Giuliani told to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action

Dominion doesn't want to sue...they just want a headline...if they sue they play right into Rudy's hands...they will have to turn over whatever and how ever many machines for investigation that Rudy wants...
Yes, so far Giuliani's brilliance has been that of a tiny, flickering candle. But, Dominion's attorneys are playing into Rudy's hands.

They'll have Rudy in tears five minutes into his deposition.

There is an entire legal team...some of the best legal minds in DC behind Rudy....the evidence of fraud is so massive that this election may be turned....and add in the China connection with the Biden's...hell we may not be able to seat Joe with what we are learning about him and his can we turn over our nations secrets to China Joe?....

At least Joe will not tell Russia all our secrets the way blubber mouth has.
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This is just a typical Democrat diversion to draw attention away from vote fraud. If they can keep Rudy occupied defending himself he won't have time to prosecute all the criminal voting fraud.
No, it is a case of a company feeling they were harmed by Rudy’s lies and they are taking him to Court to collect damages and Trump can not pardon this! Besides Trump is worried about his own legal charges after Jan. 20th.
It's a fucking shame it had to come to this, but fabricating and spreading fantasies while masquerading as "news" has literally created an alternate universe. There has to be some kind of assumed standard when something is being represented as "fact". Otherwise, look at what happens.,
Bring back the Fairness Doctrine. We all know who killed that.

But it is a really good start for all these companies who have been lied about to seek compensation.

I expect Trump to be bombarded,too.

Meanwhile enjoy Trump’s Christmas message.

It's a fucking shame it had to come to this, but fabricating and spreading fantasies while masquerading as "news" has literally created an alternate universe. There has to be some kind of assumed standard when something is being represented as "fact". Otherwise, look at what happens.,
Bring back the Fairness Doctrine. We all know who killed that.

But it is a really good start for all these companies who have been lied about to seek compensation.

I expect Trump to be bombarded,too.

Meanwhile enjoy Trump’s Christmas message.

Very funny. DAMN he's good. Voice patterns, every mannerism.

"J is for Genius"
"He told Santa to go fuck himself, did you hear that?"

It's a fucking shame it had to come to this, but fabricating and spreading fantasies while masquerading as "news" has literally created an alternate universe. There has to be some kind of assumed standard when something is being represented as "fact". Otherwise, look at what happens.,
Bring back the Fairness Doctrine. We all know who killed that.

But it is a really good start for all these companies who have been lied about to seek compensation.

I expect Trump to be bombarded,too.

Meanwhile enjoy Trump’s Christmas message.

Very funny. DAMN he's good. Voice patterns, every mannerism.

"J is for Genius"
"He told Santa to go fuck himself, did you hear that?"


Pretty long, but so are Trump’s!:)
Good luck with that lawsuit. It isn’t getting far.
Squidhead is intimately familiar with that sort of conspicuous impotence from his dozens of displays of legal flaccidity across America lately.

Trump campaign suffers another legal setback in Wisconsin case

Republicans also lost a Georgia court case related to the Jan. 5 runoffs.​
Trump’s ineffectual bid to persuade the courts to overturn his defeat at the polls last month suffered another defeat on Christmas Eve as a federal appeals court rejected his attempt to challenge President-elect Joe Biden’s win by nearly 21,000 votes in Wisconsin.​
A three-judge panel of the Chicago-based 7th Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously dismissed arguments from Trump’s attorneys that the Wisconsin Election Commission violated the U.S. Constitution...​
The appeals court judges who ruled against Trump on Thursday were all Republican appointees. The author of the court’s opinion, Judge Michael Scudder, was appointed by Trump.
Trump's demand of loyalty over law underscores his narcissistic derangement.

Trump wonders why the Supreme Court Justices he appointed won’t support him. He shouldn’t.
'They're not going to burn down their court to rescue Donald Trump… they're neither stupid nor crazy. And for them to do what Trump's asking them to do, they would have to be both stupid and crazy.’

Screen Shot 2020-12-25 at 8.48.56 AM.png

"And, with the job come spiffy red MAGA caps,
the classy symbol of your noble mission!"

