Giuliani told to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action

Rudy thinks he's making 20 grand a day. Poor feller looks in mailbox 12 times a day. Meh - Goose egg - AGAIN :D
Trump raised nearly $300 million for his legal expenses and election protests. He has no reason not to pay Rudy his fee. He can certainly write it off.
TIme to interrupt this libtard circle jerk with their greatest fear. The truth. This frivolous suit will NEVER be filed. Discovery would destroy them and (per you dipshits own views) mean any lawyer representing them must be disbarred. The machines would have to be turned over idiots. Dominion’s program (proven by forensics to do everything Fox has told, poor little crybabies) is on these machines, thus they have to be turned over. If they’re wiped of any information, it’s destruction of evidence. Dominion is taking big, but will turn tail and run the second anybody answers them and tells them to bring it.
What does this make it - One for SEVENTY? :D
The Trump campaign won a case that attempted to disqualify a small number of mail-in ballots for first-time Pennsylvania voters who were unable to confirm their identification by Nov. 9. These ballots had been segregated pending the judge’s decision and have not yet been counted, so their disqualification will not affect the current vote count in Pennsylvania.​

Screen Shot 2020-12-25 at 3.58.23 PM.png
We’re going to win! We’re going to win so much! ...
We’re going to win so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of winning!
You’re going to come to me and go
‘Please, please, we can’t win anymore! You’ll say ‘Please, Mr. President,
we beg you sir, we don’t want to win anymore.
It’s too much! It’s not fair to everybody else. And I’m going to say
‘I’m sorry, but we’re going to keep
winning, winning, winning!"
TIme to interrupt this libtard circle jerk with their greatest fear. The truth. This frivolous suit will NEVER be filed. Discovery would destroy them and (per you dipshits own views) mean any lawyer representing them must be disbarred. The machines would have to be turned over idiots. Dominion’s program (proven by forensics to do everything Fox has told, poor little crybabies) is on these machines, thus they have to be turned over. If they’re wiped of any information, it’s destruction of evidence. Dominion is taking big, but will turn tail and run the second anybody answers them and tells them to bring it.
First problem of discovery is that the problem is alleged in the voting machines as programmed by the election boards, not with the base software which dominion has possession of.
Rudy thinks he's making 20 grand a day. Poor feller looks in mailbox 12 times a day. Meh - Goose egg - AGAIN :D
Trump raised nearly $300 million for his legal expenses and election protests. He has no reason not to pay Rudy his fee. He can certainly write it off.

You don't know trump. He has shafted many contractors and lawyers over the years.
Trump raised nearly $300 million for his legal expenses and election protests. He has no reason not to pay Rudy his fee. He can certainly write it off.

Not a penny shall be wasted.

Screen Shot 2020-08-11 at 8.01.24 AM.png

All proceeds raised from the fizzled gambit to overcome America's
democratic process will be donated to Bam Bam Bannon's struggling
'Pretend that you're Mexico, and Pay for a Big Beautiful Wall!' scam.
TIme to interrupt this libtard circle jerk with their greatest fear. The truth. This frivolous suit will NEVER be filed. Discovery would destroy them and (per you dipshits own views) mean any lawyer representing them must be disbarred. The machines would have to be turned over idiots. Dominion’s program (proven by forensics to do everything Fox has told, poor little crybabies) is on these machines, thus they have to be turned over. If they’re wiped of any information, it’s destruction of evidence. Dominion is taking big, but will turn tail and run the second anybody answers them and tells them to bring it.
First problem of discovery is that the problem is alleged in the voting machines as programmed by the election boards, not with the base software which dominion has possession of.

They have backup paper ballots. Does trump and his crack legal understand that?
Rudy thinks he's making 20 grand a day. Poor feller looks in mailbox 12 times a day. Meh - Goose egg - AGAIN :D
Trump raised nearly $300 million for his legal expenses and election protests. He has no reason not to pay Rudy his fee. He can certainly write it off.

You don't know trump. He has shafted many contractors and lawyers over the years.
If Rudy don't get that election tossed, he don't get paid LOL
They have backup paper ballots. Does trump and his crack legal understand that?
Depending on the model, the dominion voting machines print out a ballot with both text showing who was voted for, and a barcode the tabulator can read.

If any votes were switched, or incorrectly recorded the voter should have seen this before submitting his ballot for tabulation. And I haven't heard any reports of ballots printing names that didn't match the barcodes.

