***Give Mueller More Power***


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
The more power Mueller has - the quicker he can get the job done. Turn him loose like Independent Counsel Ken Starr. This Trump crime syndicate is much more serious than President Bill Clinton lying about blow jobs in the Oval Office. Bill's BJs were never a threat to American democracy.

Don't you agree?
Damn right, but Trump is such an easy target, with his foot-shooting disorder, Mueller must be laughing all the way to the impeachment.
Liberals haven't been this made at a sitting President since Lincoln freed the slaves.

I don't understand this Liberal thing...

Trump is no Christian and likes fucking porn stars while his wife is minding the baby.

He has also agreed to a budget which the CBO says will have the Deficit at $1Trillion by 2020...

So he is no Conservative.

He is actually worse than most any Democrat President... Clinton ran a surplus, Obama cut spending, Obama was a loving father....

Face it, to object to this president is to actually believe in conservative values...
More power to Mueller?
Well how about using old sparky down in Florida on him?
How much longer are you going to keep up this putin loves trump stuff?

been more than a year and you haven't gotten a sliver of real evidence.

tons of assumption, but not a nickles worth that can stand in court.
The more power Mueller has - the quicker he can get the job done. Turn him loose like Independent Counsel Ken Starr. This Trump crime syndicate is much more serious than President Bill Clinton lying about blow jobs in the Oval Office. Bill's BJs were never a threat to American democracy.

Don't you agree?
Turn him loose like Independent Counsel Ken Starr.
There are no material differences in the capacities/powers and scope of Independent Counsels (aka Special Prosecutors) and Special Counsels. The differences have to do with the manner of appointment, not in the powers either has/had.
Under the old law, only a POTUS could appoint Independent Counsels. Now the AG, or Deputy AG if the AG is recused (and so on down the line until is found someone who's not recused), can appoint a Special Counsel.

Strictly speaking, and had Rosenstein thought it fitting to do so, Mueller could have pulled into his scope the matter pertaining to Cohen and the search warrant that was today executed. Apparently Rosenstein felt it best that Mueller didn't do so and that the standard DoJ/FBI processes would be able to aptly handle the matter.

I don't know why, but for some bizarre reason, Trumpkins seem to think at least two utterly absurd things:
  • That a prosecutor/investigator into "Matter A" would utterly disregard indications of other criminal acts that s/he discovers in the course of investigating "Matter A."

    Well, law enforcement just doesn't work that way. If it did, there's be little point to having an independent judiciary and DoJ; one'd need only a "gestapo" of sorts...a personal and politically driven code of laws whereby what the head of state deems is the law at any given moment is thus the law. Indeed, a nation doesn't need a judiciary or prosecutors in such an environment; it'd need only enforcers.
  • That there's something amiss with there even being an investigation to determine whether Russians (or any other adversarial government and agents/cutouts working on behalf of a foreign government) inserted themselves into the American political process, and if they did, (1) in what regard, with what Americans, if any, they ingratiated themselves to do so, and (2) to what extent either the foreign or domestic actors did so and/or allowed themselves to be used unlawfully in the U.S. political/electoral process.

    Why they'd object to that, regardless of whom may be the targets or persons of interest in such an investigation is beyond me. The fact of the matter is that such an investigation is the one sure way that Trump could be unquestionably absolved of any criminal wrongdoing.

    From a personal perspective and knowing that he did nothing wrong, despite rumors and innuendo to the contrary, Trump should be thrilled at the prospect of allowing the investigation to progress unimpeded. Indeed, he should be chomping at the bit to help investigators by over-providing them with information about literally everything he said and did during the campaign. From a patriotic perspective, Trump and every American should want to see such an investigation progress with as much comprehensiveness as is at all possible. America as a nation has nothing to gain from allowing to go undiscovered and undisclosed political usurpation by foreign governments.
How much longer are you going to keep up this putin loves trump stuff?

been more than a year and you haven't gotten a sliver of real evidence.

tons of assumption, but not a nickles worth that can stand in court.

You're absolutely right. Everyone can see their relationship is just platonic.
How much longer are you going to keep up this putin loves trump stuff?

been more than a year and you haven't gotten a sliver of real evidence.

tons of assumption, but not a nickles worth that can stand in court.

You're absolutely right. Everyone can see their relationship is just platonic.
ROTFL...Trump looks like such an adoring and dutiful "wife" in that picture. I bet he's a "bottom." LOL​
How much longer are you going to keep up this putin loves trump stuff?

been more than a year and you haven't gotten a sliver of real evidence.

tons of assumption, but not a nickles worth that can stand in court.
Leftwingers don't need evidence. That's why they continue to believe in socialism.
How much longer are you going to keep up this putin loves trump stuff?

been more than a year and you haven't gotten a sliver of real evidence.

tons of assumption, but not a nickles worth that can stand in court.