Dominion doesn't want to sue...they just want a headline...if they sue they play right into Rudy's hands...they will have to turn over whatever and how ever many machines for investigation that Rudy wants...
Dominion doesn't own voting machines to turn over

WTF are you talking about?
Giuliani told to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action

However,‭ ‬the memo to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action wasn’t from any of the impeached president trump’s associates.

Rudy is named in a defamation suit‭ ‬brought‭ ‬by Dominion Voting Systems‭’ ‬attorneys.‭ ‬They specialize in defamation cases,‭ ‬and on Wednesday,‭ ‬sent letters to both lawyers on the impeached president trump’s crack(pot‭) ‬legal team‭ “‬warning them of‭ ‘‬imminent‭’ ‬legal action on behalf of Dominion Voting Systems.‭”

Both Giuliani and White House counsel Pat Cipollone were also told to‭ “‬preserve all documents related to Dominion.‭”

It would appear Dominion executives have a strong case,‭ ‬as no evidence has been found to‭ “‬support the claims by Trump allies about Dominion,‭ ‬or any widespread voter fraud in the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬election.‭”

In the near future,‭ ‬poor old senile Giuliani is going to see real attorneys in action,‭ ‬with real evidence to prove their assertions,‭ ‬not‭ ‬the‭ ‬goofy tall tales‭ ‬he’s been presenting.

A presidential pardon can’t get you off the hook for this one,‭ ‬Rudy.‭ ‬Are your malpractice insurance premiums up to date‭? ‬Will your malpractice insurance even cover knowingly lying about evidence that does not exist.‭ ‬That seems like criminal perjury,‭ ‬not a mistake that would be‭ ‬covered by‭ ‬malpractice‭ ‬insurance.‭ ‬This could cost you‭… ‬millions.‭ ‬Do you have that kind of cash laying around‭? ‬You can bet the impeached president trump isn’t going to offer you a cent of his‭ “‬skim‭”‬.

Not to worry,‭ ‬Dominion’s attorneys,‭ ‬Tom Clare and Megan Meier,‭ ‬will hash‭ ‬all‭ ‬that out with you.‭ ‬Unlike you and the impeached president trump,‭ ‬they appear quite knowledgeable in their profession.‭

Perhaps an out of court settlement would be best for you‭? ‬But,‭ ‬don’t decide now,‭ ‬first,‭ ‬find a good attorney.‭ (‬Hint:‭ ‬Not anyone recommended by the impeached president trump or any member of his criminal organization.‭)‭

Tucker Carlson's defense is that nobody takes him seriously.
Whats rudy's defense?

Judge tosses suit over Trump affair story after Fox News argues no "reasonable viewer" takes Tucker Carlson seriously

That's just amazing
This is just a typical Democrat diversion to draw attention away from vote fraud. If they can keep Rudy occupied defending himself he won't have time to prosecute all the criminal voting fraud.
He's been prosecuting "all the criminal voting fraud" for almost two months now. If anything they're doing him a favor by getting him out of that mess.
Good luck with that lawsuit. It isn’t getting far.
Squidhead is intimately familiar with that sort of conspicuous impotence from his dozens of displays of legal flaccidity across America lately.

Trump campaign suffers another legal setback in Wisconsin case
Republicans also lost a Georgia court case related to the Jan. 5 runoffs.​
Trump’s ineffectual bid to persuade the courts to overturn his defeat at the polls last month suffered another defeat on Christmas Eve as a federal appeals court rejected his attempt to challenge President-elect Joe Biden’s win by nearly 21,000 votes in Wisconsin.​
A three-judge panel of the Chicago-based 7th Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously dismissed arguments from Trump’s attorneys that the Wisconsin Election Commission violated the U.S. Constitution...​
The appeals court judges who ruled against Trump on Thursday were all Republican appointees. The author of the court’s opinion, Judge Michael Scudder, was appointed by Trump.

Trump's demand of loyalty over law underscores his narcissistic derangement.
Trump wonders why the Supreme Court Justices he appointed won’t support him. He shouldn’t.
'They're not going to burn down their court to rescue Donald Trump… they're neither stupid nor crazy. And for them to do what Trump's asking them to do, they would have to be both stupid and crazy.’

View attachment 433254
"And, with the job come spiffy red MAGA caps,
the classy symbol of your noble mission!"

