Global warming, my ass!

Move around the world. The cooling you're experiencing is just one lobe of the Rossby waves in the jet stream. .....

Instrumental temperature record - Wikipedia

Top 10 warmest years (NOAA)(1880–2017)
Rank -Year - Anomaly °C - Anomaly °F

1. 2016 - 0.94 1.69
2. 2015 - 0.90 1.62
3. 2017 - 0.84 1.51
4. 2014 - 0.74 1.33
5. 2010 - 0.70 1.26
6. 2013 - 0.66 1.19
7. 2005 - 0.65 1.17
8. 2009 - 0.64 1.15
9. 1998 - 0.63 1.13
10. 2012 - 0.62 1.12

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This type of cold is part of global warming. With the lack of Arctic ice, the temperature difference between the North Pole and the mid-latitudes has decreased. It is this temperature difference that drives the jet stream.

As the strength of the jet stream decreases, the Rossby waves in the jet stream increase in deviation, that is, the loops in the jet stream that let cold air penetrate farther south and warm air penetrate farther north increase. See image!

This increase in the Rossby waves has been gradual and going on for decades. For example, once upon a time, northern Florida grew oranges - no more.

Aside from this process putting the rest of Florida's citrus industry at risk, there will be numerous other economic consequences - particularly when you consider this process could lead to killing frosts occurring much later in the spring.
So. You're saying that global warming is making things COLDER? BWAHAHAHAHA!
Well the globe is cooler. been cooler for 18 years now.
Well the globe is cooler. been cooler for 18 years now.
Obviously Not, You Blithering Idiot!
You're just repeting some Goofy lie.

What a JERK.
I post the actual numbers, he says "cooler".
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you can't post actual numbers, they don't exist.
I just did you ****** Moron.
What an Idiot!
You're well below even the 70 IQ of most other deniers.

This degree of stupidity/denial can only be handled by Management.
It's really Not Tolerable to have someone this brain damaged posting here.

Make that 2 posters now who refuse real data.
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Move around the world. The cooling you're experiencing is just one lobe of the Rossby waves in the jet stream. .....

Instrumental temperature record - Wikipedia

Top 10 warmest years (NOAA)(1880–2017)
Rank -Year - Anomaly °C - Anomaly °F

1. 2016 - 0.94 1.69
2. 2015 - 0.90 1.62
3. 2017 - 0.84 1.51
4. 2014 - 0.74 1.33
5. 2010 - 0.70 1.26
6. 2013 - 0.66 1.19
7. 2005 - 0.65 1.17
8. 2009 - 0.64 1.15
9. 1998 - 0.63 1.13
10. 2012 - 0.62 1.12


Those records from 1880 were accurate to a tenth of a degree, right?

Can you share the data set with us?
Those records from 1880 were accurate to a tenth of a degree, right?

Can you share the data set with us?
They don't have to be accurate to within a Tenth of a degree to be poignant clown boy.
The anomalies from normal have gone up a HALF a degree relative to each other in just THIS Century, and this is reflected/EVIDENCED in the melting of the Arctric and Worldwide Glaciers in the last 50-100 years.
You lose.

You're not smart enough to debate me anti-evolution/anti-science boy.
Those records from 1880 were accurate to a tenth of a degree, right?

Can you share the data set with us?
They don't have to be accurae to nwithin a Tenth of a degree to bed popignant clown boy.
The anomaly's from normal have gone up a HALF a degree relative to each other in njust THGIS Century, and this is reflected/EVIDENCED in the melkting of the Arctric and Worldwide Glaciers in the last 50-100 years.
You lose.

You're no smart enough to debate me.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. They don't have to be accurate at all because you keep "altering" them until they back your theory.

Still no lab work, right?
Those records from 1880 were accurate to a tenth of a degree, right?

Can you share the data set with us?
They don't have to be accurate to within a Tenth of a degree to be poignant clown boy.
The anomalies from normal have gone up a HALF a degree relative to each other in just THIS Century, and this is reflected/EVIDENCED in the melting of the Arctric and Worldwide Glaciers in the last 50-100 years.
You lose.

You're not smart enough to debate me anti-evolution/anti-science boy.
dude, LOL. you are full of the religion. god bless ya.
Those records from 1880 were accurate to a tenth of a degree, right?

