Global Warming. Kiss Your Ass Goodbye.

The sun's output is not increasing in a currently measurable manner but the fact of the matter is that with each passing second and the burning of a million tons of hydrogen into helium the sun's heat profile does indeed change.

If it isn't measurable it likely isn't going to be a factor in our climate. It has been in the past and the output was measurable.

Right now the output is not increasing in a way to explain the warming we are seeing.

I know the anthro people don't like to talk about it because it Trashes their theory.

You are 100000000000% wrong. If you actually READ ANY of the literature, say the IPCC for instance, you see that researchers are explicitly discussing solar forcing.

I'm not sure why you guys try this gambit from time to time. Those of us who DO read the science know you are absolutely wrong.

There is absolutely no escape from this scenario and absolutely no way to argue it. Lack of measurable effect has absolutely no bearing on the fact that the process is taking place. I would argue right back at you that the measurable effect is the CO2 PPM that you are seeing now.


You are simply wrong.

Thermal inertia and total heat are completely different physical qualities. This is where you go off the rails. We are absorbing more total heat per day with every passing day. You're not going to see the latent effect on your thermometer or even on the solar charts you just wasted your time posting. Now this IS ESTABLISHED SCIENCE....and it's not going away no matter what comes out of our smokestacks.
Thermal inertia and total heat are completely different physical qualities. This is where you go off the rails. We are absorbing more total heat per day with every passing day. You're not going to see the latent effect on your thermometer or even on the solar charts you just wasted your time posting. Now this IS ESTABLISHED SCIENCE....and it's not going away no matter what comes out of our smokestacks.

Maybe you can find an actual scientific citation to back up this claim.


Those Scientists emailed each other and bragged about producing false and cherry picked data to scam everybody. Go read the Climategate revelations and when you get through with them go read Climategate II. Then you can read the articles about how NASA, NOAA and the UN Climate Commission created fraudulent data.

Big scam. Post Glacial era global climate change is real but AGW is bullshit.

You delusional deniers never quit. Ever see the documentary, "Greedy Lying Bastards?" In it at one point you can see and hear the CEO of EXXON telling somebody at a shareholder's meeting that human caused global warming is a reality. This coming from the head of one of the largest energy companies in the world. Somebody who would be in the best position to know. And who would have every reason to lie about it. So if even he says it is real, you can take that to the bank.
I'm not looking at other replies. All I see is what you've replied to me. And it's NOTHING.

However, if you want a "They tell what the climate was like and when", I'll post my own.

View attachment 652501

Look at where we are. Look at 120,000 years ago. WARMER. Look at 240,000 years ago, about the same. Look at 340,000 years ago WARMER. Look at 420,000 years ago. WARMER.

So, based on what you've been saying, humans MUST industrialize every 120,000 years or so in order to make temperatures rise so much.

Your graph is crap. Mine are better.

You still don't know what Imbie does because you ignored my Imbie3 link.

You are lazy.

You were saying that my NASA link was wrong. That your "" site said something different. Am I wrong?

I'm saying that as the global average temperature increases and the global average content of water vapor increases YOU CAN WIND UP WITH LOCATIONS BECOMING DRIER AND COOLER.

THAT'S IT! That's how climate works!!!
That's what I said, dummy. See?

"You believe that even though the world will be an overall wetter and greener climate, the net effect is that the world's weather patterns will somehow be vastly different than today." ;)
So if I told you I talked directly to Satan and he told me that God is real...I'm good right?

You guys are a scream.

It amazes me how they always leave out the astronomical data about the increasing btu content of the sun's heat. Of course nothing can be done about that so it wouldn't make any sense to ask people for money in order to fix the problem therefore they just give it a good leaving alone.

The sun's output is pretty much stable. It has nothing to do with global warming.
You delusional deniers never quit. Ever see the documentary, "Greedy Lying Bastards?" In it at one point you can see and hear the CEO of EXXON telling somebody at a shareholder's meeting that human caused global warming is a reality. This coming from the head of one of the largest energy companies in the world. Somebody who would be in the best position to know. And who would have every reason to lie about it. So if even he says it is real, you can take that to the bank.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The Chairman of Exxon is not a Climate Scientist you moron.

If he said that then he was wrong. He was probably kissing the ass of the EU banks that have Green lending requirements where he gets better lending rates.

There is no proof whatsoever that human produced CO2 has altered the climate. Just a stupid bullshit correlation, some shit in shit out computer models and a lot of fraudulent and cherry picked data from scientists that know they are lying.

The actual Principle Climate Scientists ADMITTED in many emails that they purposely produced fraudulent and cherry picked data to promote the scam. We have caught NOAA, NASA and the UN Climate Commission using fraudulent data. Not once but several times.

Only idiots believe in this scam.
Ummm.... because different continental land mass configurations result in different ocean currents and weather patterns which affect climate.

Again, that's not the only driver of climate. Yes it has caused climates to change but SURELY you know that continental movement is EXTREMELY slow (mm/year).

I'm not sure why you think this is an important point to raise. Yes it's a forcing, no, it isn't the only one. And, yes, climate CAN AND HAS changed even when continental masses remained essentially unchanged.

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