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Giving Water to the Thirsty Now Officially a Crime:

Giving Water to the Thirsty Now Officially a Crime: No More Deaths Volunteers Convicted
In the United States in 2019, humanitarian aid has become a crime in the eyes of hardline judges enforcing inhumane immigration policies. The first four volunteers in the trial of the “Cabeza Nine,” volunteers from No More Deaths / No Más Muertes (a ministry of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson), were convicted of “abandonment of property” for leaving gallons of water in Arizona’s Cabeza Prieta Wildlife Refuge, and now each face a maximum of six months in prison and a $500 fine. A date for sentencing has not yet been set.
Giving Water to the Thirsty Now Officially a Crime: No More Deaths Volunteers Convicted - Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

Aiding and abetting illegals entering the county has always been a crime. Because this law has not been enforced is one of the reasons Trump needs $5 billion for a wall to keep them from entering and dying crossing the deserts. But that is not a problem, now they want to be caught and released with a debit card.

Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection 1324(a)(3).
1907. Title 8, U.S.C. 1324(a) Offenses

Basically Latin Americans are invading America and looting the taxpayers and murdering our citizens.
Anyone who is helping them is an arsehole, not a hero.

Were you standing in front of a mirror when you said that?
It is because our 50 year old immigration laws have not been enforced that this open border syndrome has been dumped into Trump's lap. And he gets demonized for finally trying to control immigration with a fucking $5billion to secure the border. Our immigration laws if enforced would secure the border. It is a useless piece of shit paper because we have 20 million in the country illegally.

You are being silly. Let me repeat the laws you want enforced:

"Senator Ted Kennedy, asserted that the bill would not affect US demographic mix.[2] However, the ethnic composition of immigrants changed following the passage of the law.[18][19] Specifically, the Hart–Celler Act allowed increased numbers of people to migrate to the United States from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East..."

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 - Wikipedia

When those from Asia, Africa and the middle East become citizens, they vote for Democrats. That is the law you want enforced?????
I volunteer with this group, and I will continue to support them. Being a suspect of committing a misdemeanor is not a capital offence, and crossing the border without papers is a misdemeanor.

Actually, treason •IS• a capital crime. It certainly is not a mere misdemeanor.
Giving aid and comfort to foreign invaders is treason. It has always been a crime, ever since the Constitution was put into effect.

See Article III, Section 3.

It also qualifies as aiding and abetting a crime, and conspiracy after the fact. Seems like a whole bunch of legal reasons not to encourage people to break our laws. Who knew?

People like you should sue their brains for non-support.

Innocent until proven guilty

No one is bound to obey unconstitutional laws - or so said the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT.
Giving aid and comfort to foreign invaders is treason. It has always been a crime, ever since the Constitution was put into effect.

See Article III, Section 3.

It also qualifies as aiding and abetting a crime, and conspiracy after the fact. Seems like a whole bunch of legal reasons not to encourage people to break our laws. Who knew?

People like you should sue their brains for non-support.

Innocent until proven guilty

No one is bound to obey unconstitutional laws - or so said the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT.
---------------------------- as i said , see the guys and girls like Porter that by aiding and abetting are destroying the USA .
Giving Water to the Thirsty Now Officially a Crime: No More Deaths Volunteers Convicted
In the United States in 2019, humanitarian aid has become a crime in the eyes of hardline judges enforcing inhumane immigration policies. The first four volunteers in the trial of the “Cabeza Nine,” volunteers from No More Deaths / No Más Muertes (a ministry of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson), were convicted of “abandonment of property” for leaving gallons of water in Arizona’s Cabeza Prieta Wildlife Refuge, and now each face a maximum of six months in prison and a $500 fine. A date for sentencing has not yet been set.
Giving Water to the Thirsty Now Officially a Crime: No More Deaths Volunteers Convicted - Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

Aiding and abetting illegals entering the county has always been a crime. Because this law has not been enforced is one of the reasons Trump needs $5 billion for a wall to keep them from entering and dying crossing the deserts. But that is not a problem, now they want to be caught and released with a debit card.

Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection 1324(a)(3).
1907. Title 8, U.S.C. 1324(a) Offenses

Saving lives is not a crime. A first-year law student ought to be able to win that case.

Luring people into a desert where they will certainly be imperiled is NOT humanitarian.

