Global Warming? Where?

Another shitforbrains thinks CO2 is a poison!!!
Another denier who can’t read a dictionary and doesn’t know the difference between a pollutant and poison ? You’re hilariously ignorant. No wonder have to resort to name calling. You have nothing else to say worth listening to.
Another denier who can’t read a dictionary and doesn’t know the difference between a pollutant and poison ? You’re hilariously ignorant. No wonder have to resort to name calling. You have nothing else to say worth listening to.
It’s not a pollutant. I asked for your link!!
If you read the actual paper ( I think you'll have to conclude it's a piece of shit. There is a wealth of unsupported opinion and they support they do use is hardly objective; Koonin and Curry, for instance. Some of their presuppositions are questionable. They claim, for instance, that the global temperature record for the last 400 years shows warming. A glance at any of several temperature graphs will clearly show that any preindustrial warming was the slight rebound from the Little Ice Age. Here, for instance:

View attachment 846900
By RCraig09 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, File:2000+ year global temperature including Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age - Ed Hawkins.svg - Wikimedia Commons

Going back further clearly shows that the Earth was on the downhill side of the last interglacial period and that temperatures have been falling for several millennia.
It’s not a pollutant. I asked for your link!!
You’re a confused little puppy. Pollutants, poisons, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, all swirling around your head must drive you crazy. Let the big dog eat.
You must have nightmares remembering science class when all the learned students were talking over your head. Let it go, you’ll just get more confused.
You’re a confused little puppy. Pollutants, poisons, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, all swirling around your head must drive you crazy. Let the big dog eat.
You must have nightmares remembering science class when all the learned students were talking over your head. Let it go, you’ll just get more confused.
so you can't post that link that says CO2 is a pollutant. Interesting, means you're lying.

to your signature, Did you see this info? one of the 60 challenges Georgia. Trump's team should use this in the trials.

Update: Fulton County GA’s High Priced Criminal Defense Lawyers See Writing On Wall, Hit The Silk

These 150,000 still secret 2020 unfolded mail ballots with the perfect ovals protected by court order for 3 years may have gone missing, and the county’s lawyers have just quit.
I didn’t see pollutant . Car exhaust you see is carbon monoxide. One can’t see co2. Come on man stop already
No you don’t because you’re illiterate and confuse pollutants with prisons…
Emissions are all about pollution. ALL THE GREEN HOUSE GASES ARE DECLARED POLLUTANTS. CO2 is one of them.
wikipedia; the clean Air Act. Read it.

“The EPA issued these endangerment findings in response to the 2007 supreme court case Massachusetts v. EPA, when the court determined that greenhouse gases are air pollutants according to the Clean Air Act. The court made the decision that the EPA must determine whether greenhouse gas emissions from new motor vehicles "cause or contribute to air pollution which may be reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health or welfare, or whether the science is too uncertain to make a reasoned decision" (EPA's Endangerment Finding).

The EPA determined that, according to this decision, there are six greenhouse gases that need to be regulated. These include:

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