Giuliani told to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action

Dominion doesn't want to sue...they just want a headline...if they sue they play right into Rudy's hands...they will have to turn over whatever and how ever many machines for investigation that Rudy wants...

I think it is a very safe bet that if their bluff is called, they will fold well before getting into the discovery phase. As it is now, everyone knows what they did, but it cannot easily be proven. To proceed with the lawsuit, they are going to have to open up all the details about how their voting machines and software worked, which will provide solid proof of their cheating and fraud, and blow any case for defamation completely out of the water.
They don't have to open up all of that. If you sue someone for defamation, you only have to demonstrate that they willfully or negligently promoted a falsehood without good reason. Then you have to show injury. When the news networks cant produce a shred of evidence for their claims, that is step one.
It was an early strategy of Trump to not allege fraud, a mistake in retrospect, in favor of procedural crimes
(like by passing state legislatures in making pre election law) but that strategy was discarded pretty quickly.
The problem with that theory is Trump has been saying the presidential elections have been rigged since 2016.

US election 2016: Trump says election 'rigged at polling ... › news › election-us-2016-37673797

Oct 17, 2016 — US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has said the election is "absolutely rigged" by the "dishonest media" and "at many polling ...

If that is the case, considering Rump won in 2016, if it was fixed then, Rump had to be the one that fixed it and he did a bangup job of it. Using that as reasoning, obviously, Rump also tried to fix the 2020 election and was woefully incompetant. Failure is not acceptable for Cheaters like Rump. Get a better cheater for the GOP next time.
Dominion doesn't want to sue...they just want a headline...if they sue they play right into Rudy's hands...they will have to turn over whatever and how ever many machines for investigation that Rudy wants...

I think it is a very safe bet that if their bluff is called, they will fold well before getting into the discovery phase. As it is now, everyone knows what they did, but it cannot easily be proven. To proceed with the lawsuit, they are going to have to open up all the details about how their voting machines and software worked, which will provide solid proof of their cheating and fraud, and blow any case for defamation completely out of the water.

Hate to break it to you but it's not going to be up to Dominion to prove that their system was wrong. It's up to Rudy and his band of criminals to show where Dominion was wrong. And Dominion does NOT have to provide any proof except for charges in court where the claim of cheating is made. If Rudy and his merry band of criminals had that proof, it would have already been presented in the lawsuits. It's one thing to lie out your ass at a press briefing but another to stand in front of a Judge in Court and say the same things when you have no proof. One gets you a bunch of Rumpsters fired up and the other gets you thrown in jail.
I think it is a very safe bet that if their bluff is called, they will fold well before getting into the discovery phase. As it is now, everyone knows what they did, but it cannot easily be proven. To proceed with the lawsuit, they are going to have to open up all the details about how their voting machines and software worked, which will provide solid proof of their cheating and fraud, and blow any case for defamation completely out of the water.
They don't have to open up all of that. If you sue someone for defamation, you only have to demonstrate that they willfully or negligently promoted a falsehood without good reason. Then you have to show injury. When the news networks cant [sic] produce a shred of evidence for their claims, that is step one.

There is plenty of reason for any rational person to assume that a very large part of what has been said against Dominion is true. The empirical accounts are too numerous and too damning to ignore.

If Dominion wants to win a lawsuit based on defamation/slander/libel, it's going to be on them to prove that the statements made about them are false, and that those who made those statements had good reason to assume that they were false. Good luck with that. There is no way that they are going to meet this burden, and to even approach it, they are going to have to make available the evidence that will prove once and for all, that they really were cheating, and that the claims of their fraud are entirely true.

Good luck with that.
Dominion doesn't want to sue...they just want a headline...if they sue they play right into Rudy's hands...they will have to turn over whatever and how ever many machines for investigation that Rudy wants...

I think it is a very safe bet that if their bluff is called, they will fold well before getting into the discovery phase. As it is now, everyone knows what they did, but it cannot easily be proven. To proceed with the lawsuit, they are going to have to open up all the details about how their voting machines and software worked, which will provide solid proof of their cheating and fraud, and blow any case for defamation completely out of the water.