So how come you aren't dismantling the Statue of Liberty - or at least the poem on its base? Why invite people with one hand and slap them with the other?

You’re being illogical.
Aiding and abetting criminals IS a crime. Give the water and call border agents is not a crime. The poem on the statue of liberty is not law. Plus it is outdated and should be torn down. We are no longer into nation buiding but nation survival. Even then they came through Ellis Island legally and was vetted and many were returned to their country of origin. We no longer have the natural resources to handle unlimited immigration, It would be an environmental disaster. Take a lesson from China and India.
--------------------------------- that 'lefty' poem was written bu 'lefty emma lazurus' and was part of a contest to raise money for that silly 'statue' that has been used to Brainwash millions of school kids . That 'statue' should be dismantled and melted down in copper bullets or fishing weights .
Giving aid and comfort to foreign invaders is treason. It has always been a crime, ever since the Constitution was put into effect.

See Article III, Section 3.

It also qualifies as aiding and abetting a crime, and conspiracy after the fact. Seems like a whole bunch of legal reasons not to encourage people to break our laws. Who knew?

People like you should sue their brains for non-support.

Innocent until proven guilty

No one is bound to obey unconstitutional laws - or so said the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT.
---------------------------- as i said , see the guys and girls like Porter that by aiding and abetting are destroying the USA .

How many Americans have you screwed over by buying goods made in foreign countries? And, while you're making moral judgments and idiotic accusations befitting only a moron, how many of your fellow Americans to you help find a job or get their lives together?

You're only focused on calling people names and making B.S. allegations you cannot back up with facts. Hating foreigners and expecting the government to save you from yourself won't help you in the end,
Giving aid and comfort to foreign invaders is treason. It has always been a crime, ever since the Constitution was put into effect.

See Article III, Section 3.

It also qualifies as aiding and abetting a crime, and conspiracy after the fact. Seems like a whole bunch of legal reasons not to encourage people to break our laws. Who knew?

People like you should sue their brains for non-support.

Innocent until proven guilty

No one is bound to obey unconstitutional laws - or so said the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT.

People like you should be in institutions with nice nurses who fasten your helmet for you and keep you from hurting yourself.

What the hell does "innocent until proven guilty" have to do with anything? Was someone suggesting convicting them on the spot without a trial? Did I miss the part where we started having Judge Dredd on the border sentencing and executing people to save time?

"Unconstitutional" is not defined by "I don't think it should be the law!" And I'm pretty sure the Constitution doesn't say a damned thing about "You can't make it illegal to aid in a crime", nor has the Supreme Court ever suggested it does. So your ability to type "UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT" doesn't actually mean they agree with and support your asinine, bleeding-heart, never-been-within-100-miles-of-the-border BS.
Giving aid and comfort to foreign invaders is treason. It has always been a crime, ever since the Constitution was put into effect.

See Article III, Section 3.

It also qualifies as aiding and abetting a crime, and conspiracy after the fact. Seems like a whole bunch of legal reasons not to encourage people to break our laws. Who knew?

People like you should sue their brains for non-support.

Innocent until proven guilty

No one is bound to obey unconstitutional laws - or so said the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT.
---------------------------- as i said , see the guys and girls like Porter that by aiding and abetting are destroying the USA .

How many Americans have you screwed over by buying goods made in foreign countries? And, while you're making moral judgments and idiotic accusations befitting only a moron, how many of your fellow Americans to you help find a job or get their lives together?

You're only focused on calling people names and making B.S. allegations you cannot back up with facts. Hating foreigners and expecting the government to save you from yourself won't help you in the end,

"You buy imports! That means you HAVE to want people to wander into the country at will!"

Still waiting for those two brain cells of yours to converge in the same part of your skull.
Giving aid and comfort to foreign invaders is treason. It has always been a crime, ever since the Constitution was put into effect.

See Article III, Section 3.

It also qualifies as aiding and abetting a crime, and conspiracy after the fact. Seems like a whole bunch of legal reasons not to encourage people to break our laws. Who knew?

People like you should sue their brains for non-support.

Innocent until proven guilty

No one is bound to obey unconstitutional laws - or so said the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT.

People like you should be in institutions with nice nurses who fasten your helmet for you and keep you from hurting yourself.

