cohen.

Rudy belatedly tries to run it back, sort of. If Trump paid 130K or 500K out of his own pocket to silence hookers before the campaign, and used Cohen's good legal services to deliver the money .. Cohen didn't do anything illegal. Trump should have reported the campaign expenditure but YOU WANNA IMPEACH FOR THAT? lol
Haha...”Filthy Don”
You gotta just laught at the ignorant fools on the Left....NOBODY decent and sane takes them serious...haha
The LefTard belief system:


Not filth-

Not filthy,fat Don!

Oh, got it.
I’m sure all those disgusting LefTards handing out nicknames are ripped and will be ripped at 71 huh?

I am. Spend 3 mornings a week at the Y Pool! 6:30 AM! Want to join me?

Haha...sure you are.
I know your type...ALL LefTards are disgusting slobs. Think Michael Moore.
You willing to join me,or are you simply projecting?

Please, a pool with broke loser ... I may vomit at the thought.
I agree. But I also wonder why Trump paying off hookers to not tattle is really that big of a deal.
It's called 'DESPERATION', the desire to 'get Trump' for anything, elevating whatever they can find to an Impeachable offense level so they reverse the results of our Democratic election they prefer to reject.
All hell breaking loose over on Twitter. Rudy trending #1 for hours, now down to #2, Hannity #3 - Can't wait to see Trump tweets tomorrow.

Rudy is already backpedaling, of course; but it's too late. He said all that he said on live TV, and it was BAD.

In a wide-ranging interview on Fox News' "Hannity" on Wednesday night, Rudy Giuliani told host Sean Hannity that President Donald Trump reimbursed his personal attorney, Michael Cohen, $130,000 that Cohen paid to adult film actress Stormy Daniels days before the 2016 election in exchange for her silence about a sexual encounter with Trump in 2006.

"That money was not campaign money," said Giuliani, a recent addition to Trump's legal team who is also a former mayor of New York City and Republican presidential candidate. "It's not campaign money. No campaign finance violation."

"They funneled the payment through [Cohen's] law firm," Hannity said.

"Funneled it through the law firm and the president repaid it," Giuliani said.

Giuliani says Trump repaid $130G to Cohen 'over several months'

Which of course all flies directly in the face of what Trump said on Air Force One a bit back.

Trump: Michael Cohen 'Represented Me' in Stormy Daniels Negotiations | National Review

Asked by reporters aboard Air Force One whether he knew of the payment when it was made, Trump replied simply, “No.”

“You’ll have to ask Michael Cohen,” Trump said when pressed on why the payment was made. “Michael is my attorney. You’ll have to ask Michael.” He added that he didn’t know where the $130,000 came from.

Nothing quite like standing in the doorway of AF1 and lying to the American people.

Michael Avenatti was damn near shocked speechless. Tomorrow promises to be all kinds of interesting.

Wonder if Rudy gets fired.
You idiotic liberals have a propensity to jump to whatever false conclusions might support your narrative.

You also failed to reveal here that Giuliani explained how it is common that clients often pay them for expenses without knowing what they were. I have done that myself.

Trump could have paid Cohen before knowing some of the expenses went to cover Cohen's payment to the gold digging porn star.

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