Global Warming Conspiracy in Tatters as west Antarctica Temperatures Collapse 2 Degrees in 2O years .


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
Much more important than you might well appreciate .
The Warming theory had to be abandoned as its stupidities were exposed.
Deep State / UN / IPPC rebranded the conspiracy as Climate Change .
Even more absurd, just on a common sense scientific basis -- almost all enery comes from the sun , not from us .
Now you will see the evil Deep Staters move to brand the imaginary Climate crisis as a Health Threat to mankind .

In a paper published by the American Meteorological Society, a group of international scientists note the “statistically significant” rate of temperature decline with the strongest cooling occurring in spring. During this season, the temperature fell by a massive 1.84°C every decade between 1999-2018. In the winter, the decadal fall was 1.19°C. The cooling was measured by a number of databases, while an accurate consistent record was collected from the Marie Byrd weather station.

Almost needless to say, none of this cooling was forecast by climate models. The authors suggest that models are an “important tool” in making future projections of future climate changes over Antarctica. But they admit that the models did not pick up the recent significant cooling in West Antarctica. There is said to be “no robust agreement” among the models on the important sea temperatures driving the western Antarctica air temperatures. Tropical Pacific climate oscillation is still an important source of uncertainty in future projections of West Antarctica air temperatures, it is observed.

Was it ever thus? Forty years of hopelessly inaccurate temperature forecasts, along with unrealistic climate ‘tipping’ impacts driven by ridiculous suggestions that the temperature will rise by 4°C in less than 80 years, is hardly a record that inspires confidence. The recent appearance of clickbait attributions trying to pin individual weather events on human activities is little more than a scientific joke. These politicised attempts to measure the unmeasurable are a complete waste of time and money, the uncharitable might note. Not least because the models are corrupted by the notion promoted by the UN’s IPCC that all or most global warming since 1900 is caused by humans burning fossil fuel. This might seem an increasingly implausible suggestion in the light of much science including this latest paper on the recent dramatic drop in Antarctica temperatures.

Of course, the 2023 low sea ice story has moved on. In mainstream media it would be considered very bad form to note that according to the latest figures from the NSIDC, the start of summer in October saw below-trend ice melt – 903,000 square kilometres compared with the average of 985,000 sq kms. Up in the Arctic, pickings have been thin for some years following the small cyclical recovery in sea ice that set in around 2014. As the winter takes hold, the NSIDC reports that the ice has increased “at a faster than average pace”. The freeze is said to have been particularly rapid along the Siberian seas where the ice cover expanded to the coast by the end of last month. Things are not look good for Sir David Attenborough’s claim in last year’s Frozen Planet II that summer sea ice could all be gone in 12 years. Over at the Greenland ice sheet, the latest information from the Danish Polar Portal shows winter ice growing back faster than the 1981-2010 average.

Much more important than you might well appreciate .
The Warming theory had to be abandoned as its stupidities were exposed.
Deep State / UN / IPPC rebranded the conspiracy as Climate Change .
Even more absurd, just on a common sense scientific basis -- almost all enery comes from the sun , not from us .
Now you will see the evil Deep Staters move to brand the imaginary Climate crisis as a Health Threat to mankind .

In a paper published by the American Meteorological Society, a group of international scientists note the “statistically significant” rate of temperature decline with the strongest cooling occurring in spring. During this season, the temperature fell by a massive 1.84°C every decade between 1999-2018. In the winter, the decadal fall was 1.19°C. The cooling was measured by a number of databases, while an accurate consistent record was collected from the Marie Byrd weather station.

Almost needless to say, none of this cooling was forecast by climate models. The authors suggest that models are an “important tool” in making future projections of future climate changes over Antarctica. But they admit that the models did not pick up the recent significant cooling in West Antarctica. There is said to be “no robust agreement” among the models on the important sea temperatures driving the western Antarctica air temperatures. Tropical Pacific climate oscillation is still an important source of uncertainty in future projections of West Antarctica air temperatures, it is observed.

