Global Warming. Kiss Your Ass Goodbye.

No, you can't.

Ummm, what about the last several glacial advances. We've had NUMEROUS glaciation events and interglacials in the Cenozoic. The continents weren't dramatically different in position since the last time there was a mile of ice sitting on northern Illinois.

You only think you can. Why do you keep referring to weather patterns as climate?

Because weather patterns over a long period of time are part of climate.
Wow. Honestly, Ding, you are smarter than this. Why are you acting as if these things aren't real??????
Because they aren't real. I'm still wondering what you think this disaster is supposed to be. Cats sleeping with dogs? Rain falling up?

A warmer world is a wetter world. A wetter world is a greener world. I'm not seeing the disaster.
Because they aren't real.


I'm still wondering what you think this disaster is supposed to be. Cats sleeping with dogs? Rain falling up?

I've tried to explain it to you a number of times. I am beginning to think you don't know where you food comes from.

A warmer world is a wetter world. A wetter world is a greener world. I'm not seeing the disaster.

That's because you understand neither climate nor agriculture. Or where you get food from.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The Chairman of Exxon is not a Climate Scientist you moron.

If he said that then he was wrong. He was probably kissing the ass of the EU banks that have Green lending requirements where he gets better lending rates.

There is no proof whatsoever that human produced CO2 has altered the climate. Just a stupid bullshit correlation, some shit in shit out computer models and a lot of fraudulent and cherry picked data from scientists that know they are lying.

The actual Principle Climate Scientists ADMITTED in many emails that they purposely produced fraudulent and cherry picked data to promote the scam. We have caught NOAA, NASA and the UN Climate Commission using fraudulent data. Not once but several times.

Only idiots believe in this scam.

Nobody said he was. But as the leader of one of the largest energy companies in the world, no doubt he would have communication with the top scientists in the world on the topic. Next, there is no "principle" climate scientist. And even if the scientist you speak of said anything like what you suggest to any degree, no doubt it has been taken out of context. Or misrepresented in some other way. So what you say is probably bullshit. From what I see, for deniers, there is plenty of it out there.
Again, that's not the only driver of climate. Yes it has caused climates to change but SURELY you know that continental movement is EXTREMELY slow (mm/year).

I'm not sure why you think this is an important point to raise. Yes it's a forcing, no, it isn't the only one. And, yes, climate CAN AND HAS changed even when continental masses remained essentially unchanged.
Yes, I do understand that continental drift is very slow. Just slightly slower than the rate the sea level has been rising for the past 6,000 years.

Earth's landmass configuration and topological features and how it affects circulation in the ocean coupled with seasonal temperatures is what determines the weather patterns.
Ummm, what about the last several glacial advances. We've had NUMEROUS glaciation events and interglacials in the Cenozoic. The continents weren't dramatically different in position since the last time there was a mile of ice sitting on northern Illinois.
Glacial cycles are triggered by orbital forcing because the northern hemisphere is close to the threshold for extensive continental glaciation.
Huh? I've tried to explain it to you a number of times. I am beginning to think you don't know where you food comes from. That's because you understand neither climate nor agriculture. Or where you get food from.
You believe that even though the world will be an overall wetter and greener climate, the net effect is that the world's weather patterns will somehow be vastly different than today. I don't. I believe that given that there is no change in earth's landmass distribution that there won't be much of a change relative to today's weather patterns except it will be slightly wetter and greener.
Nobody said he was. But as the leader of one of the largest energy companies in the world, no doubt he would have communication with the top scientists in the world on the topic. Next, there is no "principle" climate scientist. And even if the scientist you speak of said anything like what you suggest to any degree, no doubt it has been taken out of context. Or misrepresented in some other way. So what you say is probably bullshit. From what I see, for deniers, there is plenty of it out there.
You don't understand these energy companies.

I have a good friend that is an executive for Duke Energy, one of the largest utility companies in the world.

Duke is putting in all these stupid worthless solar farms. My friend is a real Engineer and he knows as well as I do that solar is shitty technology so I asked him why would Duke do such a stupid thing.

His answer.

1. The get a lot of financing from EU banks. The stupid EU requires that banks only lend to companies that are "Green". Putting in the stupid solar farms checks that box.

2. The filthy ass US Federal government gives tax breaks and subsides for building the stupid things.

3. The companies can pass along the cost to the consumers.

In other words not a damn technological reason but all political. Despicable, isn't it? Tons of money being spent and we won't get jackshit for it.

Diffused solar energy cannot be concentrated enough to supply any significant energy needs. We need the solar energy that was already concentrated in fossil fuels. Or else nuclear.

If the stupid environmental wackos hadn't shut down the FFTF test bed at Hanford we could be well on our way to developing fusion power. It was the best test bed in the world but the stupid environmental wackos managed to get the Democrats to help them to shut it down. Disgusting, isn't it?

Liberals are the dumbest mutherfvckers on the earth, aren't they?

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