What does this make it - One for SEVENTY? :D
Giuliani told to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action

However,‭ ‬the memo to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action wasn’t from any of the impeached president trump’s associates.

Rudy is named in a defamation suit‭ ‬brought‭ ‬by Dominion Voting Systems‭’ ‬attorneys.‭ ‬They specialize in defamation cases,‭ ‬and on Wednesday,‭ ‬sent letters to both lawyers on the impeached president trump’s crack(pot‭) ‬legal team‭ “‬warning them of‭ ‘‬imminent‭’ ‬legal action on behalf of Dominion Voting Systems.‭”

Both Giuliani and White House counsel Pat Cipollone were also told to‭ “‬preserve all documents related to Dominion.‭”

It would appear Dominion executives have a strong case,‭ ‬as no evidence has been found to‭ “‬support the claims by Trump allies about Dominion,‭ ‬or any widespread voter fraud in the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬election.‭”

In the near future,‭ ‬poor old senile Giuliani is going to see real attorneys in action,‭ ‬with real evidence to prove their assertions,‭ ‬not‭ ‬the‭ ‬goofy tall tales‭ ‬he’s been presenting.

A presidential pardon can’t get you off the hook for this one,‭ ‬Rudy.‭ ‬Are your malpractice insurance premiums up to date‭? ‬Will your malpractice insurance even cover knowingly lying about evidence that does not exist.‭ ‬That seems like criminal perjury,‭ ‬not a mistake that would be‭ ‬covered by‭ ‬malpractice‭ ‬insurance.‭ ‬This could cost you‭… ‬millions.‭ ‬Do you have that kind of cash laying around‭? ‬You can bet the impeached president trump isn’t going to offer you a cent of his‭ “‬skim‭”‬.

Not to worry,‭ ‬Dominion’s attorneys,‭ ‬Tom Clare and Megan Meier,‭ ‬will hash‭ ‬all‭ ‬that out with you.‭ ‬Unlike you and the impeached president trump,‭ ‬they appear quite knowledgeable in their profession.‭

Perhaps an out of court settlement would be best for you‭? ‬But,‭ ‬don’t decide now,‭ ‬first,‭ ‬find a good attorney.‭ (‬Hint:‭ ‬Not anyone recommended by the impeached president trump or any member of his criminal organization.‭)‭

Tucker Carlson's defense is that nobody takes him seriously.
Whats rudy's defense?

Judge tosses suit over Trump affair story after Fox News argues no "reasonable viewer" takes Tucker Carlson seriously

That's just amazing
It's also provably false. Lots of idiots take the bastard as literally truthful. But political commentators should be allowed hyperbole. from the link
"rhetorical hyperbole and opinion commentary intended to frame a political debate, and as such, are not actionable as defamation,"
Giuliani told to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action

However,‭ ‬the memo to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action wasn’t from any of the impeached president trump’s associates.

Rudy is named in a defamation suit‭ ‬brought‭ ‬by Dominion Voting Systems‭’ ‬attorneys.‭ ‬They specialize in defamation cases,‭ ‬and on Wednesday,‭ ‬sent letters to both lawyers on the impeached president trump’s crack(pot‭) ‬legal team‭ “‬warning them of‭ ‘‬imminent‭’ ‬legal action on behalf of Dominion Voting Systems.‭”

Both Giuliani and White House counsel Pat Cipollone were also told to‭ “‬preserve all documents related to Dominion.‭”

It would appear Dominion executives have a strong case,‭ ‬as no evidence has been found to‭ “‬support the claims by Trump allies about Dominion,‭ ‬or any widespread voter fraud in the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬election.‭”

In the near future,‭ ‬poor old senile Giuliani is going to see real attorneys in action,‭ ‬with real evidence to prove their assertions,‭ ‬not‭ ‬the‭ ‬goofy tall tales‭ ‬he’s been presenting.

A presidential pardon can’t get you off the hook for this one,‭ ‬Rudy.‭ ‬Are your malpractice insurance premiums up to date‭? ‬Will your malpractice insurance even cover knowingly lying about evidence that does not exist.‭ ‬That seems like criminal perjury,‭ ‬not a mistake that would be‭ ‬covered by‭ ‬malpractice‭ ‬insurance.‭ ‬This could cost you‭… ‬millions.‭ ‬Do you have that kind of cash laying around‭? ‬You can bet the impeached president trump isn’t going to offer you a cent of his‭ “‬skim‭”‬.

