Global warming is ‘no longer a planetary emergency’


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
Global warming is ‘no longer a planetary emergency’
It’s official. The scare is over. The World Federation of Scientists, at its annual seminars on planetary emergencies, has been advised by its own climate monitoring panel that global warming is no longer a planetary emergency.


Last year’s magistral lecture to the Federation was by Professor Vaclav Klaus, then president of the Czech Republic, whose talk was entitled The manmade contribution to global warming is not a planetary emergency.

President Klaus had said: “Current as well as realistically foreseeable global warming, and especially Man’s contribution to it, is not a planetary emergency which should bother us. … My reading both of the available data and of conflicting scientific arguments and theories allows me to argue that it is not global warming caused by human activity that is threatening us.”

This year Dr. Christopher Essex, Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Western Ontario and chairman of the Federation’s permanent monitoring panel on climate, gave the Federation’s closing plenary session his panel’s confirmation that “Climate change in itself is not a planetary emergency.”


Professor Essex pointed out that history had shown illegitimate political movements inventing false emergencies to bypass democratic constraints on their quest for absolute power.

The Earth’s climate, he said, is a dynamic and continually-changing system. “Human societies have lived and thriven under every conceivable climate, and modern technology makes adaptation to changing weather conditions entirely routine.”


On behalf of the climate monitoring panel, Professor Essex also spoke up for scientists who have been bullied, threatened or even dismissed for having dared to question the Party Line on climate. He said: “Our greatest concern at present is that the intellectual climate for scientific investigation of these matters has become so hostile and politicized that the necessary research and debate cannot freely take place.

“Political constraints take the form of declaring the underlying science to be settled when it clearly is not; defunding or denigrating research that is perceived to threaten the case for renewable energy; or the use of odious pejoratives like “denialist” to describe dissent from officially-sanctioned views on climate science.”

Professors Bob Carter and Murry Salby, who had questioned the severity of Man’s influence on the climate, were both ejected by their universities this year.​

I believe someone was saying something about a consensus...?
Not a single Scientific Society, National Academy of Science, or major University supports your poing of view, Offal. Not one, not even in Outer Slobovia.

And it seems like [MENTION=13758]Old Rocks[/MENTION] is wrong.
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World Federation of Scientists (Permanent Monitoring Panel ? Climatology) weirdness ? Stoat.

It has to be weird – the potty peer is pushing it:

Last year’s magistral lecture to the Federation was by Professor Vaclav Klaus, then president of the Czech Republic, whose talk was entitled The manmade contribution to global warming is not a planetary emergency… This year Dr. Christopher Essex, Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Western Ontario and chairman of the Federation’s permanent monitoring panel on climate, gave the Federation’s closing plenary session his panel’s confirmation that “Climate change in itself is not a planetary emergency.”

Anyone vaguely up on reality will be wondering how on Earth VK or Essex ended up giving lectures on climate.

If you look back to, say, 2011 you see that things are sane – I don’t know all the folk there, but the panel has members like Mario Molina (USA); Neville Nichols (Australia); Warren Washington (USA). These are all well known folk whose views carry weight. And there’s a not-terribly-exciting statement about needing data.

Fast forward to 2012 and Essex is chair of the panel. And, err, that’s it for people on the panel. Its just Essex, all alone (so in the quote above, where Essex gave the Federation’s closing plenary session his panel’s confirmation he really wasn’t joking – it is his panel all alone-io). Suddenly the panel has no members, and no associate members, and has nothing to say. Its statements are “Being revised” – or rather, they were said to be in that state in 2012 and still are now. So Essex, having captured the panel, and either thrown everyone out (or more likely they simply wouldn’t work with him) is left with an empty toy. Perhaps the panel will try to tell us that global temperature doesn’t exist again.

Presumably it helped Essex that Zichichi is prez of the WFS. Z has the unenviable distinction of not having his wiki page edit warred over. According to that page, Bethe said of him: “excellent organizer, mediocre physicist”.

Being revised since 2012? Seems we have something amiss here.

