Global Warming. Kiss Your Ass Goodbye.

It's not a joke. It simply isn't happening.

All of those graphs I showed say differently. Also, I have a time lapse video for you by NASA. Using temperature measurements from various places around the world over time, it gives a visual representation of how the Earth is warming. Take a good look at what "simply isn't happening."
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The arctic ice just won't agree with you.

The methane from farts from one herd of bison is more that the total human caused methane today.

Well, stick this in your pipe and smoke it. › vital-signs › ice-sheetsIce Sheets - Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet
All of those graphs I showed say differently. Also, I have a time lapse video for you by NASA. Using temperature measurements from various places around the world over time, it gives a visual representation of how the Earth is warming. Take a good look at what "simply isn't happening."

I always marvel at using 1880 as the starting point when the first major, oil field wasn't even tapped until 1905 and it would take several decades thereafter for oil and gas to be prevalent
Right there shows you are clueless on why 12 separate months data is far better than the Annual data since the discussion is about 6-9- or 9-12-months lag for CO2.

Already told you that CO2 is at it's highest in the COLD part of the year and lowest in the WARM part of the year that is why there is jigsaw pattern in the Mauna Loa CO2 data.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

I'll tell you what "the discussion is all about." Look at my thread. Look at all the graphs I posted.
The arctic ice just won't agree with you.

The methane from farts from one herd of bison is more that the total human caused methane today.
Second highest sea ice ....because of man madeup global climate warming change!
That's the funny thing about "tipping points". You usually don't know until LONG after you passed it.

According to you loons we have passed multiple tipping points already.

Over and over from the 1990's through the 2000's we heard nothing but tipping point, tipping point, tipping point.

They all came and went and no one noticed.

That's because they were all lies.
I started a thread about a climate hero who actually set himself on fire to bring attention to human caused global warming. But I think we need to get directly to the point. Human caused global warming is a reality. And you are all doomed. For the most part, the media won't tell you about it. Which is run by the wealthy. They dictate your lives in every way. And they have decided not only that you will die, but how you will die. That being with as much ignorance as possible. Not only have they decided that you must die, but no doubt for many they view it as a necessary thing. The only thing any of you will get out of the issue is lip service. Not real action.

Even on a couple different television shows they showed on PBS on the issue, they brought up often enough a feedback loop in global warming. They spoke fairly often how one thing will reinforce another thing. But I don't remember them ever saying what a a feedback loop would actually mean. It means that the warmer things get, the FASTER it will get even warmer. They also seem to like to speak often on TV about what the ocean levels will be in the year 2100. But it is unlikely any of you will see the year 2050.

Your time is short. How short exactly is hard to say. I would give it 20 to 30 years. The reason why is mainly methane. It is around 86 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. Bill Nye did a show about it called Global meltdown. Regardless of how you may feel about Bill Nye, in part of the show he talked to an actual scientist who had been studying the problem for about 15 years. Though he was a tenured professor at some university, he decided to give up his tenured professorship and start preparing for doomsday. And he said the worst culprit is methane. Like CO2, it is ever increasing. I will show you a graph of it. Astonishingly, despite things like thawing tundra, it is said that human activities are responsible for around 60% of it.

View attachment 651093

Or if you don't like that one, I have another.
View attachment 651094

One of the things that makes this so bad is that not in the history of the Earth have we ever been in this position. It the past of course it has been far warmer. But in more recent history it has been getting cooler. When things are cooler, of course more methane will have a chance to accumulate. Much gets buried underground of course. But not all of it. And when things start getting warmer faster as it is, that methane will have the ability to escape quickly. I will show you a graph of the Earths temperature to show what I am talking about.

View attachment 651095

Now for all those deniers out there, I will unload on you all of the human caused glob all warming graphs that I have. Feel free to deny away.

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Wait. You started that moronic thread?


GWP is on a "per molecule" or "per mole" basis. So it's closer to an intrinsic characteristic.

If you had as much CH4 pumped into the atmosphere as you do CO2 (as many moles of CH4 as CO2) you would see MUCH stronger warming.

CH4 is more EFFICIENT as a greenhouse gas than CO2. Which is why it is a scary thing. I believe it may have a shorter lifespan in the atmosphere but it may just oxidize to CO2 (I am forgetting the details right now).
Meanwhile your link is garbage since they didn't even post the official W/m2 numbers for CH4 at all which is far less than the low number CO2 has they just run off at the mouth over GWP without bothering to show how much IR it actually absorbs.

That's the job of GWP. It is an apples-to-apples comparison.

CH4 has weak transmittance values while Water Vapor has strong Transmission values in the same wavelength areas.

I think you mean "absorption". Transmittance would be if the molecule didn't absorb the IR. (Usually in IR graphs they simply flip the spectrum and call "absorption peaks" "transmission valleys".)

H2O is a strong greenhouse gas but more of a "feedback" than a forcing since the relative concentration is controlled by air temperature. From what I understand the GWP of H2O is smaller because "indirect effects" are not part of the GWP calculation.

There is a reason why CH4 is rarely talked about anymore.

It is still quite commonly talked about. It isn't necessarily what is driving the climate change now, but if it gets warm enough and enough permafrost melts or, heaven forbid, a shelf load of clathrates in the ocean are destabilized (this is often called the "clathrate gun hypothesis") then CH4 will become a very powerful problem.