Can you share the data set with us?
They don't have to be accurate to within a Tenth of a degree to be poignant clown boy.
The anomalies from normal have gone up a HALF a degree relative to each other in just THIS Century, and this is reflected/EVIDENCED in the melting of the Arctric and Worldwide Glaciers in the last 50-100 years.
You lose.

You're not smart enough to debate me anti-evolution/anti-science boy.
dude, LOL. you are full of the religion. god bless ya.

I had to put him on ignore as he is too far gone.
I had to put him on ignore as he is too far gone.
No, you did so because I Porked your goofy claims and tactics.
I busted your best try - comparing Holocene to current warming - because you ILLogically never bothered to find the cause of the former.

Continuing to gossip to third parties about me (aka "Whoring" on many mbs) is a cowardly and bitchy thing to do.
But since you can't debate me... LOL
So, anyone, lab work on black holes? Or are they the figments of imagination of a cult?
It has been a spectacular failure, which is why you pompous warmist hypocrites ignore it, despite that it all comes from your holy climate bible, the IPCC reports. I have posted the evidence several times now, yet not once did any of you warmist clods make a cogent reply to them, not ONCE. Because you KNOW you can't since the evidence of its failure is INDISPUTABLE!
Your strawmen do not address the fact that observed temperatures are within the predicted range.
Climate models are even more accurate than you thought

2015 11.00 BST Last modified on Wed 14 Feb 2018 17.38 GMT
[...] When accounting for these factors, the study finds that the difference between observed and modeled temperatures since 1975 is smaller than previously believed. The models had projected a 0.226°C per decade global surface air warming trend for 1975–2014 (and 0.212°C per decade over the geographic area covered by the HadCRUT4 record). However, when matching the HadCRUT4 methods for measuring sea surface temperatures, the modeled trend is reduced to 0.196°C per decade. The observed HadCRUT4 trend is 0.170°C per decade.


Comparison of 84 climate model simulations (using RCP8.5) against HadCRUT4 observations (black), using either air temperatures (red line and shading) or blended temperatures using the HadCRUT4 method (blue line and shading). The upper panel shows anomalies derived from the unmodified climate model results, the lower shows the results adjusted to include the effect of updated forcings from Schmidt et al. (2014).
It has been a spectacular failure, which is why you pompous warmist hypocrites ignore it, despite that it all comes from your holy climate bible, the IPCC reports. I have posted the evidence several times now, yet not once did any of you warmist clods make a cogent reply to them, not ONCE. Because you KNOW you can't since the evidence of its failure is INDISPUTABLE!
Your strawmen do not address the fact that observed temperatures are within the predicted range.
Climate models are even more accurate than you thought

2015 11.00 BST Last modified on Wed 14 Feb 2018 17.38 GMT
[...] When accounting for these factors, the study finds that the difference between observed and modeled temperatures since 1975 is smaller than previously believed. The models had projected a 0.226°C per decade global surface air warming trend for 1975–2014 (and 0.212°C per decade over the geographic area covered by the HadCRUT4 record). However, when matching the HadCRUT4 methods for measuring sea surface temperatures, the modeled trend is reduced to 0.196°C per decade. The observed HadCRUT4 trend is 0.170°C per decade.


Comparison of 84 climate model simulations (using RCP8.5) against HadCRUT4 observations (black), using either air temperatures (red line and shading) or blended temperatures using the HadCRUT4 method (blue line and shading). The upper panel shows anomalies derived from the unmodified climate model results, the lower shows the results adjusted to include the effect of updated forcings from Schmidt et al. (2014).

Oh man you make clear how clueless you are on this because Nuttyboy left out some critical things that would have easily destroyed it.

Do you know what RCP 8.5 forcings are and how much CO2 yearly PPM increase is needed to make it fit into their insane of at least 5C warming projection by 2100?

Right now the rate of warming (1.6C per decade) is falling well BELOW the emission scenarios based warm forcing effect, as posted by the IPCC over the years. The IPCC since 1995 has been forcasting at least .30C per decade but never reaches .20C in any decade since 1990, with an increasing failing rate over time.

Satellite data is the only appropriate database because it is a well covered measure of the atmosphere, where most of the postulated CO2 warm forcing effect is to take place in.

HadCrut4 doesn't cover atmosphere temperature at all, just at the SURFACE:

From Wikipedia
"HadCRUT is the dataset of monthly instrumental temperature records formed by combining the sea surface temperature records compiled by the Hadley Centre of the UK Met Office and the land surface air temperature records compiled by the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia."

