Glenn Beck: "Bring troops home, we're gonna have enough trouble here."

No need to bring the troops home.....There are plenty of us former troops, and true americans who love this country as founded, and will it take it to the republicant's should they try and get stupid.

We are a center left society. They will find that out quite quickly if they decide to take it to the extreme level.

Let 'em get violent.....For every action, there is reaction.

These religious nut republicant idiots need to start realizing they are being played like fiddles. That those who are feeding them their BS, are the ones who are getting rich. People like The Koch Bros., Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter,, etc., are making a killing off these lunatics..........Those who are feeding them their BS, are using the socialism and equality they rail against to feed their kitty's........And the gullible family values sheep follow merrily along.......And that's exactly what the rich people and big business. etc. want. Strip their individuality, make everybody one in the same, and milk 'em till they are dry.

Wake up, you gullible lil' lunatics.

WOW. You see how idiotic you sound. Nothing you've said is verifiable or concrete.
Partisan comments like yours are retarded.
Go ahead, get violent.......See what happens!

That dem senator wants his constituents to "Get bloody".......Bring it on!

Ya' know what the REAL definition of the american dream is?


Know what the definition of the "new american dream" is, as put forth by your herders?


It ain't happenin!.......Deal with it!........No one owes you people a god damn thing!

Rawr! So fierce!

Damn right!:razz:

Unlike you, who would watch your neighborhood be burned to the ground because you were too busy salivating over the teenage titties on GLEE :boobies::boobies::boobies:

Glenn Beck just said on his radio show we should start bringing troops home from the Middle East. Said we're gonna "have enough trouble here" and that the troops should be home with families and ready to take care of our country.

I'm about 50/50 with Beck, agree with some, disagree with some.

But I think he's right. The left is gonna get violent, right here at home. Our police and national guard can handle it just fine. But our troops should be home to care for their families through it all. Besides, F**K the Middle East. We did everything we could for that craphole. Screw 'em. Pull back. Keep enough of a presence to bomb Iran if necessary. Screw picking up the pieces of the places we bomb.

Guess Beck is a left winger now since he's saying bring the troops home.

just "the left"?

not "the right"?

not the right wing ORGANIZED militias who HATE liberals, are preparing for the next civil war and have "kill liberals" bumper stickers on their cars?

not right winger chuck norris who has often remined his conservative friends and allies (and democrats and liberals) that THEY have guns and THEY are willing to use them on their atheistic, liberal enemies?

the problem with scum like you is that you ONLY see the bad in the OTHER SIDE while defending (or ignoring) the bad in your own side.....

when some leftwinger makes some deplorable suggestion of violence you are all over it like stink on shit accusing ALL liberals of being violent

but when some right winger makes similiar suggestions you ignore it or defend it
or call it "free speech"

violence in America could come from leftwingers (a small percentage of the population, completely disorganized, few weapons, no militia, NO support from the government, NO support from police or the military)

or it could come from far right conservatives (a larger percentage of the population, well organized, militias, radio stations and their own political parties, great support from police, the military)

just the other day pale rider (conservative right wing lunatic deranged scumbaggar on this board) was admitting his desire to kill liberals

how many liberals would YOU kill in order to defend and protect your conservative beliefs?
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No need to bring the troops home.....There are plenty of us former troops, and true americans who love this country as founded, and will it take it to the lefty's should they try and get stupid.

We are a center right society. They will find that out quite quickly if they decide to take it to the extreme level.

Let 'em get violent.....For every action, there is reaction.

These lefty progressive idiots need to start realizing they are being played like fiddles. That those who are feeding them their BS, are the ones who are getting rich. People like Al Gore, Cass Sunstein, Van Jones, etc., are making a killing off these lunatics..........Those who are feeding them their BS, are using the capitalism they rail against to feed their kitty's........And the gullible progressive sheep follow merrily along.......And that's exactly what Gore, Sunstein, Jones. etc. want. Strip their individuality, make everybody one in the same, and milk 'em till they are dry.

Wake up, you gullible lil' lunatics.