YOU may not be interested in it but the experts are.
Dude, governments are mandating the end of using fossil fuels. Where have you been?

Yeah. A day late and a dollar short. They should have outlawed internal combustion engines for automobiles 20 years ago. Ever see the documentary, "Who killed the electric car?" One company made some. But they only leased them out. Then they took them all back and destroyed them. Even though those leasing them wanted to keep them.
Already told you that CO2 is at it's highest in the COLD part of the year and lowest in the WARM part of the year that is why there is jigsaw pattern in the Mauna Loa CO2 data.

That's largely due to photosynthetic activity. Plants take up more CO2 in the spring and summer and release more of it in the fall.
GWP is on a "per molecule" or "per mole" basis. So it's closer to an intrinsic characteristic.

If you had as much CH4 pumped into the atmosphere as you do CO2 (as many moles of CH4 as CO2) you would see MUCH stronger warming.

CH4 is more EFFICIENT as a greenhouse gas than CO2. Which is why it is a scary thing. I believe it may have a shorter lifespan in the atmosphere but it may just oxidize to CO2 (I am forgetting the details right now).

That's the job of GWP. It is an apples-to-apples comparison.

I think you mean "absorption". Transmittance would be if the molecule didn't absorb the IR. (Usually in IR graphs they simply flip the spectrum and call "absorption peaks" "transmission valleys".)

H2O is a strong greenhouse gas but more of a "feedback" than a forcing since the relative concentration is controlled by air temperature. From what I understand the GWP of H2O is smaller because "indirect effects" are not part of the GWP calculation.

It is still quite commonly talked about. It isn't necessarily what is driving the climate change now, but if it gets warm enough and enough permafrost melts or, heaven forbid, a shelf load of clathrates in the ocean are destabilized (this is often called the "clathrate gun hypothesis") then CH4 will become a very powerful problem.

YOU may not be interested in it but the experts are.
Experts are paid to be interested.
Experts are paid to be interested.

OK. So do you think they are actually lying about the importance of methane to AGW? Do they just say what they are paid to say?

I'm genuinely curious. Because I've heard that a LOT. Which I always interpret as being a confession on the part of the person who said it that THEY THEMSELVES lie for money, so they assume EVERYONE LIES FOR MONEY.

Is that what this is about?
How did the planet survive 3500 ppm of atmospheric CO2 55 million years ago?

View attachment 652044
Apparently with rather high temperatures. I went looking for CO2 data going back that far. I found two sources, neither of which agree with what you've provided. For that matter, you have failed to provide a link to a source for your data as the forum requires.


This looks like about CO2 at 55 Ma BP was about 500 ppm

And this one:

Shows CO2 at 55million years at 400-500 ppm. Now, as can be seen from the graphic immediately above, CO2 was much higher in the distant past, so I don't really have a problem with 3500 ppm, just your timing.
I started a thread about a climate hero who actually set himself on fire to bring attention to human caused global warming. But I think we need to get directly to the point. Human caused global warming is a reality. And you are all doomed. For the most part, the media won't tell you about it. Which is run by the wealthy. They dictate your lives in every way. And they have decided not only that you will die, but how you will die. That being with as much ignorance as possible. Not only have they decided that you must die, but no doubt for many they view it as a necessary thing. The only thing any of you will get out of the issue is lip service. Not real action.

Even on a couple different television shows they showed on PBS on the issue, they brought up often enough a feedback loop in global warming. They spoke fairly often how one thing will reinforce another thing. But I don't remember them ever saying what a a feedback loop would actually mean. It means that the warmer things get, the FASTER it will get even warmer. They also seem to like to speak often on TV about what the ocean levels will be in the year 2100. But it is unlikely any of you will see the year 2050.

Your time is short. How short exactly is hard to say. I would give it 20 to 30 years. The reason why is mainly methane. It is around 86 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. Bill Nye did a show about it called Global meltdown. Regardless of how you may feel about Bill Nye, in part of the show he talked to an actual scientist who had been studying the problem for about 15 years. Though he was a tenured professor at some university, he decided to give up his tenured professorship and start preparing for doomsday. And he said the worst culprit is methane. Like CO2, it is ever increasing. I will show you a graph of it. Astonishingly, despite things like thawing tundra, it is said that human activities are responsible for around 60% of it.

View attachment 651093

Or if you don't like that one, I have another.
View attachment 651094

One of the things that makes this so bad is that not in the history of the Earth have we ever been in this position. It the past of course it has been far warmer. But in more recent history it has been getting cooler. When things are cooler, of course more methane will have a chance to accumulate. Much gets buried underground of course. But not all of it. And when things start getting warmer faster as it is, that methane will have the ability to escape quickly. I will show you a graph of the Earths temperature to show what I am talking about.

View attachment 651095

Now for all those deniers out there, I will unload on you all of the human caused glob all warming graphs that I have. Feel free to deny away.

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I replied to that post your wrote and asked what is man made global warming. Your response was nothing.

And so you start another post and you say that man made global warming is clear. And yet you've not proven anything. You're proving GLOBAL WARMING is happening. But not MAN MADE global warming.

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