Give me ONE good reason we should take in hundreds of thousands of uneducated& poor "migrants"

3 pages in and no serious responses from the usual suspects....

You're cheering this shit so give us your reasons. What's in it for America?
There are plenty of good reasons, but only for the Ruling Class. They depress wages, thus making the RC richer. They divide Americans thus allowing the RC to keep doing what they want. They are dependents of the State, so they support the state which the RC controls.
Wait, are they depressing wages (working) or are they dependants of the state (not working)?
youse guys that think of yourselves as Americans are so fecked and its been going on since repubs 'reagan and bush' fecked you guys in 1986 . Just a general comment very loosely answering the original question in title . But Its getting worse as hundreds of the diverse are exiting buses and are waiting for transport on the lawns at WalMart to some where or some place to be supported by USA taxpayer dollars .
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No it is not.
It absolutely is. But agreeing requires the basic traits of empathy and sympathy.

Perhaps a meritocracy FFI?

I mean , how hard can it be to detail what qualifies 'citizen' ?

Let our lovely IRS share stats for starters, one 'takes' more than 'makes', and it's>


We have an underclass in this nation living on the streets, under bridges, in cars and homeless shelters.
Taking in up to millions more like them will not help them. You lefties "claim" to want to help America's poor yet you support flooding the nation with more. More who will......
Eat up social services designed to help AMERICAN poor.
Take low skilled jobs that are designed for AMERICAN poor.
Flood an already broken public education system in the poorest neighborhoods.
Increase crime rates.
Wind up in our already over crowded jail system.
Decrease labor values for menial jobs.

The list of the negatives goes on and on. So what do we get in return to offset that cost to the AMERICAN tax payer?

Good feelings?
A hope for a new voting block when they are granted citizenship by the next leftist administration?
Your house painted or lawn mowed cheap?

Where is the upside???

And I DARE you to stay on topic without going personal....

Note to the mods: This IS political so please don't relegate it to an obscure forum that wont see the discussion the topic deserves.
It is VERY MUCH the biggest political football of this year.

Our GDP is the product of stupid migrants and the handful of natives they did not exterminate?
3 pages in and no serious responses from the usual suspects....

You're cheering this shit so give us your reasons. What's in it for America?
There are plenty of good reasons, but only for the Ruling Class. They depress wages, thus making the RC richer. They divide Americans thus allowing the RC to keep doing what they want. They are dependents of the State, so they support the state which the RC controls.
Wait, are they depressing wages (working) or are they dependants of the state (not working)?
See this is why you people look so stupid.

They work under the table for substandard wages which drive down wages for the competition that hires legal employees.

At the same time they take social services precisely because they work under the table and can report ZERO income
Give me ONE good reason we should take in hundreds of thousands of uneducated& poor "migrants"

Give me ONE good reason we should take in tens of millions of uneducated & poor "migrants" and the violence, crime and disease it also brings with it.

There, fixed that for ya.
Why shouldn't we deport all of the ignorant, racist republicans and make this country much better?
8 pages and not a single serious response from the boards left.
If this was my Trump failed thread from last week they would all be in here giddy with glee and slapping me on the back.

It's clear to me that this is nothing more than political ammunition and I gave y'all plenty of time to prove me wrong.

You're all summarily dismissed on this issue. You failed to rise to the challenge. No surprise however since you are LEFTARDS.

8 pages and not a single serious response from the boards left.
Empty whining. I gave an excellent answer. You threw it aside without an iota of iblntelligent argument or even an attempt at any. Because you came here to whine, and for literally no other reason. Someone call the waaaaahmbulance...this moronic thread might be DOA....
3 pages in and no serious responses from the usual suspects....

You're cheering this shit so give us your reasons. What's in it for America?
There are plenty of good reasons, but only for the Ruling Class. They depress wages, thus making the RC richer. They divide Americans thus allowing the RC to keep doing what they want. They are dependents of the State, so they support the state which the RC controls.
Wait, are they depressing wages (working) or are they dependants of the state (not working)?
See this is why you people look so stupid.

They work under the table for substandard wages which drive down wages for the competition that hires legal employees.

At the same time they take social services precisely because they work under the table and can report ZERO income
Well, you've just made a good case for legalizing them.

Got any more ideas?

So are fetuses, but y'all have no problem snuffing them out. These are future voters.

Isn't it weird how the filthy Democrats look at every Illegal as a future welfare queen Democrat voter but don't look at fetuses the same way? Even though most children aborted come from Democrat voting minorities?

They haven't thought it out very well, have they? Dumbshits!
3 pages in and no serious responses from the usual suspects....

You're cheering this shit so give us your reasons. What's in it for America?
There are plenty of good reasons, but only for the Ruling Class. They depress wages, thus making the RC richer. They divide Americans thus allowing the RC to keep doing what they want. They are dependents of the State, so they support the state which the RC controls.
Wait, are they depressing wages (working) or are they dependants of the state (not working)?
See this is why you people look so stupid.

They work under the table for substandard wages which drive down wages for the competition that hires legal employees.

At the same time they take social services precisely because they work under the table and can report ZERO income
Well, you've just made a good case for legalizing them.

Got any more ideas?
I just gave you a reason to SEND THEM ALL HOME
3 pages in and no serious responses from the usual suspects....

You're cheering this shit so give us your reasons. What's in it for America?
There are plenty of good reasons, but only for the Ruling Class. They depress wages, thus making the RC richer. They divide Americans thus allowing the RC to keep doing what they want. They are dependents of the State, so they support the state which the RC controls.
Wait, are they depressing wages (working) or are they dependants of the state (not working)?
See this is why you people look so stupid.

They work under the table for substandard wages which drive down wages for the competition that hires legal employees.

At the same time they take social services precisely because they work under the table and can report ZERO income
Well, you've just made a good case for legalizing them.

Got any more ideas?
I just gave you a reason to SEND THEM ALL HOME
No, you just think you did.
Give me ONE good reason we should KEEP the tens of millions of uneducated & poor fools producing nothing but violence, crime and disease it also brings with it.

There, fixed that for ya.

fixed it better.....
8 pages and not a single serious response

Plenty here, just not one yer willin' to accept , s*cks to be YOU Gramps

Naw, being me is pretty awesome. Can you get your exwife to cook dinner for you after a contentious divorce?

Yeah, life is just fine

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