Giuliani told to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action

Our elections are not supposed to be decided in a court of law. I guess Trump was thinking that the U.S. Supreme Court would hand him a win like they did to Bush in 2000 when they made the state of Florida stop counting the ballots there.
Our elections are not supposed to be decided by criminal atheists who have no compunctions about voting 30 times apiece, finding sundry means of cheating their oppositions so no one will believe that an election can be changed in multiple ways because they think all criminals act in an orderly, predictable ways. IOW Hillary thinks Americans are too stupid to know that when she pulls criminal strings she will ALWAYS get away with whatever contemptible thing she is currently engaged in doing as in Whitewater when she expropriated the life savings of numerous senior citizens who thought they had invested their savings in a secure deal that would carry them through good times and bad in the future. That was over 30 years ago. Leopards don't change their spots but Hilary is still pulling lousey cheating tricks of fucking the whole population with ill-gained money. By the time she was called on stealing White House China most adult Americans wished the creep had never been born. You probably don't keep very careful history of this creepy female monster whose stain is still on the White House.
like they did to Bush in 2000 when they made the state of Florida stop counting the ballots there.
Notice how this race baiter "forgets" that the lying media reported all the polls were closed to get people to stop voting, when the polls in the panhandle were still open due to being in a different time zone.
Notice how this race baiter "forgets" that the lying media reported all the polls were closed to get people to stop voting, when the polls in the panhandle were still open due to being in a different time zone.
Yep. wonder what Namcy threatened the reporters with this time.
Notice how this race baiter "forgets" that the lying media reported all the polls were closed to get people to stop voting, when the polls in the panhandle were still open due to being in a different time zone.
How did you feel about the U.S. Supreme Court handing Bush the 2nd the Presidential win in 2000 by directing the counting of the votes in Florida to stop?

That seems more egregious and a hell of a lot easier to prove than the group delusion that somehow Trump won the election and that it was stolen from him.

Until you all can explain why some of the people who were arrested for the January 6th 2021 insurrection attempt couldn't even be bothered to cast their vote for Trump yet can still make the claim that he had more than enough votes to win, it's not possible to take any of you seriously.
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How did you feel about the U.S. Supreme Court handing Bush the 2nd the Presidential win in 2000 by directing the counting of the votes in Florida to stop?

That seems more egregious and a hell of a lot easier to prove than the group delusion that somehow Trump won the election and that it was stolen from him.

Until you all can explain why some of the people who were arrested for the January 6th 2021 insurrection attempt couldn't even be bothered to cast their vote for Trump yet can still make the claim that he had more than enough votes to win, it's not possible to take any of you seriously.
The American people gave Dubya the win after Clinton couldn't keep his britches zipped in the Oral Office. The Clintoons alienated the Americans all by themselves and without any help from anyone else. And online Party ninjas kept telling their Democrat pals to vote often. I ran into a bunch of them comparing how many times they voted and how many precincts they voted in. The average braggart claimed 30 votes. I couldn't believe they were daft enough to commit crimes like voter frauds over and over again, ad nauseum and to brag about it as well.
The American people gave Dubya the win after Clinton couldn't keep his britches zipped in the Oral Office. The Clintoons alienated the Americans all by themselves and without any help from anyone else. And online Party ninjas kept telling their Democrat pals to vote often. I ran into a bunch of them comparing how many times they voted and how many precincts they voted in. The average braggart claimed 30 votes. I couldn't believe they were daft enough to commit crimes like voter frauds over and over again, ad nauseum and to brag about it as well.
Since when is the Supreme Court "the American people"? They stopped the counting of the votes in Florida so if anyone had reason to claim that their vote didn't count or that the election was "stolen" that was the case, not Trump's loss although I suspect Trump probably thought that he could rely on SCOTUS to come through for him and hand him the win same as they did for Bush.

I'm not sure why you brought up Clinton, he wasn't running against Bush, Al Gore was.
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