Giuliani Says Trump Repaid Lawyer For $130,000 Payment To Stormy Daniels

/----/ Rudy is doing what he was hired to do. It's called Legal Clean Up. Trump fired his other attorneys for the obvious reasons of bad advice. Rudy is getting the info they know Muller already has out in the public. The article in Newsday said Trump knew what Rudy was going to say.

Rudy cleaned up the FEC mess, and in the process laid a huge problem right back in Trumps lap. If you look carefully at the nearest bus, and you'll find Trump underneath it.
/----/ Rudy is doing what he was hired to do. It's called Legal Clean Up. Trump fired his other attorneys for the obvious reasons of bad advice. Rudy is getting the info they know Muller already has out in the public. The article in Newsday said Trump knew what Rudy was going to say.

Rudy cleaned up the FEC mess, and in the process laid a huge problem right back in Trumps lap. If you look carefully at the nearest bus, and you'll find Trump underneath it.
/----/ How so?
So, just curious.....

If engaging in 'extra curricular sexual behavior' then paying off the victims to buy their silence is such a bad thing, why have snowflakes and the media done their best to quietly herd Americans past the Democrat Scandal in Congress in which their members engaged in sexual misconduct and then used TAX DOLARS to buy their victims' silence - even starting up a committee whose sole job was to pay off victims of Democrat sexual misconduct?

The media ignored it, brushed it aside, and now the hypocrites are pointing fingers at others - again, accusing others of what they have done / ARE STILL DOING. In the quiet wake of the scandal, the committee has still - last reported - NOT been shut down.

I guess one of the cornerstone declarations of the Democratic Party remains, 'Do as I SAY, not as I DO!'


Yup....trump has been practising that for some time. He seems to think he is the only one that can break the law and get away it. He is a twat....
/----/ Rudy is doing what he was hired to do. It's called Legal Clean Up. Trump fired his other attorneys for the obvious reasons of bad advice. Rudy is getting the info they know Muller already has out in the public. The article in Newsday said Trump knew what Rudy was going to say.

Rudy cleaned up the FEC mess, and in the process laid a huge problem right back in Trumps lap. If you look carefully at the nearest bus, and you'll find Trump underneath it.

This criminal regime cannot tell the truth. Their stories change more that the weather...
Giuliani Says Trump Repaid Lawyer For $130,000 Payment To Stormy Daniels

Lol. Thank you Uncle Rudy!

I thought Trump didn't know about the payment?

Expect Rudy to be fired soon.
Maybe we should try to elect presidents that don't pay hush money to hookers, don't surround themselves with financial crooks, don't lie by default, and so on for a hundred years. Idk maybe the news would seem balanced again. Wouldn't that be a novel idea.
We can elect whomever we want! That is until you nazis succeed in destroying the country!
I can assure you I'm not a nazi.
Ghouliani's a real chatter box. Worse than lazy house wife. Can't stop flapping his gums.

That habit is going to get him, and others, locked up....and for a long time too.

I can't wait to see it go down.


Your siggy proves nobody ever taught MJ to chew with his mouth closed, much less keep his hands off little kids.
Giuliani Says Trump Repaid Lawyer For $130,000 Payment To Stormy Daniels

Lol. Thank you Uncle Rudy!

I thought Trump didn't know about the payment?

Expect Rudy to be fired soon.
Maybe we should try to elect presidents that don't pay hush money to hookers, don't surround themselves with financial crooks, don't lie by default, and so on for a hundred years. Idk maybe the news would seem balanced again. Wouldn't that be a novel idea.
Of everything Trump has accomplished, you worry about a whore 12 years ago? How dar can the left drag in the gutter. With everything that Trump has done for this country and you can'r see it, prives you are a moron.
I don't consider the tax bill, the failed Muslim bans, the unqualified or stolen judicial appointments, the repeal of the ACA mandate, the executive orders rolling back consumer protections, letting Russia skate on the election cyberwarfare or on the Crimea occupation, the rollback of necessary regulations by his appointees, the flip flopping and chaos of his admin, the tariffs and trade war, the withdrawl from Paris climate accord, the attacks on the constitution, courts, law enforcement, and the good things. I can probably add another 10 items if I thought harder but I don't want to pop a blood vessel. I guess you probably do think those are good things and that's unfortunate.
Giuliani Says Trump Repaid Lawyer For $130,000 Payment To Stormy Daniels

Lol. Thank you Uncle Rudy!

I thought Trump didn't know about the payment?

Expect Rudy to be fired soon.
Maybe we should try to elect presidents that don't pay hush money to hookers, don't surround themselves with financial crooks, don't lie by default, and so on for a hundred years. Idk maybe the news would seem balanced again. Wouldn't that be a novel idea.
Of everything Trump has accomplished, you worry about a whore 12 years ago? How dar can the left drag in the gutter. With everything that Trump has done for this country and you can'r see it, prives you are a moron.
I don't consider the tax bill, the failed Muslim bans, the unqualified or stolen judicial appointments, the repeal of the ACA mandate, the executive orders rolling back consumer protections, letting Russia skate on the election cyberwarfare or on the Crimea occupation, the rollback of necessary regulations by his appointees, the flip flopping and chaos of his admin, the tariffs and trade war, the withdrawl from Paris climate accord, the attacks on the constitution, courts, law enforcement, and the good things. I can probably add another 10 items if I thought harder but I don't want to pop a blood vessel. I guess you probably do think those are good things and that's unfortunate.
/---- That's because, like most liberals, you hate America.
Not filthy,fat Don!