PMP - Climatology

Permanent Monitoring Panel -


Members of the Panel:

Christopher Essex (CANADA)


Associate Panel Members:

(Associate Panel Members are a community of scientists who provide support and expertise for the working of the Permanent Monitoring Panel.)


Summary of the Emergency

Being revised.


Priorities in dealing with the Emergency

Being revised.
Global warming is ‘no longer a planetary emergency’
It’s official. The scare is over. The World Federation of Scientists, at its annual seminars on planetary emergencies, has been advised by its own climate monitoring panel that global warming is no longer a planetary emergency.


Last year’s magistral lecture to the Federation was by Professor Vaclav Klaus, then president of the Czech Republic, whose talk was entitled The manmade contribution to global warming is not a planetary emergency.

President Klaus had said: “Current as well as realistically foreseeable global warming, and especially Man’s contribution to it, is not a planetary emergency which should bother us. … My reading both of the available data and of conflicting scientific arguments and theories allows me to argue that it is not global warming caused by human activity that is threatening us.”

This year Dr. Christopher Essex, Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Western Ontario and chairman of the Federation’s permanent monitoring panel on climate, gave the Federation’s closing plenary session his panel’s confirmation that “Climate change in itself is not a planetary emergency.”


Professor Essex pointed out that history had shown illegitimate political movements inventing false emergencies to bypass democratic constraints on their quest for absolute power.

The Earth’s climate, he said, is a dynamic and continually-changing system. “Human societies have lived and thriven under every conceivable climate, and modern technology makes adaptation to changing weather conditions entirely routine.”


On behalf of the climate monitoring panel, Professor Essex also spoke up for scientists who have been bullied, threatened or even dismissed for having dared to question the Party Line on climate. He said: “Our greatest concern at present is that the intellectual climate for scientific investigation of these matters has become so hostile and politicized that the necessary research and debate cannot freely take place.

“Political constraints take the form of declaring the underlying science to be settled when it clearly is not; defunding or denigrating research that is perceived to threaten the case for renewable energy; or the use of odious pejoratives like “denialist” to describe dissent from officially-sanctioned views on climate science.”

Professors Bob Carter and Murry Salby, who had questioned the severity of Man’s influence on the climate, were both ejected by their universities this year.​

I believe someone was saying something about a consensus...?

Do you actually think that these views are shared by the majority of climate scientists? Are you unfamiliar with Vaclav Klaus? Sheesh!

Get real
Global warming is ‘no longer a planetary emergency’
It’s official. The scare is over. The World Federation of Scientists, at its annual seminars on planetary emergencies, has been advised by its own climate monitoring panel that global warming is no longer a planetary emergency.


Last year’s magistral lecture to the Federation was by Professor Vaclav Klaus, then president of the Czech Republic, whose talk was entitled The manmade contribution to global warming is not a planetary emergency.

President Klaus had said: “Current as well as realistically foreseeable global warming, and especially Man’s contribution to it, is not a planetary emergency which should bother us. … My reading both of the available data and of conflicting scientific arguments and theories allows me to argue that it is not global warming caused by human activity that is threatening us.”

This year Dr. Christopher Essex, Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Western Ontario and chairman of the Federation’s permanent monitoring panel on climate, gave the Federation’s closing plenary session his panel’s confirmation that “Climate change in itself is not a planetary emergency.”


Professor Essex pointed out that history had shown illegitimate political movements inventing false emergencies to bypass democratic constraints on their quest for absolute power.

The Earth’s climate, he said, is a dynamic and continually-changing system. “Human societies have lived and thriven under every conceivable climate, and modern technology makes adaptation to changing weather conditions entirely routine.”


On behalf of the climate monitoring panel, Professor Essex also spoke up for scientists who have been bullied, threatened or even dismissed for having dared to question the Party Line on climate. He said: “Our greatest concern at present is that the intellectual climate for scientific investigation of these matters has become so hostile and politicized that the necessary research and debate cannot freely take place.