What the hell does "innocent until proven guilty" have to do with anything? Was someone suggesting convicting them on the spot without a trial? Did I miss the part where we started having Judge Dredd on the border sentencing and executing people to save time?

"Unconstitutional" is not defined by "I don't think it should be the law!" And I'm pretty sure the Constitution doesn't say a damned thing about "You can't make it illegal to aid in a crime", nor has the Supreme Court ever suggested it does. So your ability to type "UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT" doesn't actually mean they agree with and support your asinine, bleeding-heart, never-been-within-100-miles-of-the-border BS.

I'd like to thank you for inviting me into your home, but I will have to pass for now. Tell your nurse hi for me though.

And yes, people DO advocate judging foreigners on the spot and convicting them. How do you suppose that those giving water to dehydrated people is (as per some of the posts here suggest) treason unless the person they helped had been convicted of a crime OR was an enemy combatant?

The dipwads that parrot that "illegal alien" B.S. are so stupid they do not understand a presumption of innocence. So, they are calling people names without even the benefit of Due Process. Here's a news flash for your stupid ass:

Throughout the 1990s you had other organizations flapping their gums and calling people names like that. Some were killed by LEOs, some arrested on pretend charges and imprisoned. Lucky ones got flipped and became informants. Yeah, they were called domestic terrorists / enemy combatants - all made possible by the precedent THEY SET by not presuming the foreigners innocent.
Giving aid and comfort to foreign invaders is treason. It has always been a crime, ever since the Constitution was put into effect.

See Article III, Section 3.

It also qualifies as aiding and abetting a crime, and conspiracy after the fact. Seems like a whole bunch of legal reasons not to encourage people to break our laws. Who knew?

People like you should sue their brains for non-support.

Innocent until proven guilty

No one is bound to obey unconstitutional laws - or so said the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT.
---------------------------- as i said , see the guys and girls like Porter that by aiding and abetting are destroying the USA .

How many Americans have you screwed over by buying goods made in foreign countries? And, while you're making moral judgments and idiotic accusations befitting only a moron, how many of your fellow Americans to you help find a job or get their lives together?

You're only focused on calling people names and making B.S. allegations you cannot back up with facts. Hating foreigners and expecting the government to save you from yourself won't help you in the end,

"You buy imports! That means you HAVE to want people to wander into the country at will!"

Still waiting for those two brain cells of yours to converge in the same part of your skull.

I have imported crap in my house??? What conversation are you in? Do you do drugs by any chance? I'm sorry. I forgot that you live in a mental health facility.

It's your president that has had undocumented foreigners on his payroll before, during and after he ran for office:

President Trump hired undocumented immigrants for $4 an hour for demolition project: court docs

Donald Trump companies ignoring E-Verify, hiring illegal immigrants
Saving lives is not a crime. A first-year law student ought to be able to win that case.

Luring people into a desert where they will certainly be imperiled is NOT humanitarian.

So how come you aren't dismantling the Statue of Liberty - or at least the poem on its base? Why invite people with one hand and slap them with the other?

You’re being illogical.
Aiding and abetting criminals IS a crime. Give the water and call border agents is not a crime. The poem on the statue of liberty is not law. Plus it is outdated and should be torn down. We are no longer into nation buiding but nation survival. Even then they came through Ellis Island legally and was vetted and many were returned to their country of origin. We no longer have the natural resources to handle unlimited immigration, It would be an environmental disaster. Take a lesson from China and India.

Building a wall is an environmental disaster.

So is illegal immigration.
Giving Water to the Thirsty Now Officially a Crime: No More Deaths Volunteers Convicted
In the United States in 2019, humanitarian aid has become a crime in the eyes of hardline judges enforcing inhumane immigration policies. The first four volunteers in the trial of the “Cabeza Nine,” volunteers from No More Deaths / No Más Muertes (a ministry of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson), were convicted of “abandonment of property” for leaving gallons of water in Arizona’s Cabeza Prieta Wildlife Refuge, and now each face a maximum of six months in prison and a $500 fine. A date for sentencing has not yet been set.
Giving Water to the Thirsty Now Officially a Crime: No More Deaths Volunteers Convicted - Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

Aiding and abetting illegals entering the county has always been a crime. Because this law has not been enforced is one of the reasons Trump needs $5 billion for a wall to keep them from entering and dying crossing the deserts. But that is not a problem, now they want to be caught and released with a debit card.

Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection 1324(a)(3).
1907. Title 8, U.S.C. 1324(a) Offenses

Saving lives is not a crime. A first year law student ought to be able to win that case.

Luring people into a desert where they will certainly be imperiled is NOT humanitarian.

So how come you aren't dismantling the Statue of Liberty - or at least the poem on its base? Why invite people with one hand and slap them with the other?

You’re being illogical.

How would you know? ....

Because I have studied logic very extensively.
Giving aid and comfort to foreign invaders is treason. It has always been a crime, ever since the Constitution was put into effect.

See Article III, Section 3.

It also qualifies as aiding and abetting a crime, and conspiracy after the fact. Seems like a whole bunch of legal reasons not to encourage people to break our laws. Who knew?

People like you should sue their brains for non-support.

Innocent until proven guilty

No one is bound to obey unconstitutional laws - or so said the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT.

People like you should be in institutions with nice nurses who fasten your helmet for you and keep you from hurting yourself.

What the hell does "innocent until proven guilty" have to do with anything? Was someone suggesting convicting them on the spot without a trial? Did I miss the part where we started having Judge Dredd on the border sentencing and executing people to save time?

"Unconstitutional" is not defined by "I don't think it should be the law!" And I'm pretty sure the Constitution doesn't say a damned thing about "You can't make it illegal to aid in a crime", nor has the Supreme Court ever suggested it does. So your ability to type "UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT" doesn't actually mean they agree with and support your asinine, bleeding-heart, never-been-within-100-miles-of-the-border BS.

I want to repeat your words:

"Unconstitutional" is not defined by "I don't think it should be the law!" And I'm pretty sure the Constitution doesn't say a damned thing about "You can't make it illegal to aid in a crime", nor has the Supreme Court ever suggested it does. So your ability to type "UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT" doesn't actually mean they agree with and support your asinine, bleeding-heart, never-been-within-100-miles-of-the-border BS."

Unconstitutional is better defined by whether or not you can defend your position by quoting the Constitution. When I cite you the RULING of a United States Supreme Court case, that is the bottom line to the law.

Again, I will present a scenario for you. I realize you won't understand it, but it is the perfect analogy to prove you're wrong.

Melissa, a woman here in Georgia had a couple too many and was driving down the road. She went by the city park and ran off the road, through a fence and into a pond.

Prominently placed over that fence were signs that stated "DO NOT ENTER BY ORDER OF CITY ORDINANCE.." It was illegal to go into the pond. A man named AJ comes along sees the car sinking in the pond, hears the screams of the woman and runs into that prohibited area. He smashes her window with a tire tool, cuts the seat belt with a Leatherman all purpose tool and pulls her from the car.

Under your scenario, AJ should have been jailed. He wasn't.

Saving lives is not a crime. A first year law student ought to be able to win that case.

Luring people into a desert where they will certainly be imperiled is NOT humanitarian.

So how come you aren't dismantling the Statue of Liberty - or at least the poem on its base? Why invite people with one hand and slap them with the other?

You’re being illogical.

How would you know? ....

Because I have studied logic very extensively.

I can't tell it from reading your posts. This is an off topic question, but by any chance do you own this board? It's a honest question; not trolling you.
It might be amusing in a masturbatory way to day dream up all the reasons why these women will never be convicted. The law is wrong. The law is unconstitutional. Even a first year lawyer could win this case. Except for one small thing. The women were convicted as they should be and will be punished as they should be.

It is unfortunate that there are misguided souls that think they are doing good by leaving food and water for criminal invaders. There are patrols looking for just those aid stations. They dump out both food and water so the help ends up not being help at all.

By the way, entering an area marked do not enter by city ordinance is not breaking any law. It is an infraction not a crime. The city ordinance is not part of the Penal Code. What these women did were real crimes and I hope they go to prison for a long time.
I volunteer with this group, and I will continue to support them. Being a suspect of committing a misdemeanor is not a capital offence, and crossing the border without papers is a misdemeanor. Failing to provide aid to those in need is specifically and directly opposed to the teachings of Christianity, and most other religions. It is also unethical, and cruel. Calling them "invaders" is merely semantics that the Right uses to justify their unconscionable behavior.

And to educate you further, improper entry is a civil misdemeanor. While lots of attorneys, judges, cops, etc. debate the subject, in Anglo Saxon law if you research the meaning of a crime, improper entry does not meet the standard.

