Global Warming- enjoy it while it lasts


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009

those three figures show recent times to 1,000,000 years ago. we appear to live in a very privileged time where a large portion of the world is not covered in ice. enjoy it because its not going to last forever. Unless we actually try to manipulate the earth's climate to keep this pleasant and bountiful state of unusual warmth.

Actually I am enjoying it so far.

Moving from Western Connecticut to the coast of Maine turned out to be a damned good idea.

Yeah that's right, I did move because of the increasingly hot weather that I thought was only going to get hotter and more polluted, too.

I remember the day my wife and I decided to do, so perfectly.

It was a very hot summer day and we'd just climbed to the top of a mountain in Western CT.

We could see the tops of other hills, but every valley was obscured by smog.

Anybody see the moon last night?

I did.

It was marvelous.

It's 23 October and I haven't yet had to put the heat on downstairs.

Of course every year fluxuates somewhat, but normally (if one can define "normal" in only 20 years, I mean) the heat would have been on downstairs sometime in September.

So yes, I am enjoying the benefits of warming, if that's the cause of this change.

It's saving me money and making life just a little more pleasant up here.

The only noted downside so far is that the dogs and cats suffer more (and longer) periods when fleas are a problem.

Personally I think Maine's habitable time ( defined as that time when the weather isn't trying to kill you) is about a month a year longer than it was when I first came here.

This isn't scientific proof of anything, of course.

Just one man's observations of how things seem to be changing over time.
I have a cousin that lives in Bozeman, Montana, and his observations are pretty much the same. Fall seems to be two weeks later, and spring, two weeks earlier. In area I call home in Eastern Oregon, when I was a child there in the late 40's and early 50's. the winters at 3600 ft regularly had temperatures that hit a low of -40, with the daylight highs of -10 to -20. After Holloween, you seldom had a day with a high above 35. The weather still comes in around Holloween, but the daytime highs are often above 50, and in Burns, one of the coldest places, they now actually get some days of rain in the winter, instead of just snow.

The snow on the mountains goes off much earlier than it used to, and those whose agriculture depends on irrigation from south facing drainages are feeling the affects.

those three figures show recent times to 1,000,000 years ago. we appear to live in a very privileged time where a large portion of the world is not covered in ice. enjoy it because its not going to last forever. Unless we actually try to manipulate the earth's climate to keep this pleasant and bountiful state of unusual warmth.

Well, we are definately manipulating the earth's climate at present. However, doing so with a vast overkill, and no regard for the results of that.
If the Ice even starts to THINK about creeping back into NYState, I'll leave the SUV running all night!

Take that, Fucker!
I have a cousin that lives in Bozeman, Montana, and his observations are pretty much the same. Fall seems to be two weeks later, and spring, two weeks earlier. In area I call home in Eastern Oregon, when I was a child there in the late 40's and early 50's. the winters at 3600 ft regularly had temperatures that hit a low of -40, with the daylight highs of -10 to -20. After Holloween, you seldom had a day with a high above 35. The weather still comes in around Holloween, but the daytime highs are often above 50, and in Burns, one of the coldest places, they now actually get some days of rain in the winter, instead of just snow.

The snow on the mountains goes off much earlier than it used to, and those whose agriculture depends on irrigation from south facing drainages are feeling the affects.

You took geology classes huh? How come you don't think at all like a geologist? The world takes a lot longer to do things than your paltry lifetime olfraud, a lot longer.
Because, unlike a Conservative, I do not think that the world begins and ends with my existance.

Yes you do. EVERYTHING you preach is biased around your life span. That is ludicrous! You have been around a nano second of the Earths history and you ignore that fact.
Walleyes, geology is full of equilibreum that is punctated by extreme event. From the Bretz Floods to the Rattlesnake Formation, we see very quick events with huge effects. As they are refining the interpretation of proxy data, we see the time periods of the great extinctions that did not involve impacts getting shorter and shorter. As in extreme climatic events can happen in only centuries to millenia. And we have been overloading the atmosphere with GHGS now for 150 years.

At some point, we will create feedbacks that will exceed our emissions, and then the fat is in the fire. No, we do not know what that point is, and, possibly, have already gone past it. And we have no idea of what the regional affects will be, other than wider and wilder swings in the weather, with an overall warming.
Walleyes, geology is full of equilibreum that is punctated by extreme event. From the Bretz Floods to the Rattlesnake Formation, we see very quick events with huge effects. As they are refining the interpretation of proxy data, we see the time periods of the great extinctions that did not involve impacts getting shorter and shorter. As in extreme climatic events can happen in only centuries to millenia. And we have been overloading the atmosphere with GHGS now for 150 years.

At some point, we will create feedbacks that will exceed our emissions, and then the fat is in the fire. No, we do not know what that point is, and, possibly, have already gone past it. And we have no idea of what the regional affects will be, other than wider and wilder swings in the weather, with an overall warming.

And EVERYTHING that the alarmists claim is evidence of GW is just as easily, and more importantly, more simply explained by natural processes. KISS wins out the vast majority of the time. The world is NEVER in equilibrium, NEVER. It is constantly changing. The changes for the most part are minor, a 6 degree swing in temps is nothing to the world, and every now and then soem great catastrophe comes along and resets everything from a zero point.

So far there is no evidence to support climate as a driver of extinction...none. It could certainly be a by product of some major driving event such as a massive flood basalt eruption that would cast the world into a nuclear winter type scenario....but please note that is cold..not warm. Every theory that involves climate as a secondary source of extinction is one of extreme cold...not warmth.

A warm Earth is the norm. We are currently living in a cool period. We are living in the exception to the rule. Geologically speaking what is occuring now is such a brief interlude it is impossible for the human mind (for the most part) to comprehend just how insignificant we are in the scheme of things.

Our emissions contribute 6% of the worlds total CO2 budget. Get real. It took 2 BILLION years for the atmosphere to have free oxygen with quadrillions of little critter pumping O2 out like mad. The last time there was too much CO2 for the plants to deal with it dolomite was laid down all over the world in shallow seas, that was 5 million years ago. There was no extinction event then either.

The world has moved on. Do something constructive. Make your workplace cleaner. That is something you can actually do. You can not control the climate no matter how much you would like to.
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