Global Warming? Where?

I didn’t see pollutant . Car exhaust you see is carbon monoxide. One can’t see co2. Come on man stop already
Science illiterate.
Carbon monoxide is a poison at higher dosages, carbon dioxide is a pollutant at high concentrations.
Hilarious dodge!
Are you still confused ?
so you can't post that link that says CO2 is a pollutant. Interesting, means you're lying.
Yes bubba. It’s a green house gas. The EPA declared all green house gasses are pollutants that need to be regulated. See previous links.
Not to be confused with poisons like you still do, bubba.
So now, instead of sleeping in science class, you slept in English class also ?
Are you still confused ?

Yes bubba. It’s a green house gas. The EPA declared all green house gasses are pollutants that need to be regulated. See previous links.
Not to be confused with poisons like you still do, bubba.
So now, instead of sleeping in science class, you slept in English class also ?
So you concede you’re wrong again….0-11 and climbing.
No you don’t because you’re illiterate and confuse pollutants with prisons…
Emissions are all about pollution. ALL THE GREEN HOUSE GASES ARE DECLARED POLLUTANTS. CO2 is one of them.
wikipedia; the clean Air Act. Read it.

“The EPA issued these endangerment findings in response to the 2007 supreme court case Massachusetts v. EPA, when the court determined that greenhouse gases are air pollutants according to the Clean Air Act. The court made the decision that the EPA must determine whether greenhouse gas emissions from new motor vehicles "cause or contribute to air pollution which may be reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health or welfare, or whether the science is too uncertain to make a reasoned decision" (EPA's Endangerment Finding).

The EPA determined that, according to this decision, there are six greenhouse gases that need to be regulated. These include:

from your own link, again one needs to subscribe to to read it, but what they do give me is this...


It says right there "The EPA's finding doesn't say carbon dioxide or CO2 is by itself a pollutant". Read if fool, now stop posting your fking lies already.
No it isn’t. You’re so illiterate.
Only partly.
The largest part of most combustion gas is nitrogen (N2), water vapor (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2)
except that Co2 is not a pollutant. Your own fking link says so, need me to repeat what the article you posted says? challenge me big fk!!!
except that Co2 is not a pollutant. Your own fking link says so, need me to repeat what the article you posted says? challenge me big fk!!!
Keep telling yourself that. Of course, you can’t quote it can you ? You must be not able to read the three references that say you’re FOS. Well dufus. The green house gases are all regarded as pollutants dufus, and CO2:is a green house gas. Still think it’s a poison too ?
says right there "The EPA's finding doesn't say carbon dioxide or CO2 is by itself a pollutant". Read if fool, now stop posting your fking lies already.
You conservatives are so stupid. It’s hilarious how much of a nimrod you are. You still think that being a pollutant means it must be a poison . Your posted stupidity is stunning. CO2 isn’t a pollutant by itself simply means it must be quantities in sufficient concentrations to cause problems; they are and they do dufus. They regulate CO2 as an emission. It‘s hard to tell if you’re this ignorant naturally or you are working at it. 0-12 now.
I didn’t see pollutant . Car exhaust you see is carbon monoxide. One can’t see co2. Come on man stop already
Boy, you’re just a walking cesspool of Trumpisms .. . Who does your typing for you ?
Are you still confused ?

Yes bubba. It’s a green house gas. The EPA declared all green house gasses are pollutants that need to be regulated. See previous links.
Not to be confused with poisons like you still do, bubba.
So now, instead of sleeping in science class, you slept in English class also ?
You better notify Brandon that it’s a pollutant!!

Keep telling yourself that. Of course, you can’t quote it can you ? You must be not able to read the three references that say you’re FOS. Well dufus. The green house gases are all regarded as pollutants dufus, and CO2:is a green house gas. Still think it’s a poison too ?
I did quote it, you were too stupid and lethargic to notice the quote. I get it you lazy fk.
You conservatives are so stupid. It’s hilarious how much of a nimrod you are. You still think that being a pollutant means it must be a poison . Your posted stupidity is stunning. CO2 isn’t a pollutant by itself simply means it must be quantities in sufficient concentrations to cause problems; they are and they do dufus. They regulate CO2 as an emission. It‘s hard to tell if you’re this ignorant naturally or you are working at it. 0-12 now.
So what does this mean exactly to you?

"The EPA's finding doesn't say carbon dioxide or CO2 is by itself a pollutant"
Keep telling yourself that. Of course, you can’t quote it can you ? You must be not able to read the three references that say you’re FOS. Well dufus. The green house gases are all regarded as pollutants dufus, and CO2:is a green house gas. Still think it’s a poison too ?

Where is the EPA warning about the most common GHG "pollutant", water vapor?
Where is the EPA warning about the most common GHG "pollutant", water vapor?
Water vapor isn’t a pollutant science illiterate. It’s the co2 that raises the temperature enough to increase the water content. That’s like saying a runny nose causes a cold. Water vapor is a symptom of higjer concentrations of CO2.
How long have you been this slow ? Did it happen recently, maybe an accident. You should see a doctor.
So what does this mean exactly to you?

"The EPA's finding doesn't say carbon dioxide or CO2 is by itself a pollutant"
It’s not me, it’s a science and I Already told you bubba. Read it again. You obviously don’t have a clue what a pollutant is do you. Lower content of green house gasses, including CO2 several others are not polutants until they reach a certain level.....ha ha
Did yo momma drop you in your head ? You ask really dumb questions. Are you still confused about the difference between a pollutant and a poison ? Do you have access to a dictionary ?
You better notify Brandon that it’s a pollutant!!

Kind of a silly reference to use.. I have no idea what your point is, other than it’s an obvious description of why co2 is a pollutant at higher levels. You should do something about that head injury. Even if co2 did not cause global warming whic it DOES, bubba it’s still a pollutant at higher levels. HA HA, iggy, read your own reference, illiterate.
I did quote it, you were too stupid and lethargic to notice the quote. I get it you lazy fk.
It supports everything I said it did. Do you really think the EPA does not regulate CO2 emissions ? Yes or no ? Idiot, they would not regulate it if it were not a pollutant. How is your head injury ? They stated in 1970 ! Where the do have you been ? In a comma ?
Water vapor isn’t a pollutant science illiterate. It’s the co2 that raises the temperature enough to increase the water content. That’s like saying a runny nose causes a cold. Water vapor is a symptom of higjer concentrations of CO2.
How long have you been this slow ? Did it happen recently, maybe an accident. You should see a doctor.

Water vapor isn’t a pollutant science illiterate.

Don't tell that to the stupid twat who said, "The green house gases are all regarded as pollutants". He doesn't know water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas.
His tiny brain might pop.

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