Glen Beck will Eventually do GREAT Harm to the Right...

I think BHO needs to come out with a statement denouncing these accusations, or at least exlpain himself.
He already has.

Keep up.

"It's not something that I'm proud of, but that's part of the journey that I've taken. I like to think that by letting people know the mistakes I've made that maybe young people behind me are looking and saying 'You know what? This is a guy who made mistakes and he was able to right his life and get on track.' And that's I think an important message.

"Voters can make a judgment as to whether dumb things that I did when I was a teenager are relevant to the work that I've done since that time."

This said, I screwed up as a kid with trying cocaine.....not I AM A CRACK ADDICT.

Hacks....there are so many partisan hacks on this board.


good one, hack
Anyone who seriously suggests that BHO is an addict is addicted to falsification of facts.

I think BHO needs to come out with a statement denouncing these accusations, or at least exlpain himself.
He already has.

Keep up.

"It's not something that I'm proud of, but that's part of the journey that I've taken. I like to think that by letting people know the mistakes I've made that maybe young people behind me are looking and saying 'You know what? This is a guy who made mistakes and he was able to right his life and get on track.' And that's I think an important message.

"Voters can make a judgment as to whether dumb things that I did when I was a teenager are relevant to the work that I've done since that time."

He has? Can you provide the actual quote and a link?
I think BHO needs to come out with a statement denouncing these accusations, or at least exlpain himself.
He already has.

Keep up.

"It's not something that I'm proud of, but that's part of the journey that I've taken. I like to think that by letting people know the mistakes I've made that maybe young people behind me are looking and saying 'You know what? This is a guy who made mistakes and he was able to right his life and get on track.' And that's I think an important message.

"Voters can make a judgment as to whether dumb things that I did when I was a teenager are relevant to the work that I've done since that time."

He has? Can you provide the actual quote and a link?
Full quote, 60 Minutes interview:

KROFT: I don't think I can. And about your drug use when you were in high school and in college, that you smoked marijuana and inhaled.

OBAMA: Right. I did. I did.

KROFT: And did a little blow, as you put it, when you could afford it, and considered using some heroin.

OBAMA: Only considered it briefly.

KROFT: Explain that. Why did you do it?

"OBAMA: Well, it was typical of a teenager who was confused about who he was and what his place in the world was, and thought that experimenting with drugs was a way to rebel. It's not something that I'm proud of, but I thought it was important to write about it because that's part of the journey that I've taken. And I think that one of the things that I'm absolutely clear about is that if I'm trying to project this image of perfection, if I suggest to people that I emerged from the womb wise and worldly and diligent and never made mistakes, then, number one, it's a lie. Number two, I like to think that by letting people know the mistakes I've made, that maybe young people behind me are looking and saying, "You know what, this is a guy who made mistakes, but he was able to right his life and get on track."

Transcript Excerpt: Sen. Barack Obama - 60 Minutes - CBS News

and again:

Obama acknowledged that he used cocaine "a few times" and "primarily smoked pot" in high school and his first two years of college, starting when he was about 16 and ending when he was about 19.

After the DePaul event, Obama said he wrote about his drug use in his book "because I think I was not untypical of young men in that generation, particularly African-American men who I think often engaged in self-destructive behavior — pushing away from education, trying to act cool by embracing unconventional behavior."

Obama said it's up to the media and voters to decide if drug use is a relevant campaign issue

"I think that, at this stage, my life is an open book, literally and figuratively. And I think voters can make a judgment as to whether dumb things that I did when I was a teenager are relevant to the work that I've done since that time," he said. - 'Drugs and Divorces' Focus of Ill. Senate Race - You Decide 2004

He already has.

Keep up.

"It's not something that I'm proud of, but that's part of the journey that I've taken. I like to think that by letting people know the mistakes I've made that maybe young people behind me are looking and saying 'You know what? This is a guy who made mistakes and he was able to right his life and get on track.' And that's I think an important message.

"Voters can make a judgment as to whether dumb things that I did when I was a teenager are relevant to the work that I've done since that time."

He has? Can you provide the actual quote and a link?
Full quote, 60 Minutes interview:

KROFT: I don't think I can. And about your drug use when you were in high school and in college, that you smoked marijuana and inhaled.

OBAMA: Right. I did. I did.

KROFT: And did a little blow, as you put it, when you could afford it, and considered using some heroin.

OBAMA: Only considered it briefly.

KROFT: Explain that. Why did you do it?

"OBAMA: Well, it was typical of a teenager who was confused about who he was and what his place in the world was, and thought that experimenting with drugs was a way to rebel. It's not something that I'm proud of, but I thought it was important to write about it because that's part of the journey that I've taken. And I think that one of the things that I'm absolutely clear about is that if I'm trying to project this image of perfection, if I suggest to people that I emerged from the womb wise and worldly and diligent and never made mistakes, then, number one, it's a lie. Number two, I like to think that by letting people know the mistakes I've made, that maybe young people behind me are looking and saying, "You know what, this is a guy who made mistakes, but he was able to right his life and get on track."

Transcript Excerpt: Sen. Barack Obama - 60 Minutes - CBS News

and again:

Obama acknowledged that he used cocaine "a few times" and "primarily smoked pot" in high school and his first two years of college, starting when he was about 16 and ending when he was about 19.

After the DePaul event, Obama said he wrote about his drug use in his book "because I think I was not untypical of young men in that generation, particularly African-American men who I think often engaged in self-destructive behavior — pushing away from education, trying to act cool by embracing unconventional behavior."