Oh, got it.
I’m sure all those disgusting LefTards handing out nicknames are ripped and will be ripped at 71 huh?

I am. Spend 3 mornings a week at the Y Pool! 6:30 AM! Want to join me?

Haha...sure you are.
I know your type...ALL LefTards are disgusting slobs. Think Michael Moore.
You willing to join me,or are you simply projecting?

Please, a pool with broke loser ... I may vomit at the thought.

I knew he would not join me.:)
Yup....trump has been practising that for some time. He seems to think he is the only one that can break the law and get away it. He is a twat....

Democrats have been *pioneers in this 'frontier since that started up as a Party. The Clintons are their idols. The more you talk about Trump the more he sounds like a Liberal... :p
Giuliani Says Trump Repaid Lawyer For $130,000 Payment To Stormy Daniels

Lol. Thank you Uncle Rudy!

I thought Trump didn't know about the payment?

Expect Rudy to be fired soon.
Maybe we should try to elect presidents that don't pay hush money to hookers, don't surround themselves with financial crooks, don't lie by default, and so on for a hundred years. Idk maybe the news would seem balanced again. Wouldn't that be a novel idea.
Of everything Trump has accomplished, you worry about a whore 12 years ago? How dar can the left drag in the gutter. With everything that Trump has done for this country and you can'r see it, prives you are a moron.
I don't consider the tax bill, the failed Muslim bans, the unqualified or stolen judicial appointments, the repeal of the ACA mandate, the executive orders rolling back consumer protections, letting Russia skate on the election cyberwarfare or on the Crimea occupation, the rollback of necessary regulations by his appointees, the flip flopping and chaos of his admin, the tariffs and trade war, the withdrawl from Paris climate accord, the attacks on the constitution, courts, law enforcement, and the good things. I can probably add another 10 items if I thought harder but I don't want to pop a blood vessel. I guess you probably do think those are good things and that's unfortunate.
/---- That's because, like most liberals, you hate America.
In your eyes, does "America" include the people that identify as Americans? Or is it an idea that does not include the things or people you don't like?
Giuliani Says Trump Repaid Lawyer For $130,000 Payment To Stormy Daniels

Lol. Thank you Uncle Rudy!

I thought Trump didn't know about the payment?

Expect Rudy to be fired soon.
Maybe we should try to elect presidents that don't pay hush money to hookers, don't surround themselves with financial crooks, don't lie by default, and so on for a hundred years. Idk maybe the news would seem balanced again. Wouldn't that be a novel idea.
Of everything Trump has accomplished, you worry about a whore 12 years ago? How dar can the left drag in the gutter. With everything that Trump has done for this country and you can'r see it, prives you are a moron.
I don't consider the tax bill, the failed Muslim bans, the unqualified or stolen judicial appointments, the repeal of the ACA mandate, the executive orders rolling back consumer protections, letting Russia skate on the election cyberwarfare or on the Crimea occupation, the rollback of necessary regulations by his appointees, the flip flopping and chaos of his admin, the tariffs and trade war, the withdrawl from Paris climate accord, the attacks on the constitution, courts, law enforcement, and the good things. I can probably add another 10 items if I thought harder but I don't want to pop a blood vessel. I guess you probably do think those are good things and that's unfortunate.
/---- That's because, like most liberals, you hate America.
In your eyes, does "America" include the people that identify as Americans? Or is it an idea that does not include the things or people you don't like?
/----/ Those who identify as Americans. Thanks for asking.
In your eyes, does "America" include the people that identify as Americans? Or is it an idea that does not include the things or people you don't like?

America never used to be in " " until you Rats decided to divide us into groups to manipulate against each other. BTW, you're a communist and don't even know it.
The Dems don't know it, but they have already lost the 2020 election.
People are disgusted by their dirty politics and rampant corruption.

If we’re talking about Jared Kuchner, Scott Pruitt, Tom Price, Steve Muchnik and his wife, Marie-Antionette, truly they are disgusted.

Then there’s the witches - so many guilty witches: George Papadopolous, Mike Flynn, George Nader, Rick Gates, the Dutch lawyer. So many guilty witches co-operating with the FBI.

We’re watching Trump commit “obstruction of justice” in real time on TV and Trumbots continue to deny it’s happening. Trump keeps saying “Are you going to believe your lyin’ eyes and ears, or are you going to believe me?”. Trumpbots continue to believe Dumb Donald.
In your eyes, does "America" include the people that identify as Americans? Or is it an idea that does not include the things or people you don't like?

America never used to be in " " until you Rats decided to divide us into groups to manipulate against each other. BTW, you're a communist and don't even know it.
Since you want us to all be one, you are the communist.

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