Global Warming. Kiss Your Ass Goodbye.

Right. All tax deductions are subsidies to them.

Economists also say that subsidies can and do include tax breaks. They amount to much the same thing: money back in the revenue bucket. These are often called "indirect subsidies" by economists.

But what are economists other than "experts in their field", so we all know that the collective hive-mind of Dunning-Kruger "Scientists" here on USMB know better than the experts.
Exactly, which is why the obsession with CO2 makes little sense.

Have you not read the IPCC or the literature? You DO realize don't you that a WIDE VARIETY of forcings are investigated, right? I mean you can literally see it EXPLICITLY in the IPCC reports.

The geologic record is littered with examples of warming and cooling trends that were not driven by CO2 or orbital forcing.

History is littered with examples of people dying by gunshot wound. That DOES NOT MEAN that all deaths are by gunshot.
No. I think I will applaud you for that. :eusa_clap:

I'd much rather rely upon nuclear than wind and solar to base load the electrical grid.

Why are you so anti-development? I understand your job wasn't one of research and development, but I'm surprised at how resistant you are to the further development of other technologies.

Ironic for an engineer, especially.
I don't believe it does as much as the distribution and topography of the landmasses and how landmasses affect the circulation of the oceans especially in the polar regions.

You really need to learn more oceanography.

If you were familiar with the climate science topic you'd also know that the models are all "atmospheric-ocean coupled models" and that's because the oceans are EXTREMELY important in climate.

It isn't the continental landmasses that are re-distributing heat in the various latitudes. It's ocean currents.

It really does seem that every time we start to talk about thermohaline circulation you zone out. Almost as if you can't even see the words, let alone understand them.
Why do you always look for simplification? Why does one thing always have to be "in control"? The climate is a complex system that is affected by lots of different factors.

It's because complex systems are hard to understand. And when people with no real expertise or even experience in a given area want to have an opinion on that they need to simplify the system.

The worst part are people who are relatively well educated who refuse to even engage on technical details but INSIST the system really is as simple as their oversimplification.
they believe that tax breaks is equivalent to subsidies. Ding, can't make it up.

Economists call tax breaks "indirect subsidies" and it amounts to pretty much the same thing as cash back. It eliminates an operating expense (in this case a higher tax rate) and that money is now allocated to revenue and can be used for other things by the company.

That's why economists say tax incentives are a form of subsidy.

But you don't need to listen to experts in the field. They are probably all wrong because you are the smartest person to ever walk the earth bar none.
Economists also say that subsidies can and do include tax breaks. They amount to much the same thing: money back in the revenue bucket. These are often called "indirect subsidies" by economists.

But what are economists other than "experts in their field", so we all know that the collective hive-mind of Dunning-Kruger "Scientists" here on USMB know better than the experts.
Here is the definition of subsidy. A sum of money granted by the government or a public body to assist an industry or business so that the price of a commodity or service may remain low or competitive. You will notice that the key distinction is to assist an industry or business so that the price of a commodity or service may remain low or competitive.

You really need to learn what the dunning effect is. Given that I don't see myself as smarter than others or others as dumber than me, it does not apply. However, your post would qualify.
Have you not read the IPCC or the literature? You DO realize don't you that a WIDE VARIETY of forcings are investigated, right? I mean you can literally see it EXPLICITLY in the IPCC reports.
Sure, but they regularly tune their models to eliminate natural forcings so they can isolate the effect of CO2 and the feedback of CO2 which I disagree with.

I reject their understanding of the feedback and how they perform their modeling. I don't reject the greenhouse effect.

The GHG effect of CO2 is an immediate effect. The warming created by that results in more water vapor in the atmosphere which supposedly creates additional heat due to the GHG effect of water vapor is literally what climate sensitivity is. I say supposedly because the complexity of evaporitive cooling which creates more water vapor in the atmosphere (negative and positive feedback), cloud formation (negative and positive feedback) and precipitation (negative feedback) is complex, not well understood and certainly not a slam dunk that the overall net effect is a positive feedback.

The immediate effect of the GHG effect of CO2 and the supposed climate sensitivity are two separate phenomenon which should be accounted for separately for transparency and common sense reasons. Especially sense the climate sensitivity is 2 to 3 times greater than the GHG effect of CO2 and may not be an overall net positive feedback.
Why are you so anti-development? I understand your job wasn't one of research and development, but I'm surprised at how resistant you are to the further development of other technologies.

Ironic for an engineer, especially.
I'm not anti-development. I'm anti-BFI. Base loading the electric grid with technologies that are inherently unreliable because they produce electricity intermittently is a bad fucking idea (BFI).
You really need to learn more oceanography.

