Glenn Beck: "Bring troops home, we're gonna have enough trouble here."

I like the idea of bringing the troops home, bring them home from Iraq/Afghanistan/Germany/Japan/Vietnam/South Korea/South America etc etc etc.

Bring them home in order to use them against fellow americans? God I hope that's not the message he's trying to spread.................

As an atheist though I'm always apprehensive about that bigot.

That is exactly what Beck means.

Beck has a shakey grasp on reality and partiotism.

He sure makes alot of money though

Beck is the prince of the apocalypse.
Prince of fools that is.
Why is it you claim I hate people who make money?

where did I ever say that?

Its not illegal for democrats to own beach houses is it?

You rail against people making money on a regular basis. You attack Glenn for doing his job and making money. You attack oil companies for employing people and making money. You attack all sorts of businesses for making money on a regular basis and then whine when they have to lay off people because they aren't making money.

Republicans try to create more private sector jobs for people to work and make a living and you attack them for it.

The sad thing is you are so lost in your lies that you've lied to and decieved yourself into ignoring your own flaws and behavior.

I never said any of those things.

Go get your proof I have.

You started a thread on the evils of oil companies making money yesterday. Are you seriously that forgetful?

You were criticizing Glenn for earning money in the very post i originally responded to.

Are you that ashamed of your own words that you won't take responsibility for what you said mere hours ago?
Glenn Beck predicting Armageddon again?

Beck's schtick is a pretty simple one. Figure out something inflammatory to say. Add a qualifier at the beginning. Then say "I hope" or "I have faith" that things wont be as bad as inflammatory comment made things out to be. Claim you never incited hate or fear.

His minions only hear the fear-mongering but he's able to feign he doesn't.
Glenn Beck just said on his radio show we should start bringing troops home from the Middle East. Said we're gonna "have enough trouble here" and that the troops should be home with families and ready to take care of our country.

I'm about 50/50 with Beck, agree with some, disagree with some.

But I think he's right. The left is gonna get violent, right here at home. Our police and national guard can handle it just fine. But our troops should be home to care for their families through it all. Besides, F**K the Middle East. We did everything we could for that craphole. Screw 'em. Pull back. Keep enough of a presence to bomb Iran if necessary. Screw picking up the pieces of the places we bomb.

And you know
Guess Beck is a left winger now since he's saying bring the troops home.
Beck's schtick is a pretty simple one. Figure out something inflammatory to say. Add a qualifier at the beginning. Then say "I hope" or "I have faith" that things wont be as bad as inflammatory comment made things out to be. Claim you never incited hate or fear.

His minions only hear the fear-mongering but he's able to feign he doesn't.

Glenn Beck is an entertainer.
He makes it quite clear that much of what he "predicts" is strictly that...a prediction.

Harry Reid, en elected official.... a man who had direct access to all information as it pertained to the war went in front of the microphones and cameras for all to hear and stated:

The war is lost.

He made that statement leading all to believe it as an infoirmed statement.

Yet you feel the need to attack an entertainer.
Glen Beck is insane and or will do anything for money.

Do you think troops would shoot at protesting Americans?

Do you think troops should be deployed against Americans on American soil?

Did you read the thread?
The premise is that troops should be home with their families if there is civil unrest.
We have local law enforcement and the national guard to control any rioting....
If there is civil unrest...and I sense it may become a national issue as well...I will travel as little as possible as civil unrest usually results in looting and violence and my place will be with my family.

Well hi! Here you are again. :bye1:
But I think he's right. The left is gonna get violent, right here at home. Our police and national guard can handle it just fine. But our troops should be home to care for their families through it all.

Why do you think the left is going to get violent?

Besides, F**K the Middle East. We did everything we could for that craphole. Screw 'em. Pull back. Keep enough of a presence to bomb Iran if necessary. Screw picking up the pieces of the places we bomb.

This seems a bit of a contradiction. Yes, fuck the middle east. Bring the troops home immediately. Stop destruction and nation building. Quit being Israel's bitch. I agree with all that. But, then you want to bomb Iran?


When the left does not get what they demand, they riot.

