Give me ONE good reason we should take in hundreds of thousands of uneducated& poor "migrants"

Those cars are not going to wash themselves.

Darn near, I just sit in it as it moves down the belt and come out the other side and it is clean!

it is like magic! :21::21:

With friendly, hard working immigrant labor at both ends of the machinery.
At every carwash I have been to like that its young white males...usually high schooler's working after school or during the summer....They line my car up,throw some water on it and off we go to let the machine do its job.
"This image is gut-wrenching. The cruelty we're seeing at our border is unconscionable. History will judge how we respond to the Trump Administration’s treatment of immigrant families & children—we can’t be silent. This isn't who we are. This is not America." - Creepy Joe Biden

The photo below was exploited to justify the mass migration into Europe in 2015. Europe is now destabilized.

The photo above will be leveraged for the same reason. The crime here is committed by those who encourage these people to attempt the journey.


Here's a good reason why we should accept millions of immigrants:

The photo below was exploited to justify the mass migration into Europe in 2015. Europe is now destabilized.

The photo above will be leveraged for the same reason. The crime here is committed by those who encourage these people to attempt the journey.


That child laying there is a very tragic and terribly sad thing to view. Lord have mercy on those responsible for all that we are seeing in the world today, because it won't be good for those who are guilty.
"This image is gut-wrenching. The cruelty we're seeing at our border is unconscionable. History will judge how we respond to the Trump Administration’s treatment of immigrant families & children—we can’t be silent. This isn't who we are. This is not America." - Creepy Joe Biden

Quick to charge Trump and his administration, but dismissing the Demon-crats eh ??? They don't call'em Demon-crats for nothing.

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