Glenn Beck Urges Listeners to Leave Churches That Preach Social Justice

So that's what you got out of that, huh?
No wonder, you never stood a chance with comprehension.

how about another cartoon, Jay?
Wow. You really are challenged in the language department, aren't you, Zona...

O Really?

they make parents do they?:lol:

I was being flippant you stupid fuck. The fact is it's not the government role to take care of our children or to make sure they have healthcare.

How ironic that a dumbass Canadian concerns himself with America's healthcare. Perhaps you should talk with Shona Holmes from Waterdown, Ontario who said "If I had relied on my government for healthcare, I'd be dead.".

Sarah Palin Compares Herself To God?

Sarah Palin on writing on her hand: "If it was good enough for God, scribbling on the palm of his hand, it's good enough for me," Palin told a crowd in Canada. "She cited a line from the Bible as part of her remarks, which she said a supporter had sent her," the New York Daily News writes. "The passage, Isaiah 49:16, says, 'See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.' 'I’m in good company,' Palin said."

who goes to Canada for their healthcare? -


What complete unadulterated crap.

Surely even biased, partisan hacks see what a stretch it is to try to promote socialism by pretending Jesus did.....
What complete unadulterated crap.

Surely even biased, partisan hacks see what a stretch it is to try to promote socialism by pretending Jesus did.....

If you feel so strongly then I invite you to battle me with scripture, baba. I bet you won't.
I see Beck is the topic not the social justice he is talking about .
Wealth redistribution .
Open borders .
Thanks for being predicable.
What complete unadulterated crap.

Surely even biased, partisan hacks see what a stretch it is to try to promote socialism by pretending Jesus did.....

If you feel so strongly then I invite you to battle me with scripture, baba. I bet you won't.

Your intrepetation is always bastardized. And your claims that you win every argument are evidence of narcissism, not accuracy.
What complete unadulterated crap.

Surely even biased, partisan hacks see what a stretch it is to try to promote socialism by pretending Jesus did.....

If you feel so strongly then I invite you to battle me with scripture, baba. I bet you won't.

Your intrepetation is always bastardized. And your claims that you win every argument are evidence of narcissism, not accuracy.

if you love me, feed my lambs
Why is anyone surprised that Glenn Beck said this? I bet it surprised some people to say the least and made them realize that Beck's a mormon.
I see Beck is the topic not the social justice he is talking about .
Wealth redistribution .
Open borders .
Thanks for being predicable.

Wait, Christianity = Wealth redistribution, Open Borders, Marxism?
What complete unadulterated crap.

Surely even biased, partisan hacks see what a stretch it is to try to promote socialism by pretending Jesus did.....

If you feel so strongly then I invite you to battle me with scripture, baba. I bet you won't.

Your intrepetation is always bastardized. And your claims that you win every argument are evidence of narcissism, not accuracy.

I dare you to back that up with SCRIPTURE instead of your laughable fucking opinion. come on, Baba... don't let this ATHEIST school you on your own fucking faith!
If you feel so strongly then I invite you to battle me with scripture, baba. I bet you won't.

Your intrepetation is always bastardized. And your claims that you win every argument are evidence of narcissism, not accuracy.

I dare you to back that up with SCRIPTURE instead of your laughable fucking opinion. come on, Baba... don't let this ATHEIST school you on your own fucking faith!

Precious... an athiest using the Bible to explain Christian beliefs.

I am betting he doesn't like Christians "shoving their beliefs" down his throat, but yet he shoves his religion down our throats, the only difference is he does it in a mean hateful manner.

And don't fool youself... atheism is a religion too with its own "faiths".
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Your intrepetation is always bastardized. And your claims that you win every argument are evidence of narcissism, not accuracy.

I dare you to back that up with SCRIPTURE instead of your laughable fucking opinion. come on, Baba... don't let this ATHEIST school you on your own fucking faith!

Precious... an athiest using the Bible to explain Christian beliefs.

I am betting he doesn't like Christians "shoving their beliefs" down his throat, but yet he shoves his religion down our throats, the only difference is he does it in a mean hateful manner.

And don't fool youself... atheism is a religion too with its own "faiths".

Yes, an atheist batting your kind about the head and neck with scripture. Ironic, isn't it?

I don't have a religion, you stupid bastard. I'm using the standards of YOUR OWN FAITH to, apparently, shove beliefs down your throat. You are a testament in dogmatic failure, fool. This is why you and I both know that your retorts will continue to be crybaby bawling rather than knocking me down with text from your holy book.

I notice you just now decided to respond after I schooled YOUR ASS using scripture. Funny how that works, eh pharisee christian?
God forbid any church would help the poor and needy as Jesus did!
God forbid any church would help the poor and needy as Jesus did!


but, just ask Baba and the cock muncher above, that help only perpetuates SOCIALISM and jesus was REALLY an investment banker!
I see Beck is the topic not the social justice he is talking about .
Wealth redistribution .
Open borders .
Thanks for being predicable.

Wait, Christianity = Wealth redistribution, Open Borders, Marxism?

Yeah. Christianity is all about wealth redistribution.

Jesus denounced being rich...and he was devoted to helping the poor. He once said "the poor you will always have with you" but that doesn't mean he advocated giving up on the problem.

Some conservatives make best-sellers out of books that say "God wants you to prosper. God wants you to be rich." Uhmmm whaaaaA? That's not right at all.

To be fair, some liberals don't grasp the concept that you can't just spend money recklessly...that does more bad than good.

And as for open borders...Jesus said follow the law (render unto Caesar...) so I'm guessing that included border laws. But I'm betting that if it helped the poor to cross the borders, He'd be for it.

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