Lefties will kick your doubt about it
Yeah........uh huh!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Against a bunch of rightwing girlie men? Give it a break

What....ya gunn a hit them with your man purse?
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Lefties will kick your doubt about it
Yeah........uh huh!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Against a bunch of rightwing girlie men? Give it a break

What....ya gunn a hit them with your man purse?
Coming from someone who suffers from the all irritating, Liberal Male Feminine Itch that ALL liberal males suffer from, that's pretty funny, RW!.......Good to see that even through all the furious crotch scratching that you feminine lil' weasels are forced to engage in, you can still show a sense of humor.:razz:

But, in your case, it wouldn't take nothin' more than a slap upside your empty liberal head!
Go ahead, get violent.......See what happens!

That dem senator wants his constituents to "Get bloody".......Bring it on!

Ya' know what the REAL definition of the american dream is?


Know what the definition of the "new american dream" is, as put forth by your herders?


It ain't happenin!.......Deal with it!........No one owes you people a god damn thing!

Rawr! So fierce!

Damn right!:razz:

Unlike you, who would watch your neighborhood be burned to the ground because you were too busy salivating over the teenage titties on GLEE :boobies::boobies::boobies:


What a tough guy...cheetoes breath.
Glen Beck is insane and or will do anything for money.

Do you think troops would shoot at protesting Americans?

Do you think troops should be deployed against Americans on American soil?

No our troops would not fire on us. In the unlikely event they were ordered to, I think you instead would see Obama/Biden arrested and replaced. Beck os ok, but isnt it weird how he has all thees secrets that will save our country, but we have to keep tuning in tomorrow night to hear how to survive the apocalypse ? Its TV guy's, its all going to be ok.
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Yeah........uh huh!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Against a bunch of rightwing girlie men? Give it a break

What....ya gunn a hit them with your man purse?
Coming from someone who suffers from the all irritating, Liberal Male Feminine Itch that ALL liberal males suffer from, that's pretty funny, RW!.......Good to see that even through all the furious crotch scratching that you feminine lil' weasels are forced to engage in, you can still show a sense of humor.:razz:

But, in your case, it wouldn't take nothin' more than a slap upside your empty liberal head!

We are talking real fightin here........not the tickle fights you girlie men are used to
America is not owned by the bible.

Do you put religion first or country first?

Why does one have to come before the other?

I allow my faith to guide much of my decision making as I remain a loyal and patriotic American.

The question shouldn't be "do you put 'religion' first or country first. It should be..Do you put God first or country first. God is always first and should be in all of our lives. Religion and God are not the same. There are many religions, but only 1 God. And if our country had God as it's focus, we wouldn't have the problems we do now.
Damn right!:razz:

Unlike you, who would watch your neighborhood be burned to the ground because you were too busy salivating over the teenage titties on GLEE :boobies::boobies::boobies:


What a tough guy...cheetoes breath.
What a liberal stooge.........Teenage pussy breath!

While it isn't sound totally jealous.

Tho, it is a curious thing...I talk of cheetos, you talk of oral sex with teenage girls. You seem to have a problem that I hope you get help with before you end up in prison with a girlfriend/roomie named Bubba.
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America is not owned by the bible.

Do you put religion first or country first?

Why does one have to come before the other?

I allow my faith to guide much of my decision making as I remain a loyal and patriotic American.

The question shouldn't be "do you put 'religion' first or country first. It should be..Do you put God first or country first. God is always first and should be in all of our lives. Religion and God are not the same. There are many religions, but only 1 God. And if our country had God as it's focus, we wouldn't have the problems we do now.

That's the way right there :clap2: It also does wonders for your pocket book too !
Why does one have to come before the other?

I allow my faith to guide much of my decision making as I remain a loyal and patriotic American.

The question shouldn't be "do you put 'religion' first or country first. It should be..Do you put God first or country first. God is always first and should be in all of our lives. Religion and God are not the same. There are many religions, but only 1 God. And if our country had God as it's focus, we wouldn't have the problems we do now.

That's the way right there :clap2: It also does wonders for your pocket book too !

Especially if you can sucker...I mean...convince others that your faith is the way to go.

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