I'd be more than willing to take that bet. This defammation isn't just in the USA, this is worldwide, and is worth a LOT of money. Furthermore, Dominion has these jackasses dead to rights - on tape, in interview, and in court documents, making these proveably false claims. Dominion just has to hand over the certification of every state using their machines as their proof, without exposing their proprietary software or designs.

Dominion won't have to prove jack shit, nor will they have to open up anything. The onus isn't on them to prove that the defamatory statements are false, but rather on Guiliani and the others to provide evidence that what they have claimed about the Dominion machines is true.

A defamation suit is to punish liars, and it is up to the liars to prove their statements true, not on their victim, to prove they're lying.
There is plenty of reason for any rational person to assume that a very large part of what has been said against Dominion is true.
There is zero. You can't produce a shred of evidence, nor can rudy or the white wing bubble networks. That's why you didn't, and that is why they haven't.

Well that was easy.
Rudy is named in a defamation suit‭ ‬brought‭ ‬by Dominion Voting Systems‭’ ‬attorneys.‭ ‬They specialize in defamation cases...

Why would a company which provides voting machines and associated software need lawyers which specialize in defamation cases?
To...bring a defamation case? They hired them for this case.
Dominion could lose $100 million in contracts due to Giuliani and others alleging their systems are defective.
That is no concern to the impeached president trump. His unconscionable greed has ruined many innocent bystanders. Blaming Dominion for his loss in the November 3rd election was a means to a crooked end. It is how that orange-toned criminal has operated his entire life.

Giuliani told to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action

However,‭ ‬the memo to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action wasn’t from any of the impeached president trump’s associates.

Rudy is named in a defamation suit‭ ‬brought‭ ‬by Dominion Voting Systems‭’ ‬attorneys.‭ ‬They specialize in defamation cases,‭ ‬and on Wednesday,‭ ‬sent letters to both lawyers on the impeached president trump’s crack(pot‭) ‬legal team‭ “‬warning them of‭ ‘‬imminent‭’ ‬legal action on behalf of Dominion Voting Systems.‭”

Both Giuliani and White House counsel Pat Cipollone were also told to‭ “‬preserve all documents related to Dominion.‭”

It would appear Dominion executives have a strong case,‭ ‬as no evidence has been found to‭ “‬support the claims by Trump allies about Dominion,‭ ‬or any widespread voter fraud in the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬election.‭”

In the near future,‭ ‬poor old senile Giuliani is going to see real attorneys in action,‭ ‬with real evidence to prove their assertions,‭ ‬not‭ ‬the‭ ‬goofy tall tales‭ ‬he’s been presenting.

A presidential pardon can’t get you off the hook for this one,‭ ‬Rudy.‭ ‬Are your malpractice insurance premiums up to date‭? ‬Will your malpractice insurance even cover knowingly lying about evidence that does not exist.‭ ‬That seems like criminal perjury,‭ ‬not a mistake that would be‭ ‬covered by‭ ‬malpractice‭ ‬insurance.‭ ‬This could cost you‭… ‬millions.‭ ‬Do you have that kind of cash laying around‭? ‬You can bet the impeached president trump isn’t going to offer you a cent of his‭ “‬skim‭”‬.

Not to worry,‭ ‬Dominion’s attorneys,‭ ‬Tom Clare and Megan Meier,‭ ‬will hash‭ ‬all‭ ‬that out with you.‭ ‬Unlike you and the impeached president trump,‭ ‬they appear quite knowledgeable in their profession.‭

Perhaps an out of court settlement would be best for you‭? ‬But,‭ ‬don’t decide now,‭ ‬first,‭ ‬find a good attorney.‭ (‬Hint:‭ ‬Not anyone recommended by the impeached president trump or any member of his criminal organization.‭)‭

LOL no one tells someone to be prepared to be sued. If they do sue Rudy everything becomes discoverable including why dominion shipped votes out of the USA

Bring it on
Giuliani told to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action

However,‭ ‬the memo to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action wasn’t from any of the impeached president trump’s associates.