Not to worry,‭ ‬Dominion’s attorneys,‭ ‬Tom Clare and Megan Meier,‭ ‬will hash‭ ‬all‭ ‬that out with you.‭ ‬Unlike you and the impeached president trump,‭ ‬they appear quite knowledgeable in their profession.‭

Perhaps an out of court settlement would be best for you‭? ‬But,‭ ‬don’t decide now,‭ ‬first,‭ ‬find a good attorney.‭ (‬Hint:‭ ‬Not anyone recommended by the impeached president trump or any member of his criminal organization.‭)‭


I hope they use him for all the money he made from his trump fees....which if course he will never be paid.
This is just a typical Democrat diversion to draw attention away from vote fraud. If they can keep Rudy occupied defending himself he won't have time to prosecute all the criminal voting fraud.

What crime? 50 + court cases say otherwise. The whiny little girl named trump is a LOSER. Live With it!
Giuliani told to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action

However,‭ ‬the memo to prepare for‭ '‬imminent‭' ‬legal action wasn’t from any of the impeached president trump’s associates.

Rudy is named in a defamation suit‭ ‬brought‭ ‬by Dominion Voting Systems‭’ ‬attorneys.‭ ‬They specialize in defamation cases,‭ ‬and on Wednesday,‭ ‬sent letters to both lawyers on the impeached president trump’s crack(pot‭) ‬legal team‭ “‬warning them of‭ ‘‬imminent‭’ ‬legal action on behalf of Dominion Voting Systems.‭”

Both Giuliani and White House counsel Pat Cipollone were also told to‭ “‬preserve all documents related to Dominion.‭”

It would appear Dominion executives have a strong case,‭ ‬as no evidence has been found to‭ “‬support the claims by Trump allies about Dominion,‭ ‬or any widespread voter fraud in the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬election.‭”

In the near future,‭ ‬poor old senile Giuliani is going to see real attorneys in action,‭ ‬with real evidence to prove their assertions,‭ ‬not‭ ‬the‭ ‬goofy tall tales‭ ‬he’s been presenting.

A presidential pardon can’t get you off the hook for this one,‭ ‬Rudy.‭ ‬Are your malpractice insurance premiums up to date‭? ‬Will your malpractice insurance even cover knowingly lying about evidence that does not exist.‭ ‬That seems like criminal perjury,‭ ‬not a mistake that would be‭ ‬covered by‭ ‬malpractice‭ ‬insurance.‭ ‬This could cost you‭… ‬millions.‭ ‬Do you have that kind of cash laying around‭? ‬You can bet the impeached president trump isn’t going to offer you a cent of his‭ “‬skim‭”‬.

Not to worry,‭ ‬Dominion’s attorneys,‭ ‬Tom Clare and Megan Meier,‭ ‬will hash‭ ‬all‭ ‬that out with you.‭ ‬Unlike you and the impeached president trump,‭ ‬they appear quite knowledgeable in their profession.‭

Perhaps an out of court settlement would be best for you‭? ‬But,‭ ‬don’t decide now,‭ ‬first,‭ ‬find a good attorney.‭ (‬Hint:‭ ‬Not anyone recommended by the impeached president trump or any member of his criminal organization.‭)‭


I hope they use him for all the money he made from his trump fees....which if course he will never be paid.
This is just a typical Democrat diversion to draw attention away from vote fraud. If they can keep Rudy occupied defending himself he won't have time to prosecute all the criminal voting fraud.

What crime? 50 + court cases say otherwise. The whiny little girl named trump is a LOSER. Live With it!

Rudy thinks he's making 20 grand a day. Poor feller looks in mailbox 12 times a day. Meh - Goose egg - AGAIN :D
Dominion doesn't want to sue...they just want a headline...if they sue they play right into Rudy's hands...they will have to turn over whatever and how ever many machines for investigation that Rudy wants...
Glad to see some company finally stand up to the trump bullies.
Rudy also suffers from third party discovery. The voting machines belong to states and election boards.

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