Giuliani told to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action

Dominion doesn't want to sue...they just want a headline...if they sue they play right into Rudy's hands...they will have to turn over whatever and how ever many machines for investigation that Rudy wants...

I think it is a very safe bet that if their bluff is called, they will fold well before getting into the discovery phase. As it is now, everyone knows what they did, but it cannot easily be proven. To proceed with the lawsuit, they are going to have to open up all the details about how their voting machines and software worked, which will provide solid proof of their cheating and fraud, and blow any case for defamation completely out of the water.
They don't have to open up all of that. If you sue someone for defamation, you only have to demonstrate that they willfully or negligently promoted a falsehood without good reason. Then you have to show injury. When the news networks cant produce a shred of evidence for their claims, that is step one.
Fox News, Newsmax backed down so fast they looked like spinning tops!

They are now calling all these lies Red Slime! A very appropriate name.
Ah now I see the confusion. A lawsuit cannot get to being decided on the merits without FIRST surviving a motion for summary judgment.
Whether a particular lawsuit has merits or “standing” or not, whether there is some black magic to counter an obscure motion for summary judgment, there is the truth of the matter that Donald Trump won by a landslide of the popular vote as well as the electoral vote which of right ought to be accorded to him on the basis of true votes faithfully counted, not by hacked and Democratted voting machines fitted with faulty software from a foreign-based election firm with vested interests in aggravating America's trade deficit.
There were no merits to decide the cases on. No laws were broken and no rights were violated. The results of the election closely mirror the national and local polls. Trump under-estimated just how much Americans wanted him gone.
So. Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch are the Americans who want Trump gone? And their liberal dollars count instead of our faithful and true votes? No. We will not allow that. And we are continuing the fight with or without a court verdict. We’re taking this out back where we have already engaged in combat with the Democrat enemy.

I hate to tell you but your fight is lost by 51 lawsuits being dumped. Many by Trump appointees. They know they will be there long after Trump and Rudy are knee deep in lawsuits.
Over fifty lawsuits, as you state, and NOT ONE SINGLE ONE rejected on the merits of the case itself
Ah now I see the confusion. A lawsuit cannot get to being decided on the merits without FIRST surviving a motion for summary judgment.

In other words, it has to demonstrate that the basic requirements exist for bringing/trying a lawsuit before even getting to the merits of the case. This requirement applies to EVERYONE and was not just created in order to thwart Trump's attempts to get the election results thrown out.

One of the other posters here mentioned that what Trump's legal team was attempting to get was an injunction preventing the election results from being certified. I remember seeing one of the judges stating in his ruling that what Trump was asking for is an extraordinary remedy for the harm that is alleged.

To the best that I can determine it appears that Trump et al believe that if they can show any evidence of voter irregularities anywhere that it means that the whole election should be invalidated and he should be declared the winner.

That's not how our elections nor our courts work.

And this is exactly why the Democrats cheated. It is very difficult to prove due to the nature of the way courts work. Common sense isn’t part of the equation in a court of law.
Over fifty lawsuits, as you state, and NOT ONE SINGLE ONE rejected on the merits of the case itself
Ah now I see the confusion. A lawsuit cannot get to being decided on the merits without FIRST surviving a motion for summary judgment.

In other words, it has to demonstrate that the basic requirements exist for bringing/trying a lawsuit before even getting to the merits of the case. This requirement applies to EVERYONE and was not just created in order to thwart Trump's attempts to get the election results thrown out.

One of the other posters here mentioned that what Trump's legal team was attempting to get was an injunction preventing the election results from being certified. I remember seeing one of the judges stating in his ruling that what Trump was asking for is an extraordinary remedy for the harm that is alleged.

To the best that I can determine it appears that Trump et al believe that if they can show any evidence of voter irregularities anywhere that it means that the whole election should be invalidated and he should be declared the winner.

That's not how our elections nor our courts work.

And this is exactly why the Democrats cheated. It is very difficult to prove due to the nature of the way courts work. Common sense isn’t part of the equation in a court of law.
You would not know common sense if it hit you in the butt about how elections are safe guarded!
It amazes me how dumb people are about the safeguards that are built into election systems and how little they know about how hard election workers work to make sure they are done right!
The contempt of crackpot ingrates for dedicated public servants is rivaled by their callous indifference to the plight of heroic medical workers tirelessly laboring to save the lives of casualties of a rabid ilk that denies the ravages of covid-19 and scoffs at simple measures that prevent its spread.

Historically, there have been tensions between the empirical enlightenment of science and the religious injunction to love one another, but this pathetic ilk has contempt for both scientific and humanitarian mandates.

