Glenn Beck Admits Lying at Rally: 'I Thought It Would Be A Little Easier'

Gosh, this is HUGE!

Good grief. I have to say when stuff like this comes to light...if this is the worst that can be dug up, after all the work the left does to smear anyone who publicly upholds the right, I feel pretty good about things.

As I see it, there is very little difference in honesty, integrity, and character between people on the right and people on the left. Yet, it seems as though people on the right preach about integrity honesty and character more often. Therefore, it is more of a “gotcha” when people see those on the right stumbling.
from your own link:

a number of Brigade Combat Teams (BCTs), which have been the basic U.S. Army combat unit in Iraq for six years, will remain in Iraq after that date under a new non-combat label.
again, relabeled is not REMOVED

I found this from that link.

Gates tells the truth and no body listen

Gates has hinted that the withdrawal of combat brigades will be accomplished through an administrative sleight of hand rather than by actually withdrawing all the combat brigade teams. Appearing on Meet the Press Mar. 1, Gates said the "transition force" would have "a very different kind of mission", and that the units remaining in Iraq "will be characterised differently".

Somebody is gonna have to explain this to me. Moving brigades isn't exactly like moving peas under walnuts.
Yep they are combat troops but not in combat.

And I am still chuckling about all those who minimized and tried to rationalize Beck lying yesterday.

What? Minimized? Did someone die because of this lie? Did millions of people vote for him and give him the most powerful job on earth on the back of it? No.... that would be Obama.
again, relabeled is not REMOVED

I found this from that link.

Gates tells the truth and no body listen

Gates has hinted that the withdrawal of combat brigades will be accomplished through an administrative sleight of hand rather than by actually withdrawing all the combat brigade teams. Appearing on Meet the Press Mar. 1, Gates said the "transition force" would have "a very different kind of mission", and that the units remaining in Iraq "will be characterised differently".

Somebody is gonna have to explain this to me. Moving brigades isn't exactly like moving peas under walnuts.

Oh you can do anything on paper and the sheeple go Bhaoama Bhaoama Bhaoama Bhaoama Bhaoama Bhaoama
glenn beck really is an idiot..doesnt he realize that papers that old are very easily damaged and not handle and normally keep in climate controlled..moisture controlled chambers...
I was taught that during my 8th grade trip to Washington and the Smithsonian.

Maybe Beck hasn't been to the Archives.

Or maybe Beck hasn't been to 8th grade.
face it libs, if Bush had done this you would be screaming bloody murder that he LIED

and the difference is, i would be agreeing with you

wrong. I NEVER took Bush to task for semantics. never.

I vehemently disagreed with him invading Iraq...but I didn't get my undies in a bunch when he declared major combat operations were over. I only took issue with that assessment when it became CLEAR that major combat operations were NOT over.

Our troops are not going to be taking the fight to the enemy anymore. That is the job of the Iraqi security forces and we have left behind troops who will train them to do that better.

That's a good thing.

The day that our troops start actively taking the fight to the enemy, I will criticize Obama for not holding up his pledge. not until.

But see...that's where we're different. This is not about the welfare of our troops or the wisdom of our military strategy....this is about political gotcha and making a big fucking deal about semantics in order to attack our president.

I say... when American brigades start going into combat in Iraq again, THEN criticize the president, but until then...act like a fucking patriot and stand by the commander in chief.
Thats it!!!! Im never going to listen to him.... Rush.... F. Lee Levin, Hannity, or anyone else on the right.
Im switching sides b/c we ALL know that the left NEVER lies or even makes mistakes.... they are ALWAYS on the up & up about all things. Who could ask for a better party to join than the Demoncats... oops, I mean demonrats...shit.... I mean democrats. Sorry, old habits yada yada....

face it libs, if Bush had done this you would be screaming bloody murder that he LIED

and the difference is, i would be agreeing with you

wrong. I NEVER took Bush to task for semantics. never.

I vehemently disagreed with him invading Iraq...but I didn't get my undies in a bunch when he declared major combat operations were over. I only took issue with that assessment when it became CLEAR that major combat operations were NOT over.

Our troops are not going to be taking the fight to the enemy anymore. That is the job of the Iraqi security forces and we have left behind troops who will train them to do that better.

That's a good thing.

The day that our troops start actively taking the fight to the enemy, I will criticize Obama for not holding up his pledge. not until.

But see...that's where we're different. This is not about the welfare of our troops or the wisdom of our military strategy....this is about political gotcha and making a big fucking deal about semantics in order to attack our president.

I say... when American brigades start going into combat in Iraq again, THEN criticize the president, but until then...act like a fucking patriot and stand by the commander in chief.
dang how much proof do you need?
when even the puffington post is saying the same thing i am
face it libs, if Bush had done this you would be screaming bloody murder that he LIED

and the difference is, i would be agreeing with you

wrong. I NEVER took Bush to task for semantics. never.

I vehemently disagreed with him invading Iraq...but I didn't get my undies in a bunch when he declared major combat operations were over. I only took issue with that assessment when it became CLEAR that major combat operations were NOT over.

