Giving Illegal Aliens The Right to Vote in Local Elections

If that was happening I would not be. But your fake news post is just that...bull shit.

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But Sanctuary Cities are indeed giving Illegals The Right to vote in local elections and there are no guarantees once they are registered to vote that they are not voting in State and Federal Elections.

We know for a fact based on the "so called" laws as written that they are voting on school levys, and on races like a mayoral race, Police Chief, Dog Catcher, Judges, Local Prosecutors, and voting for Board of Education members, and Council Members, so in Fact Foreigners, (Illegal Aliens) are dictating to those communities how they are run, and are disenfranchising American Citizens' Votes and dictating to local school districts who is to run them, what curriculum is taught and how they are funded.

Like I said, you are ok with it because the ends (making American Citizens Votes Irrelevant and granting the Democrat Party more Illegitimate Power to forward their agenda) justify the means (Giving Illegals the Right to Vote for The Democrat Party!)

Don't get all melty on me just because I am telling the Truth.

Why won't any of you discuss this? Why deflect?

Silence is Consent.

There are no non-citizens voting in my local elections and thus your ranting is wasted on me.

If this was a real issue you would not need to post fake graphics...once you do that you lose any credibility you might have had

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I did not say, your local elections, now did I? But there are Illegal Aliens voting in Local Elections all over the country due to the Illegal Sanctuary Citizen Status and there are no guarantees that once registered they do not vote in State and Federal Elections so this does impact your life, and the lives of your loved ones, and everyone you know.

I have no control over what other municipalities do, voting is a local thing. Any municipality that would give non-citizens the right to vote in local is a far left community and the additional far left votes are not going to change a thing.

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There you have it folks...the ole’ “If it doesn’t affect ME I can’t care less” mentality....and we wonder what the fuck is wrong with this nation.
Gator, there you go again, proving your hardcore Leftism....You see, a legit American doesn’t play retarded word games...they come straight-up with the right answer and say...”What the fuck...FUCK THAT....No illegal alien should have a right to vote on anything while on U.S. soil...PERIOD!”
See how easy it is to be a good, real, legit American? This shit ain’t hard, you just have to wake the fuck up and pull your head from your ass...that’s all.

What am I, sitting in the heartland of America, supposed to do about some town in Cali giving non-citizens local voting rights? You are the dumbfuck who lives in Cali and hires illegals to do work for you...seems you are the one that should be fixing this mess.

You are all talk and no action, well except the action of hiring illegals.

What do you think should be done about it? Should the Fed Govt take control away from the local municipalities? That seems to always be the answer for statist like you.
But Sanctuary Cities are indeed giving Illegals The Right to vote in local elections and there are no guarantees once they are registered to vote that they are not voting in State and Federal Elections.

We know for a fact based on the "so called" laws as written that they are voting on school levys, and on races like a mayoral race, Police Chief, Dog Catcher, Judges, Local Prosecutors, and voting for Board of Education members, and Council Members, so in Fact Foreigners, (Illegal Aliens) are dictating to those communities how they are run, and are disenfranchising American Citizens' Votes and dictating to local school districts who is to run them, what curriculum is taught and how they are funded.

Like I said, you are ok with it because the ends (making American Citizens Votes Irrelevant and granting the Democrat Party more Illegitimate Power to forward their agenda) justify the means (Giving Illegals the Right to Vote for The Democrat Party!)

Don't get all melty on me just because I am telling the Truth.

Why won't any of you discuss this? Why deflect?

Silence is Consent.

There are no non-citizens voting in my local elections and thus your ranting is wasted on me.

If this was a real issue you would not need to post fake graphics...once you do that you lose any credibility you might have had

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I did not say, your local elections, now did I? But there are Illegal Aliens voting in Local Elections all over the country due to the Illegal Sanctuary Citizen Status and there are no guarantees that once registered they do not vote in State and Federal Elections so this does impact your life, and the lives of your loved ones, and everyone you know.

I have no control over what other municipalities do, voting is a local thing. Any municipality that would give non-citizens the right to vote in local is a far left community and the additional far left votes are not going to change a thing.

