Give me ONE good reason we should take in hundreds of thousands of uneducated& poor "migrants"

3 pages in and no serious responses from the usual suspects....

You're cheering this shit so give us your reasons. What's in it for America?
There are plenty of good reasons, but only for the Ruling Class. They depress wages, thus making the RC richer. They divide Americans thus allowing the RC to keep doing what they want. They are dependents of the State, so they support the state which the RC controls.
Wait, are they depressing wages (working) or are they dependants of the state (not working)?
Good point and yes many do work and they work very hard. They do a lot of the grunt work in this country. That said, many are on some form of welfare. After all, there are something like 20 million of them here and more every day under Donnie.
I have no problem with legal migration. Legal migration does not subvert salaries like illegal immigrants do.


Then as you already know construction being the mecca of one miserable ex con after the next, who law abiding workers like myself paid for room & board , then (on top of this) subsidied to gain employment within our field on MY tax dime i'd highly encourge you to step in line with our commander 'n migrant worker's wish to replace one with the other

Context ya prick. The last half of the sentence is as important if not more important than the first half.

I can compete with someone who is above board and following the same rules and regulations I am required to follow. They can not cut the same corners the man with an all illegal workforce is who is paying his help half of the prevailing wage.

You may think your cubicle smarts are the bees knees but I assure you THEY ARE NOT.
There is a real world out there with real consequences that LEGIT contractors face everyday while the shitheads who hire illegals don't even bother to follow OSHA standards much less pay their help appropriate wages.

Don't like HIB1 then petition the government to change it. A telemarketer will thank you if you're successful
Interesting you should mention how the rules in this nation are different for citizens than they are for illegals.

The folks in poverty have to take out student loans and be saddled with debt for well into their working prime, well after they have had children and taken out a mortgage.

OTH, if you are a dreamer? And you don't have a SS#? It means you don't have to fill out a FAFSA and don't qualify for debt, foundations are more than happy to give you a free ride.

It pisses my kid and his friends off big time.

There is definitely a double standard.

Some of them have even thought about ways to hop the border to Canada, renounce their citizenship, just so they can enter illegally and fool some foundation into paying for their tuition. :71:

Unfortunately, with the state of today's technology, I doubt it would be possibly to erase one's past unless their folks never registered their birth.
We have an underclass in this nation living on the streets, under bridges, in cars and homeless shelters.
Taking in up to millions more like them will not help them. You lefties "claim" to want to help America's poor yet you support flooding the nation with more. More who will......
Eat up social services designed to help AMERICAN poor.
Take low skilled jobs that are designed for AMERICAN poor.
Flood an already broken public education system in the poorest neighborhoods.
Increase crime rates.
Wind up in our already over crowded jail system.
Decrease labor values for menial jobs.

The list of the negatives goes on and on. So what do we get in return to offset that cost to the AMERICAN tax payer?

Good feelings?
A hope for a new voting block when they are granted citizenship by the next leftist administration?
Your house painted or lawn mowed cheap?

Where is the upside???

And I DARE you to stay on topic without going personal....

Note to the mods: This IS political so please don't relegate it to an obscure forum that wont see the discussion the topic deserves.
It is VERY MUCH the biggest political football of this year.
To provide votes to Democrat politicians. Well, that's what the Democrat crooks obviously want.
3 pages in and no serious responses from the usual suspects....

You're cheering this shit so give us your reasons. What's in it for America?
There are plenty of good reasons, but only for the Ruling Class. They depress wages, thus making the RC richer. They divide Americans thus allowing the RC to keep doing what they want. They are dependents of the State, so they support the state which the RC controls.
Wait, are they depressing wages (working) or are they dependants of the state (not working)?
Good point and yes many do work and they work very hard. They do a lot of the grunt work in this country. That said, many are on some form of welfare. After all, there are something like 20 million of them here and more every day under Donnie.
11 million at last estimate. And numbers were going down until a few months after tRump started with this "crisis" crap.

Weird that, you know?
3 pages in and no serious responses from the usual suspects....

You're cheering this shit so give us your reasons. What's in it for America?
There are plenty of good reasons, but only for the Ruling Class. They depress wages, thus making the RC richer. They divide Americans thus allowing the RC to keep doing what they want. They are dependents of the State, so they support the state which the RC controls.
Wait, are they depressing wages (working) or are they dependants of the state (not working)?
Good point and yes many do work and they work very hard. They do a lot of the grunt work in this country. That said, many are on some form of welfare. After all, there are something like 20 million of them here and more every day under Donnie.
11 million at last estimate. And numbers were going down until a few months after tRump started with this "crisis" crap.

Weird that, you know?
I don’t believe the numbers put out by government controlled media. For decades they claimed it was 6 million. No on really knows how many are here. The border has been open for decades.
We have an underclass in this nation living on the streets, under bridges, in cars and homeless shelters.
Taking in up to millions more like them will not help them. You lefties "claim" to want to help America's poor yet you support flooding the nation with more. More who will......
Eat up social services designed to help AMERICAN poor.
Take low skilled jobs that are designed for AMERICAN poor.
Flood an already broken public education system in the poorest neighborhoods.
Increase crime rates.
Wind up in our already over crowded jail system.
Decrease labor values for menial jobs.

