Give us your guns, or we'll come and get them.

Obama is going to take your guns!

Send $$$$$$ to the NRA
It is the only way to stop him
Obama is going to take your guns!

Send $$$$$$ to the NRA
It is the only way to stop him

The guy said he actually wanted to ban semi-auto rifles, and require people to turn them in.

At least he has the balls to not go with that "grandfathering" bullshit.
Obama is going to take your guns!

Send $$$$$$ to the NRA
It is the only way to stop him

The guy said he actually wanted to ban semi-auto rifles, and require people to turn them in.

At least he has the balls to not go with that "grandfathering" bullshit.
When Obama was president, he sent Michelle to kick in my door and take my guns

The NRA didn’t lift a finger
This is what the left is all about.


How many times guns been taken so far?

It's all about stopping it from ever happening.

Constant vigilance is required.

Heard the green dye joke?
Guy throwing dye in the northern ocean.
What's that. For?
To keep sharks away.
They never are here
Works doesn't it.
Just a bunch of cowards who would flee for thehills

Not sure where you are going with this.
Obama is going to take your guns!

Send $$$$$$ to the NRA
It is the only way to stop him

The guy said he actually wanted to ban semi-auto rifles, and require people to turn them in.

At least he has the balls to not go with that "grandfathering" bullshit.
When Obama was president, he sent Michelle to kick in my door and take my guns

The NRA didn’t lift a finger

Now you are just being silly.

When Dems have gun bans on their platform, any jokes you try to make are just distractions from their true goals.
The Ds were founded on the big lies of genocide Jackson and his attempted genocide. The apple has not fallen far from the tree
I love how the gun nuts act like some gun control is asking for their first born. What sad lives they must have. While our children are getting gunned down they hide behind their guns.
I love how the gun nuts act like some gun control is asking for their first born. What sad lives they must have. While our children are getting gunned down they hide behind their guns.
We already have over 20000 gun laws. Stop lying Pinocchio.

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