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There you have it folks...the ole’ “If it doesn’t affect ME I can’t care less” mentality....and we wonder what the fuck is wrong with this nation.
Gator, there you go again, proving your hardcore Leftism....You see, a legit American doesn’t play retarded word games...they come straight-up with the right answer and say...”What the fuck...FUCK THAT....No illegal alien should have a right to vote on anything while on U.S. soil...PERIOD!”
See how easy it is to be a good, real, legit American? This shit ain’t hard, you just have to wake the fuck up and pull your head from your ass...that’s all.

What am I, sitting in the heartland of America, supposed to do about some town in Cali giving non-citizens local voting rights? You are the dumbfuck who lives in Cali and hires illegals to do work for you...seems you are the one that should be fixing this mess.

You are all talk and no action, well except the action of hiring illegals.

What do you think should be done about it? Should the Fed Govt take control away from the local municipalities? That seems to always be the answer for statist like you.’re lost on the simplest of things and blinded by your Leftism...this isn’t about coming up with solutions in cyberspace on an anonymous forum. This is about your own thought processes and how don’t immediately default to “FUCK THAT”!
Like any good, real American does / would.
To the Left Tard Putin Lovers-Marxist Maniacs who will no Doubt Troll this thread..... Illegals should not even be registered to vote.

It's illegal to even give them a Driver's License according to Federal Immigration Law.

I'd like to know what Guarantees California is giving the rest of America that they are not conducting fraudulent elections with illegals disenfranchizing American Citizens and Suppressing the votes of Citizens. What mechanism is in place to stop an Illegal from voting in state and federal elections once they are registered to vote?

Talk about Voter Suppression? Geez.

Illegals now get to DICTATE to American Citizens who runs their schools and how, and what is taught in them?

You are kidding, right?

Umm..... No you are not.... You are dead serious about this......

You know what . Maybe Trump should put together a special committee of hand picked hacks to look into it !

Oh wait . He did . Oh wait , they disbanded rather than admit they found jack !
Snipes and her lawyers argued in court that illegals' votes should be counted ... exposing the Left's goal ... and what they have been doing for years illegally.
To the Left Tard Putin Lovers-Marxist Maniacs who will no Doubt Troll this thread..... Illegals should not even be registered to vote.

It's illegal to even give them a Driver's License according to Federal Immigration Law.

I'd like to know what Guarantees California is giving the rest of America that they are not conducting fraudulent elections with illegals disenfranchizing American Citizens and Suppressing the votes of Citizens. What mechanism is in place to stop an Illegal from voting in state and federal elections once they are registered to vote?

Talk about Voter Suppression? Geez.

Illegals now get to DICTATE to American Citizens who runs their schools and how, and what is taught in them?

You are kidding, right?

Umm..... No you are not.... You are dead serious about this......

You know what . Maybe Trump should put together a special committee of hand picked hacks to look into it !

Oh wait . He did . Oh wait , they disbanded rather than admit they found jack !

Non Citizens voting in local elections is a practice which has been going on worldwide for decades...

If a US citizen is living in Ireland he/she would be allowed to vote in local elections which control local services including transport, water, planning.....

Europe doesn't really do elected school boards, sheriffs,..... We generally give that to the professionals... Generally it works out best..
There are no non-citizens voting in my local elections and thus your ranting is wasted on me.

If this was a real issue you would not need to post fake graphics...once you do that you lose any credibility you might have had

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I did not say, your local elections, now did I? But there are Illegal Aliens voting in Local Elections all over the country due to the Illegal Sanctuary Citizen Status and there are no guarantees that once registered they do not vote in State and Federal Elections so this does impact your life, and the lives of your loved ones, and everyone you know.

I have no control over what other municipalities do, voting is a local thing. Any municipality that would give non-citizens the right to vote in local is a far left community and the additional far left votes are not going to change a thing.

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There you have it folks...the ole’ “If it doesn’t affect ME I can’t care less” mentality....and we wonder what the fuck is wrong with this nation.
Gator, there you go again, proving your hardcore Leftism....You see, a legit American doesn’t play retarded word games...they come straight-up with the right answer and say...”What the fuck...FUCK THAT....No illegal alien should have a right to vote on anything while on U.S. soil...PERIOD!”
See how easy it is to be a good, real, legit American? This shit ain’t hard, you just have to wake the fuck up and pull your head from your ass...that’s all.

