Giuliani told to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action

Oh shut up. These people stealing your money will abandon you fools the moment their court actions cease.
There’s no magic about the opinion of yet another Democrat judge “as seen on TV” or about the salacious legal claims served by their debt collectors late at night.
The ultimate defense against being sued for defamation/slander/libel is that what one said was true.
Which has to be shown by the liars. Since they have not a shred of evidence, that isn't going to happen. Stop wasting your energy with these silly falsehoods and lane changes. They won't work for the white wing liars, and they won't work for you.

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence. And if the lawsuit proceeds, the defendants will be entitled to whatever evidence Dominion is hiding, which will prove that what they said is true. That is why Dominion will not go forward with the lawsuit, for they know damn well that they will have to produce the evidence that will destroy their case, and open them up for criminal charges.
Haha, how stupid. Repeating a hearsay lie without evidence is not an excuse for then asserting the lie. That's why they are getting sued. They didn't just say, "So and so says they saw the cheating in the software." These morons asserted the crimes themselves. Good grief, it's the first premise of the lawsuit. What a stupid post. Stop wasting my time.
Oh shut up. These people stealing your money will abandon you fools the moment their court actions cease.
There’s no magic about the opinion of yet another Democrat judge “as seen on TV” or about the salacious legal claims served by their debt collectors late at night.
Many, if not most, of the judges have been Trump appointees. Or did OANN not mention that when they were telling you where to send your check? Poor guy...
Many, if not most, of the judges have been Trump appointees. Or did OANN not mention that when they were telling you where to send your check? Poor guy...
Trump appointees? Subject to Senate approval? After they meet the approval of the frat house to graduate, and the approval of every bartender, tavernkeeper, and pimp in town for admission to the bar to practice liberal law. Trump has so far like any other President only been allowed to choose from among Democrat party-approved candidates for judgeship.
anecdotal evidence.
= fake claims by those who can't handle the truth.

If any "anecdotes" could be substantiated (It would take quite a few to overturn an election won by over 7 million votes, of course) why has Trump's legal team, with all the investigative resources available to them, substantiated nothing?

Democracy has been assailed, but self-governance has prevailed.
Trump appointees? Subject to Senate approval? After they meet the approval of the frat house to graduate, and the approval of every bartender, tavernkeeper, and pimp in town for admission to the bar to practice liberal law. Trump has so far like any other President only been allowed to choose from among Democrat party-approved candidates for judgeship.
Trump claimed he only appointed "the best people!"

Trump weasels are suddenly being very pissy about their Cry Baby Demigod's "best people."
Trump claimed he only appointed "the best people!"

Trump weasels are suddenly being very pissy about their Cry Baby Demigod's "best people."
Best of a bad lot. “Best” doesn't mean much anymore. It’s the “best” of a very, very bad lot indeed.
Giuliani told to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action

However,‭ ‬the memo to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action wasn’t from any of the impeached president trump’s associates.

Rudy is named in a defamation suit‭ ‬brought‭ ‬by Dominion Voting Systems‭’ ‬attorneys.‭ ‬They specialize in defamation cases,‭ ‬and on Wednesday,‭ ‬sent letters to both lawyers on the impeached president trump’s crack(pot‭) ‬legal team‭ “‬warning them of‭ ‘‬imminent‭’ ‬legal action on behalf of Dominion Voting Systems.‭”

Both Giuliani and White House counsel Pat Cipollone were also told to‭ “‬preserve all documents related to Dominion.‭”

It would appear Dominion executives have a strong case,‭ ‬as no evidence has been found to‭ “‬support the claims by Trump allies about Dominion,‭ ‬or any widespread voter fraud in the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬election.‭”

In the near future,‭ ‬poor old senile Giuliani is going to see real attorneys in action,‭ ‬with real evidence to prove their assertions,‭ ‬not‭ ‬the‭ ‬goofy tall tales‭ ‬he’s been presenting.

A presidential pardon can’t get you off the hook for this one,‭ ‬Rudy.‭ ‬Are your malpractice insurance premiums up to date‭? ‬Will your malpractice insurance even cover knowingly lying about evidence that does not exist.‭ ‬That seems like criminal perjury,‭ ‬not a mistake that would be‭ ‬covered by‭ ‬malpractice‭ ‬insurance.‭ ‬This could cost you‭… ‬millions.‭ ‬Do you have that kind of cash laying around‭? ‬You can bet the impeached president trump isn’t going to offer you a cent of his‭ “‬skim‭”‬.