“Political constraints take the form of declaring the underlying science to be settled when it clearly is not; defunding or denigrating research that is perceived to threaten the case for renewable energy; or the use of odious pejoratives like “denialist” to describe dissent from officially-sanctioned views on climate science.”

Professors Bob Carter and Murry Salby, who had questioned the severity of Man’s influence on the climate, were both ejected by their universities this year.​

I believe someone was saying something about a consensus...?

Do you actually think that these views are shared by the majority of climate scientists? Are you unfamiliar with Vaclav Klaus? Sheesh!

Get real
And yet, oddly, despite the breathless claims...a scientific society is no longer toeing the line.

The wheels are coming off, gentlemen.
World Federation of Scientists changes its policy: ?Climate change in itself is not a planetary emergency.? | Fabius Maximus

{Essex said} “Human societies have lived and thriven under every conceivable climate, and modern technology makes adaptation to changing weather conditions entirely routine.” The increasing fraction of CO2 in the air could be expected to result in some warming, but it had been accepted that “the benefits of food production and the relief of starvation overwhelm concerns about the potential climate changes induced by land-surface modification.”

… “Our greatest concern at present is that the intellectual climate for scientific investigation of these matters has become so hostile and politicized that the necessary research and debate cannot freely take place. Political constraints take the form of declaring the underlying science to be settled when it clearly is not; defunding or denigrating research that is perceived to threaten the case for renewable energy; or the use of odious pejoratives like “denialist” to describe dissent from officially-sanctioned views on climate science.”

So this is what the fake British Lord stated that Essex said. Yet the World Federation of Scientists does not link to his lecture as they do for almost every other lecture presented. And the page says under revision for since 2012. But the prior page stated exactly the opposite of what is being touted now. And any scientific organization that would accept a charalatan like Monkton, who has zero scientific credentials and has been caught publically lying many times, has lost it's credibility as a scientific organization.
At this point, as per their website, they have no policy, yay or nay. And the majority of scientists that belong to that organization are probably reconsidering their membership. This is what happened when the American Association of Petroleum Geologists denyed global warming. Enough members threatoned to quit that they had to change their policy statement.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 2006 the AAPG was criticized for selecting Michael Crichton for their Journalism Award for Jurassic Park and "for his recent science-based thriller State of Fear", in which Crichton exposed his skeptical view of global warming.[5] Daniel P. Schrag, a geochemist who directs the Harvard University Center for the Environment, called the award "a total embarrassment" that he said "reflects the politics of the oil industry and a lack of professionalism" on the association's part.[6] The AAPG's award for journalism lauded "notable journalistic achievement, in any medium, which contributes to public understanding of geology, energy resources or the technology of oil and gas exploration." The name of the journalism award has since been changed to the "Geosciences in the Media" Award.[7]

The criticism drew attention to the AAPG's 1999 position statement[8] formally rejecting the likelihood of human influence on recent climate. The Council of the American Quaternary Association wrote in a criticism of the award that the "AAPG stands alone among scientific societies in its denial of human-induced effects on global warming."[9]

As recently as March 2007, articles in the newsletter of the AAPG Division of Professional Affairs stated that "the data does not support human activity as the cause of global warming"[10] and characterize the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports as "wildly distorted and politicized."[11]

2007 AAPG revised position[edit source]

Acknowledging that the association's previous policy statement on Climate Change was "not supported by a significant number of our members and prospective members",[12] AAPG's formal stance was reviewed and changed in July 2007.

