Global Warming: Was It Just A Beautiful Dream After All?

Fear not folks, warmth brings life.

Except for the many civilizations wiped out by the warming. But heck, none of them were in Europe, and history outside Europe is irrelevant.

Please direct me to the site that tells you how warm or cold the Earth should be.

You need a site? I just need common sense. The climate that human civilization grew up around in the ideal climate.

Doom and gloom. How does it feel to be sucked in by the greatest financial hoax (AGW) in our lifetime? :cuckoo:
Fear not folks, warmth brings life.

Except for the many civilizations wiped out by the warming. But heck, none of them were in Europe, and history outside Europe is irrelevant.

Please direct me to the site that tells you how warm or cold the Earth should be.

You need a site? I just need common sense. The climate that human civilization grew up around in the ideal climate.

I have never seen a single piece of compelling evidence that ANY civilisation was brought down by warmth. There's LOADS of evidence showing the opposite. Cold kills....animals, people, AND civilisations....
They skewed the data by taking samples from areas that were likely to indicate high temperatures like black topped parking lots and they compared it to data gleaned from sites which had been neutral as far as sunlight energy.

Bzzzzt. Just totally wrong.

They further skewed the data by various ways including falsified computer data.

Bzzzzt. Idiot conspiracy theory, only spouted by right-wing-fringe-cult cranks.

Here we are in the good old US of A with freaking record setting cold and blizzards in the midwest in the second week of April and the pseudo "scientists" try to tell us to disregard what we see and hear and feel.

Bzzzzzt. "My backyard is the world" fallacy.

You guys built an entire fraud out of your backyard.
Global Warming: Was It Just A Beautiful Dream After All?

Global Warming: Was It Just A Beautiful Dream After All? - Forbes

A generation and a half into climate change, née global warming, you can’t point to a single place on earth where the weather is noticeably different from what it was in 1979. Or 1879, for that matter. I don’t know what subliminal changes would be detected by precise instruments, but in terms of the human experience of climate, Boston is still Boston, Cairo is still Cairo, and Sydney is still Sydney.

The above is what I have been saying all along. Yet the GW side keeps saying that climate change is undeniable.
....And, the deniers prefer....


Self-centered pricks

My what big font you have.....

Makes the BS sooooo much prettier!

Oh,'s ALL about the font size man...:lol::lol:
Global Warming: Was It Just A Beautiful Dream After All?

Global Warming: Was It Just A Beautiful Dream After All? - Forbes

A generation and a half into climate change, née global warming, you can’t point to a single place on earth where the weather is noticeably different from what it was in 1979. Or 1879, for that matter. I don’t know what subliminal changes would be detected by precise instruments, but in terms of the human experience of climate, Boston is still Boston, Cairo is still Cairo, and Sydney is still Sydney.

The above is what I have been saying all along. Yet the GW side keeps saying that climate change is undeniable. That the change has been drastic. They do point to the glaciers which apparently have receded as they have since the last ice age but other then that everything seems to be the same as it was when I was young.

Fear not folks, warmth brings life.

Forbes - a respected scientific journal.

Isn't it interesting how conservatives trust economists to tell them about physical science, but don't trust economists to tell them about - the economy?
Remember these global warming folks were the same people that thought a vyoutube ideo caused a riot that killed our lets just say they are easily manipulated.......and the global warming hoax, is just that, a hoax
Global Warming: Was It Just A Beautiful Dream After All?

Global Warming: Was It Just A Beautiful Dream After All? - Forbes

A generation and a half into climate change, née global warming, you can’t point to a single place on earth where the weather is noticeably different from what it was in 1979. Or 1879, for that matter. I don’t know what subliminal changes would be detected by precise instruments, but in terms of the human experience of climate, Boston is still Boston, Cairo is still Cairo, and Sydney is still Sydney.

The above is what I have been saying all along. Yet the GW side keeps saying that climate change is undeniable. That the change has been drastic. They do point to the glaciers which apparently have receded as they have since the last ice age but other then that everything seems to be the same as it was when I was young.

Fear not folks, warmth brings life.

Forbes - a respected scientific journal.

Isn't it interesting how conservatives trust economists to tell them about physical science, but don't trust economists to tell them about - the economy?