Was it ever thus? Forty years of hopelessly inaccurate temperature forecasts, along with unrealistic climate ‘tipping’ impacts driven by ridiculous suggestions that the temperature will rise by 4°C in less than 80 years, is hardly a record that inspires confidence. The recent appearance of clickbait attributions trying to pin individual weather events on human activities is little more than a scientific joke. These politicised attempts to measure the unmeasurable are a complete waste of time and money, the uncharitable might note. Not least because the models are corrupted by the notion promoted by the UN’s IPCC that all or most global warming since 1900 is caused by humans burning fossil fuel. This might seem an increasingly implausible suggestion in the light of much science including this latest paper on the recent dramatic drop in Antarctica temperatures.

Of course, the 2023 low sea ice story has moved on. In mainstream media it would be considered very bad form to note that according to the latest figures from the NSIDC, the start of summer in October saw below-trend ice melt – 903,000 square kilometres compared with the average of 985,000 sq kms. Up in the Arctic, pickings have been thin for some years following the small cyclical recovery in sea ice that set in around 2014. As the winter takes hold, the NSIDC reports that the ice has increased “at a faster than average pace”. The freeze is said to have been particularly rapid along the Siberian seas where the ice cover expanded to the coast by the end of last month. Things are not look good for Sir David Attenborough’s claim in last year’s Frozen Planet II that summer sea ice could all be gone in 12 years. Over at the Greenland ice sheet, the latest information from the Danish Polar Portal shows winter ice growing back faster than the 1981-2010 average.

West Antarctic is the second largest "national" region on Earth, falling between Russia and Canada, but this is still regional and even within West Antarctica, the trend is not uniform.

West Antarctica is largely covered by the Antarctic ice sheet, but there have been signs that climate change is having some effect and that this ice sheet may have started to shrink slightly. Over the past 50 years, the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula has been – and still is – one of the most rapidly warming parts of the planet,[1][2] and the coasts of the Peninsula are the only parts of West Antarctica that become (in summer) ice-free. These constitute the Marielandia Antarctic tundra and have the warmest climate in Antarctica. The rocks are clad in mosses and lichens that can cope with the intense cold of winter and the short growing-season.
  1. "Impacts of climate change". Discovering Antarctica. Retrieved 2021-11-20.
  2. ^ "WMO verifies one temperature record for Antarctic continent and rejects another". 2021-06-30. Retrieved 2021-11-20.

The world as a whole has - as you all already know - done this:




The simple fact is that your models are poor at best and your predictions repeatedly make you look silly , Crock ..

No warming and you have no idea what the term , Climate Change , might sensibly mean .

You remain very much a Conspiracy poster .
The overall Antartica temperatures have fallen. Only regions where volcanic activity is the main cause of melting is the ice cover diminishing. And the alarmists still claim it is due to CAGW without a basis in facts. It must suck to have the wheels falling off the narrative today. They don't have a leg to stand on and the wheels have left the train. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
The overall Antartica temperatures have fallen.

That is false


Temperature trends and variability for the Arctic and Antarctic regions. (A) Annual mean anomalies of the combined Land-Ocean Temperature Index (L-OTI) for the Arctic (64°N to 90°N), Antarctic (64°S to 90°S), and globe between 1880 and 2018 (zonal data bins defined by data acquired at https://data. relative to the mean period 1951-1980). Temperature anomalies for the Arctic during each of the four IPYs, the first of which was based in the Arctic, are highlighted in purple. (B) Annual [January to December (J-D)] mean temperature change (°C) in the Northern (left) and Southern (right) hemispheres for 1986-2005 (upper) and 1986-2018 (lower) relative to the mean period of 1951-1980. Generated from the NASA/Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) online plotting tool (2); the GISS analysis is based on updated Global Historical Climatology Network v3/SCAR (2, 3) and updates to Analysis (v3).

Only regions where volcanic activity is the main cause of melting is the ice cover diminishing.