Our troops are not going to be taking the fight to the enemy anymore. That is the job of the Iraqi security forces and we have left behind troops who will train them to do that better.

That's a good thing.

The day that our troops start actively taking the fight to the enemy, I will criticize Obama for not holding up his pledge. not until.

But see...that's where we're different. This is not about the welfare of our troops or the wisdom of our military strategy....this is about political gotcha and making a big fucking deal about semantics in order to attack our president.

I say... when American brigades start going into combat in Iraq again, THEN criticize the president, but until then...act like a fucking patriot and stand by the commander in chief.
dang how much proof do you need?
when even the puffington post is saying the same thing i am

show me some PROOF that our troops are engaged in combat operations now. Show me where our troops are going on the offensive in operations designed to take the fight to the enemy now.
wrong. I NEVER took Bush to task for semantics. never.

I vehemently disagreed with him invading Iraq...but I didn't get my undies in a bunch when he declared major combat operations were over. I only took issue with that assessment when it became CLEAR that major combat operations were NOT over.

Our troops are not going to be taking the fight to the enemy anymore. That is the job of the Iraqi security forces and we have left behind troops who will train them to do that better.

That's a good thing.

The day that our troops start actively taking the fight to the enemy, I will criticize Obama for not holding up his pledge. not until.

But see...that's where we're different. This is not about the welfare of our troops or the wisdom of our military strategy....this is about political gotcha and making a big fucking deal about semantics in order to attack our president.

I say... when American brigades start going into combat in Iraq again, THEN criticize the president, but until then...act like a fucking patriot and stand by the commander in chief.
dang how much proof do you need?
when even the puffington post is saying the same thing i am

show me some PROOF that our troops are engaged in combat operations now. Show me where our troops are going on the offensive in operations designed to take the fight to the enemy now.

From the AP
AP: Combat Operations in Iraq Are Not Over - TIME NewsFeed
not a lie....just an unfounded accusation by a partisan hack who only has his semantic interpretation - which others do not share - to bolster that unfounded accusation.
LOL yeah, coming from a proven HACK like you

I may be partisan, but I am also pretty fucking smart, and well educated, and laden with worldly experience....

You remind me of Stewart Smalley, keep repeating this and maybe someday it might come true...... don't hold your breath.

[ame=]YouTube - Stuart Saves His Family Theatrical Trailer [HQ][/ame]
Then why did the LT in the LAST TRUCK to cross into Kuwait state quite plainly on MSNBC that he was proud to be the last combat unit out of Iraq?

cause he didn't pull the special ops out. and did you ask yourself why MSNBC was the ONLY media allowed to film the event. Sucker.
This thread is getting derailed it seems. To me, if Beck lies about something as stupid as this to make a point, how can anyone believe any more of his adages going forward?
This thread is getting derailed it seems. To me, if Beck lies about something as stupid as this to make a point, how can anyone believe any more of his adages going forward?[/QUOT]

You are correct, it needs to be derailed. So lets talk about the liar that matters obama.
This thread is getting derailed it seems. To me, if Beck lies about something as stupid as this to make a point, how can anyone believe any more of his adages going forward?

Because I am not a mindless drone.... I factcheck him ALL the time.

Wait..... Im not listening to him anymore... almost forgot.

Like I said...old habits yada yada. :eusa_liar:
This thread is getting derailed it seems. To me, if Beck lies about something as stupid as this to make a point, how can anyone believe any more of his adages going forward?

Because I am not a mindless drone.... I factcheck him ALL the time.

Wait..... Im not listening to him anymore... almost forgot.

Like I said...old habits yada yada. :eusa_liar:

To funny Becks on right now
Then why did the LT in the LAST TRUCK to cross into Kuwait state quite plainly on MSNBC that he was proud to be the last combat unit out of Iraq?

cause he didn't pull the special ops out. and did you ask yourself why MSNBC was the ONLY media allowed to film the event. Sucker.

Hey there you soggy pissed off pussy Shallow Skeeve.........MSNBC wasn't the only ones allowed, they were just the ones that listened to what was actually happening. Most of the other news agencies were listening to the announcement of "by the end of the month" and took it as being when they would withdraw. ABC tried to get in on it, I think even CNN came onboard after a week.

Rachel Maddow apparently has friends inside the Pentagon, because she was able to break the story.

Try again bitch.
All he had to say was I laid my eyes on the original.

it isnt his first lie or his last one

Yep unlike the holy democrats who never stretch the truth or lie at all, and always admit to it right away when they do right.

He was giving a performance and taking a little license to be Dramatic. He and people who support him think you are all silly for making such a big deal over it.
All he had to say was I laid my eyes on the original.

it isnt his first lie or his last one

Yep unlike the holy democrats who never stretch the truth or lie at all, and always admit to it right away when they do right.

He was giving a performance and taking a little license to be Dramatic. He and people who support him think you are all silly for making such a big deal over it.

Democrats stretch the truth. Democrats say things that are incorrect.

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