Global Warming Alarmist In Therapy To Handle Despair About Trump

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Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Sea ice in the Arctic and the Antarctic set record low extents every day in December, continuing the pattern that began in November. Warm atmospheric conditions persisted over the Arctic Ocean, notably in the far northern Atlantic and the northern Bering Sea. Air temperatures near the Antarctic sea ice edge were near average. For the year 2016, sea ice extent in both polar regions was at levels well below what is typical of the past several decades.
Basque can't post this in the environment folder, because troll threads aren't allowed there, and trolling is all the denier cult losers can do. After all, 100% of the science says they're cult morons, hence they can't talk about science. Except when they try to fake it, which never turns out well for the deniers, because they always get busted.

Sucks to you, denier-snowflakes, with the whole planet laughing at you. How do you deal with the ongoing humiliation? From reading your threads, it appears you resort to extreme substance abuse.

Now, if any of you snowflakes would like to talk science, come to the Environment folder. But be warned, it's not a safe-space for denier snowflakes. When you say stupid things, we'll point out why they're stupid, and then laugh hard at you. Consider that to be your trigger warning.

name one timeframe in earth's history where there wasn't climate change.

A friend told me her fellow teachers at school are apoplectic about Trump's Order on Muslims. 1 said he might shoot Trump.

Talk to your kids tonight.
Basque can't post this in the environment folder, because troll threads aren't allowed there, and trolling is all the denier cult losers can do. After all, 100% of the science says they're cult morons, hence they can't talk about science. Except when they try to fake it, which never turns out well for the deniers, because they always get busted.

Sucks to you, denier-snowflakes, with the whole planet laughing at you. How do you deal with the ongoing humiliation? From reading your threads, it appears you resort to extreme substance abuse.

Now, if any of you snowflakes would like to talk science, come to the Environment folder. But be warned, it's not a safe-space for denier snowflakes. When you say stupid things, we'll point out why they're stupid, and then laugh hard at you. Consider that to be your trigger warning.

name one timeframe in earth's history where there wasn't climate change.


It is a scientific certainty that there WILL be another ice age. NY City will be ground to bedrock by mile high glaciers. There now the climate change idiots have something real to worry about.
Basque can't post this in the environment folder, because troll threads aren't allowed there, and trolling is all the denier cult losers can do. After all, 100% of the science says they're cult morons, hence they can't talk about science. Except when they try to fake it, which never turns out well for the deniers, because they always get busted.

Sucks to you, denier-snowflakes, with the whole planet laughing at you. How do you deal with the ongoing humiliation? From reading your threads, it appears you resort to extreme substance abuse.

Now, if any of you snowflakes would like to talk science, come to the Environment folder. But be warned, it's not a safe-space for denier snowflakes. When you say stupid things, we'll point out why they're stupid, and then laugh hard at you. Consider that to be your trigger warning.

name one timeframe in earth's history where there wasn't climate change.


These folks really are odd.... thank God the climate changed, we wouldn't be here.
It is a scientific certainty that there WILL be another ice age.

No dumbass, it's not. As it is, it looks like we've cancelled the next ice age with our human-caused warming.

NY City will be ground to bedrock by mile high glaciers. There now the climate change idiots have something real to worry about.

Those who aren't complete imbeciles would realize the stupid of broiling the world now to prevent an ice age in 50,000 years. Sadly, all deniers are such imbeciles. They are simply a group of very stupid people. But then, that's expected. Non-retards see through denier BS and laugh at how stupid their cult is, leaving only retards left to join the cult.
It is a scientific certainty that there WILL be another ice age.

No dumbass, it's not. As it is, it looks like we've cancelled the next ice age with our human-caused warming.

NY City will be ground to bedrock by mile high glaciers. There now the climate change idiots have something real to worry about.

Those who aren't complete imbeciles would realize the stupid of broiling the world now to prevent an ice age in 50,000 years. Sadly, all deniers are such imbeciles. They are simply a group of very stupid people. But then, that's expected. Non-retards see through denier BS and laugh at how stupid their cult is, leaving only retards left to join the cult.

Scientists say you flunked science. The world has been much warmer in its history and yet ice ages returned again and again. Tissue?
Scientists say you flunked science.

No, they don't. And I say you flunked logic, because you clearly have.