That is also false


And the alarmists still claim it is due to CAGW without a basis in facts. It must suck to have the wheels falling off the narrative today. They don't have a leg to stand on and the wheels have left the train.
From the study at the link found in the linked "TruthSeeker" article (top notch science source). Indented text from the study, outdented text and graphics are mine. The content of this study provide no support whasoever that AGW theory is refuted in any way, shape or manner:

During the second half of the twentieth century, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) has undergone significant warming at more than twice the global mean and thus is regarded as one of the most rapidly warming regions on Earth.​


The EOF2 results in the enhanced cold southerly winds on the continental WAIS through the cyclonic conditions over the Amundsen Sea region and a blocking high in the Drake Passage and northern Antarctic Peninsula, causing the WAIS cooling trend.​

the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) is losing mass at an accelerated rate, with a cumulatively contribution to the global sea level rise of 6.9 ± 0.6 mm since the late 1970s (Rignot et al. 2019)​


Since 1958, the WAIS experienced significant warming (Steig et al. 2009) with the warming rate of more than doubling the global mean for the second half of the twentieth century. Hence, the WAIS is one of the most rapidly warming regions on Earth (Bromwich et al. 2013, 2014)​


The pattern of SST in the tropical Pacific Ocean has changed, with negative SST anomalies in the equatorial eastern tropical Pacific since the end of the twentieth century, as shown by the negative phase of the interdecadal Pacific oscillation (IPO)​

Here are the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation Index and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation Index. Note that the Pacific goes negative simultaneously with the Atlantic going positive.


Due to the similar spatial patterns of SST anomalies to ESNO, the IPO is also considered as the ENSO-like decadal variability.​

However, note the combined ENSO index is predominantly positive since 1976.



There still exists question concerning the cooling over the West Antarctica is primarily attributable to what processes and mechanisms and from which areas.​

So, apparently not the slam dunk refutation of AGW that Billy Boy would have us believe.


In this study, we used the monthly mean surface atmospheric temperature (SAT; measured at 2 m above ground) data at Byrd Station by Bromwich et al. (2013, 2014), which is the only WAIS station with complete long-term temperature records from 1958 to 2021. Their annual and seasonal averages show high and significant correlations (r > 0.8, p < 0.05) with ERA5 temperature fields over most of the WAIS​

So their temperature conclusions are based on data from ONE SITE that they claim to be representative because it matches the estimates of interior temperature trends from a CLIMATE REANALYSIS MODEL. Another reconstruction model is used for SST values. Good for the gander, eh.

It is highly unlikely that the air, 2 meters above the ground, is significantly affected by intermittent geothermal heating beneath ~3,000 feet of ice.


Discussion and conclusions​

The absence of West Antarctic warming in the early twenty-first century is reminiscent of the event of global mean SAT slowdown (global warming hiatus), with the negative phase of the IPO being one of their common major possible causes. The global warming hiatus ended during the early 2010s, and warming reaccelerated associated with the shift of the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO) from negative phase to positive phase, the increasing North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and the positive phase of Atlantic multidecadal oscillation (AMO) (Zhang et al. 2019). However, cooling over the WAIS still appeared over the early 2010s, suggesting the West Antarctic climate is more sensitive to tropical Pacific forcing, compared to PDO, NAO, and AMO. A recent study (Li et al. 2021) also reported that a teleconnection pattern may be established by the tropical Atlantic and Indian Oceans, driving the Rossby wave trains through direct and indirect paths, and affecting the SAT change of the WAIS, but the effect is relatively weak.​
In conclusion, the WAIS experienced a significant cooling trend, especially in spring, during the recent 20 years (1999–2018), which is a response to the interactions of coupled sea ice, ocean, and atmosphere. Here we attributed the observed significant spring cooling to the strong cyclonic anomalies in the Amundsen Sea, and anticyclonic conditions in the Drake Passage and Antarctic Peninsula presented by EOF2, related to negative IPO, and the increase of SIC in the Amundsen Sea also driven by tropical forcing. While the cooling effect of the positive SAM on West Antarctica is expected (Marshall 2007; Marshall and Thompson 2016; Fogt and Marshall 2020), it has not played a role in the recent cooling. This underscores the importance of regional atmospheric circulation variability associated with the tropical Pacific SST anomalies for driving the central WAIS air temperature. There is no robust agreement on the tropical Pacific SST variability in the future by the different atmospheric global climate models (AGCMs) (Lee et al. 2021). However, Cai et al. (2022) show a robust increase of the projected change in ENSO-related SST variability under all emission scenarios when applied over a century-long time window, IPO variability has not been fully explored for future projections. Thus, this confirms that the tropical Pacific climate oscillation is still an important source of uncertainty in West Antarctic air temperature obtained from future projections.​
The GCMs from the phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) are an important tool to make the projections of future climate changes over Antarctica. However, 28 CMIP6 multimodel ensemble mean in historical does not capture the significant cooling trend of the WAIS over the early twenty-first century, but the significant warming trend at the South Pole reported by Clem et al. (2020) (Fig. ES6, Table ES1), which implies substantial uncertainties in the future temperature projections of CMIP6 models on the WAIS. It is easy to understand that, despite the relatively high reliability of the models for the global-scale temperature changes, their representations of climatological interdecadal transitions over Antarctica are generally less accurate, probably due to their coarse resolution and sparseness of polar-special physical schemes. Therefore, for the better projections of future Antarctic temperature changes, the GCMs cannot ignore the influence of the interdecadal oscillation and need to incorporate more physical mechanisms.​
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That is false