A cult of dysfunctional personality is a sordid thing, indeed.
To the best that I can determine it appears that Trump et al believe that if they can show any evidence of voter irregularities anywhere that it means that the whole election should be invalidated and he should be declared the winner.

That's not how our elections nor our courts work.
I don't think that's what's happening. Trump has lawyers who have argued cases before the Supreme Court.
They know how things work.
What we're seeing now are the preliminaries to a lawsuit. Dominion's lawyers likely have or are preparing to determine in which state to file. States have varying degrees of latitude they provide lawyers (Rudy, Sidney Powell, etc.) in publicly discussing legal charges, whether they're true or not.
What does this make it - One for SEVENTY? :D
The Trump campaign won a case that attempted to disqualify a small number of mail-in ballots for first-time Pennsylvania voters who were unable to confirm their identification by Nov. 9. These ballots had been segregated pending the judge’s decision and have not yet been counted, so their disqualification will not affect the current vote count in Pennsylvania.​
We’re going to win! We’re going to win so much! ...
We’re going to win so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of winning!
You’re going to come to me and go
‘Please, please, we can’t win anymore! You’ll say ‘Please, Mr. President,
we beg you sir, we don’t want to win anymore.
It’s too much! It’s not fair to everybody else. And I’m going to say
‘I’m sorry, but we’re going to keep
winning, winning, winning!"

I hadn't heard about this "win". Will it flip 54,000 votes? :laugh:
Rudy thinks he's making 20 grand a day. Poor feller looks in mailbox 12 times a day. Meh - Goose egg - AGAIN :D
Trump raised nearly $300 million for his legal expenses and election protests. He has no reason not to pay Rudy his fee. He can certainly write it off.

You don't know trump. He has shafted many contractors and lawyers over the years.

Yep, that's why he's been forced to lower himself to the likes of Rudy and Sid Powell. Not only because they're chances of getting paid are slim, he won't do and say what they tell him do do and say. Donnie has a tendency to blow up his own cases, and most of them are laughed out of court.

Giuliani told to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action

However,‭ ‬the memo to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action wasn’t from any of the impeached president trump’s associates.

Rudy is named in a defamation suit‭ ‬brought‭ ‬by Dominion Voting Systems‭’ ‬attorneys.‭ ‬They specialize in defamation cases,‭ ‬and on Wednesday,‭ ‬sent letters to both lawyers on the impeached president trump’s crack(pot‭) ‬legal team‭ “‬warning them of‭ ‘‬imminent‭’ ‬legal action on behalf of Dominion Voting Systems.‭”

Both Giuliani and White House counsel Pat Cipollone were also told to‭ “‬preserve all documents related to Dominion.‭”

It would appear Dominion executives have a strong case,‭ ‬as no evidence has been found to‭ “‬support the claims by Trump allies about Dominion,‭ ‬or any widespread voter fraud in the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬election.‭”

In the near future,‭ ‬poor old senile Giuliani is going to see real attorneys in action,‭ ‬with real evidence to prove their assertions,‭ ‬not‭ ‬the‭ ‬goofy tall tales‭ ‬he’s been presenting.

A presidential pardon can’t get you off the hook for this one,‭ ‬Rudy.‭ ‬Are your malpractice insurance premiums up to date‭? ‬Will your malpractice insurance even cover knowingly lying about evidence that does not exist.‭ ‬That seems like criminal perjury,‭ ‬not a mistake that would be‭ ‬covered by‭ ‬malpractice‭ ‬insurance.‭ ‬This could cost you‭… ‬millions.‭ ‬Do you have that kind of cash laying around‭? ‬You can bet the impeached president trump isn’t going to offer you a cent of his‭ “‬skim‭”‬.

Not to worry,‭ ‬Dominion’s attorneys,‭ ‬Tom Clare and Megan Meier,‭ ‬will hash‭ ‬all‭ ‬that out with you.‭ ‬Unlike you and the impeached president trump,‭ ‬they appear quite knowledgeable in their profession.‭

Perhaps an out of court settlement would be best for you‭? ‬But,‭ ‬don’t decide now,‭ ‬first,‭ ‬find a good attorney.‭ (‬Hint:‭ ‬Not anyone recommended by the impeached president trump or any member of his criminal organization.‭)‭

I agree that President of the United States Donald Trump should not leave office

Have you always been a Fascist?
It amazes me how dumb people are about the safeguards that are built into election systems and how little they know about how hard election workers work to make sure they are done right!
The contempt of crackpot ingrates for dedicated public servants is rivaled by their callous indifference to the plight of heroic medical workers tirelessly laboring to save the lives of casualties of a rabid ilk that denies the ravages of covid-19 and scoffs at simple measures that prevent its spread.