:lol::lol::lol:Actually, right now in the field of climatology it probably IS more respected than any of the climatology journals:eusa_whistle: They've made such egregious errors that why anyone with a brain would listen to what they say is a mystery to me.
This subject irks the shit out of me...How long has this planet been known to exist? Billions of years? No? cliche as this may sound, it doesn't take a scientist to know that the Earth has been through many, many different changes in climate looooooooooooong before the first human civilization even existed.
'Global warming/cooling' ..changes in environment and global temps...gee, imagine that.
Fear not folks, warmth brings life.

Except for the many civilizations wiped out by the warming. But heck, none of them were in Europe, and history outside Europe is irrelevant.

Which civilizations were wiped out by warming?

Please direct me to the site that tells you how warm or cold the Earth should be.

You need a site? I just need common sense. The climate that human civilization grew up around in the ideal climate.

Would that be the climate in 0-500 AD or the climate in 800-1200 AD?
This subject irks the shit out of me...How long has this planet been known to exist? Billions of years? No? cliche as this may sound, it doesn't take a scientist to know that the Earth has been through many, many different changes in climate looooooooooooong before the first human civilization even existed.
'Global warming/cooling' ..changes in environment and global temps...gee, imagine that.
I love it when they say it's the warmest it's been 4000 years.

Yep, had thermometers all over the place back then.

Even when they say it's the warmest it's been in the last 200 years

They calibrated the thermomoeters one at a time, all over the world, getting there by what? Magic carpets?

What the global alarmists don't understand is that global scientists have a great sense of humor, and they are laughing their asses off!
This subject irks the shit out of me...How long has this planet been known to exist? Billions of years? No? cliche as this may sound, it doesn't take a scientist to know that the Earth has been through many, many different changes in climate looooooooooooong before the first human civilization even existed.
'Global warming/cooling' ..changes in environment and global temps...gee, imagine that.

Think a bit. None of the changes that the earth has gone through happened without cause or reason. Here is where you can find the reasons behind what the scientists are currently stating;

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

And if you use google or any other good search engine, you can look up paleoclimatology on the NOAA, NASA, and, most importantly USGS.
This subject irks the shit out of me...How long has this planet been known to exist? Billions of years? No? cliche as this may sound, it doesn't take a scientist to know that the Earth has been through many, many different changes in climate looooooooooooong before the first human civilization even existed.
'Global warming/cooling' ..changes in environment and global temps...gee, imagine that.

We know this...apparently the left doesnt......they think the Earth has a set temperature but wont name it
This subject irks the shit out of me...How long has this planet been known to exist? Billions of years? No? cliche as this may sound, it doesn't take a scientist to know that the Earth has been through many, many different changes in climate looooooooooooong before the first human civilization even existed.
'Global warming/cooling' ..changes in environment and global temps...gee, imagine that.

We know this...apparently the left doesnt......they think the Earth has a set temperature but wont name it

Not at all. But there is a definate temperature and climate stability that is better for agriculture that supports the present 7 billion human beings on this planet.

The strawmen thrown up by fools like you demostrate your lack of knowledge of the subject and that you are a partisan hack.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University have policy statements that AGW is real, and that it is a clear and present danger. Only the idiots that wish to ignore reality are debating the issue. Unfortunetly, the GOP is in thrall to such idiots.
Think a bit. None of the changes that the earth has gone through happened without cause or reason. Here is where you can find the reasons behind what the scientists are currently stating;

Your belief that you know the reason is what has us all laughing.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

And if you use google or any other good search engine, you can look up paleoclimatology on the NOAA, NASA, and, most importantly USGS.

And if you type "global warming hoax" into Google, you'll learn why AGW is all a big con.
This subject irks the shit out of me...How long has this planet been known to exist? Billions of years? No? cliche as this may sound, it doesn't take a scientist to know that the Earth has been through many, many different changes in climate looooooooooooong before the first human civilization even existed.
'Global warming/cooling' ..changes in environment and global temps...gee, imagine that.

We know this...apparently the left doesnt......they think the Earth has a set temperature but wont name it

Not at all. But there is a definate temperature and climate stability that is better for agriculture that supports the present 7 billion human beings on this planet.

There is no "stability," and there never has been. History shows that a warmer climate is better for agriculture, not a colder climate.

The strawmen thrown up by fools like you demostrate your lack of knowledge of the subject and that you are a partisan hack.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University have policy statements that AGW is real, and that it is a clear and present danger. Only the idiots that wish to ignore reality are debating the issue. Unfortunetly, the GOP is in thrall to such idiots.

All these organizations are run by political hacks who owe their livelihoods to government.

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