View attachment 857957

Temperature trends and variability for the Arctic and Antarctic regions. (A) Annual mean anomalies of the combined Land-Ocean Temperature Index (L-OTI) for the Arctic (64°N to 90°N), Antarctic (64°S to 90°S), and globe between 1880 and 2018 (zonal data bins defined by data acquired at https://data. relative to the mean period 1951-1980). Temperature anomalies for the Arctic during each of the four IPYs, the first of which was based in the Arctic, are highlighted in purple. (B) Annual [January to December (J-D)] mean temperature change (°C) in the Northern (left) and Southern (right) hemispheres for 1986-2005 (upper) and 1986-2018 (lower) relative to the mean period of 1951-1980. Generated from the NASA/Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) online plotting tool (2); the GISS analysis is based on updated Global Historical Climatology Network v3/SCAR (2, 3) and updates to Analysis (v3).

That is also false

View attachment 857959

From the study at the link found in the linked "TruthSeeker" article (top notch science source). Indented text from the study, outdented text and graphics are mine. The content of this study provide no support whasoever that AGW theory is refuted in any way, shape or manner:

During the second half of the twentieth century, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) has undergone significant warming at more than twice the global mean and thus is regarded as one of the most rapidly warming regions on Earth.​


The EOF2 results in the enhanced cold southerly winds on the continental WAIS through the cyclonic conditions over the Amundsen Sea region and a blocking high in the Drake Passage and northern Antarctic Peninsula, causing the WAIS cooling trend.​

the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) is losing mass at an accelerated rate, with a cumulatively contribution to the global sea level rise of 6.9 ± 0.6 mm since the late 1970s (Rignot et al. 2019)​


Since 1958, the WAIS experienced significant warming (Steig et al. 2009) with the warming rate of more than doubling the global mean for the second half of the twentieth century. Hence, the WAIS is one of the most rapidly warming regions on Earth (Bromwich et al. 2013, 2014)​


The pattern of SST in the tropical Pacific Ocean has changed, with negative SST anomalies in the equatorial eastern tropical Pacific since the end of the twentieth century, as shown by the negative phase of the interdecadal Pacific oscillation (IPO)​

Here are the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation Index and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation Index. Note that the Pacific goes negative simultaneously with the Atlantic going positive.
View attachment 857942


Due to the similar spatial patterns of SST anomalies to ESNO, the IPO is also considered as the ENSO-like decadal variability.​

However, note the combined ENSO index is predominantly positive since 1976.

View attachment 857944


There still exists question concerning the cooling over the West Antarctica is primarily attributable to what processes and mechanisms and from which areas.​

So, apparently not the slam dunk refutation of AGW that Billy Boy would have us believe.