Hint: each doubling of the atmospheric CO2 concentration will add 3.7 W/m² to the net infrared radiative flux.

Hint: What is 3ppm X 81 years = _______?

Hint: 8 decades X the current .16C per decade warming rate = _________?

You fell for the worst possible scenario that is all but impossible for it to happen. CO2 levels will not likely reach beyond the 650 ppm level by 2100, even if it average 3 ppm per year, which is highly unlikely as it has reached 3 ppm only ONCE since 1958.

You are truly ignorant in this stuff!


  • rcp-guide-table4.png
    4.6 KB · Views: 81
Do you know what RCP 8.5 forcings are and how much CO2 yearly PPM increase is needed to make it fit into their insane of at least 5C warming projection by 2100?
What on earth has that to do with observed temperature increases being in the predicted range?

Are you referring to their worse case scenario? That is not 'at least'.

Apart from which, the surface is where climate change will be felt by humans, we don't live in 'the atmosphere'.

Now build some more strawmen, the paddock's looking empty.
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Do you know what RCP 8.5 forcings are and how much CO2 yearly PPM increase is needed to make it fit into their insane of at least 5C warming projection by 2100?
What on earth has that to do with observed temperature increases being in the predicted range?

Are you referring to their worse case scenario? That is not 'at least'.

Apart from which, the surface is where climate change will be felt by humans, we don't live in 'the atmosphere'.

Now build some more strawmen, the paddock's looking empty.

You have no idea what I am talking about.

Go do some reading on what the RCP 8.5 is before you continue looking ignorant.

I posted THREE Hints to help you warmists have a clue.

10 Hottest...........Out of how many?
Out of all that we have good records for. By proxy data, there were hotter years between 6000 and ten thousand years ago, but they came on gradually, not in the space of a little over a century.
You are just a bunch of fear-mongering fucking idiots... Put your little graph into perspective and all your Hottest eva bull shit is show a fantasy and pure fiction....


Hell, In this intergalical ALONE your fantasy is shown fraud...

greenlan ice core- interglacial.PNG

Pathetic LIARS!!!
Move around the world. The cooling you're experiencing is just one lobe of the Rossby waves in the jet stream. .....

Instrumental temperature record - Wikipedia

Top 10 warmest years (NOAA)(1880–2017)
Rank -Year - Anomaly °C - Anomaly °F

1. 2016 - 0.94 1.69
2. 2015 - 0.90 1.62
3. 2017 - 0.84 1.51
4. 2014 - 0.74 1.33
5. 2010 - 0.70 1.26
6. 2013 - 0.66 1.19
7. 2005 - 0.65 1.17
8. 2009 - 0.64 1.15
9. 1998 - 0.63 1.13
10. 2012 - 0.62 1.12


Model output... You guys are so funny....
All you global warming ding bats...I want you to take a good look at this weather map. Then tell me, with a straight face, that global warming is real. It isnt. Just step outside and you'll see what I mean.
View attachment 186708




North hemisphere +0.7 C Southern Hemisphere +0.6 C Arctic +1.5 C Antarctic +1.5 C

Seems things are a bit warmer outside of your backyard.

Yet again you ignore the IPCC Temperature prediction/projection failures.

Snicker? Well, that is about all you have. If the temperature is a bit below the predictions, the effects are way above the predictions. From the rapid retreat of the Alpine glaciers, the melting of the ice caps in Greenland and Antarctica, to the acidification of the oceans, dying of the coral from the warming of the oceans, to extreme weather events, all are proceeding far more rapidly than anyone forecast. Remember when Dr. Hansen predicted the opening of the Northwest Passage toward the end of this century, and was called an alarmist for that? Well, that Passage opened in 2007, and a 1000 passenger luxury liner transited it in 2016.

I have a lot more, but seeing that you are not up to the challenge with the well supported sources for the very simple Per Decade stuff, I don't think you are up to the more complicated "hot spot" massive failure challenge.

You also have no knowledge of the HISTORY of sea ice extent in the Holocene. I have a lot of published science on it that strongly shows that there were little to NO Summer ice for a few thousand years. The human world is still here, Polar Bears are still here, all while the CO2 level hovered around the 260-280 ppm level.

Lets face it, you lack the needed honesty and intelligence to know what real evidence looks like.

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