Global Warming. Kiss Your Ass Goodbye.

Not so much an Al Gore fan. He's not a climate scientist so I don't much care what he says. But I understand you have a simplistic cartoon view of this topic and that's a name you know!
Well he had the bully pulpit. The inconvenient truth or something like that. you probably wet yourself.
What a hoot! More misrepresentation from the liar who wants people to think he was once an "engineer". Funny. You don't know much of anything about ocean currents. Sorry. Just reading your stuff is hilarious, though. Is that why you thought there was a continent between the AMOC and the Arctic? LOL (It's like you don't even know what a globe looks like!) What is the name of this mystery continent that exists in your imagination halfway between Greenland and Europe? Roughnecks don't know much technical stuff except the oil well itself. You are proving that.
You can't even write a coherent summary of your beliefs.
I started a thread about a climate hero who actually set himself on fire to bring attention to human caused global warming. But I think we need to get directly to the point. Human caused global warming is a reality. And you are all doomed. For the most part, the media won't tell you about it. Which is run by the wealthy. They dictate your lives in every way. And they have decided not only that you will die, but how you will die. That being with as much ignorance as possible. Not only have they decided that you must die, but no doubt for many they view it as a necessary thing. The only thing any of you will get out of the issue is lip service. Not real action.

Even on a couple different television shows they showed on PBS on the issue, they brought up often enough a feedback loop in global warming. They spoke fairly often how one thing will reinforce another thing. But I don't remember them ever saying what a a feedback loop would actually mean. It means that the warmer things get, the FASTER it will get even warmer. They also seem to like to speak often on TV about what the ocean levels will be in the year 2100. But it is unlikely any of you will see the year 2050.

Your time is short. How short exactly is hard to say. I would give it 20 to 30 years. The reason why is mainly methane. It is around 86 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. Bill Nye did a show about it called Global meltdown. Regardless of how you may feel about Bill Nye, in part of the show he talked to an actual scientist who had been studying the problem for about 15 years. Though he was a tenured professor at some university, he decided to give up his tenured professorship and start preparing for doomsday. And he said the worst culprit is methane. Like CO2, it is ever increasing. I will show you a graph of it. Astonishingly, despite things like thawing tundra, it is said that human activities are responsible for around 60% of it.

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Or if you don't like that one, I have another.
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One of the things that makes this so bad is that not in the history of the Earth have we ever been in this position. It the past of course it has been far warmer. But in more recent history it has been getting cooler. When things are cooler, of course more methane will have a chance to accumulate. Much gets buried underground of course. But not all of it. And when things start getting warmer faster as it is, that methane will have the ability to escape quickly. I will show you a graph of the Earths temperature to show what I am talking about.

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Now for all those deniers out there, I will unload on you all of the human caused glob all warming graphs that I have. Feel free to deny away.

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So we will be dead by 2050? I will probably be dead so I guess it sucks to be you.
In fact, there is a catastrophic cold snap. There is still no summer in RF. It's posible that will be starve this year. Agro-industrial companies hire many private security companies, strengthen security many times over.
I propose to start ground-based nuclear explosions.
No summer in RF? Right Field? WTF?
I started a thread about a climate hero who actually set himself on fire to bring attention to human caused global warming. But I think we need to get directly to the point. Human caused global warming is a reality. And you are all doomed. For the most part, the media won't tell you about it. Which is run by the wealthy. They dictate your lives in every way. And they have decided not only that you will die, but how you will die. That being with as much ignorance as possible. Not only have they decided that you must die, but no doubt for many they view it as a necessary thing. The only thing any of you will get out of the issue is lip service. Not real action.

Even on a couple different television shows they showed on PBS on the issue, they brought up often enough a feedback loop in global warming. They spoke fairly often how one thing will reinforce another thing. But I don't remember them ever saying what a a feedback loop would actually mean. It means that the warmer things get, the FASTER it will get even warmer. They also seem to like to speak often on TV about what the ocean levels will be in the year 2100. But it is unlikely any of you will see the year 2050.

Your time is short. How short exactly is hard to say. I would give it 20 to 30 years. The reason why is mainly methane. It is around 86 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. Bill Nye did a show about it called Global meltdown. Regardless of how you may feel about Bill Nye, in part of the show he talked to an actual scientist who had been studying the problem for about 15 years. Though he was a tenured professor at some university, he decided to give up his tenured professorship and start preparing for doomsday. And he said the worst culprit is methane. Like CO2, it is ever increasing. I will show you a graph of it. Astonishingly, despite things like thawing tundra, it is said that human activities are responsible for around 60% of it.

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Or if you don't like that one, I have another.
View attachment 651094

One of the things that makes this so bad is that not in the history of the Earth have we ever been in this position. It the past of course it has been far warmer. But in more recent history it has been getting cooler. When things are cooler, of course more methane will have a chance to accumulate. Much gets buried underground of course. But not all of it. And when things start getting warmer faster as it is, that methane will have the ability to escape quickly. I will show you a graph of the Earths temperature to show what I am talking about.

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Now for all those deniers out there, I will unload on you all of the human caused glob all warming graphs that I have. Feel free to deny away.

