Global Warming. Kiss Your Ass Goodbye.

The models relied upon by the IPCC in their published reports use urban temperature data which incorrectly attributes the urban heat effect from concrete and waste heat from electricity to atmospheric CO2.

LOL. "Waste heat from electronics"? You're a treasure. Hilarious.

You got that from this didn't you?

Seriously that's just sad.

Waste heat amounts to only about 0.028W/m2 whereas greenhouse warming is 2.9W/m2 (HERE)

Can I ask you: do NUMBERS mean anything to you? Just curious. I thought engineers were all about numbers.
No one cares what you think about complex science you clearly don't understand.
Science is best served through challenges. It seems you would like to squelch all challenges. The feedback from water vapor is complex and not well understood. There is no record of water vapor, cloud formation and precipitation in the geologic record. Anyone who claims that they understand it is lying. Especially those who say it results in 2 to 3 times more heat than the GHG effect of CO2 alone. Why? Because the earth cooled for 50 million years with significantly more atmospheric CO2 than today. If the feedback from water vapor was as great as the IPCC claims, the planet would have never cooled. Which is exactly why you can't explain why the planet cooled for 50 million years as evidenced by the oxygen isotope curve.

LOL. "Waste heat from electronics"? You're a treasure. Hilarious.

You got that from this didn't you?

Seriously that's just sad.

Waste heat amounts to only about 0.028W/m2 whereas greenhouse warming is 2.9W/m2 (HERE)

Can I ask you: do NUMBERS mean anything to you? Just curious. I thought engineers were all about numbers.
The average radiative forcing from waste heat from electricity usage in the 123 most populated cities is equal to 11.99 W/m^2.

Science is best served through challenges. It seems you would like to squelch all challenges. The feedback from water vapor is complex and not well understood. There is no record of water vapor, cloud formation and precipitation in the geologic record. Anyone who claims that they understand it is lying. Especially those who say it results in 2 to 3 times more heat than the GHG effect of CO2 alone. Why? Because the earth cooled for 50 million years with significantly more atmospheric CO2 than today. If the feedback from water vapor was as great as the IPCC claims, the planet would have never cooled. Which is exactly why you can't explain why the planet cooled for 50 million years as evidenced by the oxygen isotope curve.

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Cannot stress this enough, but it's pretty well known now that the earth is much older than 5million years.

(You aren't a Young Earth Creationist, perchance, are you?)
Remember all those discussions of the GULF STREAM, the AMOC and thermohaline circulation? There must be 20 or 30 posts now where I've belabored that point.
Thumbnail it for me. Because I'll just keep stating my case unopposed until you do.

Thermohaline circulation plays an important role in supplying heat to the polar regions. It influences the rate of sea ice formation near the poles, which in turn affects other aspects of the climate system (such as the albedo, and thus solar heating, at high latitudes). Thermohaline circulation prevents global cooling.

The ocean is less important to the planet's climate than the landmasses are because it's the landmasses which determine the ocean's circulations and are responsible for isolating the polar regions from warm marine currents. If the northern and southern polar regions were not isolated by landmasses from warm marine currents the planet would have no glaciation at its poles and would result in a much warmer planet. All you have to do is look at the oxygen isotope curve to see the effect that glaciation has on the planet's temperature.

Cannot stress this enough, but it's pretty well known now that the earth is much older than 5million years.

(You aren't a Young Earth Creationist, perchance, are you?)
No one said it wasn't. In fact, the planet has been cooling for 50 million years. Do you know why?

Why do you always look for simplification? Why does one thing always have to be "in control"? The climate is a complex system that is affected by lots of different factors.
no it's not, you keep yelling CO2. That's one thing. And that just made you a hypocrite on your post. hmmmmmmm

When the pacific ocean current flows north, the Northern Hemisphere suffers with cooler temperatures every time. Even when the Atlantic flows north the same thing. Nothing to do with CO2. Fool
Science is best served through challenges. It seems you would like to squelch all challenges. The feedback from water vapor is complex and not well understood. There is no record of water vapor, cloud formation and precipitation in the geologic record. Anyone who claims that they understand it is lying. Especially those who say it results in 2 to 3 times more heat than the GHG effect of CO2 alone. Why? Because the earth cooled for 50 million years with significantly more atmospheric CO2 than today. If the feedback from water vapor was as great as the IPCC claims, the planet would have never cooled. Which is exactly why you can't explain why the planet cooled for 50 million years as evidenced by the oxygen isotope curve.

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clouds have never been used in any modeling ever.
Thumbnail it for me. Because I'll just keep stating my case unopposed until you do.

Thermohaline circulation plays an important role in supplying heat to the polar regions. It influences the rate of sea ice formation near the poles, which in turn affects other aspects of the climate system (such as the albedo, and thus solar heating, at high latitudes). Thermohaline circulation prevents global cooling.

The ocean is less important to the planet's climate than the landmasses are because it's the landmasses which determine the ocean's circulations and are responsible for isolating the polar regions from warm marine currents. If the northern and southern polar regions were not isolated by landmasses from warm marine currents the planet would have no glaciation at its poles and would result in a much warmer planet. All you have to do is look at the oxygen isotope curve to see the effect that glaciation has on the planet's temperature.

View attachment 653492

Done already. You ignored it every single time. I'm not going over it again for you because you will simply ignore it again.
When the pacific ocean current flows north, the Northern Hemisphere suffers with cooler temperatures every time.

Which current, specifically? To my knowledge there is no single "Pacific current".

Here's the major currents in the Pacific Basin:


Even when the Atlantic flows north the same thing.

Ummm, again, there is no "Atlantic flow"...there are a variety of currents within the Atlantic including the AMOC whic is home to the Gulf Stream which actually WARMS the high latitudes.


Nothing to do with CO2. Fool

I'd say the "fool" is the one who simplifies the Pacific to "The Pacific Current" and the Atlantic to "The Atlantic Flow".
Done already. You ignored it every single time. I'm not going over it again for you because you will simply ignore it again.
That you can't summarize it speaks volumes. Here's how it's done...

The ocean is less important to the planet's climate than the landmasses are because it's the landmasses which determine the ocean's circulations and are responsible for isolating the polar regions from warm marine currents. If the northern and southern polar regions were not isolated by landmasses from warm marine currents the planet would have no glaciation at its poles and would result in a much warmer planet. All you have to do is look at the oxygen isotope curve to see the effect that glaciation has on the planet's temperature.
Done already. You ignored it every single time. I'm not going over it again for you because you will simply ignore it again.
I think your big problem in communicating isn't communicating. It's how your brain works instead. You criticize what you don't believe to arrive at what you do believe but the problem is you never examine what you believe which is why you can't state what you believe in simple terms.

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