Rudy is named in a defamation suit‭ ‬brought‭ ‬by Dominion Voting Systems‭’ ‬attorneys.‭ ‬They specialize in defamation cases,‭ ‬and on Wednesday,‭ ‬sent letters to both lawyers on the impeached president trump’s crack(pot‭) ‬legal team‭ “‬warning them of‭ ‘‬imminent‭’ ‬legal action on behalf of Dominion Voting Systems.‭”

Both Giuliani and White House counsel Pat Cipollone were also told to‭ “‬preserve all documents related to Dominion.‭”

It would appear Dominion executives have a strong case,‭ ‬as no evidence has been found to‭ “‬support the claims by Trump allies about Dominion,‭ ‬or any widespread voter fraud in the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬election.‭”

In the near future,‭ ‬poor old senile Giuliani is going to see real attorneys in action,‭ ‬with real evidence to prove their assertions,‭ ‬not‭ ‬the‭ ‬goofy tall tales‭ ‬he’s been presenting.

A presidential pardon can’t get you off the hook for this one,‭ ‬Rudy.‭ ‬Are your malpractice insurance premiums up to date‭? ‬Will your malpractice insurance even cover knowingly lying about evidence that does not exist.‭ ‬That seems like criminal perjury,‭ ‬not a mistake that would be‭ ‬covered by‭ ‬malpractice‭ ‬insurance.‭ ‬This could cost you‭… ‬millions.‭ ‬Do you have that kind of cash laying around‭? ‬You can bet the impeached president trump isn’t going to offer you a cent of his‭ “‬skim‭”‬.

Not to worry,‭ ‬Dominion’s attorneys,‭ ‬Tom Clare and Megan Meier,‭ ‬will hash‭ ‬all‭ ‬that out with you.‭ ‬Unlike you and the impeached president trump,‭ ‬they appear quite knowledgeable in their profession.‭

Perhaps an out of court settlement would be best for you‭? ‬But,‭ ‬don’t decide now,‭ ‬first,‭ ‬find a good attorney.‭ (‬Hint:‭ ‬Not anyone recommended by the impeached president trump or any member of his criminal organization.‭)‭

LOL no one tells someone to be prepared to be sued. If they do sue Rudy everything becomes discoverable including why dominion shipped votes out of the USA

Bring it on
Yes they do, in order to tell them to preserve documents. And no, dominion does not have to disprove the lies. What a stupid post, Franniesock.
Giuliani told to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action

However,‭ ‬the memo to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action wasn’t from any of the impeached president trump’s associates.

Rudy is named in a defamation suit‭ ‬brought‭ ‬by Dominion Voting Systems‭’ ‬attorneys.‭ ‬They specialize in defamation cases,‭ ‬and on Wednesday,‭ ‬sent letters to both lawyers on the impeached president trump’s crack(pot‭) ‬legal team‭ “‬warning them of‭ ‘‬imminent‭’ ‬legal action on behalf of Dominion Voting Systems.‭”

Both Giuliani and White House counsel Pat Cipollone were also told to‭ “‬preserve all documents related to Dominion.‭”

It would appear Dominion executives have a strong case,‭ ‬as no evidence has been found to‭ “‬support the claims by Trump allies about Dominion,‭ ‬or any widespread voter fraud in the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬election.‭”

In the near future,‭ ‬poor old senile Giuliani is going to see real attorneys in action,‭ ‬with real evidence to prove their assertions,‭ ‬not‭ ‬the‭ ‬goofy tall tales‭ ‬he’s been presenting.

A presidential pardon can’t get you off the hook for this one,‭ ‬Rudy.‭ ‬Are your malpractice insurance premiums up to date‭? ‬Will your malpractice insurance even cover knowingly lying about evidence that does not exist.‭ ‬That seems like criminal perjury,‭ ‬not a mistake that would be‭ ‬covered by‭ ‬malpractice‭ ‬insurance.‭ ‬This could cost you‭… ‬millions.‭ ‬Do you have that kind of cash laying around‭? ‬You can bet the impeached president trump isn’t going to offer you a cent of his‭ “‬skim‭”‬.