Such as.....?
But I think he's right. The left is gonna get violent, right here at home. Our police and national guard can handle it just fine. But our troops should be home to care for their families through it all.

Why do you think the left is going to get violent?

Besides, F**K the Middle East. We did everything we could for that craphole. Screw 'em. Pull back. Keep enough of a presence to bomb Iran if necessary. Screw picking up the pieces of the places we bomb.

This seems a bit of a contradiction. Yes, fuck the middle east. Bring the troops home immediately. Stop destruction and nation building. Quit being Israel's bitch. I agree with all that. But, then you want to bomb Iran?

Why do I think the left is going to get violent? Um....because I pay attention to history. The left always drifts to violence when they don't get their way or to crush dissent. China, North Korea, the USSR, Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam, Burma, the National Socialist Party of Germany.........all got horribly violent to crush dissent. And when the left wing government does not use violence, it's spoiled left wing citizens have become violent with "other peoples money" runs the riots in Greece, Italy, France, Spain, England, where nanny state citizens are pissed that their entitlements are running out.

And of course, we've seen the left wing unions get violent here already. It's on video. Undeniable. SEIU. Common left wing individuals. Several incidents. Violent left wing environmental groups, such as the left wing group ELF that is responsible for more terror attacks on US soil annually than any other group.

So, history and video show us what the left does when they don't get their way, or when they are in charge and others dissent. They get violent.

Selma Alabama.

Montgomery Alabama

Little Rock Arkansas

Boston Massachusetts (over bussing)

all left wing violence......
No need to bring the troops home.....There are plenty of us former troops, and true americans who love this country as founded, and will it take it to the lefty's should they try and get stupid.

We are a center right society. They will find that out quite quickly if they decide to take it to the extreme level.

Let 'em get violent.....For every action, there is reaction.

These lefty progressive idiots need to start realizing they are being played like fiddles. That those who are feeding them their BS, are the ones who are getting rich. People like Al Gore, Cass Sunstein, Van Jones, etc., are making a killing off these lunatics..........Those who are feeding them their BS, are using the capitalism they rail against to feed their kitty's........And the gullible progressive sheep follow merrily along.......And that's exactly what Gore, Sunstein, Jones. etc. want. Strip their individuality, make everybody one in the same, and milk 'em till they are dry.

Wake up, you gullible lil' lunatics.
No need to bring the troops home.....There are plenty of us former troops, and true americans who love this country as founded, and will it take it to the republicant's should they try and get stupid.

We are a center left society. They will find that out quite quickly if they decide to take it to the extreme level.

Let 'em get violent.....For every action, there is reaction.

These religious nut republicant idiots need to start realizing they are being played like fiddles. That those who are feeding them their BS, are the ones who are getting rich. People like The Koch Bros., Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter,, etc., are making a killing off these lunatics..........Those who are feeding them their BS, are using the socialism and equality they rail against to feed their kitty's........And the gullible family values sheep follow merrily along.......And that's exactly what the rich people and big business. etc. want. Strip their individuality, make everybody one in the same, and milk 'em till they are dry.

Wake up, you gullible lil' lunatics.

WOW. You see how idiotic you sound. Nothing you've said is verifiable or concrete.
Partisan comments like yours are retarded.
No need to bring the troops home.....There are plenty of us former troops, and true americans who love this country as founded, and will it take it to the lefty's should they try and get stupid.

We are a center right society. They will find that out quite quickly if they decide to take it to the extreme level.

Let 'em get violent.....For every action, there is reaction.

These lefty progressive idiots need to start realizing they are being played like fiddles. That those who are feeding them their BS, are the ones who are getting rich. People like Al Gore, Cass Sunstein, Van Jones, etc., are making a killing off these lunatics..........Those who are feeding them their BS, are using the capitalism they rail against to feed their kitty's........And the gullible progressive sheep follow merrily along.......And that's exactly what Gore, Sunstein, Jones. etc. want. Strip their individuality, make everybody one in the same, and milk 'em till they are dry.

Wake up, you gullible lil' lunatics.

Lefties will kick your doubt about it
No need to bring the troops home.....There are plenty of us former troops, and true americans who love this country as founded, and will it take it to the lefty's should they try and get stupid.