If you were familiar with the climate science topic you'd also know that the models are all "atmospheric-ocean coupled models" and that's because the oceans are EXTREMELY important in climate.

It isn't the continental landmasses that are re-distributing heat in the various latitudes. It's ocean currents.

It really does seem that every time we start to talk about thermohaline circulation you zone out. Almost as if you can't even see the words, let alone understand them.
I think maybe you need to learn more oceanography. Thermohaline circulation plays an important role in supplying heat to the polar regions. It influences the rate of sea ice formation near the poles, which in turn affects other aspects of the climate system (such as the albedo, and thus solar heating, at high latitudes). So please tell me how thermohaline circulation plays a role in global warming when thermohaline circulation serves to prevent global cooling?

The ocean is less important to the planet's climate than the landmasses are because it's the landmasses which determine the ocean's circulations and are responsible for isolating the polar regions from warm marine currents. If the northern and southern polar regions were not isolated by landmasses from warm marine currents the planet would have no glaciation at its poles and would result in a much warmer planet. All you have to do is look at the oxygen isotope curve to see the effect that glaciation has on the planet's temperature.


I think maybe you need to learn more oceanography.

Sorry, ding, but I worked for a year as an oceanographic lab tech. Even did a research cruise.

Thermohaline circulation plays an important role in supplying heat to the polar regions. It influences the rate of sea ice formation near the poles, which in turn affects other aspects of the climate system (such as the albedo, and thus solar heating, at high latitudes). So please tell me how thermohaline circulation plays a role in global warming when thermohaline circulation serves to prevent global cooling?

You are focusing, again, on ONE THING in a much larger complex system.

The ocean is less important to the planet's climate than the landmasses

Utterly incorrect. Beyond wrong.

You are so out of your depth on all these things it's not funny.

It's because complex systems are hard to understand.
Yes, they are which is why it's surprising they have oversimplified evaporitve cooling, cloud formation and precipitation to create a positive feedback that is 2 to 3 times greater than the GHG effect of CO2 alone.
Sorry, ding, but I worked for a year as an oceanographic lab tech. Even did a research cruise. You are focusing, again, on ONE THING in a much larger complex system. Utterly incorrect. Beyond wrong. You are so out of your depth on all these things it's not funny.
You could have fooled me because if any of that were true I would have expected you to be able to explain why I am wrong rather than just make a claim that I am wrong.
Sure, but they regularly tune their models

The IPCC does not make any models themselves.

No one is tuning their models to fraudulently hide anything or make anything what it isn't.

I reject their understanding of the feedback and how they perform their modeling. I don't reject the greenhouse effect.

You do not understand the detail of the systems (you don't even know what the IPCC itself does) so you are without any standing in this debate.

Yes, they are which is why it's surprising they have oversimplified evaporitve cooling, cloud formation and precipitation to create a positive feedback tat is 2 to 3 times greater than the GHG effect of CO2 alone.

No one cares what you think about complex science you clearly don't understand.
The IPCC does not make any models themselves. No one is tuning their models to fraudulently hide anything or make anything what it isn't. You do not understand the detail of the systems (you don't even know what the IPCC itself does) so you are without any standing in this debate.
The IPCC relies upon models to publish their reports.

"...the climate models are “tuned” to not produce natural climate change. If a 100-year run of the model produces change, the model is adjusted to removed the “drift”. The models do not produce global energy balance from “first physical principles”, because none of the processes controlling that balance are known to sufficient accuracy. Instead, the models are “fudged” to produce energy balance, based upon the modelers’ assumption of no natural climate change. Then, the models are used as “proof” that only increasing CO2 has caused recent warming. This is circular reasoning..."
The IPCC does not make any models themselves. No one is tuning their models to fraudulently hide anything or make anything what it isn't. You do not understand the detail of the systems (you don't even know what the IPCC itself does) so you are without any standing in this debate.
The models relied upon by the IPCC in their published reports use urban temperature data which incorrectly attributes the urban heat effect from concrete and waste heat from electricity to atmospheric CO2.
The IPCC does not make any models themselves. No one is tuning their models to fraudulently hide anything or make anything what it isn't. You do not understand the detail of the systems (you don't even know what the IPCC itself does) so you are without any standing in this debate.
The models relied upon by the IPCC in their published reports use the low variability solar output dateset (left panel) instead of the high variability solar output dateset (right panel) used by the team in charge of NASA’s ACRIM sun-monitoring satellites. This effectively results in incorrectly eliminating the sun as a cause for the recent warming trend.


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