Not to worry,‭ ‬Dominion’s attorneys,‭ ‬Tom Clare and Megan Meier,‭ ‬will hash‭ ‬all‭ ‬that out with you.‭ ‬Unlike you and the impeached president trump,‭ ‬they appear quite knowledgeable in their profession.‭

Perhaps an out of court settlement would be best for you‭? ‬But,‭ ‬don’t decide now,‭ ‬first,‭ ‬find a good attorney.‭ (‬Hint:‭ ‬Not anyone recommended by the impeached president trump or any member of his criminal organization.‭)‭

But it wasn't Rudy nor the President who brought up the Dominion glitch, it was an election official and I think it was a Dem who admitted and called it "a glitch" which was way to kind for what it really was.
Over fifty lawsuits, as you state, and NOT ONE SINGLE ONE rejected on the merits of the case itself
Ah now I see the confusion. A lawsuit cannot get to being decided on the merits without FIRST surviving a motion for summary judgment.

In other words, it has to demonstrate that the basic requirements exist for bringing/trying a lawsuit before even getting to the merits of the case. This requirement applies to EVERYONE and was not just created in order to thwart Trump's attempts to get the election results thrown out.

One of the other posters here mentioned that what Trump's legal team was attempting to get was an injunction preventing the election results from being certified. I remember seeing one of the judges stating in his ruling that what Trump was asking for is an extraordinary remedy for the harm that is alleged.

To the best that I can determine it appears that Trump et al believe that if they can show any evidence of voter irregularities anywhere that it means that the whole election should be invalidated and he should be declared the winner.

That's not how our elections nor our courts work.
So in your opinion, every single court with the exception of the one, as well as the U.S. Supreme Court have all conspired to prevent not one of over 50 lawsuits from being allowed to present their evidence of voter fraud? Some of the judges, in their rulings have stated that Rudy didn't even allege voter fraud. So how do you reconcile that?
It was an early strategy of Trump to not allege fraud, a mistake in retrospect, in favor of procedural crimes
(like by passing state legislatures in making pre election law) but that strategy was discarded pretty quickly.
Over fifty lawsuits, as you state, and NOT ONE SINGLE ONE rejected on the merits of the case itself!
These pro Biden courts have found a way, sometimes with no comment at all, to summarily dismiss
Trump cases for anything and everything BUT the issue of election fraud itself.

NO judge has ruled on the matter of election fraud per se. How interesting.

It is more interesting that there are people that still believe trump's totally insane attempt to Con the country into accepting his "We won Big" lie. Read and try to comprehend...

I think it is a very safe bet that if their bluff is called, they will fold well before getting into the discovery phase. As it is now, everyone knows what they did, but it cannot easily be proven. To proceed with the lawsuit, they are going to have to open up all the details about how their voting machines and software worked, which will provide solid proof of their cheating and fraud, and blow any case for defamation completely out of the water.
They don't have to open up all of that. If you sue someone for defamation, you only have to demonstrate that they willfully or negligently promoted a falsehood without good reason. Then you have to show injury. When the news networks cant [sic] produce a shred of evidence for their claims, that is step one.

There is plenty of reason for any rational person to assume that a very large part of what has been said against Dominion is true. The empirical accounts are too numerous and too damning to ignore.

If Dominion wants to win a lawsuit based on defamation/slander/libel, it's going to be on them to prove that the statements made about them are false, and that those who made those statements had good reason to assume that they were false. Good luck with that. There is no way that they are going to meet this burden, and to even approach it, they are going to have to make available the evidence that will prove once and for all, that they really were cheating, and that the claims of their fraud are entirely true.

Good luck with that.

The empirical accounts - what are those? Test runs, which showed problems in primaries, which were corrected in run-offs, and in posed no issues in the November 3rd election? Because there were no issues with these machines in November.

There is no evidence these machines malfunctioned in any way in November. There is no evidence of any of the claims made by Donald Trump or his lawyers against these voting machines whatsoever.

Last but not least, all of the real lawyers bailed out of Trump's election fight early on. Prominent legitimate law firms who have represented the President for years, on some pretty questionable business dealings, and even they walked away from these election suits, refusing to file further cases, for fear of being censured for filing spurious claims.
So in your opinion, every single court with the exception of the one, as well as the U.S. Supreme Court have all conspired to prevent not one of over 50 lawsuits from being allowed to present their evidence of voter fraud? Some of the judges, in their rulings have stated that Rudy didn't even allege voter fraud. So how do you reconcile that?
It was an early strategy of Trump to not allege fraud, a mistake in retrospect, in favor of procedural crimes
(like by passing state legislatures in making pre election law) but that strategy was discarded pretty quickly.
Over fifty lawsuits, as you state, and NOT ONE SINGLE ONE rejected on the merits of the case itself!
These pro Biden courts have found a way, sometimes with no comment at all, to summarily dismiss
Trump cases for anything and everything BUT the issue of election fraud itself.