You're absolutely right. Everyone can see their relationship is just platonic.
something tells me that putin isn't phoroshopped
The more power Mueller has - the quicker he can get the job done. Turn him loose like Independent Counsel Ken Starr. This Trump crime syndicate is much more serious than President Bill Clinton lying about blow jobs in the Oval Office. Bill's BJs were never a threat to American democracy.

Don't you agree?

He needs to be fired and this nonsense charade put to an end
The more power Mueller has - the quicker he can get the job done. Turn him loose like Independent Counsel Ken Starr. This Trump crime syndicate is much more serious than President Bill Clinton lying about blow jobs in the Oval Office. Bill's BJs were never a threat to American democracy.

Don't you agree?

Are there specific limitations that you think are impeding him?
Would exceeding those limitations surpass the normal limitations of government power that protect the people against abuse?
Are you sure any such limitations aren't merely vested elsewhere?

This reminds me of a lesson I learned a long time ago. A job might take 5000 man hours, but that doesn't mean a team of 5000 men can get it done in one hour.
Damn right, but Trump is such an easy target, with his foot-shooting disorder, Mueller must be laughing all the way to the impeachment.
I get the impression that you commies think that just by impeaching Trump, he'll be gone and a democrat will then sit in the office. Criminal Clinton was impeached and so was Andrew Johnson, they both continued to serve out their presidencies and doing their jobs. The worst that would happen would be that if there was some way of actually getting Trump out, he'd be replaced by the ultra-religious Mike Pence, who goes along with Trump's agenda, because that's what those who voted for Trump wanted and...he's a "career" politician who has a squeaky clean record and was picked at the last minute by Trump, therefore has absolutely no connection with any of the myriad of claims against the administration. Remember, unlike Trump.....per Pence, Jesus personally talks to him.
I'm sure the Left would love to see Mueller with power far exceeding Constitutional boundaries.
I suspect this entire Mueller thing is going to collapse very soon after yesterday's raid on Trump's lawyers office.
If it does not, things could get ugly....quickly
There seems to be no significant opposition to any of these moves by the radical Left. How is this possible?

The Left has always loved a good "lynching".
This is simply business as usual for them.

I get the impression that you commies think that just by impeaching Trump, he'll be gone and a democrat will then sit in the office. Criminal Clinton was impeached and so was Andrew Johnson, they both continued to serve out their presidencies and doing their jobs. The worst that would happen would be that if there was some way of actually getting Trump out, he'd be replaced by the ultra-religious Mike Pence, who goes along with Trump's agenda, because that's what those who voted for Trump wanted and...he's a "career" politician who has a squeaky clean record and was picked at the last minute by Trump, therefore has absolutely no connection with any of the myriad of claims against the administration. Remember, unlike Trump.....per Pence, Jesus personally talks to him.

They're not worried about Pence.
If they manage to remove Trump.....Pence will be no problem.
You can rest assured, they already have teams working on Pences background and removal strategies. Unlike the Right, those fuckers have strategies and they act on them.
You don't find it odd....the LACK of opposition to all these things the Left is getting away with?

Has there been ANY significant resistance?
The silence is equivalent to the Right confessing to every one of the Left's claims.

We're inching closer...noone cares?
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I get the impression that you commies think that just by impeaching Trump, he'll be gone and a democrat will then sit in the office. Criminal Clinton was impeached and so was Andrew Johnson, they both continued to serve out their presidencies and doing their jobs. The worst that would happen would be that if there was some way of actually getting Trump out, he'd be replaced by the ultra-religious Mike Pence, who goes along with Trump's agenda, because that's what those who voted for Trump wanted and...he's a "career" politician who has a squeaky clean record and was picked at the last minute by Trump, therefore has absolutely no connection with any of the myriad of claims against the administration. Remember, unlike Trump.....per Pence, Jesus personally talks to him.

They're not worried about Pence.
If they manage to remove Trump.....Pence will be no problem.
You can rest assured, they already have teams working on Pences background and removal strategies. Unlike the Right, those fuckers have strategies and they act on them.
You don't find it odd....the LACK of opposition to all these things the Left is getting away with?

Has there been ANY significant resistance?
The silence is equivalent to the Right confessing to every one of the Left's claims.

We're inching closer
The left has always been opposed to the right, these days however, I am concerned about the deep state element of pro-Marxists, which could bode poorly for our Constitutional Republic.
The more power Mueller has - the quicker he can get the job done.
Get what job done?

I thought he held the same charge as any other prosecutor--to make sure justice is done. "Get the job done" implies his objective is to remove Trump.

I realize you fucking hate Trump more than you live your own miserable life, but how much power do you want a special prosecutor to have the next time one of your communist asswipes takes the White House?

I don't give a fuck about Trump. Get him out of there. He's an unflushed turd, but if you really want to go down this path, it will not be kind in the future.

Every presidency going forward will be challenged by a special prosecutor the day he steps into office until the day he leaves. Is that what you want?

I would prefer we just have a civil war so we can kill some commies for mommy and get this shit over with.

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