Historically, there have been tensions between the empirical enlightenment of science and the religious injunction to love one another, but this pathetic ilk has contempt for both scientific and humanitarian mandates.

A cult of dysfunctional personality is a sordid thing, indeed.

I worked those polls for years as a Volunteer and know how much hard work is put in by the BOE employees and those of us who volunteered.

Makes me furious to see those who would never dream of getting involved, yet who whine, lie and complain. I worked with decent Republicans who are ashamed of this bunch!
I hadn't heard about this "win". Will it flip 54,000 votes? :laugh:
Whatever few votes will not be added to Biden's winning total in Pennsylvania will be compensated for by the 132 he was able to add to his winning total in Wisconsin, thanks to Trump's $3 million that he paid for the recount there.

Screen Shot 2020-12-26 at 11.53.20 AM.png

"I moved on her actually! You know
she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her,
and I failed. I'll admit it! I did try and f*ck her,
she was married!"

Yes, Trump, but no mater how many times
you tell me that,
that's not the failure that

I said you are pathologically incapable of
honestly acknowledging!!"
I hadn't heard about this "win". Will it flip 54,000 votes? :laugh:
Whatever few votes will not be added to Biden's winning total in Pennsylvania will be compensated for by the 132 he was able to add to his winning total in Wisconsin, thanks to Trump's $3 million that he paid for the recount there.

View attachment 433694
"I moved on her actually! You know
she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her,
and I failed. I'll admit it! I did try and f*ck her,
she was married!"

Yes, Trump, but no mater how many times
you tell me that,
that's not the failure that

I said you are pathologically incapable of
honestly acknowledging!!"

Betcha we're talking about a few hundred votes. YEAH Donald - Now you only need 53, 700 more! :D
I worked those polls for years as a Volunteer and know how much hard work is put in by the BOE employees and those of us who volunteered.

Makes me furious to see those who would never dream of getting involved, yet who whine, lie and complain. I worked with decent Republicans who are ashamed of this bunch!

Georgia's Republican Secretary of State has been reviled and his family threatened by these degenerates. His only offense: integrity.

These are the same lowlifes who screech that political opponents should be locked up without evidence, indictments, trials, convictions, or any of the legal safeguards that Americans have fought and died to protect.
Betcha we're talking about a few hundred votes. YEAH Donald - Now you only need 53, 700 more! :D
If he can only get about 0.001% of those 3-5 million invisible bogus voters he talked about in 2016 to flip!
I worked those polls for years as a Volunteer and know how much hard work is put in by the BOE employees and those of us who volunteered.

Makes me furious to see those who would never dream of getting involved, yet who whine, lie and complain. I worked with decent Republicans who are ashamed of this bunch!

Georgia's Republican Secretary of State has been reviled and his family threatened by these degenerates. His only offense: integrity.

These are the same lowlifes who screech that political opponents should be locked up without evidence, indictments, trials, convictions, or any of the legal safeguards that Americans have fought and died to protect.

I do wish Biden would offer them a place in his Administration! Courage like that should be rewarded!
I worked those polls for years as a Volunteer and know how much hard work is put in by the BOE employees and those of us who volunteered.

Makes me furious to see those who would never dream of getting involved, yet who whine, lie and complain. I worked with decent Republicans who are ashamed of this bunch!

Georgia's Republican Secretary of State has been reviled and his family threatened by these degenerates. His only offense: integrity.

These are the same lowlifes who screech that political opponents should be locked up without evidence, indictments, trials, convictions, or any of the legal safeguards that Americans have fought and died to protect.

I do wish Biden would offer them a place in his Administration! Courage like that should be rewarded!

Raffensperger could be an election chief of some kind. Yes, reward Republican profiles in courage. Chris Wray is another who should stay. And hire back a few that Donald fired like Alex Vindman.
I worked those polls for years as a Volunteer and know how much hard work is put in by the BOE employees and those of us who volunteered.

Makes me furious to see those who would never dream of getting involved, yet who whine, lie and complain. I worked with decent Republicans who are ashamed of this bunch!

Georgia's Republican Secretary of State has been reviled and his family threatened by these degenerates. His only offense: integrity.

These are the same lowlifes who screech that political opponents should be locked up without evidence, indictments, trials, convictions, or any of the legal safeguards that Americans have fought and died to protect.

I do wish Biden would offer them a place in his Administration! Courage like that should be rewarded!

Raffensperger could be an election chief of some kind. Yes, reward Republican profiles in courage. Chris Wray is another who should stay. And hire back a few that Donald fired like Alex Vindman.
Let's find a place for Fiona Hill, Christopher Krebs, and a few others who paid a price for speaking truth. Demonstrated integrity is the trait most antithetical to Trumpery.

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