Glenn Beck compares Norwegian victims to 'Hitler Youth'

:rolleyes: You called him a cretin because of his timing, you moron.

Are you denying that people are using this event for thier own gains?

Have you gone around insulting each poster that blathering on and on about it?

Are you ignorant of the fact comedians use events like this in thier routines?

He's a cretin for for what he said.

Sorry, I fogot you like to read what you want, make the assumption and then make the accusation.

But please continue, you are making my day.
:rolleyes: You called him a cretin because of his timing, you moron.

Are you denying that people are using this event for thier own gains?

Have you gone around insulting each poster that blathering on and on about it?

Are you ignorant of the fact comedians use events like this in thier routines?

He's a cretin for for what he said.

Sorry, I fogot you like to read what you want, make the assumption and then make the accusation.

But please continue, you are making my day.

You must have me mixed up with daveman.

So now he's a comedian, huh? How many ways are you going to excuse him?
I'll be sure to get my panties in a bunch over what some radio and tv commentator says.

AFTER I get ALL the facts.
:rolleyes: You called him a cretin because of his timing, you moron.

Are you denying that people are using this event for thier own gains?

Have you gone around insulting each poster that blathering on and on about it?

Are you ignorant of the fact comedians use events like this in thier routines?

He's a cretin for for what he said.

Sorry, I fogot you like to read what you want, make the assumption and then make the accusation.

But please continue, you are making my day.

You must have me mixed up with daveman.

So now he's a comedian, huh? How many ways are you going to excuse him?

Now you are getting boring.

I didn't excuse him. Nice try with the lie though. :2up:
liberal social-democratic Labor Party is not the Nazi party.

"Young political activists have gathered at Utoya for over 60 years to learn about and be part of democracy, the very opposite of what the Hitler Youth was about," he told the newspaper. "Glenn Beck's comments are ignorant, incorrect and extremely hurtful."

Beck is and has always been a piece of shit
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Here's something to think about folks.

WHEN does CNN ever post articles about something stupid that Chrissy Matthew, Rachel Madcow, Olbermann, Maher calling Palin a Cxxt, etc etc......... AS IF IT'S NEWS?

And here is the real kicker, the one article said Beck is a US CONSERVATIVE commentator.

Cnn IS A JOKE. And the uproar over this is too.
Here's something to think about folks.

WHEN does CNN ever post articles about something stupid that Chrissy Matthew, Rachel Madcow, Olbermann, Maher calling Palin a Cxxt, etc etc......... AS IF IT'S NEWS?

And here is the real kicker, the one article said Beck is a US CONSERVATIVE commentator.

Cnn IS A JOKE. And the uproar over this is too.
So you agree with Beck, good to know!
Here's something to think about folks.

WHEN does CNN ever post articles about something stupid that Chrissy Matthew, Rachel Madcow, Olbermann, Maher calling Palin a Cxxt, etc etc......... AS IF IT'S NEWS?

And here is the real kicker, the one article said Beck is a US CONSERVATIVE commentator.

Cnn IS A JOKE. And the uproar over this is too.
So you agree with Beck, good to know!

sorry dear, but I said nothing of the sort. nice try though.
Here's something to think about folks.

WHEN does CNN ever post articles about something stupid that Chrissy Matthew, Rachel Madcow, Olbermann, Maher calling Palin a Cxxt, etc etc......... AS IF IT'S NEWS?

And here is the real kicker, the one article said Beck is a US CONSERVATIVE commentator.

Cnn IS A JOKE. And the uproar over this is too.
So you agree with Beck, good to know!

LOL Ravi....deflecting away from her point ;)
I will say, for the record, on the face of it, this appears to have been an outrageous comment. And I will unreservedly condemn him for saying it.

My problem, however, is that I have only one sentence so I have no context for his comment. Now, I'm not sure what context he could put it in that would make it any less offensive..... but... given the left's habit of, shall we say, misrepresenting what Beck said, I would definitely want the whole context before I jump all over him for it. For example, I constantly hear about how he 'hates' the victims of 9-11.... yet, when I read the full comment of Beck's on that particular issue, that is not what he said at all. It was, again, a left wing spin of his words.

So, I'll reserve any outrage until I see exactly what he said instead of one sentence. Always a good idea to get the context...... for intelligent people anyway.

Carry on with the faux outrage.

so you are giving him a pass b/c you are a dumb partisan bitch... shocking
LOL she wasn't giving him a pass she was using the situation to show further evidence of the media's blatant bias against those whom the media labels as conservative.

Gosh its not THAT hard to see if you read the post.
liberal social-democratic Labor Party is not the Nazi party.

"Young political activists have gathered at Utoya for over 60 years to learn about and be part of democracy, the very opposite of what the Hitler Youth was about," he told the newspaper. "Glenn Beck's comments are ignorant, incorrect and extremely hurtful."

Beck is and has always been a piece of shit

Ummmmmmm....The National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, abbreviated NSDAP), commonly known in English as the Nazi Party, was a political party in Germany between 1919 and 1945. It was known as the German Workers' Party (DAP) prior to a change of name in 1920.

sorta sounds like the nazi were liberal social-deomcrats to me from their TITLE only......that isn't to say that liberal social-democrats are insane like hitler its just a comment on the title ONLY.
I will say, for the record, on the face of it, this appears to have been an outrageous comment. And I will unreservedly condemn him for saying it.

My problem, however, is that I have only one sentence so I have no context for his comment. Now, I'm not sure what context he could put it in that would make it any less offensive..... but... given the left's habit of, shall we say, misrepresenting what Beck said, I would definitely want the whole context before I jump all over him for it. For example, I constantly hear about how he 'hates' the victims of 9-11.... yet, when I read the full comment of Beck's on that particular issue, that is not what he said at all. It was, again, a left wing spin of his words.

So, I'll reserve any outrage until I see exactly what he said instead of one sentence. Always a good idea to get the context...... for intelligent people anyway.

Carry on with the faux outrage.

so you are giving him a pass b/c you are a dumb partisan bitch... shocking

LOL, this coming from the person who started a thread comparing a mass murderer with the people in the TEA PARTY. NOW you are ALL OUTRAGED.
liberal social-democratic Labor Party is not the Nazi party.

"Young political activists have gathered at Utoya for over 60 years to learn about and be part of democracy, the very opposite of what the Hitler Youth was about," he told the newspaper. "Glenn Beck's comments are ignorant, incorrect and extremely hurtful."
Beck is and has always been a piece of shit

Ummmmmmm....The National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, abbreviated NSDAP), commonly known in English as the Nazi Party, was a political party in Germany between 1919 and 1945. It was known as the German Workers' Party (DAP) prior to a change of name in 1920.

sorta sounds like the nazi were liberal social-deomcrats to me from their TITLE only......that isn't to say that liberal social-democrats are insane like hitler its just a comment on the title ONLY.

yeah, sure. sounds like it. :doubt:

there was a social democratic party in germany, still is, the SPD.

"Being the only party in the Reichstag to have voted against the Enabling Act (with the Communist Party of Germany prevented from voting), the SPD was banned in the summer of 1933 by the new Nazi government. Many of its members were jailed or sent to Nazi concentration camps."

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