Give me ONE good reason we should take in hundreds of thousands of uneducated& poor "migrants"

If they keep letting them in, maybe we can finally get enough good plumbers and construction workers to remodel bathrooms worth a fuck. It's so bad in the U.S. you have to pay several sites to find even a half way decent one.

I heard it is especially hard in the Kansas City area.
If they keep letting them in, maybe we can finally get enough good plumbers and construction workers to remodel bathrooms worth a fuck. It's so bad in the U.S. you have to pay several sites to find even a half way decent one.

I heard it is especially hard in the Kansas City area.

well you could ask Gramps if he's available , i'm sure he's an 'all 'round' man.....~S~
If they keep letting them in, maybe we can finally get enough good plumbers and construction workers to remodel bathrooms worth a fuck. It's so bad in the U.S. you have to pay several sites to find even a half way decent one.

I heard it is especially hard in the Kansas City area.

well you could ask Gramps if he's available , i'm sure he's an 'all 'round' man.....~S~


Get on my level dirtbags
The universal axiom being good,fast, cheap means those H1B holders tRump is inviting in will beat you out Gramps ~S~
which ARE legal.....

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
H1-B holders in the United States can rest assured that changes are soon coming which will bring both simplicity and certainty to your stay, including a potential path to citizenship. We want to encourage talented and highly skilled people to pursue career options in the U.S.

4:40 AM - 11 Jan 2019
The universal axiom being good,fast, cheap means those H1B holders tRump is inviting in will beat you out Gramps ~S~
Doubtful. Most of them migrate to the coasts. My last customer is a recipient of one of those but he works in the satelite industry.
I have no problem with legal migration. Legal migration does not subvert salaries like illegal immigrants do.
I have no problem with legal migration. Legal migration does not subvert salaries like illegal immigrants do.


Then as you already know construction being the mecca of one miserable ex con after the next, who law abiding workers like myself paid for room & board , then (on top of this) subsidied to gain employment within our field on MY tax dime i'd highly encourge you to step in line with our commander 'n migrant worker's wish to replace one with the other

I have no problem with legal migration. Legal migration does not subvert salaries like illegal immigrants do.


Then as you already know construction being the mecca of one miserable ex con after the next, who law abiding workers like myself paid for room & board , then (on top of this) subsidied to gain employment within our field on MY tax dime i'd highly encourge you to step in line with our commander 'n migrant worker's wish to replace one with the other

Context ya prick. The last half of the sentence is as important if not more important than the first half.

I can compete with someone who is above board and following the same rules and regulations I am required to follow. They can not cut the same corners the man with an all illegal workforce is who is paying his help half of the prevailing wage.

You may think your cubicle smarts are the bees knees but I assure you THEY ARE NOT.
There is a real world out there with real consequences that LEGIT contractors face everyday while the shitheads who hire illegals don't even bother to follow OSHA standards much less pay their help appropriate wages.

Don't like HIB1 then petition the government to change it. A telemarketer will thank you if you're successful
8 pages and not a single serious response from the boards left.
Empty whining. I gave an excellent answer. You threw it aside without an iota of iblntelligent argument or even an attempt at any. Because you came here to whine, and for literally no other reason. Someone call the waaaaahmbulance...this moronic thread might be DOA....


This, in a nutshell, was your answer.

The United States of America has no moral or ethical obligation to enter into a suicide compact with the other 8 billion inhabitants of the planet.

Get yourself a brain.

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