"Crime" in its real sense must have an aggrieved party. If someone crosses the border and does legitimate business (like working a job to feed their family) the standard is not met. If you study the statute carefully, the law prohibiting improper entry has to rely on Title 18 (which is the Criminal Code) in order to impose penalties for immigration related crimes. Improper entry is not listed as a crime in Title 18 of the Criminal Code.
Actually it’s a Federal crime.

I know, I convicted one in Federal court.
It might be amusing in a masturbatory way to day dream up all the reasons why these women will never be convicted. The law is wrong. The law is unconstitutional. Even a first year lawyer could win this case. Except for one small thing. The women were convicted as they should be and will be punished as they should be.

It is unfortunate that there are misguided souls that think they are doing good by leaving food and water for criminal invaders. There are patrols looking for just those aid stations. They dump out both food and water so the help ends up not being help at all.

By the way, entering an area marked do not enter by city ordinance is not breaking any law. It is an infraction not a crime. The city ordinance is not part of the Penal Code. What these women did were real crimes and I hope they go to prison for a long time.

See, your debating hopefuls want us to equate ANY infraction of the law as a crime. When the argument suits you, it is not a crime.

Entering the United States is not a crime for pretty much the same reasons you try to counter with. Title 8 where improper entry is located in the USC is NOT a criminal code. That is why it references Title 18 for the immigration RELATED activities that may follow an improper entry (like running from the authorities, lying to them, etc.) Title 18 IS the Criminal Code and there is no such "crime" as illegal entry.

IF those women are smart, they will get a lawyer, appeal the case and win. Personally, I would not have lost at the trial court level. And you made their case for me.
I volunteer with this group, and I will continue to support them. Being a suspect of committing a misdemeanor is not a capital offence, and crossing the border without papers is a misdemeanor. Failing to provide aid to those in need is specifically and directly opposed to the teachings of Christianity, and most other religions. It is also unethical, and cruel. Calling them "invaders" is merely semantics that the Right uses to justify their unconscionable behavior.

And to educate you further, improper entry is a civil misdemeanor. While lots of attorneys, judges, cops, etc. debate the subject, in Anglo Saxon law if you research the meaning of a crime, improper entry does not meet the standard.

"Crime" in its real sense must have an aggrieved party. If someone crosses the border and does legitimate business (like working a job to feed their family) the standard is not met. If you study the statute carefully, the law prohibiting improper entry has to rely on Title 18 (which is the Criminal Code) in order to impose penalties for immigration related crimes. Improper entry is not listed as a crime in Title 18 of the Criminal Code.
Actually it’s a Federal crime.

I know, I convicted one in Federal court.

Liar. Improper entry cases are tried in the Executive branch of the government by the Attorney General's office. Sometimes people do get convicted for stuff that is not a crime, but that's when they have no attorney.

I was once accused of a crime that never existed on the books. It was a damn good thing my people knew the law better than the prosecutor.
I volunteer with this group, and I will continue to support them. Being a suspect of committing a misdemeanor is not a capital offence, and crossing the border without papers is a misdemeanor. Failing to provide aid to those in need is specifically and directly opposed to the teachings of Christianity, and most other religions. It is also unethical, and cruel. Calling them "invaders" is merely semantics that the Right uses to justify their unconscionable behavior.

And to educate you further, improper entry is a civil misdemeanor. While lots of attorneys, judges, cops, etc. debate the subject, in Anglo Saxon law if you research the meaning of a crime, improper entry does not meet the standard.

"Crime" in its real sense must have an aggrieved party. If someone crosses the border and does legitimate business (like working a job to feed their family) the standard is not met. If you study the statute carefully, the law prohibiting improper entry has to rely on Title 18 (which is the Criminal Code) in order to impose penalties for immigration related crimes. Improper entry is not listed as a crime in Title 18 of the Criminal Code.
Actually it’s a Federal crime.

I know, I convicted one in Federal court.

Liar. Improper entry cases are tried in the Executive branch of the government by the Attorney General's office. Sometimes people do get convicted for stuff that is not a crime, but that's when they have no attorney.

I was once accused of a crime that never existed on the books. It was a damn good thing my people knew the law better than the prosecutor.
Federal crime to enter the US illegally.

Go back to your crack pipe.

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