The Georgia hand recount proved the two matched.
Rudy is named in a defamation suit‭ ‬brought‭ ‬by Dominion Voting Systems‭’ ‬attorneys.‭ ‬They specialize in defamation cases...

Why would a company which provides voting machines and associated software need lawyers which specialize in defamation cases?

When I worked for small law firms with lawyers who didn't go to court, we would send our good clients to firms who did nothing but litigation when we had a case we knew would be going to court. In cases which may be settled, we'd filed a statement of claim and then refer them when efforts to settle failed.

At the large firms I worked for, we had a whole department of litigation specialists.
Giuliani told to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action

However,‭ ‬the memo to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action wasn’t from any of the impeached president trump’s associates.

Rudy is named in a defamation suit‭ ‬brought‭ ‬by Dominion Voting Systems‭’ ‬attorneys.‭ ‬They specialize in defamation cases,‭ ‬and on Wednesday,‭ ‬sent letters to both lawyers on the impeached president trump’s crack(pot‭) ‬legal team‭ “‬warning them of‭ ‘‬imminent‭’ ‬legal action on behalf of Dominion Voting Systems.‭”

Both Giuliani and White House counsel Pat Cipollone were also told to‭ “‬preserve all documents related to Dominion.‭”

It would appear Dominion executives have a strong case,‭ ‬as no evidence has been found to‭ “‬support the claims by Trump allies about Dominion,‭ ‬or any widespread voter fraud in the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬election.‭”

In the near future,‭ ‬poor old senile Giuliani is going to see real attorneys in action,‭ ‬with real evidence to prove their assertions,‭ ‬not‭ ‬the‭ ‬goofy tall tales‭ ‬he’s been presenting.

A presidential pardon can’t get you off the hook for this one,‭ ‬Rudy.‭ ‬Are your malpractice insurance premiums up to date‭? ‬Will your malpractice insurance even cover knowingly lying about evidence that does not exist.‭ ‬That seems like criminal perjury,‭ ‬not a mistake that would be‭ ‬covered by‭ ‬malpractice‭ ‬insurance.‭ ‬This could cost you‭… ‬millions.‭ ‬Do you have that kind of cash laying around‭? ‬You can bet the impeached president trump isn’t going to offer you a cent of his‭ “‬skim‭”‬.

Not to worry,‭ ‬Dominion’s attorneys,‭ ‬Tom Clare and Megan Meier,‭ ‬will hash‭ ‬all‭ ‬that out with you.‭ ‬Unlike you and the impeached president trump,‭ ‬they appear quite knowledgeable in their profession.‭

Perhaps an out of court settlement would be best for you‭? ‬But,‭ ‬don’t decide now,‭ ‬first,‭ ‬find a good attorney.‭ (‬Hint:‭ ‬Not anyone recommended by the impeached president trump or any member of his criminal organization.‭)‭

I agree that President of the United States Donald Trump should not leave office
TIme to interrupt this libtard circle jerk with their greatest fear. The truth. This frivolous suit will NEVER be filed. Discovery would destroy them and (per you dipshits own views) mean any lawyer representing them must be disbarred. The machines would have to be turned over idiots. Dominion’s program (proven by forensics to do everything Fox has told, poor little crybabies) is on these machines, thus they have to be turned over. If they’re wiped of any information, it’s destruction of evidence. Dominion is taking big, but will turn tail and run the second anybody answers them and tells them to bring it.
First problem of discovery is that the problem is alleged in the voting machines as programmed by the election boards, not with the base software which dominion has possession of.

They have backup paper ballots. Does trump and his crack legal understand that?

That's why Trump seeks to disqualify all of the mail=in ballots. Putin went to all of the trouble of hacking the entire US government computer system last spring, and then damn but if they didn't revert to paper ballots.

Crebs, the Election Security Chief at DHS that Trump fired for certifying the election as fair and honest, said that one of the things he made sure of was that every vote was backed up by a paper ballot. That's why the hand counts in Georgia didn't differ from the earlier counts.
They have backup paper ballots. Does trump and his crack legal understand that?

The Georgia Secretary of State’s office is testing the new Dominion Voting Systems machines in Bartow and five other counties

Kesler says unlike the old voting machines, the new machines will provide the voter with hardcopy back up of their choices

“The main difference is instead of hitting ‘cast ballot’ on the touch screen you’ll actually hit, ‘print ballot.’ It will print out your ballot, you can view it and you will be able to view the questions that were asked and your answers.

if after casting their ballot they see something on the printout they want to change, the ballot can be thrown out and a new voting card can be issued to the voter.

