Global Warming Liars

Sea surface temperatures can be measured from space ... but going down and measuring these parameters through the entire water column isn't all that common, and what data we do have is from the recent past ...

Today, that's different ... and every day we're dropping more equipment and instruments into the seas ... and we're gathering the data we need to evaluate this ...

The oceans can't warm "strongly" as you suggest unless the atmosphere is warming "strongly" ... we're at a degree every fifty years ... that's not noticeable ... who cares if today is 0.02ºC warmer than last year? ...
Because a degree in 50 years over the whole planet means something you're lipidinous blob of grey bias doesn't seem to fathom. And, of course, the rate of increase is accelerating.
That's so stupid that you don't
There has been nothing in the name of science that has been more politicized than AGW. You can know who the guilty party is by the policies they try to implement by lying they have consensus to do so. There is no consensus. It's being hotly contested.
Because a degree in 50 years over the whole planet means something you're lipidinous blob of grey bias doesn't seem to fathom. And, of course, the rate of increase is accelerating.

What does 1ºC in 50 years mean? ... point to any place on Earth and show me how this 1ºC has changed climate ... last time I asked, you were unable to answer ... I'm repeating what the climatologists interviewed on NPR say, "It's too soon to tell" ... when asked about smoking guns, they say none yet ... or do you think NPR is a shrill for Big Oil? ...

The science predicts the rate of increase is decelerating ... temperature has a logarithmic relationship with carbon dioxide concentration and the IPCC confirms this ... ∆T=5.35 W/m^2 k ln CF/CO ... see the little "ln" there, that stands for natural logarithm ... and this fact is borne out of the climate model consensus ... with forcing going from 1.8 W/m^2 to 4.5 W/m^2, we'll see temperature rise almost stop at 100 years, virtually no increase in the 100 to 300 years time frame ...

Do you just ignore what the IPCC is saying? ... AR5 1WG Fig 12-5 ...
Because a degree in 50 years over the whole planet means something you're lipidinous blob of grey bias doesn't seem to fathom. And, of course, the rate of increase is accelerating.
Actually it doesn't. The geologic record is littered with examples of warming and cooling trends that weren't cause by CO2 or orbital forcing.

And clearly you do not understand the concept of acceleration. Even after we have explained it to you.
what liar made that chart? and where and how were the measurements taken? I could make a chart showing the trend line going down and it would be as valid as this one.

If it is supposed to be a california beach, then did they consider continental rise on the west coast and decline on the east coast? The north american continent has been tilting slightly for hundreds of years with the west coast rising and the east falling.

So tell us where the water is coming from to rise the sea level. The arctic and antarctic ice has grown not gone away so where did the water your chart maker shows come from?

AGW is junk science designed to indoctrinate mental midgits like you.
Yet you're the only one who talks about him.

You must have a major mancrush on his pudgy bod.
yeah, he was shut down, but too late. The noise is out. You can't bring back the noise he delivered.

“One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.” – Ottmar Edenhofer, who co-chaired the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change from 2008 to 2015

Another Climate Alarmist Admits Real Motive Behind Warming Scare | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

May 2022 “Unsubstantiated, shrill, partisan, self-serving, apocalyptic warnings are ALWAYS wrong.” – Stuart Kirk, HSBC Bank Head of Responsible Investing, quoted in Wall Street Journal, May 24

HSBC cowards quickly condemned his remarks, which Wall Street Journal characterized as “a profile in pusillanimity.” (lacking courage and resolution : marked by contemptible timidity)

“The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t.” – Kevin Trenbarth, IPCC lead author on physical science, regarding the pause in measured warming from 1999 t0 2009

That is a lie. we have been going to the same florida beach for over 40 years and the water level is right where it was way back then.

But if you still support the lie, where did the water come from? the polar ice is greater now than it was 40 years ago so where did the water come from that is rising the oceans?
That is a lie. we have been going to the same florida beach for over 40 years and the water level is right where it was way back then.

But if you still support the lie, where did the water come from? the polar ice is greater now than it was 40 years ago so where did the water come from that is rising the oceans?
that fk doesn't know the moon raises sea level. It's hilarious how stupid a demofk really is.
Because a degree in 50 years over the whole planet means something you're lipidinous blob of grey bias doesn't seem to fathom. And, of course, the rate of increase is accelerating.
so what caused the ice age when no humans existed? and the warming period that followed it with no humans on earth?
so what caused the ice age when no humans existed? and the warming period that followed it with no humans on earth?
I'm still trying to get him to tell us how warm 120 PPM of CO2 is.

I also would like to know why the temperatures don't stay the same for more than one week drop and then go back up. crickets.
Because a degree in 50 years over the whole planet means something you're lipidinous blob of grey bias doesn't seem to fathom. And, of course, the rate of increase is accelerating.
so where did they stick the thermometer? Was it a forest 50 years ago and a parking lot today? Do ya think that might account for a temp difference? its a hoax. a proven hoax, designed to turn you into a sheep and take your money "for the common good" you fricken moron.
so where did they stick the thermometer? Was it a forest 50 years ago and a parking lot today? Do ya think that might account for a temp difference? its a hoax. a proven hoax, designed to turn you into a sheep and take your money "for the common good" you fricken moron.
You think the warming of the planet is a hoax? You believe the planet is not warming? Have I got that right?
You think the warming of the planet is a hoax? You believe the planet is not warming? Have I got that right?
the climate is changing, it has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and will be changing millions of years after the last human is gone. WE are not causing it, cannot stop it, cannot slow it or speed it up. WE are gnats on an elephant's ass when it comes to the climate of planet earth. That is what you AGW idiots refuse to understand. Its not US, its the sun, the earth's tilt on its axis, and changing ocean and air currents. Its natural, not man made. Wake the fuck up.
the climate is changing, it has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and will be changing millions of years after the last human is gone. WE are not causing it, cannot stop it, cannot slow it or speed it up. WE are gnats on an elephant's ass when it comes to the climate of planet earth. That is what you AGW idiots refuse to understand. Its not US, its the sun, the earth's tilt on its axis, and changing ocean and air currents. Its natural, not man made. Wake the fuck up.

I am aware that the planet's climate has been dynamic since we first developed an atmosphere. That isn't the question. You have no valid basis for your assumption that human effects are too small to have had any effect because we have. You appear to believe that the greenhouse effect is real (at least you haven't mentioned it). You're probably aware that without any greenhouse effect, the average temperature of the Earth would be -23C but that the greenhouse effect has warmed us to an average temperature of +15C. That's 38C of warming produced by water vapor, CO2, methane, nitrous oxide and fluorinated gases, in that order. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, when humans began burning coal and oil in earnest, the level of CO2 in the atmosphere was 280 ppm. It is now about 415 ppm, an increase of more than 48% that both isotopic analysis and simple bookkeeping have shown to be entirely due to human emissions. So, because of us burning coal and oil and putting hundreds of billions of tons of CO2 into our atmosphere that was formerly trapped in the Earth, that small portion of warming from CO2 has increased by 48%. Additionally, water provides a positive feedback. As the Earth's temperature increases, the amount of water vapor in the air increases, further increasing greenhouse warming. So, yes, humans can affect the climate and we have. The Sun, the Earth's tilt on its axis, the planet's orbital mechanics are all known and while they affect our climate, they have not been the primary causes of the warming we've observed over the last 150 years. The primary cause of that was greenhouse warming acting on our emissions. That is very well accepted science. It is accepted by more than 99% of all degreed scientists who study the climate. You are suggesting that you know better than those tens of thousands of PhDs. I have to ask YOU to wake up.



Both from: Climate Change Indicators: Climate Forcing | US EPA

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