In this study, we used the monthly mean surface atmospheric temperature (SAT; measured at 2 m above ground) data at Byrd Station by Bromwich et al. (2013, 2014), which is the only WAIS station with complete long-term temperature records from 1958 to 2021. Their annual and seasonal averages show high and significant correlations (r > 0.8, p < 0.05) with ERA5 temperature fields over most of the WAIS​

So their temperature conclusions are based on data from ONE SITE that they claim to be representative because it matches the estimates of interior temperature trends from a CLIMATE REANALYSIS MODEL. Another reconstruction model is used for SST values. Good for the gander, eh.

It is highly unlikely that the air, 2 meters above the ground, is significantly affected by intermittent geothermal heating beneath ~3,000 feet of ice.


Discussion and conclusions​

The absence of West Antarctic warming in the early twenty-first century is reminiscent of the event of global mean SAT slowdown (global warming hiatus), with the negative phase of the IPO being one of their common major possible causes. The global warming hiatus ended during the early 2010s, and warming reaccelerated associated with the shift of the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO) from negative phase to positive phase, the increasing North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and the positive phase of Atlantic multidecadal oscillation (AMO) (Zhang et al. 2019). However, cooling over the WAIS still appeared over the early 2010s, suggesting the West Antarctic climate is more sensitive to tropical Pacific forcing, compared to PDO, NAO, and AMO. A recent study (Li et al. 2021) also reported that a teleconnection pattern may be established by the tropical Atlantic and Indian Oceans, driving the Rossby wave trains through direct and indirect paths, and affecting the SAT change of the WAIS, but the effect is relatively weak.​
In conclusion, the WAIS experienced a significant cooling trend, especially in spring, during the recent 20 years (1999–2018), which is a response to the interactions of coupled sea ice, ocean, and atmosphere. Here we attributed the observed significant spring cooling to the strong cyclonic anomalies in the Amundsen Sea, and anticyclonic conditions in the Drake Passage and Antarctic Peninsula presented by EOF2, related to negative IPO, and the increase of SIC in the Amundsen Sea also driven by tropical forcing. While the cooling effect of the positive SAM on West Antarctica is expected (Marshall 2007; Marshall and Thompson 2016; Fogt and Marshall 2020), it has not played a role in the recent cooling. This underscores the importance of regional atmospheric circulation variability associated with the tropical Pacific SST anomalies for driving the central WAIS air temperature. There is no robust agreement on the tropical Pacific SST variability in the future by the different atmospheric global climate models (AGCMs) (Lee et al. 2021). However, Cai et al. (2022) show a robust increase of the projected change in ENSO-related SST variability under all emission scenarios when applied over a century-long time window, IPO variability has not been fully explored for future projections. Thus, this confirms that the tropical Pacific climate oscillation is still an important source of uncertainty in West Antarctic air temperature obtained from future projections.​
The GCMs from the phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) are an important tool to make the projections of future climate changes over Antarctica. However, 28 CMIP6 multimodel ensemble mean in historical does not capture the significant cooling trend of the WAIS over the early twenty-first century, but the significant warming trend at the South Pole reported by Clem et al. (2020) (Fig. ES6, Table ES1), which implies substantial uncertainties in the future temperature projections of CMIP6 models on the WAIS. It is easy to understand that, despite the relatively high reliability of the models for the global-scale temperature changes, their representations of climatological interdecadal transitions over Antarctica are generally less accurate, probably due to their coarse resolution and sparseness of polar-special physical schemes. Therefore, for the better projections of future Antarctic temperature changes, the GCMs cannot ignore the influence of the interdecadal oscillation and need to incorporate more physical mechanisms.​
You and your cut and paste without your own commentary. You live and die by the anomaly but the actual temperature plots show the tale. Its cooling...
West Antarctic is the second largest "national" region on Earth, falling between Russia and Canada, but this is still regional and even within West Antarctica, the trend is not uniform.