Not to worry,‭ ‬Dominion’s attorneys,‭ ‬Tom Clare and Megan Meier,‭ ‬will hash‭ ‬all‭ ‬that out with you.‭ ‬Unlike you and the impeached president trump,‭ ‬they appear quite knowledgeable in their profession.‭

Perhaps an out of court settlement would be best for you‭? ‬But,‭ ‬don’t decide now,‭ ‬first,‭ ‬find a good attorney.‭ (‬Hint:‭ ‬Not anyone recommended by the impeached president trump or any member of his criminal organization.‭)‭

LOL no one tells someone to be prepared to be sued. If they do sue Rudy everything becomes discoverable including why dominion shipped votes out of the USA

Bring it on
Yes they do, in order to tell them to preserve documents. And no, dominion does not have to disprove the lies. What a stupid post, Franniesock.
Bring it on, this is the case that the deep state supreme court refused.

LOL lets do this

Frannie controls what is left of your brain apparently
There is plenty of reason for any rational person to assume that a very large part of what has been said against Dominion is true.
There is zero. You can't produce a shred of evidence, nor can rudy or the white wing bubble networks. That's why you didn't, and that is why they haven't.

Well that was easy.

Yes they do, in order to tell them to preserve documents. And no, dominion does not have to disprove the lies. What a stupid post, Franniesock.

The ultimate defense against being sued for defamation/slander/libel is that what one said was true.

Even if somehow, Dominion is able to shrug off the burden of proven that it was a lie, the defendants still have a right to access to the evidence that would support that what they said was true.

Either way, to proceed with this lawsuit, Dominion will have no choice but to provide the hard evidence, that will prove their role in the fraud and cheating that took place this election. The only possible result is that their lawsuit will be shot down, and they will likely end up facing criminal charges themselves.

The very best possible outcome that they can hope for, if they try to proceed with this suit, is that they will lose, they will be charged with contempt for failing to provide the evidence, and they will likely be held liable for the defendants' legal costs. Their lawyers may also end up being disbarred for barratry.

The lawsuit is a bluff, and everyone involved knows it.
There is plenty of reason for any rational person to assume that a very large part of what has been said against Dominion is true.
There is zero. You can't produce a shred of evidence, nor can rudy or the white wing bubble networks. That's why you didn't, and that is why they haven't.

Well that was easy.

View attachment 433464
No evidence in court. The authorities have no evidence. Cartoons arent going to cut it. But i sure do hope they keep you nutballs busy.
The ultimate defense against being sued for defamation/slander/libel is that what one said was true.
Which has to be shown by the liars. Since they have not a shred of evidence, that isn't going to happen. Stop wasting your energy with these silly falsehoods and lane changes. They won't work for the white wing liars, and they won't work for you.
It would appear Dominion executives have a strong case,‭ ‬as no evidence has been found to‭ “‬support the claims by Trump allies about Dominion,‭ ‬or any widespread voter fraud in the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬election.‭”
Our fight against Dominion will continue outside the courthouse. We’re taking them out back. They don’t get to throw out our evidence, change the rules in the middle of the game, and plant their evidence on the table without a fight.
.the evidence of fraud is so massive that this election may be turned
Where is the evidence and why has no one, particularly the courts seen it?
The state of Michigan actually preformed a forensic study of the Dominion vote changing machine
and found it to be wildly inaccurate and incapable of giving a true vote count. Forensic auditors find shocking 68% error rate in one Michigan county’s votes

Of course Michigan has disputed it's own independent study and have sued to suppress it.

So who are you going to believe? Gretchen Whitmer and her partisan flunkies or an independent auditor by experts in their field? The corruption runs a mile deep in Michigan and the other three criminal states.
I don't know about you, but if I was paying an attorney $20,000 a day and there is evidence enough to at least raise a "genuine issue of material fact" and my attorney failed to bring this is to the attention of the court, then he's not doing his job properly.

Not all cases are winnable but to my understanding your attorney's main job is to plead your case in a manner so that it survives the oppositions attempt to get the case thrown out on summary judgement prior to the merits of the case ever being heard or for that matter the evidence becoming a matter of public record.

