Global Warming Liars

Orbital factors kick it off, then it gets reinforced by changing CO2 levels.

It's not possible to explain paleoclimate without including the effects of CO2 as a greehouse gas.

Funny how yiu have no empirical evidence to support that claim.

Not one iota in fact.
Here is the Australian computers program which in 73 they were able to predict that by the middle of this century the world as we know it would probably be no more.

A new Study apparently agrees with this. It does not surprise me. Have a look at it and see if it rings any bells for you.
I don't know but I know in 72 we got the first alarm I knew of.

I'm not sure about "alarm" ... but we are on track for glacial conditions again in 100,000 years ... it's a periodic thing ... the good news is that at our current rate of population expansion, we won't make it that long ... just look at the next 100 years ... 32 billion people ... do you honestly think the Earth can support that many people without serious and permanent damage our ecosystems ... temperature here is meaningless ...

A better question is why do you think the Earth can support 8 billion people without serious damage to ecosystems? ... go ahead and focus on the East China Plain, Northern Europe and Eastern North America ... the world's greatest forests ...
Here is the Australian computers program which in 73 they were able to predict that by the middle of this century the world as we know it would probably be no more.

A new Study apparently agrees with this. It does not surprise me. Have a look at it and see if it rings any bells for you.
What study? Link to it please. Current GCMs no longer show it failing. (I don't put a lot of faith in these either as they all fail with in 3-10 years, without exception.) Note their use of the word "Could", even they don't think it's possible.
how much "excess heat" is generated by 120PPM of CO2, does it show up in any experiment?
I love the idiots use of the word "excess" Downwelling Solar Radiation (DSR) has changed very little, in general, for a very long time. I wonder what part of that radiation is "excess". In order for energy conservation laws to work you must first receive it. Where is this 'excess energy' coming from? what is producing it?
I'm not sure about "alarm" ... but we are on track for glacial conditions again in 100,000 years ... it's a periodic thing ... the good news is that at our current rate of population expansion, we won't make it that long ... just look at the next 100 years ... 32 billion people ... do you honestly think the Earth can support that many people without serious and permanent damage our ecosystems ... temperature here is meaningless ...

A better question is why do you think the Earth can support 8 billion people without serious damage to ecosystems? ... go ahead and focus on the East China Plain, Northern Europe and Eastern North America ... the world's greatest forests ...

Yes, the carrying capacity of the Earth without technology is around 12 billion. And that is with our near 50% spoilage rate.

Eliminate the spoilage through technology and that increases the carrying capacity to 20 billion.

But don't fret, the population growth of the Earth is beginning to reverse itself. In a few years there will be a net loss in human population.
32 billion people ... do you honestly think the Earth can support that many people without serious and permanent damage our ecosystems ... temperature here is meaningless ...
And there it is... World depopulation. The whole point of this sham is aimed at starving to death millions of people. The Globalist world view, most people are users of resources and worthless.

As populations evolve and become more advanced, they have fewer children. IN the 1800's until about 1930 large families were needed to keep a farm running, to survive the harsh environments. Today, we are focused on careers and have 1 or 2 children, the US birth rate will fall below "replacement" rates in the next 10 years. Democrats are already pulling in replacements as they have aborted their own.

All of this is bull shit in my opinion. As China just exposed, there are regimes that will kill millions for power. World War III has already started and COVID was the first salvo. The "vaccines" that lower human immune function was the second salvo. When they drop the next MOAB, millions will die as the human immune systems will be unable to defeat the next man-made virus.

Everything these elitists do is about power and control.
I'm not sure about "alarm" ... but we are on track for glacial conditions again in 100,000 years ...
The next glacial cycle will start in the next 30-200 years. We are already showing signs of the change. Earths "tilt" has already moved to +23.6 degrees (Pole Shift - rotational center) +23.4 is the theoretical point at which glaciation starts. We are already teetering on the point to rapid long-term cooling. One good volcanic eruption will send us over the edge with the suns internal shift in energy output.
Obviously, those making energy policy not giving a fuck about the "science" :iyfyus.jpg:

Global Coal-Fired Electricity Generation Surges To Record High | ZeroHedge

I could not possibly be laughing harder.....

I love the idiots use of the word "excess" Downwelling Solar Radiation (DSR) has changed very little, in general, for a very long time. I wonder what part of that radiation is "excess". In order for energy conservation laws to work you must first receive it. Where is this 'excess energy' coming from? what is producing it?

Conservation laws work pretty fine without excess energy coming in ... but they don't say what Alarmists need them to say ... bummer ...
Yes, the carrying capacity of the Earth without technology is around 12 billion. And that is with our near 50% spoilage rate.

Eliminate the spoilage through technology and that increases the carrying capacity to 20 billion.

But don't fret, the population growth of the Earth is beginning to reverse itself. In a few years there will be a net loss in human population.

Without technology? ... that's an extraordinary claim ... the world could only support 2 billion with early 20th Century technology ... tractors instead of horses ...

Why do you think populations are reversing? ... I think your extrapolation is going a little too far in the future ... half of us have our reproduction rates down, but the other half doesn't ... (or actually they do, as many kids as they can as fast as they can ... it's the only retirement program they have) ...

There's people in the world without internet access ... how are they to know there's a problem brewing for our great-great-great-great grandchildren? ...
The AGW consensus is based on a great deal more than Zimmerman's small study (which turned out to be quite accurate) and you know it perfectly well. YOU are the LIAR.
Consensus in history

We have consensus that the Earth is a flat plane suspended in space on the backs of turtles!

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