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What you refer to as doomsday may be the first step in the re-birth of the planet. It should be clear to all that humans on this planet can not work together to save it so Mother Nature will do what humans can not do. Without a billion or so motor vehicles producing CO2, hundreds of thousands of factories belching out pollutants, and billions of humans the planet will most likely recover.
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And why is my graph "crap"?
It's as if you don't want to have this conversation. Every response is pointless.

It doesn't specify time frames accurately enough. Especially more recent history. The graphs I posted in my thread are far better. How often do I have to say things like that before being accused of not wanting to have this conversation.
You don't understand these energy companies.

I have a good friend that is an executive for Duke Energy, one of the largest utility companies in the world.

Duke is putting in all these stupid worthless solar farms. My friend is a real Engineer and he knows as well as I do that solar is shitty technology so I asked him why would Duke do such a stupid thing.

His answer.

1. The get a lot of financing from EU banks. The stupid EU requires that banks only lend to companies that are "Green". Putting in the stupid solar farms checks that box.

2. The filthy ass US Federal government gives tax breaks and subsides for building the stupid things.

3. The companies can pass along the cost to the consumers.

In other words not a damn technological reason but all political. Despicable, isn't it? Tons of money being spent and we won't get jackshit for it.

Diffused solar energy cannot be concentrated enough to supply any significant energy needs. We need the solar energy that was already concentrated in fossil fuels. Or else nuclear.

If the stupid environmental wackos hadn't shut down the FFTF test bed at Hanford we could be well on our way to developing fusion power. It was the best test bed in the world but the stupid environmental wackos managed to get the Democrats to help them to shut it down. Disgusting, isn't it?

Liberals are the dumbest mutherfvckers on the earth, aren't they?

There is another thread around here that I posted in called, "Power the WORLD with solar panels." Look at the thread. Look at the pictures posted. Then tell me there why you think solar panels are a bad idea.
I'm not flexible enought to kiss my ass. Heck, I'm not even flexible enough to kiss myself in the one place I wish I could.

Is there a different part I could kiss, instead?
What you refer to as doomsday may be the first step in the re-birth of the planet. It should be clear to all that humans on this planet can not work together to save it so Mother Nature will do what humans can not do. Without a billion or so motor vehicles producing CO2, hundreds of thousands of factories belching out pollutants, and billions of humans the planet will most likely recover.

Human extinction won't be any sort of "rebirth." Especially when we take most of the other life forms on the planet with us. What will actually be going on is the death of birth. Also, it won't be mother nature wiping us out. It will be what we are doing that will wipe us out. With a sharply exponential increase in global warming. The results will most likely be comparable to the Permian extinction. In which an estimated 90% of life on Earth died. Only about 5% of the life in the sea survived. Less than one third of all the animals on land survived. Nearly all the trees died.

Let's look at something fairly mild in comparison. The Sumatran super eruption around 70,000 years ago. 1000 to 10,000 humans were estimated to have survived. What human caused global warming is likely to cause will be unlike anything that has ever happened in Earth's history. The Permian extinction took some time to come about. Human caused global warming will take effect much faster. Within years. Not hundreds or thousands of years. First we will cook. Then all the clouds created from the evaporating oceans will likely bring on an ice age.

Though of course, there is a solution to all this. Just think of everything our capitalist run government and media, as well as our politically correct programming, won't allow you to say. Therein lies the answer. And people wonder why there are so many mass shooters. Fantasy sure makes people stupid.
Millions of years ago Antarctica was a continent with life on it and no ice because of global warming.

300 million years ago the ozone layer diminished and caused global warming that caused a mass extinction.

Earth has had world wide fires, world wide floods, world wide ice ages, a total reversal of the poles, tectonic activity so great it broke apart land masses, and a whole lot more. Millions and billions of years before man.

Earth is not static, it's in a constant state of chaos. All matter is a constant state of self destruction and non linear pathing.

Global warming is real, and it's been happening on and off for several billion years. Earth has survived worse than us. It was here before us and it will be here after us, anything less than the sun going super nova or a black hole opening next to earth won't even dent the earth.

I will refer you to my reply to flopper in post #598.
yes indeed. and it's the currents, not the CO2.

Jerkoff. Every year all the volcanoes on Earth release around 200 million tons of CO2 into the biosphere. Every year the activities of humans are responsible for the release of around 32.3 BILLION tons of CO2. You know, when you flush the toilet, it doesn't just disappear. It goes somewhere. When you take out the trash, it doesn't just disappear. It goes somewhere.
There is another thread around here that I posted in called, "Power the WORLD with solar panels." Look at the thread. Look at the pictures posted. Then tell me there why you think solar panels are a bad idea.
There is not enough radiant heat/sq foot for solar to provide the needs of our energy intensive economy.

As my post indicated solar farms are being built but not for valid technological reasons but for political reasons.

There is no program that is not subsidized at some level and that is false economics.

Solar is fine for adding a few degrees to my screened in swimming pool or to power a calculator but it can't compete with fossil or nuclear to run my AC, hot water heater, dryer, vehicle etc.

There is a narrow band of desert in SW US where solar is marginally cost effective. Every place else (including my sunshine state of Florida) it is a bust compared to fossil.

That is why President Potatohead is doing everything he can to drive up the cost of fossil fuels and that is despicable.

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