West Antarctica is largely covered by the Antarctic ice sheet, but there have been signs that climate change is having some effect and that this ice sheet may have started to shrink slightly. Over the past 50 years, the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula has been – and still is – one of the most rapidly warming parts of the planet,[1][2] and the coasts of the Peninsula are the only parts of West Antarctica that become (in summer) ice-free. These constitute the Marielandia Antarctic tundra and have the warmest climate in Antarctica. The rocks are clad in mosses and lichens that can cope with the intense cold of winter and the short growing-season.
  1. "Impacts of climate change". Discovering Antarctica. Retrieved 2021-11-20.
  2. ^ "WMO verifies one temperature record for Antarctic continent and rejects another". 2021-06-30. Retrieved 2021-11-20.

The world as a whole has - as you all already know - done this:

View attachment 857427
View attachment 857429
View attachment 857431

LOL, you didn't address the evidence of modeling failures as pointed out in post one, your deflections to it shows you are desperate to create a false trail with a barrage of unrelated charts.
You and your cut and paste without your own commentary. You live and die by the anomaly but the actual temperature plots show the tale. Its cooling...

The GRACE instruments results have been shown to be unconvincing because they make assumption on the underlying geology which is why it has lost importance to the research of the region since it is designed to measure gravity changes of which Volcanoes and active faults of the region produces significantly.

Mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet 1992–2016: reconciling results from GRACE gravimetry with ICESat, ERS1/2 and Envisat altimetry​

During the second half of the twentieth century, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) has undergone significant warming at more than twice the global mean and thus is regarded as one of the most rapidly warming regions on Earth.
It would be shocking if the southern pole was warming faster than the northern pole.

You and your cut and paste without your own commentary.
Try again. I did plenty of comment.
You live and die by the anomaly but the actual temperature plots show the tale. Its cooling...
My position lives and dies by the long term global average. The cooling in the WAIS isn't visible there. At all.
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West Antarctic is the second largest "national" region on Earth, falling between Russia and Canada, but this is still regional and even within West Antarctica, the trend is not uniform.

West Antarctica is largely covered by the Antarctic ice sheet, but there have been signs that climate change is having some effect and that this ice sheet may have started to shrink slightly. Over the past 50 years, the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula has been – and still is – one of the most rapidly warming parts of the planet,[1][2] and the coasts of the Peninsula are the only parts of West Antarctica that become (in summer) ice-free. These constitute the Marielandia Antarctic tundra and have the warmest climate in Antarctica. The rocks are clad in mosses and lichens that can cope with the intense cold of winter and the short growing-season.
  1. "Impacts of climate change". Discovering Antarctica. Retrieved 2021-11-20.
  2. ^ "WMO verifies one temperature record for Antarctic continent and rejects another". 2021-06-30. Retrieved 2021-11-20.

The world as a whole has - as you all already know - done this:

View attachment 857427
View attachment 857429
View attachment 857431
When are you going to learn that the planet is uniquely configured for colder temperatures and that the GHG effect of CO2 is weak. Attributing all warming to CO2 is idiotic and will eventually be proven as folly when the planet inevitably experiences a cooling trend as climate fluctuations are hallmarks of our uniquely configured bipolar glaciated planet.
The Co2 FRAUD has been lying about Antarctic ice the entire time. AA's ice has grown every year we've been alive.
Much more important than you might well appreciate .
The Warming theory had to be abandoned as its stupidities were exposed.
Deep State / UN / IPPC rebranded the conspiracy as Climate Change .
Even more absurd, just on a common sense scientific basis -- almost all enery comes from the sun , not from us .
Now you will see the evil Deep Staters move to brand the imaginary Climate crisis as a Health Threat to mankind .

In a paper published by the American Meteorological Society, a group of international scientists note the “statistically significant” rate of temperature decline with the strongest cooling occurring in spring. During this season, the temperature fell by a massive 1.84°C every decade between 1999-2018. In the winter, the decadal fall was 1.19°C. The cooling was measured by a number of databases, while an accurate consistent record was collected from the Marie Byrd weather station.