I understand what you're saying but it's very hard to believe that there is evidence of massive voter fraud if the alleged "best people" that Trump employs cannot get it in front of a judge or jury to be considered.

On the other hand, while there may have been some cases of voter irregularities, perhaps it was not enough to ultimately change the outcome of the election. The implication when one claims "massive voter fraud" is that the fraud was significant enough that "had it not occurred" the outcome of the election would have been different. If something of this nature had occurred then I don't see how it's possible that it wasn't brought to the attention of the court. Even if the lower court mistakenly or willfully disregarded the claims alleged and evidence referenced, I find it hard to believe that an appellate court would let a blatant violation of the law or legal proceedings stand, but that's exactly what has happened in each one of Trump's cases that attempted to overturn the election results.

So to answer your question, I don't doubt that there may have been irregularities found however I don't believe that it was on the order of magnitude alleged nor that it was significant enough to change the election results.

Trump is just exceedingly bad at math. He doesn't understand that an 85% lead (or even a 100% lead) of only one third of the ballots (in person ballots) is not enough to win an election when two-thirds of the mail-in/absentee ballots hadn't yet been accountable for.
Trump had made claims of voter fraud before the 2020 election. He had made claims of voter fraud before the 2016 election.

When he won his 2016 electoral college victory (He still claimed that he would have won the popular vote if not for the fraudulent votes of 3-5 million invisible people who all voted against him, not one of whom could be identified or apprehended) he quickly dropped his "The election's fixed!" fake claims. It became a legitimate election after he won.

He followed the same pattern in 2020 as he had in 2016. Claiming in advance that the election was fraudulent. Unlike in 2016, he did not drop the phony claim after the 2020 election - not even after multiple recounts and audits, and certifications by Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, count clerks, and other election officials - further validated by dozens of judges across the land, Trump appointees included, all the way up to the Supreme Court. His own cybersecurity chief characterized it as "the most secure election ever" - 2016 necessarily included.

If one compares the 2016 election - about which he had been whining beforehand - with the 2020 election - about which he had been whining beforehand - it is possible to detect an essential aspect that differed, and caused him to accept one as legitimate whilst denying the other - the one that had withstood all the painstaking scrutiny.

Had the outcome of the 2020 election duplicated that of the 2016 election, Trump (while quite likely, once again, whining that 3-5 million invisible people all voted against him, not one of whom could be identified or apprehended) would have again dropped his fake claims.

Trump is far too weak to ever honestly admit to being a loser. He must contrive excuses beforehand, only to discard them if the need does not arise.

One amusing aspect of his 2020 farce (There are always insignificant inaccuracies in every national election) is Trump paying $3 million to Wisconsin so that it could add 132 votes to his Biden's winning total, That's $22,727.27 per vote!
The ultimate defense against being sued for defamation/slander/libel is that what one said was true.
Which has to be shown by the liars. Since they have not a shred of evidence, that isn't going to happen. Stop wasting your energy with these silly falsehoods and lane changes. They won't work for the white wing liars, and they won't work for you.

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence. And if the lawsuit proceeds, the defendants will be entitled to whatever evidence Dominion is hiding, which will prove that what they said is true. That is why Dominion will not go forward with the lawsuit, for they know damn well that they will have to produce the evidence that will destroy their case, and open them up for criminal charges.

And filing or even threatening to file a lawsuit, that they know they will not proceed with, or know that they cannot win, for the purpose of intimidation,, is itself an offense, called “barratry”. I do not know if it is an actual crime in any jurisdiction in this country, but it is an ethical violation, for which attorneys can be disbarred.
It would appear Dominion executives have a strong case,‭ ‬as no evidence has been found to‭ “‬support the claims by Trump allies about Dominion,‭ ‬or any widespread voter fraud in the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬election.‭”
Our fight against Dominion will continue outside the courthouse. We’re taking them out back. They don’t get to throw out our evidence, change the rules in the middle of the game, and plant their evidence on the table without a fight.
Oh shut up. These people stealing your money will abandon you fools the moment their court actions cease.

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