Obama said it's up to the media and voters to decide if drug use is a relevant campaign issue

"I think that, at this stage, my life is an open book, literally and figuratively. And I think voters can make a judgment as to whether dumb things that I did when I was a teenager are relevant to the work that I've done since that time," he said. - 'Drugs and Divorces' Focus of Ill. Senate Race - You Decide 2004


Ok , well he acknowledges it, but he doesn't denounce it. Denounce- to condemn openly as being evil or reprehensible.

You fail!!
This said, I screwed up as a kid with trying cocaine.....not I AM A CRACK ADDICT.

Hacks....there are so many partisan hacks on this board.

You did coke, how much, must of been alot, read what you wrote, it reads like a crackhead wrote it.
I just wanted to be on Record about this...

I Know there are Liberals who are about to Post, "He already is", but I am Talking about something Big that the "Free Press" can Sink their Teeth into...

Later he will Rehab and ReIntroduce himself as a Born Again Liberal, Understanding the Need for ObamaStyle Socialism...

Maybe not as Specific as I have Portrayed, but MeThinks he's going to Fuck it Prior to the 2010 or 2012 Elections.

And no, I don't Care for him Regardless.

He's a little Dipshitty.



IS Beck even part of the right?
Beck is asking questions that many, many Americans have on their minds and have asked each other. He just happens to have a soap box bigger than ours. Good for Glenn.
I just wanted to be on Record about this...

I Know there are Liberals who are about to Post, "He already is", but I am Talking about something Big that the "Free Press" can Sink their Teeth into...

Later he will Rehab and ReIntroduce himself as a Born Again Liberal, Understanding the Need for ObamaStyle Socialism...

Maybe not as Specific as I have Portrayed, but MeThinks he's going to Fuck it Prior to the 2010 or 2012 Elections.

And no, I don't Care for him Regardless.

He's a little Dipshitty.



I disagree. Beck's methods may be untward, and different that the same-ol shit different day that you are used to.

Beck presents things in a different light that unfortunately for YOU put many Repubicans in a BAD light as well.

Sorry Brother. I disagree. This Country is LARGER than Party.
I just wanted to be on Record about this...

I Know there are Liberals who are about to Post, "He already is", but I am Talking about something Big that the "Free Press" can Sink their Teeth into...

Later he will Rehab and ReIntroduce himself as a Born Again Liberal, Understanding the Need for ObamaStyle Socialism...

Maybe not as Specific as I have Portrayed, but MeThinks he's going to Fuck it Prior to the 2010 or 2012 Elections.

And no, I don't Care for him Regardless.

He's a little Dipshitty.



He is getting ready to bury the republican party .
Conservative will have to find a new home

The Nazi Hydra in America ... - Google Books
Damn... I Thought I did a Thread like this...


I just wanted to be on Record about this...

I Know there are Liberals who are about to Post, "He already is", but I am Talking about something Big that the "Free Press" can Sink their Teeth into...

Later he will Rehab and ReIntroduce himself as a Born Again Liberal, Understanding the Need for ObamaStyle Socialism...

Maybe not as Specific as I have Portrayed, but MeThinks he's going to Fuck it Prior to the 2010 or 2012 Elections.

And no, I don't Care for him Regardless.

He's a little Dipshitty.



I'm not sure what you're saying. Do you think he's drinking again and that's why he's barking like a dog and acting crazier than usual??
I just wanted to be on Record about this...

I Know there are Liberals who are about to Post, "He already is", but I am Talking about something Big that the "Free Press" can Sink their Teeth into...

Later he will Rehab and ReIntroduce himself as a Born Again Liberal, Understanding the Need for ObamaStyle Socialism...

Maybe not as Specific as I have Portrayed, but MeThinks he's going to Fuck it Prior to the 2010 or 2012 Elections.

And no, I don't Care for him Regardless.

He's a little Dipshitty.



I'm not sure what you're saying. Do you think he's drinking again and that's why he's barking like a dog and acting crazier than usual??

When did I Post this Thread?... Last Summer?...


I just wanted to be on Record about this...

I Know there are Liberals who are about to Post, "He already is", but I am Talking about something Big that the "Free Press" can Sink their Teeth into...

Later he will Rehab and ReIntroduce himself as a Born Again Liberal, Understanding the Need for ObamaStyle Socialism...

Maybe not as Specific as I have Portrayed, but MeThinks he's going to Fuck it Prior to the 2010 or 2012 Elections.

And no, I don't Care for him Regardless.

He's a little Dipshitty.



I'm not sure what you're saying. Do you think he's drinking again and that's why he's barking like a dog and acting crazier than usual??

When did I Post this Thread?... Last Summer?...



Yeap, and you were wrong. Not for the first time.
And if my Prediction is Wrong come the Fall of 2010 and 2012... So what?... :lol:

He's still a little Dipshitty. ;)


So today's Leftist Talking Point will be that Violence has been Done in Beck's Name...

And that Beck is Responsible.

Of course, these same Dishonest Leftists will Excuse the Mainstream Islamic Leadership in the Middle East for their Direct Calls of Jihad and the American Blood that has been Shed because of it.

Anyway, I don't Know if this is going to be the Narrative the Left and it's "Free Press" will Push until the End of the Month, but it is coming...

Let's see if it has Legs.


I just really have trouble understanding any of this media personality worship thing at all.

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