Almost needless to say, none of this cooling was forecast by climate models. The authors suggest that models are an “important tool” in making future projections of future climate changes over Antarctica. But they admit that the models did not pick up the recent significant cooling in West Antarctica. There is said to be “no robust agreement” among the models on the important sea temperatures driving the western Antarctica air temperatures. Tropical Pacific climate oscillation is still an important source of uncertainty in future projections of West Antarctica air temperatures, it is observed.

Was it ever thus? Forty years of hopelessly inaccurate temperature forecasts, along with unrealistic climate ‘tipping’ impacts driven by ridiculous suggestions that the temperature will rise by 4°C in less than 80 years, is hardly a record that inspires confidence. The recent appearance of clickbait attributions trying to pin individual weather events on human activities is little more than a scientific joke. These politicised attempts to measure the unmeasurable are a complete waste of time and money, the uncharitable might note. Not least because the models are corrupted by the notion promoted by the UN’s IPCC that all or most global warming since 1900 is caused by humans burning fossil fuel. This might seem an increasingly implausible suggestion in the light of much science including this latest paper on the recent dramatic drop in Antarctica temperatures.

Of course, the 2023 low sea ice story has moved on. In mainstream media it would be considered very bad form to note that according to the latest figures from the NSIDC, the start of summer in October saw below-trend ice melt – 903,000 square kilometres compared with the average of 985,000 sq kms. Up in the Arctic, pickings have been thin for some years following the small cyclical recovery in sea ice that set in around 2014. As the winter takes hold, the NSIDC reports that the ice has increased “at a faster than average pace”. The freeze is said to have been particularly rapid along the Siberian seas where the ice cover expanded to the coast by the end of last month. Things are not look good for Sir David Attenborough’s claim in last year’s Frozen Planet II that summer sea ice could all be gone in 12 years. Over at the Greenland ice sheet, the latest information from the Danish Polar Portal shows winter ice growing back faster than the 1981-2010 average.

Of course you have ALL the temps dating back 200 years ? Nope.
The Co2 FRAUD has been lying about Antarctic ice the entire time. AA's ice has grown every year we've been alive.
Any additional ice over a continent is snow ice, not sea ice. It’s due to additional snow fall which happens when temperatures Increase creating more latent moisture.
It matches the general trend of climate change. You keep making the same illiterate comments.
Any additional ice over a continent is snow ice, not sea ice. It’s due to additional snow fall which happens when temperatures Increase creating more latent moisture.
It matches the general trend of climate change. You keep making the same illiterate comments.


On planet Earth, how much ice is on land and how much is sea ice....

On planet Earth, how much ice is on land and how much is sea ice....
Antartica is a continent. That’s land. There is no sea ice over Antartica. You trying to what, change, the subject ?
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Antartica is a continent. That’s land. There is no sea ice over Antartica. You trying to what, change, the subject ?

90% of Earth ice is on LAND MASS Antarctica.

7% is on Greenland.

The Co2 FRAUD cannot explain why one Earth polar circle has 9+ times the ice of the other.

The Co2 FRAUD cannot explain why there is ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska.

This is because Co2 does absolutely nothing....
90% of Earth ice is on LAND MASS Antarctica.

7% is on Greenland.

The Co2 FRAUD cannot explain why one Earth polar circle has 9+ times the ice of the other.

The Co2 FRAUD cannot explain why there is ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska.

This is because Co2 does absolutely nothing....
Guess you don’t know the difference between sea ice and snow ice l. You’re just thinking all ice is the same bubba. It isn’t . Say this to yourself three times . Snow ice is formed by settling snow which accumulates more as temps Warm up closer to freezing
Now if you’re a good little boy, we’ll tell you why different areas have fallen detention ice depts . Say it t yourself again. Snow ice is different than sea ice
Guess you don’t know the difference between sea ice and snow ice l. You’re just thinking all ice is the same bubba. It isn’t . Say this to yourself three times . Snow ice is formed by settling snow which accumulates more as temps Warm up closer to freezing
Now if you’re a good little boy, we’ll tell you why different areas have fallen detention ice depts . Say it t yourself again. Snow ice is different than sea ice

What percent of Earth ice is SEA ICE??????

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