Glaring evidence Obama is transforming America into a larger version of North Korea


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
If there is one country in the world that you would not want to live in, it would be North Korea. Unfortunately, the United States of America is becoming more like North Korea with each passing day. North Korea is a totalitarian police state hellhole where the state rules supreme, the “leader” is lavishly worshipped, no dissent is tolerated, and the government micromanages everything. America is supposed to be the opposite of that, but now Barack Obama is implementing his version of “change” and he has promised to engage in the “remaking” of this nation and to transform it “brick by brick“. A tremendous “cult of personality” has been built up around Obama, and under his leadership the U.S. government has become larger and more repressive than ever before. But do we really want to “change” America so that it more closely resembles totalitarian regimes such as North Korea, communist China, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany? After all, all of those regimes have a nightmarish history of brutality and death. Even today, there are starving North Koreans that are eating their own children. Is that really where we want to end up as a nation?

The truth is that we desperately need to take America in the opposite direction of where Barack Obama is trying to take us. We need a much smaller federal government, a much greater emphasis on freedom and liberty, a return to true free market capitalism, and politicians that are willing to take a low profile and that are actually there to serve the American people.

But what we need and what we are getting are two very different things.
The following are 22 signs that Barack Obama is transforming America into a larger version of North Korea…

» 22 Signs That Barack Obama Is Transforming America Into A Larger Version Of North Korea Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
The following are just a few examples that were highlighted in a recent article by John Perazzo:

  • Obama appointed Van Jones, a longtime revolutionary communist who famously declared that “we [are] gonna change the whole [economic] system,” as his “green jobs czar” in 2009

  • Obama appointed Carol Browner, a former “commissioner” of the Socialist International, as his “environment czar”

  • Obama appointed John Holdren, who not only views capitalism as a system that is inherently destructive of the environment, but strongly favors the redistribution of wealth, both within the U.S. and across international borders, as his “science czar”

  • Obama appointed Hilda Solis, a former officer of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (the socialist wing of the House of Representatives), as his labor secretary

  • Obama appointed Anita Dunn, a woman who has cited Mao Zedong as one of her “favorite political philosophers,” to serve as White House communications director.

Barack Obama, the Socialist
Alex Jones? Yes, the evidence is everywhere...remains of the Great Bush Recession...
In North Korea, dissent is brutally repressed. In the United States, we have continued to move rapidly in that direction under Barack Obama. In a recent article entitled “Obama’s War On Whistleblowers“, author Stephen Lendman wrote the following…

  • He said one thing. He did another. As president, he usurped diktat powers. He wages war on truth. He targets whistleblowers. He prioritizes surveillance powers.

  • They include warrantless wiretapping, accessing personal records, monitoring financial transactions, and tracking emails, Internet and cell phone use. It’s done lawlessly to gather secret evidence for prosecutions.

  • In his book “Necessary Secrets,” Gabriel Schoenfeld said he “presided over the most draconian crackdown on leaks in our history – even more so than Nixon.”
  • Rhetorically he supports civil liberties and transparency. “Such acts of courage and patriotism….should be encouraged rather than stifled,” he said.

  • At the same time, he betrayed the public trust. He targets free expression and dissent. He pursues police state prosecutions and intimidation.

  • He claims Justice Department immunity from illegal spying suits. He exceeds the worst of all previous administrations.

  • His national security state targets activists, political dissidents, anti-war protestors, Muslims, Latino immigrants, lawyers who defend them, whistleblowers, and investigative journalists.

  • Law Professor Jack Balkin expressed alarm, saying: “We are witnessing the bipartisan normalization and legitimation of a national surveillance state.” Obama exceeded the worst of George Bush.

Obama?s War on Whistleblowers | Veterans Today

Wow - what a great post. Thank you for adding so much insight into the conversation... :cuckoo:

Seriously, why would you waste your time (and ours) taking up space with something so useless?
Alex Jones? Yes, the evidence is everywhere...remains of the Great Bush Recession...

Why are you focusing on Alex Jones? What about the FORBES article? Or the 21 other articles stuffed with facts you can't dispute? I guess that's why you're ignoring the content and trying to discredit the messenger. Typical of you people...
Under Obama, the United States has been developing “Big Brother” surveillance technologies that dictators of the past never even dreamed were possible. For example, a very highly sophisticated surveillance grid known as “Trapwire” is being installed in major cities and at “high value targets” all over the country. Sadly, the mainstream media has not covered this at all, and most Americans still do not even realize that it exists.

Creepy Nationwide Network Of Spy Cameras Will Transform America Into An Orwellian Prison Camp
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