Glenn Becks Got Some News For Us...

I am going on a limb here and bet my comment on this in another thread is correct.
He did indeed have "something big" agencies get "big" claims and stories all the time but do not broadcast them until they vet the information or individual making the claims. Beck however just couldn't keep his mouth shut about it, bursting at the seams to break whatever it was.
They vetted the information/person and found it was false.
So....nothing came of it except once again Beck looks foolish.
You know this guy was once a legit person, who had honest good opinions and stories.
That was a long time ago.
Beck: Government 'Dragging' Us Into a War We Will Not Survive

Beck: Government ‘Dragging’ Us Into a War We ‘Will Not Survive’ in the Middle East
Jun. 17, 2013 8:30pm Erica Ritz
Glenn Beck asserted on his weekday television program Monday that “we are moving in the wrong direction [as] a country,” particularly with regard to the Middle East, and that that “we will all be destroyed because of it.” Speaking about the U.S. government’s recent decision to arm the rebels in Syria, Beck said lawmakers in both parties are “dragging” us into yet another war.
“We are worn out and we do not [want to be] in anybody’s business,” Beck said, pointing out that polls indicate the American people overwhelmingly disagree with intervening in the Syrian conflict.
Beck then urged viewers to share one clip from the night’s show, which he said will put the matter in perspective. It seemingly shows a Syrian rebel cutting out and eating the heart and liver of his “enemy.”

Your link doesn't work. Try this one.

Beck: Government ?Dragging? Us Into a War We ?Will Not Survive? in the Middle East | Video |
How many times are rightwingers going to jump at that tease?

I haven't followed Beck, since he left his show on Fox. The few times O`Reilly had him on his show, I wasn't impressed. He filled his time-slot with what appeared to be deliberate silliness and I wasn't interested or entertained.

Glenn Beck's program on Fox, I DVRd and couldn't wait to watch. He stimulated my interest in history and politics in a way no other has. I loved him, his show, and his patriotism, for the two years it was on. I wish more men were like him, as he evolved into a mature adult with love of country and family, from being steeped in alcoholism for years before.

I agree 100%.
I use to watch the show also. Lots of interesting historical facts/stories and then he would relate that to something current. It was good stuff.
But then somewhere along the lines he started going on wild goose chases and all kinds of accusations based on rather thin assumptions and loose connections that just didn't matter.
I don't know what happened or why, all I know is he became irrelevant.
Net worth $105 million is not fiscally responsible?

What's your net-worth - pole smoker?

You do know what that negative symbol you put in front of that number means dont you? Nahh you probably dont that is why you used it.

It's a hyphen, numb-nuts

You might need to head back to school and now I understand why cons complain about our education system they make it all the way to fifth grade and do not understand that putting this - in front of a number makes it a negative number.
Bet pole smoker (wahrrior102) feels pretty foolish about this thread now doncha' pole smoker? :(

Doesn't surprise me one bit that he's a Beckite either. Prolly a paid subscriber to his webtv channel ;)
Bet pole smoker (wahrrior102) feels pretty foolish about this thread now doncha' pole smoker? :(

Doesn't surprise me one bit that he's a Beckite either. Prolly a paid subscriber to his webtv channel ;)

Not really, shitstain. But thanks for allowing it to bug the fuck out of you.

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