The list of the negatives goes on and on. So what do we get in return to offset that cost to the AMERICAN tax payer?

Good feelings?
A hope for a new voting block when they are granted citizenship by the next leftist administration?
Your house painted or lawn mowed cheap?

Where is the upside???

And I DARE you to stay on topic without going personal....

Note to the mods: This IS political so please don't relegate it to an obscure forum that wont see the discussion the topic deserves.
It is VERY MUCH the biggest political football of this year.
We've been doing it for around three hundred years..

So are fetuses, but y'all have no problem snuffing them out. These are future voters.

Isn't it weird how the filthy Democrats look at every Illegal as a future welfare queen Democrat voter but don't look at fetuses the same way? Even though most children aborted come from Democrat voting minorities?

They haven't thought it out very well, have they? Dumbshits!
Oh, they've thought it out. They're majoring in abortion of black babies and importing Hispanic people. Racist jackals.
I can compete with someone who is above board and following the same rules and regulations I am required to follow. They can not cut the same corners the man with an all illegal workforce is who is paying his help half of the prevailing wage.

You can't compete w/ H1B's Gramps.....legally here....not illegally, in fact all the big jobs can afford to ship them in, put them up cheaper than hire local yokels

It's called insourcing ,all legal.

There is a real world out there with real consequences that LEGIT contractors face everyday

I've been a contractor since you wore short pants Gramps, consequenses? i've lived them, thx.

Our Gub'Mit hands out H1B's w/caps that they also entertain every excuse to extend.

That's one big fat consequence
Insourcing: American Lose Jobs to H-1B Visa Workers | HuffPost
Don't like HIB1 then petition the government to change it. A telemarketer will thank you if you're successful

yes, it's always been pissin' in the wind , while the tools scream the illegal' bait/switch rhetoric

There is definitely a double standard.

And we're living it, yet again
New H1B Visa Policy Labelled a "Lose-lose, Brain-dead Strategy" - Nearshore Americas
There is absolutely no reason to take in someone who is unskilled and doesn't speak English.

Used to be to come to this country you had to have a sponsor. That sponsor took care of all of your needs. Not the tax payers of America.

Now all you have to do is cross the border illegally and your in. Illegals aren't supposed to get any entitlements from the tax payer but they do. Their kids are in our schools and you can bet they don't speak English. More cost.

These useless illegals cost us billions each year and not a one of them should be in our country at all.

Build the wall. Once its up we can boot them all the hell out. Ike did it in the 50's and Trump can do it now.
We have an underclass in this nation living on the streets, under bridges, in cars and homeless shelters.
Taking in up to millions more like them will not help them. You lefties "claim" to want to help America's poor yet you support flooding the nation with more. More who will......
Eat up social services designed to help AMERICAN poor.
Take low skilled jobs that are designed for AMERICAN poor.
Flood an already broken public education system in the poorest neighborhoods.
Increase crime rates.
Wind up in our already over crowded jail system.
Decrease labor values for menial jobs.

The list of the negatives goes on and on. So what do we get in return to offset that cost to the AMERICAN tax payer?

Good feelings?
A hope for a new voting block when they are granted citizenship by the next leftist administration?
Your house painted or lawn mowed cheap?

Where is the upside???

And I DARE you to stay on topic without going personal....

Note to the mods: This IS political so please don't relegate it to an obscure forum that wont see the discussion the topic deserves.
It is VERY MUCH the biggest political football of this year.

If you can't think of an up side to helping people fleeing hunger, violence rape or death, I weep for your soul.
immigrants don't piss anyone off. you fail to understand that an illegal isn't an immigrant. It's ok, you're just stupid and don't understand our constitution. discussing a topic like this with you is worse than painting a wall.

The ignore function is your friend.
only for certain idiots. I like to expose you all for the fakes you are.
so you're for low wages? then why are you all pushing 15 dollars an hour minimum wage? aS always, you walk around as a pretzel all bent out of shape.

At least 15 bucks an hour even for those hard working immigrants that piss you people off so much.
15 dollars to do a job designed for a damn teenager?

You've lost your mind
dude, they were never teenagers and held a McDonald's job to make spending money for a car while living at home and no actual expenses. Not sure what woodwork they slimed out of.
Give me ONE good reason we should take in hundreds of thousands of uneducated& poor "migrants"

so you can lie about the numbers -

From October through February, border agents arrested 136,150 people traveling in families at the southern border. Those figures exceeded the record for a full, 12-month period; 107,212 people were arrested during the federal fiscal year that ended in September.
More than 66,400 people were arrested in February, making it the busiest month since President Trump took office and the busiest February since 2008. Since 2013, when the U.S. Customs and Border Protection began counting family units, there have been 2.6 million total apprehensions along the U.S.-Mexico border.
you believe fake climate science but say the border agents are lying. wow, truly stupid fks.
I knew an elderly lady who fed her cat outside, and before you knew it she had over 40 cats. Free food, open border/slash hole in the fence, no enforcement equated to out of control breeding, stray cat nightmare, tomcat breeding and killing, disease, kittens found dead all over the place from diseases, adult cats with feline diseases etc. Then the elderly lady couldn't afford to feed them all, and some fighting for resources began starving out the others. Otherwise pure chaos. The same with the border.

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