NO judge has ruled on the matter of election fraud per se. How interesting.

Wrong and wrong. Early Trump lawsuits alleged election fraud, but were thrown out because FaceBook posts and email accounts aren't evidence. The judges told Trump lawyers they needed witnesses and affidavits to support their claims of fraud. That's when the real lawyers stopped filing cases.

There were no merits to decide the cases on. No laws were broken and no rights were violated. The results of the election closely mirror the national and local polls. Trump under-estimated just how much Americans wanted him gone.
Ah now I see the confusion. A lawsuit cannot get to being decided on the merits without FIRST surviving a motion for summary judgment.
Whether a particular lawsuit has merits or “standing” or not, whether there is some black magic to counter an obscure motion for summary judgment, there is the truth of the matter that Donald Trump won by a landslide of the popular vote as well as the electoral vote which of right ought to be accorded to him on the basis of true votes faithfully counted, not by hacked and Democratted voting machines fitted with faulty software from a foreign-based election firm with vested interests in aggravating America's trade deficit.
There were no merits to decide the cases on. No laws were broken and no rights were violated. The results of the election closely mirror the national and local polls. Trump under-estimated just how much Americans wanted him gone.
So. Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch are the Americans who want Trump gone? And their liberal dollars count instead of our faithful and true votes? No. We will not allow that. And we are continuing the fight with or without a court verdict. We’re taking this out back where we have already engaged in combat with the Democrat enemy.
There is no evidence these machines malfunctioned in any way in November. There is no evidence of any of the claims made by Donald Trump or his lawyers against these voting machines whatsoever.
None. And being the incompetent, entitled jerks they are, they thought they could maliciously make these accusations without any consequences. Rudy is personally liable for this defamation. All while being a subject of other civil and criminal investigations. There is no parent company to cover him. There will be no mentally ill president to pardon him. He is heading for rock bottom. Fast.
I think it is a very safe bet that if their bluff is called, they will fold well before getting into the discovery phase. As it is now, everyone knows what they did, but it cannot easily be proven. To proceed with the lawsuit, they are going to have to open up all the details about how their voting machines and software worked, which will provide solid proof of their cheating and fraud, and blow any case for defamation completely out of the water.
They don't have to open up all of that. If you sue someone for defamation, you only have to demonstrate that they willfully or negligently promoted a falsehood without good reason. Then you have to show injury. When the news networks cant [sic] produce a shred of evidence for their claims, that is step one.

There is plenty of reason for any rational person to assume that a very large part of what has been said against Dominion is true. The empirical accounts are too numerous and too damning to ignore.

If Dominion wants to win a lawsuit based on defamation/slander/libel, it's going to be on them to prove that the statements made about them are false, and that those who made those statements had good reason to assume that they were false. Good luck with that. There is no way that they are going to meet this burden, and to even approach it, they are going to have to make available the evidence that will prove once and for all, that they really were cheating, and that the claims of their fraud are entirely true.

Good luck with that.

That's not how it works. One NEVER has to legally prove a negative. It's going to be up to Rudy, Rump and the merry band of criminals to prove their claims. This is what a court requires. And since videos galore are found that shows they made the claims, it's pretty easy to introduce them in court. The the Band of Criminals are going to have to justify their diatribe with hard proof and not just because they say so. Again,if they could have done that before, it would have already been presented to a court. But when asked in court by a judge if they were saying that there was fraud involved, they answered no and you can still here that rejection by the court bouncing down the road.
They have backup paper ballots. Does trump and his crack legal understand that?
Depending on the model, the dominion voting machines print out a ballot with both text showing who was voted for, and a barcode the tabulator can read.

If any votes were switched, or incorrectly recorded the voter should have seen this before submitting his ballot for tabulation. And I haven't heard any reports of ballots printing names that didn't match the barcodes.

The Georgia hand recount proved the two matched.
It amazes me how dumb people are about the safeguards that are built into election systems and how little they know about how hard election workers work to make sure they are done right!
.the evidence of fraud is so massive that this election may be turned
Where is the evidence and why has no one, particularly the courts seen it?
The state of Michigan actually preformed a forensic study of the Dominion vote changing machine
and found it to be wildly inaccurate and incapable of giving a true vote count. Forensic auditors find shocking 68% error rate in one Michigan county’s votes

Of course Michigan has disputed it's own independent study and have sued to suppress it.

So who are you going to believe? Gretchen Whitmer and her partisan flunkies or an independent audit by experts in their field? The corruption runs a mile deep in Michigan and the other three criminal states.
BS! Show a link for your claim!

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