We are a center right society. They will find that out quite quickly if they decide to take it to the extreme level.

Let 'em get violent.....For every action, there is reaction.

These lefty progressive idiots need to start realizing they are being played like fiddles. That those who are feeding them their BS, are the ones who are getting rich. People like Al Gore, Cass Sunstein, Van Jones, etc., are making a killing off these lunatics..........Those who are feeding them their BS, are using the capitalism they rail against to feed their kitty's........And the gullible progressive sheep follow merrily along.......And that's exactly what Gore, Sunstein, Jones. etc. want. Strip their individuality, make everybody one in the same, and milk 'em till they are dry.

Wake up, you gullible lil' lunatics.

Oh stop it! You're scaring us.

No need to bring the troops home.....There are plenty of us former troops, and true americans who love this country as founded, and will it take it to the republicant's should they try and get stupid.

We are a center left society. They will find that out quite quickly if they decide to take it to the extreme level.

Let 'em get violent.....For every action, there is reaction.

These religious nut republicant idiots need to start realizing they are being played like fiddles. That those who are feeding them their BS, are the ones who are getting rich. People like The Koch Bros., Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter,, etc., are making a killing off these lunatics..........Those who are feeding them their BS, are using the socialism and equality they rail against to feed their kitty's........And the gullible family values sheep follow merrily along.......And that's exactly what the rich people and big business. etc. want. Strip their individuality, make everybody one in the same, and milk 'em till they are dry.

Wake up, you gullible lil' lunatics.

WOW. You see how idiotic you sound. Nothing you've said is verifiable or concrete.
Partisan comments like yours are retarded.
Go ahead, get violent.......See what happens!

That dem senator wants his constituents to "Get bloody".......Bring it on!

Ya' know what the REAL definition of the american dream is?


Know what the definition of the "new american dream" is, as put forth by your herders?


It ain't happenin!.......Deal with it!........No one owes you people a god damn thing!
No need to bring the troops home.....There are plenty of us former troops, and true americans who love this country as founded, and will it take it to the lefty's should they try and get stupid.

We are a center right society. They will find that out quite quickly if they decide to take it to the extreme level.

Let 'em get violent.....For every action, there is reaction.

These lefty progressive idiots need to start realizing they are being played like fiddles. That those who are feeding them their BS, are the ones who are getting rich. People like Al Gore, Cass Sunstein, Van Jones, etc., are making a killing off these lunatics..........Those who are feeding them their BS, are using the capitalism they rail against to feed their kitty's........And the gullible progressive sheep follow merrily along.......And that's exactly what Gore, Sunstein, Jones. etc. want. Strip their individuality, make everybody one in the same, and milk 'em till they are dry.

Wake up, you gullible lil' lunatics.

Lefties will kick your doubt about it
Yeah........uh huh!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
No need to bring the troops home.....There are plenty of us former troops, and true americans who love this country as founded, and will it take it to the republicant's should they try and get stupid.

We are a center left society. They will find that out quite quickly if they decide to take it to the extreme level.

Let 'em get violent.....For every action, there is reaction.

These religious nut republicant idiots need to start realizing they are being played like fiddles. That those who are feeding them their BS, are the ones who are getting rich. People like The Koch Bros., Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter,, etc., are making a killing off these lunatics..........Those who are feeding them their BS, are using the socialism and equality they rail against to feed their kitty's........And the gullible family values sheep follow merrily along.......And that's exactly what the rich people and big business. etc. want. Strip their individuality, make everybody one in the same, and milk 'em till they are dry.

Wake up, you gullible lil' lunatics.

WOW. You see how idiotic you sound. Nothing you've said is verifiable or concrete.
Partisan comments like yours are retarded.
Go ahead, get violent.......See what happens!

That dem senator wants his constituents to "Get bloody".......Bring it on!

Ya' know what the REAL definition of the american dream is?


Know what the definition of the "new american dream" is, as put forth by your herders?


It ain't happenin!.......Deal with it!........No one owes you people a god damn thing!

Rawr! So fierce!


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