The new statement formally accepts human activity as at least one contributor to carbon dioxide increase, but does not confirm its link to climate change, saying its members are "divided on the degree of influence that anthropogenic CO2 has" on climate. AAPG also stated support for "research to narrow probabilistic ranges on the effect of anthropogenic CO2 on global climate."[13]

AAPG also withdrew its earlier criticism of other scientific organizations and research stating, "Certain climate simulation models predict that the warming trend will continue, as reported through NAS, AGU, AAAS, and AMS. AAPG respects these scientific opinions but wants to add that the current climate warming projections could fall within well-documented natural variations in past climate and observed temperature data. These data do not necessarily support the maximum case scenarios forecast in some models."
World Federation of Scientists changes its policy: ?Climate change in itself is not a planetary emergency.? | Fabius Maximus

{Essex said} “Human societies have lived and thriven under every conceivable climate, and modern technology makes adaptation to changing weather conditions entirely routine.” The increasing fraction of CO2 in the air could be expected to result in some warming, but it had been accepted that “the benefits of food production and the relief of starvation overwhelm concerns about the potential climate changes induced by land-surface modification.”

… “Our greatest concern at present is that the intellectual climate for scientific investigation of these matters has become so hostile and politicized that the necessary research and debate cannot freely take place. Political constraints take the form of declaring the underlying science to be settled when it clearly is not; defunding or denigrating research that is perceived to threaten the case for renewable energy; or the use of odious pejoratives like “denialist” to describe dissent from officially-sanctioned views on climate science.”

So this is what the fake British Lord stated that Essex said. Yet the World Federation of Scientists does not link to his lecture as they do for almost every other lecture presented. And the page says under revision for since 2012. But the prior page stated exactly the opposite of what is being touted now. And any scientific organization that would accept a charalatan like Monkton, who has zero scientific credentials and has been caught publically lying many times, has lost it's credibility as a scientific organization.
“Our greatest concern at present is that the intellectual climate for scientific investigation of these matters has become so hostile and politicized that the necessary research and debate cannot freely take place."

Man, they nailed you and your fellow cutlists, Roxy. :lol:
Peer-reviewed skeptic papers by Christopher Essex

This page lists any peer-reviewed papers by Christopher Essex that take a negative or explicitly doubtful position on human-caused global warming.

There are no peer-reviewed climate papers by Christopher Essex that meet this definition.

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Global warming skeptic: Christopher Essex
Peer-reviewed skeptic papers by Christopher Essex

This page lists any peer-reviewed papers by Christopher Essex that take a negative or explicitly doubtful position on human-caused global warming.

There are no peer-reviewed climate papers by Christopher Essex that meet this definition.

Back to Peer-Reviewed Papers by Skeptics

Global warming skeptic: Christopher Essex
“Our greatest concern at present is that the intellectual climate for scientific investigation of these matters has become so hostile and politicized that the necessary research and debate cannot freely take place."

You just keep proving them right. :lmao:

The organization was formed by Antonio Zichichi, who is a long time opponeent of AGW theories. Here is how the organization describes itself:

About the Organization

The World Federation of Scientists (WFS) was founded in Erice, Sicily, in 1973, by a group of eminent scientists led by Isidor Isaac Rabi and Antonino Zichichi. Since then, many other scientists have affiliated themselves with the Federation, among them T. D. Lee, Laura Fermi, Eugene Wigner, Paul Dirac and Piotr Kapitza.

The WFS is a free association, which has grown to include more than 10,000 scientists drawn from 110 countries. All members share the same aims and ideals and contribute voluntarily to uphold the Federation's Principles. The Federation promotes international collaboration in science and technology between scientists and researchers from all parts of the world - North, South, East and West. The Federation and its members strive towards an ideal of free exchange of information, where scientific discoveries and advances are no longer restricted to a select few. The aim is to share this knowledge among the people of all nations, so that everyone may experience the benefits of the progress of science.

The creation of the World Federation of Scientists was made possible by the existence, in Erice, of a centre for scientific culture named after the physicist Ettore Majorana, the Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture. This Centre, which has been dubbed "The University of the Third Millennium", has attracted over 75,000 scientists from all over the world since its founding in 1963. The Ettore Majorana Centre was a precursor of the World Federation of Scientists and its action to mitigate planetary emergencies.

