Global warming linked to increase in rapes

I take from your avatar that you have issues with social equality. How about equality before the law?
I take from your avatar that you have issues with social equality. How about equality before the law?

There is a difference between equality enforced by the law and social equality, even if you don't understand it.
That there is a difference was implicit in my question else I wouldn't have asked it. So do you support the idea of equality before the law?
That there is a difference was implicit in my question else I wouldn't have asked it. So do you support the idea of equality before the law?

The question, as phrased, only makes sense if I assume that social equality and due process are synonymous.

They aren't.
AGW is falsifiable. For example, if the world started cooling, it would be falsified. Since the world keeps warming, AGW is instead confirmed. There are many examples of things that could falsify AGW theory. None of them happen. Instead, the predictions keep coming true. Those past decades of seeing predictions proven correct over and over is the reason why AGW science has such credibility.

In contrast, Kosh's cult of denialism doesn't even have the guts to state a theory or make a prediction. It is entirely unfalsifiable, and hence instantly identifiable as pseudoscience.
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AGW is falsifiable. For example, if the world started cooling, it would be falsified. Since the world keeps warming, AGW is instead confirmed. There are many examples of things that could falsify AGW theory. None of them happen. Instead, the predictions keep coming true. Those past decades of seeing predictions proven correct over and over is the reason why AGW science has such credibility.

In contrast, Kosh's cult of denialism doesn't even have the guts to state a theory or make a prediction. It is entirely unfalsifiable, and hence instantly identifiable as pseudoscience.

Your best plan of action is to ease up on the kush. We'll still be here.
QM here is making an error by assuming that only a single factor can explain all crime. No one else on the thread or in the study is making such an error.

The biggest factor in dropping crime rates is the removal of leaded gasoline, lead paint and lead in plumbing, leading to the gradual removal of lead from the environment. But almost nobody on any side wants to admit that, since everyone wants to claim that whatever cause they've been championing for decades is what really caused crime to drop.
The paper did not link modern, anthropogenic global warming to rapes. It found a historical correlation between temperature and crime. I've got to say that the denier take on this point doesn't look to me like a group with a high level of compassion or concern about rape victims.

What matters here is the banner headline that Mother Jones attributed to this report.
They are a BIASED and WILLING contributor to the fraud.

And they really have no excuses. I was a subscriber to MJones for several years because they sporadically committed ACTUAL JOURNALISM. And I found that invigorating. But I soon realized that they only SELECTIVELY practiced journalism and that pissed me off and caused my wallet to cringe..
The climate extreme that is historically more likely and has occurred before won't result in an increase in the crime rate because a ice age will kill everyone except a hardy few.
QM here is making an error by assuming that only a single factor can explain all crime. No one else on the thread or in the study is making such an error.

The biggest factor in dropping crime rates is the removal of leaded gasoline, lead paint and lead in plumbing, leading to the gradual removal of lead from the environment. But almost nobody on any side wants to admit that, since everyone wants to claim that whatever cause they've been championing for decades is what really caused crime to drop.

All I have to say to that is READ THE FUCKING STUDY and then point out where I misrepresented their claims.
Were their a looming ice age, the results of this study indicate that it would. Why do you find it so difficult to believe that historical data show a direct correlation between temperature and crime when the data indicate precisely such a relationship?

You DO realize that you fuckers are quite insane, and that we are all mocking you, right?
All I have to say to that is READ THE FUCKING STUDY and then point out where I misrepresented their claims.

Could you maybe stop moving the goalposts about and try settling on a coherent point?

(I don't play QM's "See if you can find my ever-shifting point, and I'll call you stupid if you can't!" games.)
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All I have to say to that is READ THE FUCKING STUDY and then point out where I misrepresented their claims.

Could you maybe stop moving the goalposts about and try settling on a coherent point?

(I don't play QM's "See if you can find my ever-shifting point, and I'll call you stupid if you can't!" games.)

I moved the goalposts? I must have missed it.

Here is where I stand, the study is stupid for claiming that correlation is causation, and that the historical correlation between crime and temperature will lead to a future increase in crimes, specifically, rape. My guess is that your head is spinning because you went from defending the study, to claiming it didn't say what I said it did, and are now in the position of actually admitting it says exactly what I said.
Here is where I stand, the study is stupid for claiming that correlation is causation, and that the historical correlation between crime and temperature will lead to a future increase in crimes, specifically, rape.

Finally, after exhaustive effort, I get you to state a point. One that I even find some merit with. Was that really so hard? Why can't you just skip all the weaseling and state a point right at the start?

I mean, it's the very first time you stated the point. Your OP just sneered at Mother Jones and mysterious "global warming alarmists" for simply mentioning the study existed. That's not making a point, that's casting slurs.

My guess is that your head is spinning because you went from defending the study, to claiming it didn't say what I said it did, and are now in the position of actually admitting it says exactly what I said.

Yes, yes, your standard attempt to drag every argument down to word parsing. It's boring and pathetic on your part, and no one cares.

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