The world has been much warmer in its history and yet ice ages returned again and again. Tissue?

So, according to your logic, if it happened naturally in the past, humans can't affect it.

Thus, by your logic, since forest fires always happened naturally in the past, humans can't cause forest fires.

That simple example illustrates why you're a full-metal retard, and thus a denier cultist.

There's no shame in being stupid. I'm sure you're a nice boy, handsome, hardworking, all that. There is shame in not recognizing your own intellectual limitations, and in being belligerent with your stupidity.
Scientists say you flunked science.

No, they don't. And I say you flunked logic, because you clearly have.

The world has been much warmer in its history and yet ice ages returned again and again. Tissue?

So, according to your logic, if it happened naturally in the past, humans can't affect it.

Thus, by your logic, since forest fires always happened naturally in the past, humans can't cause forest fires.

That simple example illustrates why you're a full-metal retard, and thus a denier cultist.

There's no shame in being stupid. I'm sure you're a nice boy, handsome, hardworking, all that. There is shame in not recognizing your own intellectual limitations, and in being belligerent with your stupidity.

Don't get mad at me, its the geologic record that says you are a dummy. Go bury your head in sand, or try yelling:lalala:
i'm gonna invest in Depends cos they're gonna make record profits under the Trump administration!
i'll debate your ass.

there's no global warming...there's GLOBAL COLDING!

Well, that was retarded, saying that one storm means "global colding". Weather is not climate. With an IQ that low, no wonder you're a denier.

I mean, major warmth is flowing over the nation now, but you don't see any of the rational people claiming it proves global warming. That's because we're not paste-eating morons.

Anyways, sorry for triggering all you Snowflakes. I didn't realize this was your safe space, where it wasn't PC to point out how the whole planet is laughing at you. I'd suggest a good therapist, except I don't know any therapists. Y'all should maybe just make some extra appointments with one of your usual therapists.
The world we live in today is an icehouse world. It is characterized by bipolar glaciation. We think of this as normal, but it's not. For most of the past 55 million years our planet was a greenhouse world. Bipolar glaciation is geologically rare, possibly unique. No other previous instance of bipolar glaciation has been recorded in the geologic record.




The icehouse world we live in today is characterized by glacial - interglacial cycles and a high latitudinal thermal gradient.The modern icehouse world we live in today differed strongly from the greenhouse world in that the greenhouse world did not have bipolar glaciation and had a low latitude thermal gradient.


The start of the transition from the greenhouse world to an icehouse world began 55 million years ago, but it wasn't until the last 3 million years that we actually transitioned to an icehouse world.

The oxygen isotope curve is well established for the Cenozoic and shows that the trend is for a COOLING earth. This curve shows the temperature of the earth over its 4.5 billion year life.


This curve shows the cooling trend over the last 55 million years. Note the glaciation markers on the graph. About 5 million years ago the earth started to rapidly cool as evidenced by the saw tooth behavior of the oxygen isotope curve which is a proxy for temperature.


It was plate tectonics which set the stage for bipolar glaciation and the icehouse world we live in today. The north pole was isolated by warm marine currents by landmasses. The south pole was isolated from warm marine currents because Antarctica is centered over the pole. When the poles become isolated from warm marine currents the threshold is lowered for glaciation at the poles. The south pole has a lower threshold for glaciation than the north pole because a continent is parked over the south pole while the north pole is somewhat less isolated because other land masses are interfering with the circulation of the warm marine currents of the ocean rather than a landmass being parked over the pole.


Climate models predict that extensive glaciation cannot occur at the South Pole until atmospheric CO2 reaches 750 ppm. Climate models predict that extensive glaciation cannot occur at the North Pole until atmospheric CO2 reaches 250 ppm. Thresholds for Cenozoic bipolar glaciation


Five million years ago the earth began to rapidly cool. The glacial-interglacial cycles of the past 3 million years were triggered by Milankovitch cycles. Before the glacial-interglacial cycles could be triggered, two conditions needed to be met; the north and south poles had to be isolated from warm marine currents and atmospheric CO2 needed to be 400 ppm or less. These conditions still exist today.







The world we live in today is an icehouse world. It is characterized by bipolar glaciation.

Which is not relevant to the fact that humans can change the climate, and are changing the climate. At least that's what the directly measured data shows.
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