Glenn Beck: "Bring troops home, we're gonna have enough trouble here."

The question shouldn't be "do you put 'religion' first or country first. It should be..Do you put God first or country first. God is always first and should be in all of our lives. Religion and God are not the same. There are many religions, but only 1 God. And if our country had God as it's focus, we wouldn't have the problems we do now.

That's the way right there :clap2: It also does wonders for your pocket book too !

Especially if you can sucker...I mean...convince others that your faith is the way to go.

I dont go out of my way to convince any one. I let my life prove it to them. I have to admit, it sure is nice to not have to live in fear all the time.
Glenn Beck just said on his radio show we should start bringing troops home from the Middle East. Said we're gonna "have enough trouble here" and that the troops should be home with families and ready to take care of our country.


If Target 1 is Glenn Beck, that troop-option sounds down-right workable.​
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Glenn Beck just said on his radio show we should start bringing troops home from the Middle East. Said we're gonna "have enough trouble here" and that the troops should be home with families and ready to take care of our country.

I'm about 50/50 with Beck, agree with some, disagree with some.

But I think he's right. The left is gonna get violent, right here at home. Our police and national guard can handle it just fine. But our troops should be home to care for their families through it all. Besides, F**K the Middle East. We did everything we could for that craphole. Screw 'em. Pull back. Keep enough of a presence to bomb Iran if necessary. Screw picking up the pieces of the places we bomb.

Guess Beck is a left winger now since he's saying bring the troops home.

Beck and Farakhan are on the same page here.

Farrakhan: Mideast uprisings will come to US - Chicago Breaking News

“What you are looking at in Tunisia, in Egypt … Libya, in Bahrain … what you see happening there … you’d better prepare because it will be coming to your door,” Farrakhan said in a booming voice, thousands of followers cheering in his wake.
Who's Glenn Beck ???
"Glenn Beck has become the most disturbing personality on cable television. …What ought to worry conservatives in particular is that Beck not only has the unusual capacity to discredit virtually every cause he takes up; he also confirms the worst caricatures of the right… It looks to me like it’s only a matter of time – and I suspect not much time – until he blows apart professionally. If and when that happens, one can only hope that conservatism as a movement will have created enough distance from Beck to mitigate the damage."

But I think he's right. The left is gonna get violent, right here at home. Our police and national guard can handle it just fine. But our troops should be home to care for their families through it all.

Why do you think the left is going to get violent?

Besides, F**K the Middle East. We did everything we could for that craphole. Screw 'em. Pull back. Keep enough of a presence to bomb Iran if necessary. Screw picking up the pieces of the places we bomb.

This seems a bit of a contradiction. Yes, fuck the middle east. Bring the troops home immediately. Stop destruction and nation building. Quit being Israel's bitch. I agree with all that. But, then you want to bomb Iran?

We have to start building confidence with allies we once had. We once had a strong affect in every part of the world. We were respected and feared. Now we are cast off and jeered.

We have to keep promises to allies.
Oct 12, 2012

Shot Fired

"Detectives are not aware of any threats made to the campaign, but are exploring all possibilities, she said."


They should start with the obvious.....​

[ame=]Richard Poplawski: Was Pittsburgh shooter driven by right-wing gun paranoia about Obama? - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]The emerging portrait of Richard Poplawski: a white-supremacist radical - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Glenn Beck Guns - YouTube[/ame]​

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