What am I, sitting in the heartland of America, supposed to do about some town in Cali giving non-citizens local voting rights? You are the dumbfuck who lives in Cali and hires illegals to do work for you...seems you are the one that should be fixing this mess.

You are all talk and no action, well except the action of hiring illegals.

What do you think should be done about it? Should the Fed Govt take control away from the local municipalities? That seems to always be the answer for statist like you.’re lost on the simplest of things and blinded by your Leftism...this isn’t about coming up with solutions in cyberspace on an anonymous forum. This is about your own thought processes and how don’t immediately default to “FUCK THAT”!
Like any good, real American does / would.

You are correct, as a Libertarian almost never is my default answer "fuck that" unless it is the government forcing us to do something. If the residents of a city vote to give non-citizens voting rights that is their right to do. It is not a choice I would make, but unlike you and your fellow statist, I am not here to force other to think and act, and in your case look, like me.
Snipes and her lawyers argued in court that illegals' votes should be counted ... exposing the Left's goal ... and what they have been doing for years illegally.

More lies from the Trump sheep.
I did not say, your local elections, now did I? But there are Illegal Aliens voting in Local Elections all over the country due to the Illegal Sanctuary Citizen Status and there are no guarantees that once registered they do not vote in State and Federal Elections so this does impact your life, and the lives of your loved ones, and everyone you know.

I have no control over what other municipalities do, voting is a local thing. Any municipality that would give non-citizens the right to vote in local is a far left community and the additional far left votes are not going to change a thing.

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There you have it folks...the ole’ “If it doesn’t affect ME I can’t care less” mentality....and we wonder what the fuck is wrong with this nation.
Gator, there you go again, proving your hardcore Leftism....You see, a legit American doesn’t play retarded word games...they come straight-up with the right answer and say...”What the fuck...FUCK THAT....No illegal alien should have a right to vote on anything while on U.S. soil...PERIOD!”
See how easy it is to be a good, real, legit American? This shit ain’t hard, you just have to wake the fuck up and pull your head from your ass...that’s all.

What am I, sitting in the heartland of America, supposed to do about some town in Cali giving non-citizens local voting rights? You are the dumbfuck who lives in Cali and hires illegals to do work for you...seems you are the one that should be fixing this mess.

You are all talk and no action, well except the action of hiring illegals.

What do you think should be done about it? Should the Fed Govt take control away from the local municipalities? That seems to always be the answer for statist like you.’re lost on the simplest of things and blinded by your Leftism...this isn’t about coming up with solutions in cyberspace on an anonymous forum. This is about your own thought processes and how don’t immediately default to “FUCK THAT”!
Like any good, real American does / would.

You are correct, as a Libertarian almost never is my default answer "fuck that" unless it is the government forcing us to do something. If the residents of a city vote to give non-citizens voting rights that is their right to do. It is not a choice I would make, but unlike you and your fellow statist, I am not here to force other to think and act, and in your case look, like me.

Haha...More nutless wordplay from the smartest guy in the room...There’s nothing trivial about this bud, you are either for illegals gaining voting rights or you are against illegals gaining voting rights...Simple shit, no need to toe the line. Spit it the fuck out...where do you stand?
To the Left Tard Putin Lovers-Marxist Maniacs who will no Doubt Troll this thread..... Illegals should not even be registered to vote.

It's illegal to even give them a Driver's License according to Federal Immigration Law.

I'd like to know what Guarantees California is giving the rest of America that they are not conducting fraudulent elections with illegals disenfranchizing American Citizens and Suppressing the votes of Citizens. What mechanism is in place to stop an Illegal from voting in state and federal elections once they are registered to vote?

Talk about Voter Suppression? Geez.

Illegals now get to DICTATE to American Citizens who runs their schools and how, and what is taught in them?

You are kidding, right?

Umm..... No you are not.... You are dead serious about this......

You know what . Maybe Trump should put together a special committee of hand picked hacks to look into it !

Oh wait . He did . Oh wait , they disbanded rather than admit they found jack !

Non Citizens voting in local elections is a practice which has been going on worldwide for decades...

If a US citizen is living in Ireland he/she would be allowed to vote in local elections which control local services including transport, water, planning.....

Europe doesn't really do elected school boards, sheriffs,..... We generally give that to the professionals... Generally it works out best..

Show us where ILLEGAL ALIENS have voting rights on any level.

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