Then you take it to a tabulator and scan it and the print ballot will drop into a box,” she explained.

"Rudy is named in a defamation suit‭ ‬brought‭ ‬by Dominion Voting Systems‭’ ‬attorneys.‭" ibid

I agree. The discovery in that case should be interesting.
It's a little late now for Dominion to try to be intimidating anyone.

If sued call antifa member and Dominion executive Eric Croom as a witness and ask him why he guaranteed Trump would not win the presidency.
And has him to explain this video:Eric Croom demonstrated how to change a vote with Dominion and Fulton Country GA used it extensively

Last edited:
Giuliani told to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action

However,‭ ‬the memo to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action wasn’t from any of the impeached president trump’s associates.

Rudy is named in a defamation suit‭ ‬brought‭ ‬by Dominion Voting Systems‭’ ‬attorneys.‭ ‬They specialize in defamation cases,‭ ‬and on Wednesday,‭ ‬sent letters to both lawyers on the impeached president trump’s crack(pot‭) ‬legal team‭ “‬warning them of‭ ‘‬imminent‭’ ‬legal action on behalf of Dominion Voting Systems.‭”

Both Giuliani and White House counsel Pat Cipollone were also told to‭ “‬preserve all documents related to Dominion.‭”

It would appear Dominion executives have a strong case,‭ ‬as no evidence has been found to‭ “‬support the claims by Trump allies about Dominion,‭ ‬or any widespread voter fraud in the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬election.‭”

In the near future,‭ ‬poor old senile Giuliani is going to see real attorneys in action,‭ ‬with real evidence to prove their assertions,‭ ‬not‭ ‬the‭ ‬goofy tall tales‭ ‬he’s been presenting.

A presidential pardon can’t get you off the hook for this one,‭ ‬Rudy.‭ ‬Are your malpractice insurance premiums up to date‭? ‬Will your malpractice insurance even cover knowingly lying about evidence that does not exist.‭ ‬That seems like criminal perjury,‭ ‬not a mistake that would be‭ ‬covered by‭ ‬malpractice‭ ‬insurance.‭ ‬This could cost you‭… ‬millions.‭ ‬Do you have that kind of cash laying around‭? ‬You can bet the impeached president trump isn’t going to offer you a cent of his‭ “‬skim‭”‬.

Not to worry,‭ ‬Dominion’s attorneys,‭ ‬Tom Clare and Megan Meier,‭ ‬will hash‭ ‬all‭ ‬that out with you.‭ ‬Unlike you and the impeached president trump,‭ ‬they appear quite knowledgeable in their profession.‭

Perhaps an out of court settlement would be best for you‭? ‬But,‭ ‬don’t decide now,‭ ‬first,‭ ‬find a good attorney.‭ (‬Hint:‭ ‬Not anyone recommended by the impeached president trump or any member of his criminal organization.‭)‭

I agree that President of the United States Donald Trump should not leave office

The Constitution says that he should. His term ends on January 21st and at that time he leaves office, unless re-elected, and he has not been re-elected. If the election hasn't been decided, there will be no President on January 22nd. Either way, Trump is gone.
TIme to interrupt this libtard circle jerk with their greatest fear. The truth. This frivolous suit will NEVER be filed. Discovery would destroy them and (per you dipshits own views) mean any lawyer representing them must be disbarred. The machines would have to be turned over idiots. Dominion’s program (proven by forensics to do everything Fox has told, poor little crybabies) is on these machines, thus they have to be turned over. If they’re wiped of any information, it’s destruction of evidence. Dominion is taking big, but will turn tail and run the second anybody answers them and tells them to bring it.
First problem of discovery is that the problem is alleged in the voting machines as programmed by the election boards, not with the base software which dominion has possession of.
They have backup paper ballots. Does trump and his crack legal understand that?
It was those mailed in ballots authorized by the repulican state govts.
The Constitution says that he should. His term ends on January 21st and at that time he leaves office, unless re-elected, and he has not been re-elected. If the election hasn't been decided, there will be no President on January 22nd. Either way, Trump is gone.

Corrected copy:

The Constitution says that he should. His term ends on noon January 20th and at that time he leaves office, unless re-elected, and he has not been re-elected. If the election hasn't been decided, it will follow presidential succession. Either way, Trump is gone.

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