The World Federation of Scientists rapidly identified 15 classes of Planetary Emergencies and began to organise the fight against these threats. One of its main achievements was the drawing up of the Erice Statement, in 1982, by Paul Dirac, Piotr Kapitza and Antonino Zichichi, clearly setting out the ideals of the Federation and putting forward a set of proposals for putting these ideals into practice. Another milestone was the holding of a series of International Seminars on Nuclear War which have had a tremendous impact on reducing the danger of a planet-wide nuclear disaster and have ultimately contributed to the end of the Cold War.

In 1986, through the action of a group of eminent scientists (most of whom were members of the WFS) the International Centre for Scientific Culture ICSC-World Laboratory was founded in Geneva to help achieve the goals outlined in the Erice Statement. To achieve these, specific pilot projects have been implemented to overcome the Planetary Emergencies. The ICSC-World Laboratory works on the principle that one of the better ways of helping Developing Countries is to support the participation of their scientific elite in projects aimed at the solution of their particular problems, working in collaboration with their peers in Developed Countries and contributing to the advancement of science and human knowledge as a whole.

Other achievements have been the establishment of the Erice Prize, the Gian Carlo Wick Gold Medal Prize, the formulation of the Farnesina Statement and the Lausanne Declaration.

Other people say things like this:

World Federation of Scientists (Permanent Monitoring Panel – Climatology) weirdness
Posted by William M. Connolley on August 28, 2013
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It has to be weird – the potty peer is pushing it:

Last year’s magistral lecture to the Federation was by Professor Vaclav Klaus, then president of the Czech Republic, whose talk was entitled The manmade contribution to global warming is not a planetary emergency… This year Dr. Christopher Essex, Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Western Ontario and chairman of the Federation’s permanent monitoring panel on climate, gave the Federation’s closing plenary session his panel’s confirmation that “Climate change in itself is not a planetary emergency.”

Anyone vaguely up on reality will be wondering how on Earth VK or Essex ended up giving lectures on climate.

If you look back to, say, 2011 you see that things are sane – I don’t know all the folk there, but the panel has members like Mario Molina (USA); Neville Nichols (Australia); Warren Washington (USA). These are all well known folk whose views carry weight. And there’s a not-terribly-exciting statement about needing data.

Fast forward to 2012 and Essex is chair of the panel. And, err, that’s it for people on the panel. Its just Essex, all alone (so in the quote above, where Essex gave the Federation’s closing plenary session his panel’s confirmation he really wasn’t joking – it is his panel all alone-io). Suddenly the panel has no members, and no associate members, and has nothing to say. Its statements are “Being revised” – or rather, they were said to be in that state in 2012 and still are now. So Essex, having captured the panel, and either thrown everyone out (or more likely they simply wouldn’t work with him) is left with an empty toy. Perhaps the panel will try to tell us that global temperature doesn’t exist again.

Presumably it helped Essex that Zichichi is prez of the WFS. Z has the unenviable distinction of not having his wiki page edit warred over. According to that page, Bethe said of him: “excellent organizer, mediocre physicist”.
Peer-reviewed skeptic papers by Christopher Essex

This page lists any peer-reviewed papers by Christopher Essex that take a negative or explicitly doubtful position on human-caused global warming.

There are no peer-reviewed climate papers by Christopher Essex that meet this definition.

Back to Peer-Reviewed Papers by Skeptics

Global warming skeptic: Christopher Essex
Oh, and about your source:

Only ONE of them has any climate science experience, and he's still a student.

These are your "experts"? :lol:

But then, you didn't complete your geology degree, and you fancy yourself an expert on climate science...

Sorry Frank, but once you referenced Monckton, you permanently lost the authority to critique the source of anyone else. Anyone retarded enough to use Monckton as a source has simply lost all credibility concerning their judgement of sources. Heck, anyone referencing anything at WUWT has lost all such credibility, and revealed themselves as a political cultist.

The World Federation of Scientists is kind of like the United Federation of Planets now. Hence Frank's attraction to the fantasy. WFS was a cold war era organization that attracted scientists interested is disarmament issues, but faded to insignificance after the cold war. Meaning people left, and nobody new joined. Eventually, it dwindled down to a bare few active members, who now declare they run things. As mentioned, its climate division now consists of a single person, Canadian denialist Christopher "There is no such thing as global temperature" Essex, while the president is Italian denialist Zichichi. As Frank shows, cultists are easily impressed by such deceptions.

Frank, why didn't you tell the truth and title this thread "Two Lifelong Denialists Declare Global Warming Isn't a Crisis"?
Last edited:
Global warming is ‘no longer a planetary emergency’
It’s official. The scare is over. The World Federation of Scientists, at its annual seminars on planetary emergencies, has been advised by its own climate monitoring panel that global warming is no longer a planetary emergency.


Last year’s magistral lecture to the Federation was by Professor Vaclav Klaus, then president of the Czech Republic, whose talk was entitled The manmade contribution to global warming is not a planetary emergency.

President Klaus had said: “Current as well as realistically foreseeable global warming, and especially Man’s contribution to it, is not a planetary emergency which should bother us. … My reading both of the available data and of conflicting scientific arguments and theories allows me to argue that it is not global warming caused by human activity that is threatening us.”

This year Dr. Christopher Essex, Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Western Ontario and chairman of the Federation’s permanent monitoring panel on climate, gave the Federation’s closing plenary session his panel’s confirmation that “Climate change in itself is not a planetary emergency.”


Professor Essex pointed out that history had shown illegitimate political movements inventing false emergencies to bypass democratic constraints on their quest for absolute power.

The Earth’s climate, he said, is a dynamic and continually-changing system. “Human societies have lived and thriven under every conceivable climate, and modern technology makes adaptation to changing weather conditions entirely routine.”


On behalf of the climate monitoring panel, Professor Essex also spoke up for scientists who have been bullied, threatened or even dismissed for having dared to question the Party Line on climate. He said: “Our greatest concern at present is that the intellectual climate for scientific investigation of these matters has become so hostile and politicized that the necessary research and debate cannot freely take place.

“Political constraints take the form of declaring the underlying science to be settled when it clearly is not; defunding or denigrating research that is perceived to threaten the case for renewable energy; or the use of odious pejoratives like “denialist” to describe dissent from officially-sanctioned views on climate science.”

Professors Bob Carter and Murry Salby, who had questioned the severity of Man’s influence on the climate, were both ejected by their universities this year.​

I believe someone was saying something about a consensus...?

Do you actually think that these views are shared by the majority of climate scientists? Are you unfamiliar with Vaclav Klaus? Sheesh!

Get real
And yet, oddly, despite the breathless claims...a scientific society is no longer toeing the line.

The wheels are coming off, gentlemen.

Sorry Frank, but once you referenced Monckton, you permanently lost the authority to critique the source of anyone else. Anyone retarded enough to use Monckton as a source has simply lost all credibility concerning their judgement of sources. Heck, anyone referencing anything at WUWT has lost all such credibility, and revealed themselves as a political cultist.

The World Federation of Scientists is kind of like the United Federation of Planets now. Hence Frank's attraction to the fantasy. WFS was a cold war era organization that attracted scientists interested is disarmament issues, but faded to insignificance after the cold war. Meaning people left, and nobody new joined. Eventually, it dwindled down to a bare few active members, who now declare they run things. As mentioned, its climate division now consists of a single person, Canadian denialist Christopher "There is no such thing as global temperature" Essex, while the president is Italian denialist Zichichi. As Frank shows, cultists are easily impressed by such deceptions.

Frank, why didn't you tell the truth and title this thread "Two Lifelong Denialists Declare Global Warming Isn't a Crisis"?
CrusaderFrank hasn't posted in this thread, genius. :lmao:
I have a character flaw. I can tolerate crying, but whining drives me up a wall.
Goldirocks loves to take these endorsements and polls with complete abandon....
Except when the message doesnt fit his liking.

Never once did any skeptic mention the high proportion of AGU members who profit from fossil corps.
But as soon as their message changes I expect he will use that to impeach their significance.
Wildly amusing way to deflect the message.

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